>literally meth
>how is this shit legal
You fricking lied to me, DMAA is so fricking underwhelming. it was just a few hours of being slightly less sleepy and resting heart rate increasing from ~65 to 110-120, not even any stimulating effect, it actually calmed me down, if anything.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Congrats you have ADHD

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        not him but I have adhd and stimulants actually calm me down and help me concentrate or relax

        • 9 months ago

          I always wondered if I have ADHD too. It's incredibly difficult for me to get down to do something, I've been putting some things off for years trying to start everyday, but when I actually do and become immersed, I literally can't stop and e.g. can spend 30+ hours straight on some problem

          • 9 months ago

            Adhd is often misdiagnosed and it's overall believed to be grossly underdiagnosed.
            Don't discount having it just because you aren't "hyperactive" or you're able to concentrate on some things sometimes. It's way more complicated than that.

            it wasn't jack3ed specifically, I bought 50mg DMAA + 20mg DMHA tablets

            50mg is kinda low, most dmaa preworkouts will have 80-120
            Also source on the tablets?

            • 9 months ago

              Golden Labs, bought it on the local Amazon knockoff

      • 9 months ago

        if you have ADHD your brain reacts differently to stimulants.

        • 9 months ago

          imagine being this gullible lmao.

          • 9 months ago

            I have adhd, what he said is true. Some stimulants make me sleepy, like caffeine mixed with sugar. Whereas a lot of my friends need caffeine in the morning just to function properly.
            There is probably something different about the neurochemistry of a person with adhd.

          • 9 months ago

            >imagine being this gullible lmao.
            I love how IST usd o be about health, and still is.
            You guysare on board when it comes to your body being sick, but you don't belive that the brain can be sick?

            Ever talked to a Schizo face to face?
            Ever heard of Alzihmers or Parkinsons' disease?
            There's hundreds of brain illnesses we know about, bu when someone talks about mental health, all of a sudden, Scientific consensus goes out the window?

            Yeah Roid Rage is otally real, but people having a problem conctentrating because her dopamine circuits are dysfunctonnal, all of a sudden we shouldn' trust doctors?
            The same exact doctors you us whe talking about how Obesity is bad for you?

            IST users wll even say that obesity fricks with your brain's health, but then when you point ou that it mans menal illness is areal thing, all of sudden you get defensive.

            You either accept Scientific Consensus or you don't, but being a cherrypicking hypocrit is cringe as frick.

            • 9 months ago

              yeah, IST is one the lowest IQ boards. the meathead stereotype didn't come out of nowhere. having an exchange with someone where you can literally feel he doesn't even have mental capacity to follow an argument, or that even basic figures of speech go over his head, almost never happens on other boards, but is commonplace on IST nowadays

      • 9 months ago

        >You fricking lied to me, DMAA is so fricking underwhelming

        >Congrats you have ADHD
        Fricking Kek.

        It's true tho, he's right.
        I can elaborate and educate you and others ITT.
        I know ADHD well because I've been diagnosed officially, soI knowhow it feels like and I also resarched it a lot, on top of a lot of discussions with shrinks and other people with ADHD.

        Basically, ADHD is caused by a Dopamine imbalance in the brain.
        Examples of this are plenty, but the one that illustrates it the best is the Inability to chose Delayed Gratification over Instant Gratification.
        People with ADHD will always chose a lesser reward that is instantaneous over a better reward where they have to wait patiently.
        This leads people with ADHD to have addictive tendencies, way more than normal people.
        If you want more description, I cangive more, but for now that's enough.

        Next, Amphetamines.
        It might sound counterintuitive to give amhpetamines to someone's who's hyperactive, but it works because they regulate dopamine very effectively.
        Stimulants, even less powerful ones like Coffee, if they regulate Dopamine, they will calm someone with ADHD, instead of getig them more excited.

        Ritalin or Adderal are the 2 main drugs used for this purpose, on kids because their brain is maleable, and can be definitively cured if done correctly and early enough.
        It's basically Micro-dosing amphetamines to kids to have a chance to cure them.

