

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Yakub: World's Greatest Dad Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    Who is that balding boy?

    • 9 months ago
      I ignore women

      a modern human female

    • 9 months ago

      her son from Hasan

      • 9 months ago

        Whose son?

    • 9 months ago

      That's Fitness Influencer David Laid

    • 9 months ago

      Elliot page

  2. 9 months ago

    >this is a 10/10 according to IST

    • 9 months ago

      got any posts you can link saying that?

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Post gf.

  3. 9 months ago

    Pee-Wee lookin ass

  4. 9 months ago

    ugly dumb wigger

  5. 9 months ago

    Lol is she transitioning into a Charlie Brown looking motherfricker?

    I live on the west coast and see a lot of 30+ year olds who are fit or at least skinny and have short thinning hair and increasing foreheads. They all dress the same and after kids (even some without) they sort of lose their femininity and despite being skinny are fat in the wrong places (underarms for example) and skinny in the wrong places (ass, breasts). Reminds me of the social x-rays in Bonfire of the Vanities.

    • 9 months ago

      How does that look anything like charlie brown

  6. 9 months ago

    no way, tell me this is shopped.
    that's the hairline of a late 30s IPA sipping Millennial

    • 9 months ago

      apparently it's the hairline of an early 20's zoomer

      • 9 months ago

        An early 20s Zoomer FEMALE, which is why I am doubting if this is real

        • 9 months ago

          She's in her early 20s? I thought she was older

          • 9 months ago

            based on her life story video i'm guessing that she's somewhere between 24 and 26

    • 9 months ago

      >30s IPA sipping Millennial

      An early 20s Zoomer FEMALE, which is why I am doubting if this is real

      It IS real. The hormonal profile of that ~~*girl*~~ must be bonkers. A sight to behold.

  7. 9 months ago

    she looks like the short fat bald guy from seinfeld.
    >would still probably tap dat ass

  8. 9 months ago

    lol her car got broken into by a Black person who stole her stuff. based. where does she live? im guessing california

  9. 9 months ago

    Me in her arms.

  10. 9 months ago

    is she transitioning into a chud

  11. 9 months ago

    Behead those who insult patty!

  12. 9 months ago

    her clit must be fricking huge

    • 9 months ago

      big clits are hot af

  13. 9 months ago

    >be woman
    >get shredded
    >show off your muscles, just like Zyzz or anyone else who’s shredded would do
    >/LULZ/ immigrants (who will NEVER post body) are furious over this because they think she looks ugly
    >they seethe because a woman showing off her muscles isn’t attractive (despite being very unconventionally gorgeous), despite this woman not being an onlyfans bawd or a bogged up bimbo

    • 9 months ago

      >LULZ boogieman
      This is like screeching about trannies 24/7
      go defend your e-celeb on some other website

    • 9 months ago

      >b-but guyze, female baldness is unconventional beauty, you just don't understand!

    • 9 months ago

      Total five head-concealing bangs. No doubt about it.

    • 9 months ago

      far left is the best

    • 9 months ago

      >who will NEVER post body
      just like you won't?

    • 9 months ago

      they think she looks ugly
      She's pretty ugly man, especially when she smiles, she's a walking 5/10.
      She's like 25 and already wrinkly as shit whenever the camera comes close up to her face too.

      • 9 months ago

        >a walking 5/10.
        what did he mean by this

        • 9 months ago

          She has working legs, so she walks.

          incel. have sex.
          IST has been taking refugees from /LULZ/ for over a decade you newbie. No one likes them.

          >have sex
          I did. With someone that isn't as ugly as patty.

      • 9 months ago

        >be woman
        >get shredded
        >show off your muscles, just like Zyzz or anyone else who’s shredded would do
        >/LULZ/ immigrants (who will NEVER post body) are furious over this because they think she looks ugly
        >they seethe because a woman showing off her muscles isn’t attractive (despite being very unconventionally gorgeous), despite this woman not being an onlyfans bawd or a bogged up bimbo

        How do women like this with kilos of makeup on her even do workout? Won't sweat make her into Grinch?

      • 9 months ago

        10/10 in Muttland

    • 9 months ago

      The only reason why she's not on onlyfans is because you fricking simps give her enough money even without it.

    • 9 months ago


      they think she looks ugly
      She's pretty ugly man, especially when she smiles, she's a walking 5/10.
      She's like 25 and already wrinkly as shit whenever the camera comes close up to her face too.

      incel. have sex.

      >LULZ boogieman
      This is like screeching about trannies 24/7
      go defend your e-celeb on some other website

      IST has been taking refugees from /LULZ/ for over a decade you newbie. No one likes them.

      • 9 months ago

        that's why you should go back there

        • 9 months ago

          I've never been there, and I have had relationships etc.

          She has working legs, so she walks.

          >have sex
          I did. With someone that isn't as ugly as patty.

          Even if she is a 5/10, that is not ugly, it's average. I highly doubt you're a model, so stop stroking your ego.

          • 9 months ago

            >that is not ugly
            She's ugly bro, give it up.

