Am I Dying?

I've been doing a 900 calorie diet for around 2 months now, and I've lost 30 pounds so far. I'm not doing any exercise along with it since I'm just too exhausted. There haven't been many problems since I started since I made sure to take supplements and eat as much protein as possible, But starting a couple days ago I've felt fricked constantly, constantly tired, brain fog and I can't speak straight always almost like I did an all nighter. I don't want to quit my diet now since I only have 10 more pounds to go, but any advice/tips on how to get over it?
The supplements I take are:
- Multivitamins
- Biotin
- Fish Oil
- Zinc
- Magnesium
- Iron

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  1. 9 months ago

    >don't wanna quit
    Take a week off, work up to 2100 for a week or two, then work back down to 900.
    Set concrete dates (+250/day until 2100, 10 days off, -250/day until 1000) if you are worried.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm tempted to, but I'm determined to see this through assuming I'm not actually in any danger, especially since it would only take 2-3 more weeks at this pace. Thank you though, I'll use the +250 per day once I transition off of it.

      • 9 months ago

        Take a break and go nuts this weekend on a cheat day. Your body honestly needs it and you need to listen to it. Biggest thing fasters, weightlifters, etc always miss is the resting and replenishing. Some bullshit about glycogen storages and liver production. You can still do it forever as long as you listen to your body and eat when you need to. Your goal weight also might not be what's best for your individual body, keep that in mind.

        • 9 months ago

          I'll be honest sticking to it till the end has become more of a thing to prove to myself that I can do it rather than health objective. Going lower would be healthier, but I can lose it at the gym just as easily. I just don't want to stray off the path when the finish line is in sight you know? (Unless it's endangering my life.)
          Once I reach my goal I have a whole lard lord meal planned, and after that I'll slowly increase my calories while going back to the gym. I appreciate the advice though, my frame is on the larger side so I know my 'healthy' will always be a bit heavier than most people's 'healthy' so I'll try and not obsess over numbers.

          • 9 months ago

            Good job man. Seems like you know what you're doing. I believe in the camp that says to trust your body. You know where your limit is at. And if you're getting all your st and shit like an anon mentioned in the thread, you should be good to go as long as you want. You take some before photos?

          • 9 months ago

            Your hubris and macho attitude are only hurting yourself. Literally everyone here is saying yes, prolonged malnutrition is BAD. I would have to agree. I do understand what you're saying though, you've come this far and all that. I mean the least you could do tomorrow would be adding in a fatty ham and egg Omelette and a bunch of nuts at lunch and a pasta, high protein dinner should set you straight. Muscular atrophy is a thing, as it heart, liver, and kidney atrophy. The finish line is close, but your body is desperately telling you to fuel the frick up cause it's getting tired of this shit lol how about we decrease muscle response, hormone production, metabolic processes so our fricking heart and brain don't atrophy. It's literally malnutrition man. But all in all, take it easy and get some good, quality, nutritious shit in you my dude. Keep up the cut, but I'm telling you getting back into working out, even lightly, you're gonna get your shit kicked in because you're low. Idk I'm high, take your multivitamin and get good sleep. Basic but it works.

            • 9 months ago

              I'll try that out, I do need to just do some light stuff even if I'm tired. There's a family event coming up so I'll give myself a little cheat day for that. I appreciate the help though man.

              Good job man. Seems like you know what you're doing. I believe in the camp that says to trust your body. You know where your limit is at. And if you're getting all your st and shit like an anon mentioned in the thread, you should be good to go as long as you want. You take some before photos?

              Thanks, and no full body pics, just face. I did the stereotypical fat guy thing and stopped taking full body shots. I am getting more confident in my body which is nice though.

              >restart the gym from a better place.
              Bad strategy. You're going to lose most of your muscle mass following this crash diet and you'll be way weaker when you go back to the gym.
              You should try to maintain as much muscle mass as possible while losing weight. This can be achieved by eating at deficit of about 30% below your TDEE, keeping protein intake high and continuing to lift hard. Fatasses usually have a lot of muscle to begin with and you can take advantage of that

              Yeah, it is a shitty strategy but I'm lazy with decent willpower so I took the easy way. I did try and maximize my protein intake with what I eat so it shouldn't be the absolute worse muscle loss.

          • 9 months ago

            >frame is on the larger side
            >whole lard lord meal planned
            >restart the gym from a better place
            Jesus christ. This is the definition of not making it. Anyone who has been where you are can see that you're going to regain that weight. It may be months, or a year even, but you will regain that weight. Anon, you do not have a 'big frame', you're just fat and you must accept that now.

            • 9 months ago

              Nothing I can say would convince you otherwise and that's fair, too many people have said the same things. I obviously don't have a gorilla skeleton, but I am built wider than most people with a pretty thick chest.
              If it makes my case any better I've done a similar diet before during covid, I went from around 270 down to 190, but slowly gained back to 220 after a couple years and stuck around there. My mistake was not going to the gym after losing all the weight, I should have tried filling up with muscle rather than letting fat set back in.

  2. 9 months ago

    your body is going to eat its organs and bones.
    You should bump up calories or youll snap your shit later from nutrient deficiencies.