        For you to be diagnosed, you need to experience most of the symptoms associated with ADHD, not just one or two, that's not enough.
        Symptoms include :
        - Constant Flow of New and Instrusive ideas/thoughts, and Wishing you had a "Off switch" for your brain.
        - Being VERY impulsive
        - Talking way too much and constantly interupting others
        - Being easily distracted
        - Lack of patience
        - Incapable of delaying gratification
        - Lack of sense of Danger
        - Constantly changing tasks
        and more.

        OP, listen carefully.
        I was in your shoes, around 5 - 6 years ago.
        I had suspicions about having ADHD, but it wasn't until I listened to someone telling about their experience with it that it clicked.
        This is probably you right now, so listen up real good :
        When going to get checked out by a Doctor, you have virtually, nothing to lose, unless you're in the US, in that case i will cost money, obviously.

        The Good thing about going to the Doctor, is that you have literally nothing to lose.
        At worst ; you have no mental illness, good for you, and you sacrificed an hour or two for this visit.
        At best : you do have some light mental illness lik ADHD, and nowyou can start the process of overcoming and healing that illness.

        Peope are an irrational fear of Psychiatry, because we're all scared to be locked up in an asylum. Undrstandable but unrealistic, unless you're litteralky a walking danger to society (or yourself if you're hghly suicidal).
        So you'll be fine.

        Doctors are there to help.
        Doctors become doctors so that they can help and heal people like you and me.
        I have yet to meet a doctor that was trying to make things worse instead of better.
        Everyone accepts the idea that when your body is sick, you go to the doctor.
        But for some reason we never stop to think if our brains are sck or no and if w should go to the brain-doctor for that.

        Once you're diagnosed, you just need to find the right Psychiatrst for you, and also the right molecule / medicine for you, as people have different reactions to different molecules.
        So if you hav a bad reaction, like I did, to the first pill they prescribd, you obviously needto change to another one.

        Again, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
        Don't listen to anonymous terminally online morons on a yak fetish forum, instead listen to the people who've studied their entire lives the topic of dealing with people's mental illness.

        • 9 months ago

          Reddit, ADHD does not exist.
          t. Shows mpst "symptoms"

          • 9 months ago

            >Reddit, ADHD does not exist.
            Okay so is Alzeihmers fake?
            Is Parkinsons also fake?
            Is Schizophrenia also fake?
            Is Bipolarism also fake?
            Is Paranoia fake?
            Is Narcissism fake?
            Is Autism fake?
            Is body dysmorphia fake?
            Is Depression fake?
            Is Roid rage fake?
            Is Multiple Personality Disorder fake?
            IS Obessive-Compulsive Disorder / OCD fake?
            Are Phobias fake?
            Is Psychopathy fake?
            Is Sociopathy fake?
            Is PTSD fake?
            Is Dyslexia fake?
            Is Tourette's Syndrome fake?
            Is Narcolepsy fake?
            Is Dementia fake?
            Is Delirium fake?
            Is Amnesia fake?
            Is Addiction fake?
            I could go on and on.

            See, you don't get o pick and chose "Which illness is real and which isn't.
            They're either all real or none of them are, because they'r all mental disorders.
            You already accept 99% of menal disorders, but the one that makes it difficul to concentrate is for some unknown reason fake?

            At least try to argue or prove your point.
            But you won't because you have no actually valid argument.

            • 9 months ago

              >See, you don't get o pick and chose "Which illness is real and which isn't.
              >They're either all real or none of them are, because they'r all mental disorders.
              What a moron. I just made up a mental disorder that makes you post moronic and gay shit called moronohomo. You've got it. It's real because the others are real.

              • 9 months ago

                I have moronhomosexual too, the symptoms are enjoying posts like yours

              • 9 months ago

                literally the most reddit post ive ever seen

                All I see is Cope and Seethe.