            >I highly doubt you're a model
            Women tell me I'm cute and then suck my dick. Good enough for me.

    • 9 months ago

      Hope she sees this bro

      • 9 months ago

        Trips of truth
        Everyone that defends manlypatty is a simp

    • 9 months ago

      developed wide chest on woman = bad

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        i'd let her grab me as an antidepressant if yknow what i mean 😉

  14. 9 months ago

    chicken little looking ass

  15. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Mein Gott! He has returned! Sieg heil!

      • 9 months ago

        the closest I have been to laughing in months

    • 9 months ago

      My boy get to the sub!

  16. 9 months ago

    I'm not sure why you guys are even surprised by this. She always seemed like the exact type to go for some ridiculous hipster haircut like this. Also, it's not like she was significantly more attractive with the old haircut.

    • 9 months ago

      not a new haircut, just has her hair up

  17. 9 months ago

    She is completing her transformation into cobson

  18. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      It's crazy how much your hairline affects the way your skull looks. Conor looks like Boomerjak

    • 9 months ago

      >the candle that burns twice as bright...

      • 9 months ago

        >drinks another mans "magical protein shake"

        • 9 months ago

          >and is reborn to a life of ladyboy bussy

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly if Connor embraced going bald and just did a buzzcut while staying on gear and working out, he'd still look insanely good.
      Now he looks all bloated with his mismanaged cycles and fricked hormones.

    • 9 months ago

      Did these guy think they are going to be 22 forever or what?

      • 9 months ago

        They know they've peaked and it's over now.

    • 9 months ago

      fricking hell man, I though I had it rough with my receding hairline but those guys take it to the next level, thank god for finasteride

    • 9 months ago

      Connor is morphing into ethan klein

      • 9 months ago

        >Conor Murphy? More like... Connor morphing, amirite?

    • 9 months ago

      holy shit hair is everything. especially the hairline/widows peak thing these guys have. the balding picture of david, at the top left of his forehead looks dire.
      OPs girl also looks dire because the top corners of the forehead are bald/thinning. it just makes people look sick, unhealthy or with bad genes

  19. 9 months ago

    we need a new queen
    i vote for Krismarietv

  20. 9 months ago

    Man, this posses me off. I was driving to work, thought I was a cute tomboy jogging ahead of me as I approached from behind. I check the tomboy out in my rear view, turns out it’s a dude in a-cut off t-shirt

    • 9 months ago

      homie u gay

  21. 9 months ago

    Women being at a body fat % for visible, developed abs just fricks up your hormones. Couple that with her probably being on roids and she has a fricked up hairline from having too much testosterone for a woman.

    • 9 months ago

      Damn that guy looks ugly as frick

    • 9 months ago

      god i want to cum on a bunch of clothes and give them to her, and watch her wear them. closest ill ever get to having my penis touch her skin

    • 9 months ago

      That's a good attitude tbf, my gf wears stuff her mother used to wear back in the day it's cute

      • 9 months ago

        does she wear her old pantyhose/tights/stockings too?

        • 9 months ago

          My gf uses her mother's old panties, bras and those old comfy pajamas. They look great on her 🙂

        • 9 months ago

          No, that stuff doesn't tend to last for generations tbh

    • 9 months ago

      Gretta Chudberg.

    • 9 months ago

      I see that greta chudification is going great

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      b***h got spaghetti sauce on her lips.

    • 9 months ago

      Elden Henson was awesome in The Butterfly Effect.

  22. 9 months ago

    i would still eat her ass after a workout

    • 9 months ago

      her ass has been in places you didn't even know exist

  23. 9 months ago

    thats a good looking twink

  24. 9 months ago
    Anonymous was always obvious She roids. Women don't have discipline in them to work hard.
    I honestly don't understand why as a woman She is moronic and doesn't stay on anavar only, the women steroid.

  25. 9 months ago

    you just know

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine that little piglet pouding away at her like a little jackhammer loool

      • 9 months ago

        Bro you got problems

      • 9 months ago

        Kinda hot ngl
        Btw I'm brown if that matters

      • 9 months ago

        Reminds me of the days I used to watch zoophilic hentai of animals breeding huge tiddy anime girls.
        I got to a point that it was the only type of porn I could shoot ropes to, and the moment I realized this is when I swore off pornography and masturbation forever.

