Barefoot shoes. Do you use them?

Barefoot shoes.

Do you use them?

I've used a cheap pair for a while now and it definitely is better for everyday use for me.

I can't settle between these 3 for everyday use and walking, no rooning, in non-snow/hike environment for now.

I prefer to just slide into shoes, will replace shoelaces with stretchy ones.

Youtube is full of shills, any anons have any of these pairs?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Wore them for years but eventually went back to some nike frees because I wanted to be like 6'5 instead of 6'3.

    • 9 months ago

      Isn't it only like half an inch worth of padding on normal shoes?

      This doesn't look like barefoot.

      Minimalist shoe might be the better term. But barefoot shoe is the idea of feeling like you're barefoot, just simply having the protection/grip of a shoe.

      • 9 months ago

        >feeling like you're barefoot
        >go for a walk at pic related
        I bet you never stepped on a sharp stone barefooted.

        • 9 months ago

          it takes time, but your feet can take this. I could run over this beach with only slight discomfort.
          stop being a pussy. your ancestors are laughing.

          • 9 months ago

            My ancestors thought Earth is flat and thunder is god.
            Not for them to laugh at my preference of wearing shoes. Also, most likely they had thicker feet skin protecting them and hyperkeratosis. I rather my feet look nice.

            • 9 months ago

              >I rather my feet look nice.
              What a fricking filthy homosexual

              • 9 months ago

                Girls like my feet though. Enjoy getting "ews" when they see your feet.

            • 9 months ago

              The Earth is literally flat though

              • 9 months ago


        • 9 months ago

          That's still nice terrain, my hiking boots have gashes from walking on seaside rocks

    • 9 months ago

      >Wearing uncomfortable, foot-deforming shoes to height-fraud

  2. 9 months ago

    This doesn't look like barefoot.

  3. 9 months ago

    I shot you not, anon. Those exact 3 pairs of vivos are the ones I have. I love them all, but my feet don't like polyester so I had to stop wearing the primus lites. Their leather shoes are the best footwear I've ever used, and I've used the Magnas through the rain and walking through shallow creeks and they're fully waterproof - not to mention how comfortable they are. My only caution would be that the two top rungs on those can come off if you're too rough with them. I did, and I had to send them in for a free replacement. The pair I have now have been used heavily for 2 years and I predict I'll get another 2 out of them.

    • 9 months ago

      Are you a future me?

      I took for granted the inner material would be comfortable, with no socks, good point.
      The leather ones I expect to adjust to your footshape better. Have you picked your regular shoesize for these or gone 1size smaller?

      The top part on the magnas, do they wrap around your ankle good enough where it's tight like a sock?

      >feeling like you're barefoot
      >go for a walk at pic related
      I bet you never stepped on a sharp stone barefooted.

      That's the point of these shoes, they protect you against the sharp stuff, but you can still feel the shapes.

      Whatever happened to those five finger shoes? Vibrams I think?

      Probably defeated by cheaper alternatives.

      • 9 months ago

        >they protect you from sharp stuff
        Sure, you won't get puncture, but you still feel very unpleasant blunt protrusion to your feet which will make you feel pain and raise your feet asap.

        • 9 months ago

          >Sure, you won't get puncture
          Dunno about that
          I wore a pair of scuba shoes (similar to bearfoot shoes, but made for diving)
          And I stepped on a razorfish and it went straight through and stabbed my foot
          I'd rather a nice thick sole any day

          • 9 months ago

            Well, yeah, you could step on a piece of glass and get punctured. I just mean sharp stones that won't puncture your shoes, but still are painful. My point is: I don't want to feel most of terrain I'm walking on.

      • 9 months ago

        I used euro sizes and my sizing was a 45 instead of a 46. The magnas stretchy part is nice and snug, and makes taking them off and putting them on pretty easy.

        Define heavily. I walk 10k per day minimum and destroy an pair of shoes within 3 months max

        I was getting close to a 10k average for a good stretch of time, and the only visible wear on the sole has been in the rear inside corner where I apparently lean too much. The rubber seems pretty damn tough but they will wear through eventually with heavy use. If I had to guess, I'd say you could get two years of solid abuse out of them.

    • 9 months ago

      Define heavily. I walk 10k per day minimum and destroy an pair of shoes within 3 months max

  4. 9 months ago

    I have the primus lites, shoelaces are shit and I've nearly worn through the shoes after 8 months of wear. I like them but they're $200 dollarydoos, I'm going to get the merrell vapor gloves next as they're half the price

    • 9 months ago

      I had some merrels, but the toe box isn’t wide enough, so I wasn’t getting the full barefoot benefits

      • 9 months ago

        >but the toe box isn’t wide enough
        This is the issue for the vast majority of shoes, and frankly a far larger issue than having your shoes 'barefoot'

        • 9 months ago

          My point is, if merrels don’t allow for toe splay, then no point buying them. You’re better off with the Vivos, or sole Xero HFS or Prio as a cheaper alternative

    • 9 months ago

      Similar pricepoint, isn't it?
      Also, vivo has the trade-in for repair, don't they?