                I made a valid point and you have no argument, except "you soundlik Reddit".
                Is that the best you got?
                Gotta do better than this to break me down.

                It's Okay, I've dealt with Medical / Science / Mntal Health Deniers since day 1.
                You have literally no argument and have to resort to Ad Hominem / Name-calling.

                If you had a valid argument, you would have sad it by now.

              • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              literally the most reddit post ive ever seen

        • 9 months ago

          >Once you're diagnosed, you just need to find the right Psychiatrst for you, and also the right molecule / medicine for you, as people have different reactions to different molecules.
          I'm probably too old for it, I'm 35 and my brain isn't maleable anymore

          • 9 months ago

            >I'm probably too old for it, I'm 35 and my brain isn't maleable anymore
            No, that's not true.
            You took what I said out of context.

            I'm 30 myself.
            I was diagnosed at around 27.
            Neuroplasticity stops(slows down heavily) at age 25.
            And despite that, the diagnoss, care and medicine savd my fricking life.

            It's Amphetamines that will only work when young.
            There's TONS of other drugs you can be prescribed, depending on which symptoms are the most problematic.

            I have Bipolarism +ADHD, and hey overlap a little / have the same root problem (dopamine).
            I take Qutiapine, a Anti-psychotic and Mood regulator. Used for regulating my mood.
            My life has undergone incredible changes since I started treatment.
            I quite literally saved my life.

            You. Have. Nothing. To. Lose.
            Trust me. Mental illness is lik a dirty word, no one wants to be mentally ill.
            No one wants to admi their brain might have a problem, we feel too smart and are too proud to admit we might have a problem.
            Put your pride aside.
            This is about your health.
            Treat yourself like you would treat someone you love and care for, like your own child.
            If there was the slightest chance your own son had a mental illness, you would be dragging him by the hand to the shrink, wether he liked i or not.

            Treat yourself like you would treat someone you love.
            Be the better person.
            No one is going to shame you for aking care of your own mental health.
            Imagine you broke your leg, and had too much pride to go to the hospital.
            That's how you're acting, it's your brain, not your leg that's broken.

            Remember : You have absolutely nothing to lose and eveything to gain.
            If you do end up being diagnosed, your life will be improved so much so, you'll tink "Why didn't I do this earlier".
            I've been there.
            I was you not so long ago.
            I hope you'll be me someday.
            Good luck and please take care.

        • 9 months ago

          >Doctors are there to help.
          >Doctors become doctors so that they can help and heal people like you and me.
          >I have yet to meet a doctor that was trying to make things worse instead of better.
          what about the vaxx and gaslighting people having legitimate concerns/adverse reactions, while having no idea if this novel substances actually work or are safe, just because it was the politically correct and lucrative stance at the time?

          • 9 months ago

            >what about the vaxx and gaslighting people having legitimate concerns/adverse reactions
            That's the government.
            Not really the doctors.
            The Doctors didn't want to force anyone to do aything.

            Listen carefully.
            I'll take Canada as example : Th Government consulted the Top Canadian healht experts of what to do about COVID / Lockdowns / Vaccines.
            The doctors made a report and shared their opininon. The Canadian government ignored it and instead based their policires on public opinion, not medical professional's opinions.

            Stop blaming the doctors for what Politicians did. Also Big Pharma is not "Doctors".
            They did corrupt officials, but Pzifer is not "a doctor".
            In fact, doctors medical professionals
            and people with doctorates were the people who were the most skeptical of using an experimental DNA-altering vaccine for the first time on a worldwide scale.

            Some doctors were bootlickers or corrupt, like Fauci, but really they were a small minority.

            Yes, people who become doctors do it to help others. It's a very difficult and emotionally exhausting job, having the stress of saving people's live or risk killing them with a simple mistake.

            Have you ever talked to a doctor?
            Next time you see a doctor, asking why he wanted to be a Doctor. I'll be proven right each and every time.