  26. 9 months ago

    Lean Balding Boy Pat
    Too many steroids, troony
    I can't believe people find this b***h attractive

    • 9 months ago

      i wanna see her giga clit

  27. 9 months ago

    You guys need to talk to women desperately

    You black pill gays are so moronic it's unreal

    • 9 months ago

      1.1 Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy
      1.2 More psychopathic men tend to receive higher attractiveness ratings from women
      1.3 On PornHub, women consume most of the porn where women are violently raped and abused
      1.4 62% of women have fantasies about rape and other forced sex acts
      1.5 50% of female porn viewers admitted to watching porn involving extreme violence against women
      1.6 Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
      1.7 Criminal and antisocial men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
      1.8 Antisocial, criminal and violent men have greater sexual access to women
      1.9 Imprisoned serial killers, terrorists and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women
      1.10 Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners
      1.11 Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
      1.12 More than half of prison staff sexual misconduct involves female guards/staff
      1.13 39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
      1.14 Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
      1.15 Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
      1.16 Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
      1.17 Vegetarian men are less attractive, likable, and masculine to women than omnivorous men
      1.18 Rapists are far more sexually active than other men
      1.19 Benevolent sexism is approved in society by both men and women
      1.20 Misogynistic men are more sexually active than most men

      • 9 months ago

        2.1 69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
        2.2 44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
        2.3 Autistic males are more likely to have physically unusual facial traits
        2.4 Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
        2.5 Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
        2.6 High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
        2.7 Teenage boys with ADHD have double the amount of sexual partners vs. 'normal' teens
        2.8 Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
        2.9 Mental disorders significantly reduce men's fertility, substantially more than they do for women
        2.10 People accurately perceive a man's mental health from facial appearance alone

        5.1 Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man
        5.2 Across multiple studies; attractiveness determines romantic evaluations equally for both sexes
        5.3 70% of women would avoid someone solely based on their looks, compared to 31% of men
        5.4 Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
        5.5 Only a man's looks and race matter in online dating - his personality does not
        5.6 Looks are most important in speed dating
        5.7 Looks are most important in video dating
        5.8 Looks are most important in blind dating
        5.9 It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
        5.10 Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
        5.11 A man's personality only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cutoff first
        5.12 Being unattractive reduces men's chances of finding partners, but not women's
        5.13 In short-term dating and provided many options, women care more about looks than men
        5.14 'Very unattractive' women are more likely to be married than other women
        5.15 Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
        5.16 A man's masculinity and physical attractiveness predicts a woman's chance of orgasm
        5.17 A man's physical attractiveness to other women predicts his partner's chance of orgasm
        5.18 The attractiveness gap in a couple predicts how long they wait before engaging in sex

        9.1 36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete
        9.2 Rated strength is the main predictor of men's bodily attractiveness. No women prefer weak men
        9.3 The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27 and for women ~17-19 as it is most youthful
        9.4 Men prefer low waist-hip ratios in women
        9.5 Even congenitally blind men prefer a low waist-hip ratio in women
        9.6 A man's muscle building capacity is primarily determined by genetics
        9.7 Among university students, only physical dominance over other men predicted mating success
        9.8 Antisocial personality disorders are linked with being overweight/obese in women but not men
        9.9 Across 91 studies, bodily masculinity was predictive of men's mating and reproductive success

        18.1 Sexlessness among young U.S. men is at a record high affecting especially Asian men
        18.2 College women nowadays are more likely to be sexually active than college men
        18.3 Incel forums are disproportionately populated by suicidal, disabled, autistic, and ethnic men
        18.4 42% of men and 44% of women 18-34 years old and unmarried in Japan are now virgins
        18.5 There are now 70 million excess men in China and India who will live and die without partners
        18.6 The percent of high school students who date is plummeting
        18.7 Meeting online is now the primary way relationships are formed
        18.8 Most online dating sites are dominated by men, only 21%-34% of users are female
        18.9 30% of millennials are often or always lonely and 22% have no friends
        18.10 41.1% percent of U.S college students report being depressed; 6.6% have planned their suicide
        18.11 Men are more likely than women to commit suicide
        18.12 Winners in a rigged game will consider the game fair as long as they keep winning
        18.13 Involuntary celibacy is defined academically as 6 months of celibacy despite effort for sex
        18.14 Being widowed in one's 20s increases suicide risk by ~17x for men, but only ~4x for women
        18.15 Monogamy may have been selected by cultural evolution because of its benefits for society
        18.16 Arranged marriage may be natural for humans
        18.17 Popularity continues to exist in college and bullying exists both in college and after college
        18.18 Missing out on teenage love damages sexual success later on
        18.19 A stigma against virginity exists and many women refuse to date a virgin
        18.20 Involuntarily celibates often were ostracized, bullied, and socially withdrawn during childhood
        18.21 Young men are now more likely to be single than young women

        Autistic Cope

        • 9 months ago

          >t. cuck

          • 9 months ago

            How can I be a cuck when I am the cucker?

            • 9 months ago

              Says the dude that wasted 5 posts to write elliot rodger manifesto tier sludge.

              Autistic Cope

              • 9 months ago

                That doesn't make a single lick of sense

          • 9 months ago

            Says the dude that wasted 5 posts to write elliot rodger manifesto tier sludge.

