Bros how the fuck are you meant to sleep?

Bros how the frick are you meant to sleep? Position 1 and 2 cut off circulation to whatever arm I'm resting on, or I position myself with the other arm draped over my chest and it constricts my breathing. Position 4 is just weirdly exhausting, I can't fall asleep on my back for some reason. Apparently sleeping on your stomach is the worst one but it's the only half comfortable position, although even that leads numb arms from the pressure. I quit smoking pot almost three weeks ago and since then I've had ridiculous trouble getting to sleep but even with insomnia surely the human body can just be at rest in a bed, why is this so hard?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Send help.

  2. 7 months ago

    Fresh high grade sheets/pillows/duvet, not too hot, and you have to not have any worries on your mind so deal with them all during the day.

  3. 7 months ago

    well why's the good sleep position for the Black folk?

  4. 7 months ago

    I bought a soft as frick mattress that never caused pain but my mom made me get rid of it cause only women and gays supposedly uses those

  5. 7 months ago

    I only fall asleep in position 1 and position 3, how fricked am I?

    • 7 months ago

      It's over for you anon, you won't make it to 40.

  6. 7 months ago

    for me it's 3 but pillow at feet

  7. 7 months ago

    When I was a 300lb fatty it was position 3 or nothing. Now I am 180lbs and it is position 4.
    When I was fat, position 4 would cause me to wake up gasping for breath. I assume my girth was weighing down my lungs and diaphragm making breathing more difficult.
    The downside is now that my weight is normal, my blood pressure is a bit low 100/50 and my hands and feet have low circulation when I am at rest. If I sleep with my hands on my chest like in position 4 they will get tingly from lack of blood circulation so I have to keep them down at my sides.
    Also, I added a 3 inch memory foam topper to my firm mattress and that was a huge improvement to my sleep quality.

  8. 7 months ago

    there's specific positions for pillows between your legs. You don't even have those postures pictured. It's so over

  9. 7 months ago

    Best thing i discovered for inducing sleep is reading. Read a book until you fall asleep/until you're too sleepy to keep on reading. It was a big game changer for me.

    • 7 months ago


      the reason why sleeping on your stomach feels good is that it emulates the sensation of being hugged tightly which releases oxytocin which calms you down. the easiest way to get rid of that is getting a weighted blanket
      >but what if i get used to it, then i won't be able to sleep at a place that doesn't have one
      you already can't, apparently.
      if you keep on sleeping on your stomach, try having your pillow next to you so that your head and the shoulder you are looking towards are supported by it but the back shoulder isn't. that makes it easier for the neck (about back idk).
      if you want to force yourself to sleep on your back, simply put the ankle of one foot under the other knee, while lying on your back obviously. this will make it impossible to turn to either side, and you won't be able to pull your foot out accidentally while asleep either. still will make for worse sleep quality till you're used to it, though

      weighted blankets are for depressed women

  10. 7 months ago

    Side sleeper. But you need to put a pillow between your knees to keep your hips better aligned (and it keeps your knee bones from hitting each other). I would also recommend not tucking your chin in like in the picture. I've always done that, but have a lot of neck pain now and bad head/neck posture - I find straightening my neck is more comfortable so the tuck has likely been detrimental all these years.

    • 7 months ago

      Putting a small pillow under the down armpit/upper chest helps align the neck and takes off pressure from the shoulder.
      I use sort of a half-roll foam pillow.
      Knee pillows are also really terrific. Shit just works better.

    • 7 months ago

      >Side sleeper. But you need to put a pillow between your knees to keep your hips better aligned (and it keeps your knee bones from hitting each other).
      Thanks mr skeltal

  11. 7 months ago

    i sleep 2 and 4

  12. 7 months ago

    >diverse sleeping group
    It's literally all so tiresome

  13. 7 months ago

    I try and sleep on my back because it's better for skin, now I feel annoyed at the sight of that bl*ck

    • 7 months ago

      the latest peer reviewed science says that images of black people at rest are among the most beautiful and powerful works of art ever created, bigot

      • 7 months ago

        Permanent rest, maybe.

  14. 7 months ago

    Get that knee up, left b***h. The Tiger Knee sleeping position is the best there is.

  15. 7 months ago

    I dunno about anyone else but I exclusively sleep in fetal position. The colder it is, the more I curl up.

    I used to sleep outside in coastal Oregon winter rainstorms, under my tarp after walking home through the rain. Curling up keeps you warm provided your butt, back, feet, hands, neck, and head are covered and warm. Very comfy.

