Anyone else notice that?

Anyone else notice that IST has unrealistically high standards?
If you aren't 2/3/4/5, 10% bf then everyone calls you fat, dyel. If you're not a giga chad model then you're a sub human who should stop wasting time and should kys.

Meanwhile you take your same images to reddit and you get lots of upvotes and comments giving you praise and congratulations for making significant progress.

Even at the gym, your average lifter is going to give you a thumbs up, for doing a nice 2pl8 bench set. I've had people stop me to tell me nice set for doing 10 pull ups.

Seems like only on IST will you see such disregard for making progress in your lifts. If you're not top tier, don't bother posting here. It's all crabs who want to see you fail.

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  1. 9 months ago

    You shouldn't encourage anything other than aiming for the top. If you aren't there yet, stfu and keep climbing.

    • 9 months ago

      Thats the thing. The only thing encouraged is "being" at the top. Anything less is looked down upon. Ruins any sense of comradary and community when you post a current body picture only for anons to nit pick you to shreds

      anybody claiming 2/3/4/5 is a certified memer, those lifts arent remotely proportional

      They aren't, and it's also very rare to hit. Yet 1/2/3/4 which is more achievable is seen as the bare minimum

      • 9 months ago

        Anyone else notice that IST has unrealistically high standards?
        If you aren't 2/3/4/5, 10% bf then everyone calls you fat, dyel. If you're not a giga chad model then you're a sub human who should stop wasting time and should kys.

        Meanwhile you take your same images to reddit and you get lots of upvotes and comments giving you praise and congratulations for making significant progress.

        Even at the gym, your average lifter is going to give you a thumbs up, for doing a nice 2pl8 bench set. I've had people stop me to tell me nice set for doing 10 pull ups.

        Seems like only on IST will you see such disregard for making progress in your lifts. If you're not top tier, don't bother posting here. It's all crabs who want to see you fail.

        what a weak mindset.
        >I need muh comradary and praise from other men to keep me motivated
        are u a bottom gay?
        I just stopped nutting and cleaned up my diet so now I don't need motivation to have a productive day

        • 9 months ago

          >The only thing encouraged is "being" at the top.
          that's life dawg
          this ain't a safe space

          What's wrong with wanting encouragement? Don't you think it's ironic that most of IST complains about a lack of friends/significant others/support but at the same time shuns anyone who is currently working on making improvements?

          What happened to wagmi?

          • 9 months ago

            There is nothing wrong with it. You are either talking to some 14 year old moron that thinks he is hard for putting on this attitude, but if you spoke to him IRL his voice would break and he wouldn't even look you in your eyes. Or its some grown up socially maladjusted basement dwelling fat frick with no worthwhile perspective on life or anything.

            The thing you hope and wish IST was, is not the thing it is. And those people that where like that left this place.

            • 9 months ago

              >The thing you hope and wish IST was, is not the thing it is. And those people that where like that left this place.
              It really shows

      • 9 months ago

        >The only thing encouraged is "being" at the top.
        that's life dawg
        this ain't a safe space

  2. 9 months ago

    anybody claiming 2/3/4/5 is a certified memer, those lifts arent remotely proportional

    • 9 months ago

      Has anyone ever officially documented a 3/4/5/6 though?

  3. 9 months ago

    1/2/3/4 is way more common than a 6 pack haha.
    Likewise 1/2/3/4 is a strength milestone, if it is something you care about it is something that is pretty easily achieved in 1 year or less.

  4. 9 months ago

    >Anyone else notice that IST has unrealistically high standards?
    Yes , just look at me.

    • 9 months ago

      LOOK AT ME!

  5. 9 months ago

    Reminder that most of the people that you’re interacting with on this board are mentally ill fatsos larping as fitness enthusiasts. It’s the same reason why “post body” ends 90% of debates here. They’re crabs in a bucket, spouting counterproductive advice and attacking the actual fit people here (unless they’re fit to the point that the fatsos simply cannot find any critique)

  6. 9 months ago

    Maybe you should go to Reddit instead and get updoots and a bunch of emblems for being able to wipe your own ass or perform other basic human functions

    Seriously get off the internet if you need validation for being average/above average to feel good about yourself. It’s the constant onslaught of “better” guys that has you looking for approval in the first place

    • 9 months ago

      It's one thing to seek approval and it's another to not want 100 negative comments about how shit my body is and how I should kill myself and how I'm never going to make it because of factors outside of my control.

      Frick off. Youre part of the reason why this board is dying. Only negativity and coombait thrives here. I pray for the day I leave you crabs behind (soon)

      • 9 months ago

        Post in progress threads then, if you show someone a 300lbs fatty they’ll say he’s fat but if he shows his 450lbs before pic people will give him praise.

        I also refuse to believe you’ve only gotten negative comments, I know there’s a few people who jump into cbt threads to shit on everyone but a few aspies shouldn’t hurt your feelings that much
        >you’re ruining this board!
        The board has been this way for atleast 5 years and in 5 years you should at the very least be strong if not aesthetic and if you’re not you’re lazy and deserve to get shit on for just droning around the gym halfassing everything.. or should attach context to your post if you have specific reasons .

        • 9 months ago

          Wears down on you when it's every single time you post.
          >at least 5 years
          I've made significant progress in 5 years, but because I'm not 6'3 2/3/4/5 with abs none of it matters

  7. 9 months ago

    homies really be charting how much praise they get from various sources. suck a breast.

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