      • 9 months ago

        2.1 69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
        2.2 44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
        2.3 Autistic males are more likely to have physically unusual facial traits
        2.4 Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
        2.5 Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
        2.6 High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
        2.7 Teenage boys with ADHD have double the amount of sexual partners vs. 'normal' teens
        2.8 Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
        2.9 Mental disorders significantly reduce men's fertility, substantially more than they do for women
        2.10 People accurately perceive a man's mental health from facial appearance alone

        5.1 Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man
        5.2 Across multiple studies; attractiveness determines romantic evaluations equally for both sexes
        5.3 70% of women would avoid someone solely based on their looks, compared to 31% of men
        5.4 Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
        5.5 Only a man's looks and race matter in online dating - his personality does not
        5.6 Looks are most important in speed dating
        5.7 Looks are most important in video dating
        5.8 Looks are most important in blind dating
        5.9 It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
        5.10 Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
        5.11 A man's personality only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cutoff first
        5.12 Being unattractive reduces men's chances of finding partners, but not women's
        5.13 In short-term dating and provided many options, women care more about looks than men
        5.14 'Very unattractive' women are more likely to be married than other women
        5.15 Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
        5.16 A man's masculinity and physical attractiveness predicts a woman's chance of orgasm
        5.17 A man's physical attractiveness to other women predicts his partner's chance of orgasm
        5.18 The attractiveness gap in a couple predicts how long they wait before engaging in sex

        9.1 36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete
        9.2 Rated strength is the main predictor of men's bodily attractiveness. No women prefer weak men
        9.3 The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27 and for women ~17-19 as it is most youthful
        9.4 Men prefer low waist-hip ratios in women
        9.5 Even congenitally blind men prefer a low waist-hip ratio in women
        9.6 A man's muscle building capacity is primarily determined by genetics
        9.7 Among university students, only physical dominance over other men predicted mating success
        9.8 Antisocial personality disorders are linked with being overweight/obese in women but not men
        9.9 Across 91 studies, bodily masculinity was predictive of men's mating and reproductive success

        18.1 Sexlessness among young U.S. men is at a record high affecting especially Asian men
        18.2 College women nowadays are more likely to be sexually active than college men
        18.3 Incel forums are disproportionately populated by suicidal, disabled, autistic, and ethnic men
        18.4 42% of men and 44% of women 18-34 years old and unmarried in Japan are now virgins
        18.5 There are now 70 million excess men in China and India who will live and die without partners
        18.6 The percent of high school students who date is plummeting
        18.7 Meeting online is now the primary way relationships are formed
        18.8 Most online dating sites are dominated by men, only 21%-34% of users are female
        18.9 30% of millennials are often or always lonely and 22% have no friends
        18.10 41.1% percent of U.S college students report being depressed; 6.6% have planned their suicide
        18.11 Men are more likely than women to commit suicide
        18.12 Winners in a rigged game will consider the game fair as long as they keep winning
        18.13 Involuntary celibacy is defined academically as 6 months of celibacy despite effort for sex
        18.14 Being widowed in one's 20s increases suicide risk by ~17x for men, but only ~4x for women
        18.15 Monogamy may have been selected by cultural evolution because of its benefits for society
        18.16 Arranged marriage may be natural for humans
        18.17 Popularity continues to exist in college and bullying exists both in college and after college
        18.18 Missing out on teenage love damages sexual success later on
        18.19 A stigma against virginity exists and many women refuse to date a virgin
        18.20 Involuntarily celibates often were ostracized, bullied, and socially withdrawn during childhood
        18.21 Young men are now more likely to be single than young women

        If you're saying these things to expose normies to the true nature of women, then I can only applaud - based. If you're saying these things to demoralise and blackpill others, then you're cringe and NGMI.
        We need to know these truths about women, not to be depressed, but to know how and when to put them back in their place.

      • 9 months ago

        So this is what it means to be robot huh. You quote statistics and you think you are smart? You're a dumbass with no real understanding whatsoever.

        • 9 months ago

          >You quote statistics and you think you are smart?
          >You're a dumbass with no real understanding whatsoever.
          Ad Hominem.

      • 9 months ago

        >1.7 Criminal and antisocial men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
        >Be me, lose virgen at 11yo
        >Diagnose (in Juvi) with antisocial personality disorder at 15
        >Am felon
        >Triple digit sex partners
        >Only 1 fat chick, only 3 ugly b***hes (below a 5)

        • 9 months ago

          it's because you're more assertive and bold, hence the breaking of the law part. those are the teo things women universally like

      • 9 months ago

        2.1 69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
        2.2 44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
        2.3 Autistic males are more likely to have physically unusual facial traits
        2.4 Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
        2.5 Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
        2.6 High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
        2.7 Teenage boys with ADHD have double the amount of sexual partners vs. 'normal' teens
        2.8 Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
        2.9 Mental disorders significantly reduce men's fertility, substantially more than they do for women
        2.10 People accurately perceive a man's mental health from facial appearance alone

        5.1 Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man
        5.2 Across multiple studies; attractiveness determines romantic evaluations equally for both sexes
        5.3 70% of women would avoid someone solely based on their looks, compared to 31% of men
        5.4 Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
        5.5 Only a man's looks and race matter in online dating - his personality does not
        5.6 Looks are most important in speed dating
        5.7 Looks are most important in video dating
        5.8 Looks are most important in blind dating
        5.9 It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
        5.10 Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
        5.11 A man's personality only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cutoff first
        5.12 Being unattractive reduces men's chances of finding partners, but not women's
        5.13 In short-term dating and provided many options, women care more about looks than men
        5.14 'Very unattractive' women are more likely to be married than other women
        5.15 Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
        5.16 A man's masculinity and physical attractiveness predicts a woman's chance of orgasm
        5.17 A man's physical attractiveness to other women predicts his partner's chance of orgasm
        5.18 The attractiveness gap in a couple predicts how long they wait before engaging in sex