            Also, just because someone like Fauci is miguided abou vaccine side effects, doesn't mean that in heir head they're not thinking of helping people.
            Fauci must have legitimately thought he as saving lives by imposing lockdowns and trying to force people to tak the vaxx, because some people, like youg children, are immunocompromised or simply can't be given vaccines because they're too young.

            You might not like their actions, but I'm sure they had good intentions.
            If you think Doctors have bad intentions, then prove it. I'll wait.

        • 9 months ago

          Doctors do not work to help people. They work to keep people productive. That is their only function. They know that sitting for hours a day is bad for you and instead of telling you to change our society they give you pain pills. If you hold the totally rational position that you don't want to work for a system that hates you they will shuffle you between psychiatrics and therapists and diagnose you with some random mental illness not because you actually have a problem with yourself but with the world. Their entire job is to hammer stray pieces in to the capitalist slave system. And if they can't do that they will lock you in a asylum.

    • 9 months ago

      quite possibly this
      i don't understand how your resting heart rate could DOUBLE without you noticing any stimulation whatsoever. either i don't understand the mechanisms of DMAA or you have some kind of medical abnormality.

      • 9 months ago

        my heart rate sometimes does it by itself. when I look at the heart rate history on my garmin watch from a day I spend sitting in front of a computer, it's sometimes 55 for a few hours in the morning, then jumps to 100 for no reason

        • 9 months ago

          >my heart rate sometimes does it by itself
          let me guess, you're eat a dozen eggs a day?

          • 9 months ago

            no, I rarely eat any eggs lately. don't even know why, because I really like them

    • 9 months ago

      >You fricking lied to me, DMAA is so fricking underwhelming

      >Congrats you have ADHD
      Fricking Kek.

      not him but I have adhd and stimulants actually calm me down and help me concentrate or relax

      if you have ADHD your brain reacts differently to stimulants.

      imagine being this gullible lmao.

      It's true tho, he's right.


      I can elaborate and educate you and others ITT.
      I know ADHD well because I've been diagnosed officially, soI knowhow it feels like and I also resarched it a lot, on top of a lot of discussions with shrinks and other people with ADHD.

      Basically, ADHD is caused by a Dopamine imbalance in the brain.
      Examples of this are plenty, but the one that illustrates it the best is the Inability to chose Delayed Gratification over Instant Gratification.
      People with ADHD will always chose a lesser reward that is instantaneous over a better reward where they have to wait patiently.
      This leads people with ADHD to have addictive tendencies, way more than normal people.
      If you want more description, I cangive more, but for now that's enough.

      Next, Amphetamines.
      It might sound counterintuitive to give amhpetamines to someone's who's hyperactive, but it works because they regulate dopamine very effectively.
      Stimulants, even less powerful ones like Coffee, if they regulate Dopamine, they will calm someone with ADHD, instead of getig them more excited.

      Ritalin or Adderal are the 2 main drugs used for this purpose, on kids because their brain is maleable, and can be definitively cured if done correctly and early enough.
      It's basically Micro-dosing amphetamines to kids to have a chance to cure them.

      For you to be diagnosed, you need to experience most of the symptoms associated with ADHD, not just one or two, that's not enough.
      Symptoms include :
      - Constant Flow of New and Instrusive ideas/thoughts, and Wishing you had a "Off switch" for your brain.
      - Being VERY impulsive
      - Talking way too much and constantly interupting others
      - Being easily distracted
      - Lack of patience
      - Incapable of delaying gratification
      - Lack of sense of Danger
      - Constantly changing tasks
      and more.

      • 9 months ago

        >- Being VERY impulsive
        >- Talking way too much and constantly interupting others
        >- Being easily distracted
        >- Lack of patience
        >- Incapable of delaying gratification
        >- Lack of sense of Danger
        >- Constantly changing tasks
        >and more.
        Sounds just like kids being kids.