      >they protect you from sharp stuff
      Sure, you won't get puncture, but you still feel very unpleasant blunt protrusion to your feet which will make you feel pain and raise your feet asap.

      >Sure, you won't get puncture
      Dunno about that
      I wore a pair of scuba shoes (similar to bearfoot shoes, but made for diving)
      And I stepped on a razorfish and it went straight through and stabbed my foot
      I'd rather a nice thick sole any day

      The whole point is to feel it, over time it will strengthen the feet, without turning the sole into leather.
      Most of the expensive shoes have material to resist piercing, putting them at a similar level of regular shoes.

      >Youtube is full of shills
      >posts Vivodogshit
      never buy Vivos. NEVER.
      Vivos are among the worst fricking terrible "barefoot" shoes you can buy. if you have them discard them and buy something good. Vivos are a israeli marketing ploy. reddit tier shoes. avoid.

      you can buy regular sneakers for 20 dollars with a wide toe box and flexible zero drop soles. there are even slip on shoes like this if you really cba tieing your laces.
      anything marketed as "barefoot" will already be 50% more expensive with 0 advantage.

      >t. barefoot/minimalist shoe enthusiast since 20 fricking years

      Vivo is the top quality brand from what I can tell, as well as good designs.

      • 9 months ago

        >without turning sole into leather
        Wishfull thinking. No women will let you finger her with your feet after your feet changed from these meme shoes.

        • 9 months ago

          Theres this same question like twice a week.
          Its a meme.
          You arent a hunter gatherer.
          You are posting from a computer
          Inside a house
          With central heating and connected to a reliable water supply
          The meat you eat is injected with hormones
          The fruit you eat is selectively bred for high sugar content
          These meme shoes aren't going to do anything.
          Stop it

          You're right, the speartipped foot is better for penetration.

  5. 9 months ago

  6. 9 months ago

    Whatever happened to those five finger shoes? Vibrams I think?

    • 9 months ago

      i use those only to hike, waiting for them to be destroyed beyond repair, vivo has some better options anyway.
      5fingers are not only ugly as sin but they overheat your feet, shit tier material beside the sole which is top tier.
      used them for years anyway, got amazing feet gains from them.
      i only use vivo now bc of the casual and even formal options they have, never had any issue on them at all.

  7. 9 months ago

    I used to wear chucks, which are very hard flat soled
    I bought a pair of running shoes and holy shit they're so much more comfortable
    Never going back to hard soled shoes

  8. 9 months ago


  9. 9 months ago

    >Youtube is full of shills
    >posts Vivodogshit
    never buy Vivos. NEVER.
    Vivos are among the worst fricking terrible "barefoot" shoes you can buy. if you have them discard them and buy something good. Vivos are a israeli marketing ploy. reddit tier shoes. avoid.

    you can buy regular sneakers for 20 dollars with a wide toe box and flexible zero drop soles. there are even slip on shoes like this if you really cba tieing your laces.
    anything marketed as "barefoot" will already be 50% more expensive with 0 advantage.

    >t. barefoot/minimalist shoe enthusiast since 20 fricking years

    • 9 months ago

      >you can buy regular sneakers for 20 dollars with a wide toe box and flexible zero drop soles
      You literally can't. Your entire post is full of shit.

    • 9 months ago

      lol vivos are fricking awesome. I wouldn’t pay full price, but I snagged these for 100 bucks and they’ve been the best shoe purchase I’ve ever made.

  10. 9 months ago

    >wearing bozo the clown shoes
    No, thanks. I have a sense of aesthetics.

  11. 9 months ago

    Theres this same question like twice a week.
    Its a meme.
    You arent a hunter gatherer.
    You are posting from a computer
    Inside a house
    With central heating and connected to a reliable water supply
    The meat you eat is injected with hormones
    The fruit you eat is selectively bred for high sugar content
    These meme shoes aren't going to do anything.
    Stop it

    • 9 months ago

      I had a pair of NB that had like 3mm of heel drop and a wide toe box and they were super comfortable and now everything (since they got worn out) feels awful to wear so this seems like a natural fit for me. I don't expect them to give me super powers, I just like the feeling?

  12. 9 months ago

    Merrell, literally thats fricking it don't waste your money on anything else
    >b-but vivo
    >b-but softstar
    Not shit, very high quality leather but not utilitarian either. Very very comfortable shoes but the sole isn't replaceable, has no grip, and it too thin to be worn daily. I want some roo mocs for around the house and in the garden.
    >b-but X
    I don't know but its shit. Don't buy barefoot shoes from a 'barefoot shoe' company, because its going to be shit, they're selling you a gimmick. Barefoot shoes ARE great, but you need to buy one from a company that makes normal shoes first. If a company can compete making regular shoes, theres a MUCH lower chance that their barefoot offerings are going to fall short of the quality control standards which allowed them to exist in a more competitive market. Hence Merrell. I have the last generation of trail gloves, and I've hiked four nation parks in them, easily over 1000 miles but im not counting. Just don't waste your money on anything else. If you need work or dress shoes, go out and buy a pair of good work/dress shoes instead of some goofy ass BAREFOOT BRO leather dildo shoes. If your job requires a ton of walking, chances are they don't care if you wear your merrells.