        9.1 36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete
        9.2 Rated strength is the main predictor of men's bodily attractiveness. No women prefer weak men
        9.3 The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27 and for women ~17-19 as it is most youthful
        9.4 Men prefer low waist-hip ratios in women
        9.5 Even congenitally blind men prefer a low waist-hip ratio in women
        9.6 A man's muscle building capacity is primarily determined by genetics
        9.7 Among university students, only physical dominance over other men predicted mating success
        9.8 Antisocial personality disorders are linked with being overweight/obese in women but not men
        9.9 Across 91 studies, bodily masculinity was predictive of men's mating and reproductive success

        18.1 Sexlessness among young U.S. men is at a record high affecting especially Asian men
        18.2 College women nowadays are more likely to be sexually active than college men
        18.3 Incel forums are disproportionately populated by suicidal, disabled, autistic, and ethnic men
        18.4 42% of men and 44% of women 18-34 years old and unmarried in Japan are now virgins
        18.5 There are now 70 million excess men in China and India who will live and die without partners
        18.6 The percent of high school students who date is plummeting
        18.7 Meeting online is now the primary way relationships are formed
        18.8 Most online dating sites are dominated by men, only 21%-34% of users are female
        18.9 30% of millennials are often or always lonely and 22% have no friends
        18.10 41.1% percent of U.S college students report being depressed; 6.6% have planned their suicide
        18.11 Men are more likely than women to commit suicide
        18.12 Winners in a rigged game will consider the game fair as long as they keep winning
        18.13 Involuntary celibacy is defined academically as 6 months of celibacy despite effort for sex
        18.14 Being widowed in one's 20s increases suicide risk by ~17x for men, but only ~4x for women
        18.15 Monogamy may have been selected by cultural evolution because of its benefits for society
        18.16 Arranged marriage may be natural for humans
        18.17 Popularity continues to exist in college and bullying exists both in college and after college
        18.18 Missing out on teenage love damages sexual success later on
        18.19 A stigma against virginity exists and many women refuse to date a virgin
        18.20 Involuntarily celibates often were ostracized, bullied, and socially withdrawn during childhood
        18.21 Young men are now more likely to be single than young women

        so, women encourage evil are basically the devil, got it.

      • 9 months ago

        >1.18 Rapists are far more sexually active than other men
        well... by choice so this is a moronic point

        • 9 months ago

          Most rape isn't a woman being dragged into an alleyway anon
          The frat bro that has access to roofies is probably going to have just as much consensual sex

        • 9 months ago

          >Rapists are far more sexually active than other men
          Well yeah… the professional car thief drives super cars far more often than other men.

          I agree with all you’ve posted btw but why even include this one?

          >David Lisak (2002) wrote in a research paper about undetected rapists (rapists who were never arrested or even reported): "'Undetected rapists' have consistently been shown to more sexually active than other men. Apart from their sexually aggressive behavior, they engage in consensual and coercive sex far more often than is typical for men of their age group. Their sexual activity tends to be an important component of their identities. Thus, rather than being a product of a greater sex drive, their increased sexual activity appears to be driven by their view that if they are not very active then they are neither 'successful' nor adequate as men."
          >In the book Rape Investigation Handbook by John O. Savino and Brent E. Turvey, they showed studies showing how many rapists attract women and are sexually active with many women. "Groth (1979, p. 5) dispels the myth of the predominance of 'loner' and socially outcast rapists by explaining that 'one third of the offenders that we worked with were married and sexually active with their wives at the time of their assaults. . . . Of those offenders who were not married (that is, single, seperated, or divorced), the majority were actively involved in a variety of consenting sexual relationships with other persons at the time of their offenses." Also, "furthermore, Groth and Hobson (1983, p. 161), who studied 1,000 offenders over a 16-year period, found the following: 'All of the offenders we have seen were sexually active males involved in consensual relationships at the time of their offense. No one raped because he had no other outlet for his sexual needs."
          >A majority of rapists are serial rapists. Serial acquaintance rapists are often very charismatic. The notion that rapists are easily identifiable is a myth. College men in fraternities are three times more likely to rape or sexually assault women and college athletes also are more likely to rape or sexually assault women.