  16. 7 months ago

    the reason why sleeping on your stomach feels good is that it emulates the sensation of being hugged tightly which releases oxytocin which calms you down. the easiest way to get rid of that is getting a weighted blanket
    >but what if i get used to it, then i won't be able to sleep at a place that doesn't have one
    you already can't, apparently.
    if you keep on sleeping on your stomach, try having your pillow next to you so that your head and the shoulder you are looking towards are supported by it but the back shoulder isn't. that makes it easier for the neck (about back idk).
    if you want to force yourself to sleep on your back, simply put the ankle of one foot under the other knee, while lying on your back obviously. this will make it impossible to turn to either side, and you won't be able to pull your foot out accidentally while asleep either. still will make for worse sleep quality till you're used to it, though

  17. 7 months ago

    I fall asleep in 4 then switch to 2 sometime in the middle of the night. Protip: Don't be fat.

    >Position 1 and 2 cut off circulation to whatever arm I'm resting on, or I position myself with the other arm draped over my chest and it constricts my breathing.
    You could try to keep your arms in front of your chest rather than under your head and on your chest. Hug a pillow if you have to.

  18. 7 months ago

    I used to be able to sleep on my stomach. Can't do it anymore because it is extremely uncomfortable on my neck. Not sure what changed exactly but I miss it.

  19. 7 months ago

    I sleep like this (without the pillow between my legs)
    And it fricking sucks, the arm I'm lying on gets crushed and my face is smooshed into the pillow so I can only breathe thru one nostril

    • 7 months ago

      lay on your side with a pillow between your leg. Have the top arm under your head like pic rel, but put the low arm down by your legs. This has been the best position i have found, no shoulder pain, it just works

      • 7 months ago

        I'll try tonight anon

  20. 7 months ago

    find a pillow that works. Try no pillow even.

  21. 7 months ago

    I sleep like nosferatu, down to crossing my arms over my chest. It's comfy.

  22. 7 months ago

    I snore when I sleep on my back.

    • 7 months ago

      What if you don't use a pillow

  23. 7 months ago

    I sleep on my back with my hands in my pockets.

  24. 7 months ago

    Do you guys hug a pillow when you sleep?

    • 7 months ago

      I am a side sleeper usually and I keep a longer pillow between my knees
      that probably doesn't count as hugging tho
      do you still suck your thumb while you sleep?

  25. 7 months ago

    >Sleep like example 1
    >In the morning both my calfs and feet feel like theres no blood fl9w and are super stiff. Can barley walk.
    >Sleep like number 3 and have very intense nightmares

  26. 7 months ago

    >implying you have any control over what your body does when you are asleep
    doesn't matter how I chose to go to bed, I will end up on my stomach

    • 7 months ago

      You can remain in your side if you use a maternity pillow or other barrier. Same deal if you were to sleep in a recliner or in the driver's seat of a car. There's nowhere to turn to.

      >tfw sleep apnea

      Recliner. Anything propped up makes a night and day difference. I sleep best in the driver's seat of my truck, but that's not a good cultural fit for a married man.

  27. 7 months ago

    >tfw sleep apnea

  28. 7 months ago

    one time I woke up and my entire body had a pins and needles feeling that would intensify when I moved. weird

  29. 7 months ago

    I sleep on my stomach with my arms out in front of me and feet hanging off the bed but I've tried for years to learn how to sleep on my back and no matter how tired I am or how long I lay there I can't fall asleep. Second I turn on my stomach I'm out

  30. 7 months ago

    3rd position is for small dicklets

  31. 7 months ago


  32. 7 months ago

    Can't be bothered to read this but pay attention to the posistion of your shoulder. That's the differnce between 1 and 2. If you rotate your shoulder in you'll gravitate to one. If you rotate it out and place your weight behind it slightly it shouldn't cut off circulation unless you're obese. An easy way to check this is to put your hand on same side hand on the top of your shoulder thumb facing out and find the then move your upper arm up or down while laying on it to find the exact angle it's most comfortable. If you can't do this it's probably your shoulder mobility that's fricking with your sleep posture.

  33. 7 months ago

    All those are wrong because they use a pillow AKA pussy pad. Pillows are the worst thing ever invented. Do you ever see a gorilla climb up into his tree dragging a pillow? No! Throw the pussy pad out! You don’t need it!

    • 7 months ago

      Yes a gorilla has never rested its head on anything ever

  34. 7 months ago

    I’m the 2nd and it feels great

  35. 7 months ago

    if you cant sleep on the floor in whatever position you want then your body is fricked and you are disgusting and broken

  36. 7 months ago

    >put a pillow between your knees
    So how did people sleep for a hundred thousand years before that? Is that why caveman types died in their late 20's?

    • 7 months ago

      Huddled together the best pillow is another human. Also that's based on jomon they had a ton of dietary deficiencies because of where they lived it's also probably why they never really got past the hunter gatherer stage for some 15k years until other people came in with non-native crops. Weirdest sleepers were tibetans. Who'd sleep curled up into a ball but face down because it minimized heatloss.

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