Back extensions are easy and I use a plate while I'm doing them, how can I make them harder? Just slam them more?

Back extensions are easy and I use a plate while I'm doing them, how can I make them harder? Just slam them more? I do this instead of deadlifts because of a herniated disc.

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  1. 7 months ago

    hold more weight
    add a band around your shoulders, tied to the front of the machine

  2. 7 months ago

    put a barbell at the bottom then lift it up

  3. 7 months ago

    Go slow on the way down, like 3-4 seconds.

  4. 7 months ago

    Hold the weight with extended arms instead of at your chest to create a longer lever arm. You can even lower and raise your arms at the top of the movement and get some delt and lower trap volume if you want, but it seems kind of CrossFit Instagram meme-tier to do shit like that

  5. 7 months ago

    Put a barbell on your back and increase the weight over time like any other lift

    • 7 months ago


  6. 7 months ago

    hold the plate out in front of you

  7. 7 months ago

    I'm currently holding 60kg in my hands (3 rubber 20kg plates) and I'm starting to worry about practicalities of getting stronger on these

    • 7 months ago

      Bro just did this for the first time, moving from 1 plate single leg I decided to push more on all my single leg sets so followed it up with 3 plate reps to failure. I think I will go 4 plates next time because the handles in my gyms plates made it surprisingly doable

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm currently holding 60kg in my hands (3 rubber 20kg plates) and I'm starting to worry about practicalities of getting stronger on these
      That's Olympic weightlifter-tier so: Doubt. You estatters get worse and worse over the years.
      Klokov did 80kg.

  8. 7 months ago

    Do stiff-legged good mornings.

    • 7 months ago

      This. Good mornings are the best way to graduate from back extensions.
      Best way is to start off with an empty bar and work up to 20 clean reps. From there, add 5lbs once every week.
      95lbs for sets of 15 is a good bench mark.

  9. 7 months ago

    if your plates have a way to grab them, hold one in each hand. otherwise grab dumbells or an ez bar and throw 2 25s on it and go from there. how could you not figure this out for yourself?

  10. 7 months ago

    Do deadlifts you homosexual

  11. 7 months ago


    You yourself are a moronic homosexual.

    10 reps is too few for this lift. If you're doing back extensions for rehab then a 10rm is too damned much weight.

    Going slow on the way down is good, going explosive on the way up is going to improve recruitment which is half the game of rehab.

    Drop sets are not nearly as useful as more sets at top weight. Save the drop sets for the last set of the workout.

    Do, in fact eventually introduce barbells because those compound movements are going to demand more robust adaptation. Albeit, do so with attention to the motor patterns and a very patient attitude toward progressive overload.

  12. 7 months ago

    You could try a superset. I've maxed out on the plates available at my gym so I do 1 set of 10 with the heaviest plate, 1 set of 10 with the second heaviest plate and then 1 set of 10 bodyweight

  13. 7 months ago


    >Keep it within the 10-20 rep range by holding a heavier plate as you progressively get stronger.
    Where the frick am I going to find an 80kg+ plate? Fricking stupid dude, just stick a barbell on your back like a normal person
    >b-but you'll get injured!!
    No. Do the exercise properly, with appropriate loads and tempo, and you will not get injured. You're still scared? Fine, use a slow tempo as well, I like pausing at the top for a long time anyway so it's not a big deal. There is no mechanism in existence that would cause putting a load on your back to cause this movement to suddenly become dangerous, it simply doesn't exist.

    Also all of this applies to good mornings (aside from pausing at the top), they're perfectly fine as well

  14. 7 months ago

    you should be careful with this one, fricked up my hips, something about the weight distribution is unnatural

  15. 7 months ago

    Add more weight, pause at the top. I do these with 110 lbs (two 55 lb dumbbells) for 5x8, and at the end of each set I hold the extended position for 10s.

  16. 7 months ago


    shut the frick up you absolute Black person. I never said to put the barbell behind your head.
    >do drop sets bro
    promptly have a nice day

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