          • 9 months ago

            >Lisak, David (March 2002). "The Undetected Rapist" (PDF).
            >Savino, John O.; Turvey, Brent E. (2005). Rape Investigation Handbook. Academic Press. ISBN 9780120728329.
            >Loh, Catherine; Gidycz, Christine; Lobo, Tracy; Luthra, Rohini (2005). "A Prospective Analysis of Sexual Assault Perpetration: Risk Factors Related to Perpetrator Characteristics" (PDF). Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 20 (10): 1325–1348. CiteSeerX doi:10.1177/0886260505278528. PMID 16162492.
            >Foubert, John; Newberry, Johnathan; Tatum, Jerry (2007). "Behavior differences seven months later: Effects of a rape prevention program on first-year men who join fraternities". NASPA Journal. 44 (4): 728–749. doi:10.2202/1949-6605.1866.
            >Vogel, Nia, "DEAR STUDENT-ATHLETE: A closer look at how college athletics departments are addressing sexual misconduct". Senior eses, Trinity College, Hartford, CT 2018. Trinity College Digital Repository

      • 9 months ago

        >Rapists are far more sexually active than other men
        Well yeah… the professional car thief drives super cars far more often than other men.

        I agree with all you’ve posted btw but why even include this one?

      • 9 months ago

        2.1 69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
        2.2 44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
        2.3 Autistic males are more likely to have physically unusual facial traits
        2.4 Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
        2.5 Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
        2.6 High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
        2.7 Teenage boys with ADHD have double the amount of sexual partners vs. 'normal' teens
        2.8 Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
        2.9 Mental disorders significantly reduce men's fertility, substantially more than they do for women
        2.10 People accurately perceive a man's mental health from facial appearance alone

        5.1 Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man
        5.2 Across multiple studies; attractiveness determines romantic evaluations equally for both sexes
        5.3 70% of women would avoid someone solely based on their looks, compared to 31% of men
        5.4 Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
        5.5 Only a man's looks and race matter in online dating - his personality does not
        5.6 Looks are most important in speed dating
        5.7 Looks are most important in video dating
        5.8 Looks are most important in blind dating
        5.9 It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
        5.10 Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
        5.11 A man's personality only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cutoff first
        5.12 Being unattractive reduces men's chances of finding partners, but not women's
        5.13 In short-term dating and provided many options, women care more about looks than men
        5.14 'Very unattractive' women are more likely to be married than other women
        5.15 Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
        5.16 A man's masculinity and physical attractiveness predicts a woman's chance of orgasm
        5.17 A man's physical attractiveness to other women predicts his partner's chance of orgasm
        5.18 The attractiveness gap in a couple predicts how long they wait before engaging in sex

        9.1 36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete
        9.2 Rated strength is the main predictor of men's bodily attractiveness. No women prefer weak men
        9.3 The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27 and for women ~17-19 as it is most youthful
        9.4 Men prefer low waist-hip ratios in women
        9.5 Even congenitally blind men prefer a low waist-hip ratio in women
        9.6 A man's muscle building capacity is primarily determined by genetics
        9.7 Among university students, only physical dominance over other men predicted mating success
        9.8 Antisocial personality disorders are linked with being overweight/obese in women but not men
        9.9 Across 91 studies, bodily masculinity was predictive of men's mating and reproductive success

        >6’2”, I would say average faced (thin lips, normal chin, jaw only looks okay if I’m 10% body fat, perfectly neutral canthal tilt, wear glasses which isn’t good)
        >lost virginity at 20, never slept with or dated anything below a genuine 7/10, have had a ton of sex during 20s, have never had to date a woman to frick, have only dated after fricking for a while if I determined I enjoyed their company and we had sexual compatibility
        >easily triple digit body count despite being terrified of women and barley able to maintain eye contact
        >bad enough I have mini panic attacks if the female cashier is cute while I rehearse what I’m going to say to her if she greets me
        >never used a condom, no woman has made me, have busted daw in 80% of the b***hes I’ve fricked pull out or finished with head with the rest
        >have had female patients try to frick me a handful of times when I was working at the hospital
        >zero success with dating apps, great success IRL, they approached me first for 9/10 of my lays

        • 9 months ago

          you're not autistic and you look good. Sounds like you just have social anxiety, which pretty much everyone does these days, except for boomers.

        • 9 months ago

          I'm going to correctly describe you, without all the bullshit you added in.
          >5'9" or shorter
          >lost virginity at 20, most likely to an ugly nonwhite female like an asian
          >has sex single digit numbers of times per year which you conflate with being a slayer
          >work in a hospital yet have never had sex with any of the women there
          >receive single digit numbers of compliments from old women patients per year
          Post your face with a timestamp

    • 9 months ago

      2.1 69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
      2.2 44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
      2.3 Autistic males are more likely to have physically unusual facial traits
      2.4 Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
      2.5 Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
      2.6 High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
      2.7 Teenage boys with ADHD have double the amount of sexual partners vs. 'normal' teens
      2.8 Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
      2.9 Mental disorders significantly reduce men's fertility, substantially more than they do for women
      2.10 People accurately perceive a man's mental health from facial appearance alone