        • 9 months ago

          >Sounds just like kids being kids.
          You're talking about young kids. I'm not.
          There's early warning sgns in young kids, but it really kicks off with puberty.
          You're supposed to be in control of yourself when you're 15. You're almost an adul at that point.
          Being incapable to concentrate on a task that lasts more than 10min is not normal anon.

          I gave examples that apply for both kids and adults. If you want I can continue with he symptoms, and differentiate Adult ADHD wth Child ADHD.

          Symptoms in children :
          - Depression
          - Anxiety Disorder
          - Disruptive behavior.
          - Sleep problems
          - Some even hav learning difficulties like dyslexia.

          In adults :
          - Carelessness / dangerous behavior
          - Always starting new tasks before finishing old ones
          - poor organisational skills
          - inability to focus or prioritise
          - continually losing or misplacing things
          - forgetfulness
          - restlessness and edginess
          - difficulty keeping quiet, and speaking out of turn
          - blurting out responses and often interrupting others
          - mood swings, irritability and a quick temper
          - inability to deal with stress
          - extreme impatience
          - taking risks in activities, often with little or no regard for personal safety or the safety of others

          And when I list those things, it's not "a little bt" ti's A LOT.

          Have youever experienced a Brain in Overdrive?
          That's how ADHD FEELS like.
          Before treatement, I was having ideas and thoughts way too rapidly, quick succession, tangents in all directions, maki,g it impossible to stick to a single subject.
          It's a LOT, not a little. It's VERY intense and for me it was ALL the time.
          You don' know how it feels to be me.
          So go suck a dick.

          It's hard to know if you're normal or not, if others experience the same things as you.
          Realizing they don't s the Click you need to understand you're not normal.

          I can go into more detail, if you're interested.
          But you're probably just a dickhead, so if you're not interested, I won't bother.

          • 9 months ago

            >anon says a single sentence
            >this moron throws a tantrum and writes up a whole paragraph

            • 9 months ago


              Serious topics require serious responses.
              I proved you homosexuals wrong and now you're being defensive and trying to flip the script.
              Accept you've lost the argument and move one.

      • 9 months ago

        I've been diagnosed with adhd and I don't have a problem with instant gratification.
        My only real addictions are chocolate and sex because they're nice. I've tried a shitload of substances and drugs and never got addicted to them. I can quit caffeine cold turkey whenever I want. I've tried weed, different alcohols, actual amphetamine a few times, nicotine, cocaine - nothing got me hooked. Meanwhile some good chocolate will have my knees weak and my brain fired up from all the dopamine.
        Might be something else going on in my brain too, though, not just adhd.

        • 9 months ago

          >I've been diagnosed with adhd and I don't have a problem with instant gratification.
          That's normal, as symptoms vary from person to person.

          >My only real addictions are chocolate and sex because they're nice
          That's sweet.
          I used to also basically have the sex addiction.
          Hypersexual, which would be the scientific term for that.
          I was really sexually promiscuous and basically
          almost unable to be faitful and not cheat on my girlfriends.
          It's one of those things where you think everyone else is as horny as you but they're not.
          I mean, alot of men are dog when it comes to sex, but when you're hyprsexual it'son another level.

          Another way of defining ADHD is impulsivity.
          Compulsive is where you hav no choice.
          Impulsive is where it's very hard to resist but not impossible.
          People with ADHD live their entire lives based on being impulsive.

          >nothing got me hooked. Meanwhile some good chocolate will have my knees weak and my brain fired up from all the dopamine.
          That's actually very interesting.
          For me, my only vice is weed.
          All my other vices, like promiscuity went away when I started treatement.
          Weed is now my one and only vice.
          While weed migh alleviate symptoms in the short term, it will make things worse long term if you're under age 21 whn you smoke.

          For me, other drugs also didn't make me addicted. Only weed really. Which I guess is no too bad considering what people who do hard drugs have to go through.*

          >Might be something else going on in my brain too, though, not just adhd.
          For me, Bipolarism, Type 1 : Hypomaniac.
          You should maybe look into it.
          Bipolarism is a step up above ADHD. And above that is Schizophrenia.
          Bipolar is were my hypersexualiy came from.
          It's mood swings basically.
          You can go from very intense positive emotions, being exstatic, to havy depression in a very short amount of time.
          And also it feels like every emotion is multiplied by 10, compared to normal people.