    • 9 months ago

      Merrell is trash. Stop shitting up these threads.

      • 9 months ago

        Vivo is fricking trash moron. Post your ugly chinese dildo slippers again.

      • 9 months ago

        Merrell, literally thats fricking it don't waste your money on anything else
        >b-but vivo
        >b-but softstar
        Not shit, very high quality leather but not utilitarian either. Very very comfortable shoes but the sole isn't replaceable, has no grip, and it too thin to be worn daily. I want some roo mocs for around the house and in the garden.
        >b-but X
        I don't know but its shit. Don't buy barefoot shoes from a 'barefoot shoe' company, because its going to be shit, they're selling you a gimmick. Barefoot shoes ARE great, but you need to buy one from a company that makes normal shoes first. If a company can compete making regular shoes, theres a MUCH lower chance that their barefoot offerings are going to fall short of the quality control standards which allowed them to exist in a more competitive market. Hence Merrell. I have the last generation of trail gloves, and I've hiked four nation parks in them, easily over 1000 miles but im not counting. Just don't waste your money on anything else. If you need work or dress shoes, go out and buy a pair of good work/dress shoes instead of some goofy ass BAREFOOT BRO leather dildo shoes. If your job requires a ton of walking, chances are they don't care if you wear your merrells.

        Merrell has been shit for a long time, its a meme hiker shoe. Keen is twice the quality for cheaper.
        Have burned through 4 sets of Merrells and 2 sets of keen targhees, 20km a day average. Merrells dont last me three months. Keen shoes last six or more.

  13. 9 months ago

    god damn I literally own all three
    love the primus but it looks too autistic to wear when I'm dressed up
    the magna is a bit too fragile for a supposedly winter shoe

    • 9 months ago

      geo court is kinda uncomfortable
      all in all great brand, did a lot to fix my flat feet

    • 9 months ago

      Thanks, I think I've decided on the primus. If I do enjoy them, I'll just have to get the other two when they are needed.
      How was your fit in them, your shoesize vs actual fit?

      • 9 months ago

        my usual shoesize is 47, my running shoes are 48 and these are 46
        if your foot is narrow it might not be that different though
        they have an app that scans your foot, I found it quite useful

  14. 9 months ago

    I just do 4-8x100m barefoot striders 2-4 times a week and my form is perfect. Then I do my actual running in properly cushioned running shoes, so I get the best of both worlds, good mechanics plus shock absorption.

  15. 9 months ago

    How come this same shit thread gets posted every week with some morons shilling $200 "minimalist" shoes. Just buy Whitins. They're $40 on Amazon and come in every color combination you could ever want.

  16. 9 months ago

    I use them on the stair machine if it's storming and I jog a mile in them on my off days, takes some getting used to and your calves will most definitely get painfully tight.

  17. 9 months ago

    Vapor Gloves and flip flops, that's all I ever wear if I'm not simply barefoot.

  18. 9 months ago

    They're a complete meme for actual lifting.

  19. 9 months ago

    I bought a pair of Whitin's on Amazon for everyday use about 2 years ago. Stull going strong, no problems, I can lift in them, and I paid about $40 for them.

  20. 9 months ago

    I wear pumas with no arch support like pic related. I had a crushed arch and nerve damage from a cat machine rollin over my foot. Going flat in pumas for 5 years brought my arch and natural foot health back without surgery. I hate shoes with arch support and all that rubber it fricks your low back up

    I also do hikes barefoot. All these anons talking about rocks hurting their feet are so soft lmao. The first 5 mile hike barefoot hurt but the next day I already wanted to do it again. It totally frees up your legs and feet moving so naturally. I don’t bother with barefoot shoes.. just go barefoot

  21. 9 months ago

    I bought the primus trail and they're on their way. I already own a pair of vivo RA III and they're the best shoes I ever had. Also for work (construction) I use the birkenstock 700. Best barefoot shoe and gives me all the protection I need at work.

    Before I used barefoot shoes I always used converse, vans, elegant shoes, and boots. I was getting bunions and I had back pain and feet pain everyday
    Now I definitely feel. Better.

  22. 9 months ago

    >Stumbles upon concept that requires no investment
    >immediately trys to seek approval from internet schizos
    >successfully israelites self out of $200 or more for a piece of moron cloth
    built for BBC

  23. 9 months ago

    Picked up these for £35 a few days ago. They're so comfy. It's such a good feeling taking a step and feeling my entire foot spread out without being squished against the sides. And they look low key enough to wear with anything. I did the whole straight up barefoot thing last summer but even in red hot weather and being joocy people in this country look at you like you're a loon without shoes. Didn't even know barefoot shoes existed until a few weeks ago.

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