    • 9 months ago

      5.1 Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man
      5.2 Across multiple studies; attractiveness determines romantic evaluations equally for both sexes
      5.3 70% of women would avoid someone solely based on their looks, compared to 31% of men
      5.4 Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
      5.5 Only a man's looks and race matter in online dating - his personality does not
      5.6 Looks are most important in speed dating
      5.7 Looks are most important in video dating
      5.8 Looks are most important in blind dating
      5.9 It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
      5.10 Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
      5.11 A man's personality only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cutoff first
      5.12 Being unattractive reduces men's chances of finding partners, but not women's
      5.13 In short-term dating and provided many options, women care more about looks than men
      5.14 'Very unattractive' women are more likely to be married than other women
      5.15 Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
      5.16 A man's masculinity and physical attractiveness predicts a woman's chance of orgasm
      5.17 A man's physical attractiveness to other women predicts his partner's chance of orgasm
      5.18 The attractiveness gap in a couple predicts how long they wait before engaging in sex

    • 9 months ago

      9.1 36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete
      9.2 Rated strength is the main predictor of men's bodily attractiveness. No women prefer weak men
      9.3 The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27 and for women ~17-19 as it is most youthful
      9.4 Men prefer low waist-hip ratios in women
      9.5 Even congenitally blind men prefer a low waist-hip ratio in women
      9.6 A man's muscle building capacity is primarily determined by genetics
      9.7 Among university students, only physical dominance over other men predicted mating success
      9.8 Antisocial personality disorders are linked with being overweight/obese in women but not men
      9.9 Across 91 studies, bodily masculinity was predictive of men's mating and reproductive success

      • 9 months ago

        >The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27
        lol no it's not

        • 9 months ago

          • 9 months ago

            >trusting foids on their word
            rookie mistake

            • 9 months ago

              Foid just sounds like a name some seething trannies came up with to cope with the fact that they'll never be women.

          • 9 months ago

            >bump at stage one morbid obesity
            fricking feeders

          • 9 months ago

            Damn that is interesting. My bmi is 28 but I’m not natty. There’s basically a 0% chance that someone is going to have a 28 bmi, natty, and not be somewhat fat. So essentially it’s better to be strongfat than skinny

    • 9 months ago

      18.1 Sexlessness among young U.S. men is at a record high affecting especially Asian men
      18.2 College women nowadays are more likely to be sexually active than college men
      18.3 Incel forums are disproportionately populated by suicidal, disabled, autistic, and ethnic men
      18.4 42% of men and 44% of women 18-34 years old and unmarried in Japan are now virgins
      18.5 There are now 70 million excess men in China and India who will live and die without partners
      18.6 The percent of high school students who date is plummeting
      18.7 Meeting online is now the primary way relationships are formed
      18.8 Most online dating sites are dominated by men, only 21%-34% of users are female
      18.9 30% of millennials are often or always lonely and 22% have no friends
      18.10 41.1% percent of U.S college students report being depressed; 6.6% have planned their suicide
      18.11 Men are more likely than women to commit suicide
      18.12 Winners in a rigged game will consider the game fair as long as they keep winning
      18.13 Involuntary celibacy is defined academically as 6 months of celibacy despite effort for sex
      18.14 Being widowed in one's 20s increases suicide risk by ~17x for men, but only ~4x for women
      18.15 Monogamy may have been selected by cultural evolution because of its benefits for society
      18.16 Arranged marriage may be natural for humans
      18.17 Popularity continues to exist in college and bullying exists both in college and after college
      18.18 Missing out on teenage love damages sexual success later on
      18.19 A stigma against virginity exists and many women refuse to date a virgin
      18.20 Involuntarily celibates often were ostracized, bullied, and socially withdrawn during childhood
      18.21 Young men are now more likely to be single than young women

      • 9 months ago

        9.1 36.4% of US male online daters are now resorting to anabolic steroids & bulimia to compete
        9.2 Rated strength is the main predictor of men's bodily attractiveness. No women prefer weak men
        9.3 The most attractive BMI range for men is ~24.5-27 and for women ~17-19 as it is most youthful
        9.4 Men prefer low waist-hip ratios in women
        9.5 Even congenitally blind men prefer a low waist-hip ratio in women
        9.6 A man's muscle building capacity is primarily determined by genetics
        9.7 Among university students, only physical dominance over other men predicted mating success
        9.8 Antisocial personality disorders are linked with being overweight/obese in women but not men
        9.9 Across 91 studies, bodily masculinity was predictive of men's mating and reproductive success

        5.1 Women feel sexual disgust when they imagine even talking to an unattractive man
        5.2 Across multiple studies; attractiveness determines romantic evaluations equally for both sexes
        5.3 70% of women would avoid someone solely based on their looks, compared to 31% of men
        5.4 Love at first sight can be predicted by physical attractiveness
        5.5 Only a man's looks and race matter in online dating - his personality does not
        5.6 Looks are most important in speed dating
        5.7 Looks are most important in video dating
        5.8 Looks are most important in blind dating
        5.9 It is Looks > Personality > Money for both genders, but women lie more about it
        5.10 Your looks define perception of your personality in online dating
        5.11 A man's personality only matters to a woman if he meets her basic looks cutoff first
        5.12 Being unattractive reduces men's chances of finding partners, but not women's
        5.13 In short-term dating and provided many options, women care more about looks than men
        5.14 'Very unattractive' women are more likely to be married than other women
        5.15 Women are less likely to use a condom with a more attractive male partner
        5.16 A man's masculinity and physical attractiveness predicts a woman's chance of orgasm
        5.17 A man's physical attractiveness to other women predicts his partner's chance of orgasm
        5.18 The attractiveness gap in a couple predicts how long they wait before engaging in sex