      • 9 months ago

        >Basically, ADHD is caused by a Dopamine imbalance in the brain.

        Stopped reading right there.
        Stop being fricked by the ~~*pharma*~~ industry

      • 9 months ago

        yeah thats a hypothesis, not fact

    • 9 months ago

      it wasn't dmaa

      i am legally diagnosed with add and original jack and mesomorph made me euphoric

      /shit thread

  2. 9 months ago

    You always have to account for
    >normies having low tolerances
    >people repeating shit without having experience
    >fitness memes
    >zoomers overdosing everything

  3. 9 months ago

    When I was a TA there was this dipshit guy that came into the tutoring center and he was always out of his mind on some dumb shit like OP. One day he came in and gave me a French press coffee maker thing and offered me some cocaine. He didn’t think I would actually say yea to the cocaine, but I did. We got really fricking high. Did two 8 balls over the night between us and his girlfriend. He let me frick his girlfriend too. It was some wild shit. Very weird guy.

    • 9 months ago

      he really is a bros before hoes kinda guy.

  4. 9 months ago

    did you actually get the dmaa version

    • 9 months ago

      it wasn't jack3ed specifically, I bought 50mg DMAA + 20mg DMHA tablets

  5. 9 months ago

    No one says this is literal meth
    It’s just an overhyped avg pre

    • 9 months ago

      I've seen posts claiming exactly that.
      in reality it works exactly like ephedrine

  6. 9 months ago

    Its hard to find anymore those with dmaa because theyre fake

  7. 9 months ago

    I just ordered myself some. I might have a bit of ADHD, really hoping this will help me concentrate, but would just settle for a solid ingredient to add to my pre-workout.

  8. 9 months ago

    I took Mesomorph and I could do a 2 hour workout with insane volume and hitting all kinds of PRs and still feel like I could run a marathon afterwards

  9. 9 months ago

    LOL that product looks super fake. Most products today dont carry DMAA. Go here and cop some real dmha dmaa hitters.

    • 9 months ago

      I actually just picked up the Dark labs Crack Gold last week. First time with a pre workout. Tried it twice, once in the morning and once on another day about 1600 before gym.
      I’m fairly sure it affected my sleep badly after the 1600 session so maybe a morning only thing but I haven’t confirmed through another test yet.
      I’d agree it has an effect. Definitely upped heart rate and I take a lot of caffeine anyway so it’s not just that.
      Overall expensive so I’m not sure if I’d get any more pre-workout yet, I’ll need to test again to see how much it helps but definitely increases motivation and energy.

      • 9 months ago

        DMAA is not that different from pill caffeine. Ephedrine/Bronkaid at least has a nasty taste and you can have nausea if you overdose.

    • 9 months ago

      Golden Labs is basically an identical company and both are Polish

  10. 9 months ago

    >resting heart rate doubles
    Anon that is an extreme effect.

  11. 9 months ago

    It's the strongest one available, try a smaller dose in the afternoon next time.

  12. 9 months ago

    Same with Finasteride. Internet makes a shitshow from EVERYTHING.

  13. 9 months ago

    Did you have 2010ish era formula Jack3D or just DMAA? With how poorly regulated things were back then I genuinely think they used to put other shady shit into that pre.

    This is coming from

  14. 9 months ago

    Is this shit any good? I'm new at lifting ( 5-6 months ) and I'm looking for a preworkout.

    • 9 months ago

      preworkouts that work:
      nicotine pouches, you'll sweat a lot and need to drink more liquids, works for 1-2 hours
      some prescribed stuff like methylphenidate also works but getting it just for that is moronic imho not advising that

      • 9 months ago

        have a nice day you unfunny troony

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