    A crash diet for 3 months is moronic compared to a moderate diet for 5 months.

    • 9 months ago

      Since I'm still overweight it shouldn't be a problem though right?

      • 9 months ago


  3. 9 months ago

    Maybe your quality of sleep has dropped.

    Have you been sleeping well or dealing with any problems stress-wise at home/work?

  4. 9 months ago

    U should eat like 2000 calories a day minimum for the next month and if ur not losing weight try 1800. 900 is like nothing

    • 9 months ago

      It is, I just wanted to rip the bandaid off and restart the gym from a better place.

      Maybe your quality of sleep has dropped.

      Have you been sleeping well or dealing with any problems stress-wise at home/work?

      That could be it, though my sleep apnea went away so I thought it would improve it. I do have some stressful stuff going on, but it's never been like this. I'll aim towards getting more sleep thank you.

      • 9 months ago

        >restart the gym from a better place.
        Bad strategy. You're going to lose most of your muscle mass following this crash diet and you'll be way weaker when you go back to the gym.
        You should try to maintain as much muscle mass as possible while losing weight. This can be achieved by eating at deficit of about 30% below your TDEE, keeping protein intake high and continuing to lift hard. Fatasses usually have a lot of muscle to begin with and you can take advantage of that

  5. 9 months ago

    Protip OP, if you feel like shit, 90% of the time its electrolytes. Drink a mixture of 2 parts potassium salt, 1 part salt, 1 part epsom (magnesium) salt.
    >but I take supplements!
    Your supplements contain frick-all in terms of these extremely important salts. They are SUPPLEMENTS i.e. to supplement an already functioning fricking diet, which you do not have.

    To be completely clear, you can do on a deficit of zinc and be fine, b12, vitamin a, k, c, d, etc and be FINE. What you cannot be in a deficit of is magnessium, potassium, and salt. You will immediately feel the lack, and progress to death if you don't get enough. These things are immediately and constantly necessary for all functions within your brain and body.

  6. 9 months ago

    You're shrinking your heart, tendons, & ligaments. You're supposed to do light total body cardio for 15 minutes a day and walk when fasting, not lay in bed.

    Eat a normal 2000 calorie, get your heart enzymes tested, and do LISS until your heart retufns to normal.

    Then try again in 6 months and instead fast twice a week.

    • 9 months ago

      Alright, I'll start going on jogs, I did still do regular activity stuff, I just wasn't going to the gym anymore.

      Protip OP, if you feel like shit, 90% of the time its electrolytes. Drink a mixture of 2 parts potassium salt, 1 part salt, 1 part epsom (magnesium) salt.
      >but I take supplements!
      Your supplements contain frick-all in terms of these extremely important salts. They are SUPPLEMENTS i.e. to supplement an already functioning fricking diet, which you do not have.

      To be completely clear, you can do on a deficit of zinc and be fine, b12, vitamin a, k, c, d, etc and be FINE. What you cannot be in a deficit of is magnessium, potassium, and salt. You will immediately feel the lack, and progress to death if you don't get enough. These things are immediately and constantly necessary for all functions within your brain and body.

      I already eat a ton of table salt, so I'll look for potassium salt and take some epsom salt as well, thank you.

      >900 calories diet
      >2 months
      >not doing any exercise
      You are moronic. Just cut at a reasonable pace like a normal person

      I am moronic

  7. 9 months ago

    >900 calories diet
    >2 months
    >not doing any exercise
    You are moronic. Just cut at a reasonable pace like a normal person

  8. 9 months ago

    NTA, I’ve been consuming between 800-1100 calories on OMAD since June 17. Down to 210.6 from 282.2. I was lightly exercising in the beginning, but now I do weights in the morning and 45 minute walks or stationary bike rides at night. I’m mostly eating chicken and veggies. Get around 150grams of protein a day. Honestly don’t have any hunger or energy issues for the most part. Sometimes I don’t feel like working out, but that’s normal. I don’t see why this is any less healthy than extended fasts considering I’m eating more nutritious food than I was before, getting plenty of protein, and my body still has fat to burn. Maybe I’m a huge moron but I don’t see how I can be improving on lifts and visibly gaining muscle if my body is eating its organs like somebody commented above.

    • 9 months ago

      Similar boat myself. Around 800-1000 calories most days since August. Started lifting after two year hiatus and progressing on everything. Energy levels are fine and unchanged.

    • 9 months ago

      Similar boat myself. Around 800-1000 calories most days since August. Started lifting after two year hiatus and progressing on everything. Energy levels are fine and unchanged.

      neither of you are eating that few calories, i'm sorry. required daily intake is right around 1500, anything less and you start to become malnourished and weak very quickly. you're doing the same shit everyone does when they cut and underestimate calories, or mis-measure portions. a tablespoon is a lot smaller than you think it is. you're probably consuming 1500-1700 a day and have a TDEE around 2k to 2200, which is fine, keep at it, just understand how many calories you're actually consuming. i suggest weighing your shit on a food scale, pretty much impossible to frick it up then.

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