        2.1 69% of high functioning autistic adolescents want relationships, but almost none succeed
        2.2 44.6% of high functioning adult autistic men remain virgins, despite high sex/relationship drive
        2.3 Autistic males are more likely to have physically unusual facial traits
        2.4 Autists are judged as awkward, less physically attractive and less approachable within seconds
        2.5 Autistic men have 10 times as many suicidal thoughts as normal men
        2.6 High IQ men are more likely to remain virgins longer
        2.7 Teenage boys with ADHD have double the amount of sexual partners vs. 'normal' teens
        2.8 Cluster-B personality disorders lead to 3.5x as many sexual partners and more offspring
        2.9 Mental disorders significantly reduce men's fertility, substantially more than they do for women
        2.10 People accurately perceive a man's mental health from facial appearance alone

        1.1 Women tend to be attracted to the Dark Triad—narcissism, manipulativeness, & psychopathy
        1.2 More psychopathic men tend to receive higher attractiveness ratings from women
        1.3 On PornHub, women consume most of the porn where women are violently raped and abused
        1.4 62% of women have fantasies about rape and other forced sex acts
        1.5 50% of female porn viewers admitted to watching porn involving extreme violence against women
        1.6 Women are drawn more than men to nonfiction stories of rape, murder, and serial killers
        1.7 Criminal and antisocial men have more sexual partners and have sex earlier
        1.8 Antisocial, criminal and violent men have greater sexual access to women
        1.9 Imprisoned serial killers, terrorists and rapists receive thousands of love letters from women
        1.10 Male gang members have dramatically more female sexual partners
        1.11 Childhood bullies experience greater sexual success than non-bullies
        1.12 More than half of prison staff sexual misconduct involves female guards/staff
        1.13 39% of hospitalized male psychopaths had consensual sex with female mental health staff
        1.14 Women desiring marriage and commitment are more attracted to narcissistic men
        1.15 Female narcissism reduces marital quality for men, but male narcissism does not for women
        1.16 Men are attracted to "nice" women, but women are not attracted to "nice" men
        1.17 Vegetarian men are less attractive, likable, and masculine to women than omnivorous men
        1.18 Rapists are far more sexually active than other men
        1.19 Benevolent sexism is approved in society by both men and women
        1.20 Misogynistic men are more sexually active than most men

        Frick off with your convoluted mytho-anthropological wall of study claims crap.

        This is all you need to know about male and female dating mechanisms and intentions. This is as complicated as it ever gets within reason.


      • 9 months ago

        >44% of women 18-34 years old and unmarried in Japan are now virgins

        That's a whitepill tbh. brb going to japan.

    • 9 months ago

      >You guys need to talk to women desperately
      hard pass

  28. 9 months ago

    Every man in my family has had a full head of hair up until the day he died. It sure does feel good knowing that you aren't genetic trash.

    • 9 months ago

      Culter had hair implants

    • 9 months ago

      jay bulker

  29. 9 months ago

    Good lord her hairline's worse than mine, what causes this? brushing it backwards? having tight ponytails?

    • 9 months ago


  30. 9 months ago

    disgusting nerd phenotype

  31. 9 months ago

    I thought when people on here were claiming she was balding they were delusional schizophrenics.
    They were right all along.
    I kneel.

    • 9 months ago

      perfectly normal hairline for a woman in her 20s

      • 9 months ago

        If you look, you can see her forehead through her translucent fringe
        her temples and hairline have receded to the point where it literally looks like a wheel well for her face.
        just look, if you trimmed that tuft of hair in front she would look like george costanza hahaha

  32. 9 months ago

    Wtf that’s a man

  33. 9 months ago

    She was extremely cute before lifting. I really wonder what ex-boyfriend broke her down so badly that she went this route. She unironically looks awful compared to the before photos

  34. 9 months ago

    Daily reminder that this woman would be a lonely, miserable, and suicidally depressed incel if they were born male. But because she won the gender coin flip, she now has millions of thirsty followers who constantly shower her with attention, compliments, and money.

  35. 9 months ago

    balding dyel

  36. 9 months ago

    any of you coomers remember the autisticish girl lifter with really curly hair she kinda looked like the actress that played young catwoman from the gotham series?

    • 9 months ago

      No, but I remeber some asian chick that posted in plg maybe 5-8 years ago, don't remember the name though, she also had a youtube channel

  37. 9 months ago

    >ugly face
    >roided her hairline away
    >probably infertile
    >barely even any muscle at all
    >people STILL act like she's "LE HOT MUSCLE MOMMY AWOOGA!!"
    is this the full fricking power of zoomer brainrot? Is this generation completely and totally fricked?

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