Does this stuff do anything. My therapist told me to try it

Does this stuff do anything. My therapist told me to try it

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    I think it boosts DHT making you bald.

    • 9 months ago

      frick me. I just canceled my order thanks. I'm already on fin and min not trying to become more bald.

      Therapists are fricking idiots

      It's not that big a deal. She just mentioned it off hand, not like it would solve all my problems.

      • 9 months ago

        It really does nothing but maybe increase anxiety in some people. Some claim it lowers
        Test studies are bs

      • 9 months ago

        Why did you take a womans opinion into consideration you fricking idiot. It doesnt matter she went to some moronic meme university, shes a woman and she doesnt know shit, and know even less of mens health. Go to a non liberal man therapist. I stopped going to homosexual doctors and went to a based old skool psychiatrist. Ive never felt better. He says things like they are, no sugaring them or cushioning them. That moronic b***h told you to take that shit because she read it on facebook from some other roastie who is also fricking clueless

    • 9 months ago

      It boost hole in your mom pussy

    • 9 months ago

      >I think it boosts DHT making you bald.
      No that's not true at all.
      Post SOME source.
      I've read about secondary effects and no one ever mentions this. YOu're confused with Creatine probably.

      Does this stuff do anything. My therapist told me to try it

      >Does this stuff do anything. My therapist told me to try it
      It's pretty cool.
      I'll explain what it does;

      First and foremost : it's a good Health supplement because it's an adaptogen.
      What that means is that Ashhagandha promote Homeostasis. Meaning it balances the natural processes in your body.
      For example, people with immune system issus healed with this.
      If the immune system was too weak, it boosted it, and if it was too agressive, it would calm it down.
      So Homeostasis, that's a HUGE health boost, and helps your body functon properly.

      2- Testosterone Boost.
      Ash boosts test by reducing Cortisol.
      Cortisol and Testosterone are antagonists, they are both hormones made with the same bulding blocks, so they compete for the same ressource.
      If you lower Cortisol, it automatically boosts Testosterone.

      3- By reducng Cortisol, it reduces stress. So ash has a great effect on people's mood, making thm lss likely to be stressed out, and if hey do stress, it will be more manageable.
      Side effect of this means it that after a few months, you might fell less empathtic and you care less about stuff.

      4- Helps people sleep better.

      5- It directly stimulates the Thyrroid gland to produce hormones, like luteinizing hormone. It will improve muscle building a bit by this mechanism.

      Avoid taking it early in the morning, because that's when your cortisol peak happens and it's a natural processt that needs to happen so don't try to block the morning cortisol spike.
      While some people find it easier to go to sleep after taking it, for others it makes them restless, so also aovid taking i right before sleep.
      I take mine in early afternoon, a few hours before workout.

      DO NOTE that these effects are real but it's not a fricking steroid.

      • 9 months ago

        I'll cont a bit.

        So I was saying the effects are real, documented from studies, but not incredible.
        The change to testostrone is not gong to be as drastic as roids.
        Ashwagandha works best on people who are defficient in Testostrone. The more defficient the more the increase.
        If you're a 20 year old guy who's already maxed out his Testostrone production by being super healthy, not much is going to happen, Test-wise.

        Also Cycle that b***h or your body gs usd to it.
        You can do 2 days off per week, or take it for 2 months and stop for 1, then repeat.
        What I personally like to do is switch between Ashwagandha and Tongkat Ali, as they are both decent Test boosters and do good stuff for your health.

        SO I do like 2 months on Ash, 1 month on Tongkat Ali.

        Here's a Video, wh all you need to know + studies / sources.

        He also makes video o othr stuff, like Tongkat Ali if you're interested.

        My advice, is to also have a daily MultiVitamin., because the biggest Test Booster is reaching your Vitamin D daily requrement.
        So take a Multivtamin.
        Then add Ashwagandha and/or Tongkat Ali.
        And finally I also take Boron, 7mg per day.

        Boron is a great supplement for Testosterone, as it greatly increases Free Testosterone, as around 98% of your Testosterone is bounded, which makes it only usable in sex organs.
        Free Testosterone, is what will affect muscle building.

        So, for optimal Test Boost, I do, everyday :
        - Multivitamin (+ minerals)
        - Either Ashwagandha or Tongka Ali, in a cycle
        - Boron supplement. (Between 7mg and 15mg. But realisticly try o stay under 10mg. Above 10 is for fixing problems, not just supplementation/test boost).

        Unrelated I take 1 gramo of Omega 3 fatty acids.
        Why? Because Regular Exercise + Vitamin D + Omega 3 Supplement is the only Cancer Prevention Technique we know about (appart from stop smoking).
        Individually, it's not effective, bu altogether reduces chance of getting cancer by 70%.

  2. 9 months ago

    i dont recommend it, it gave me anhedonia after a couple days. try Longjack if you want a test boost without nuking your emotion

    • 9 months ago

      take it if you're a mopey gay i guess though

    • 9 months ago

      How long do you have to jack?

  3. 9 months ago

    Therapists are fricking idiots

  4. 9 months ago

    It won't hurt you. It won't raise you testosterone to significant levels. Unless your testosterone is near zero it won't be very different

  5. 9 months ago

    It gave me night terrors

  6. 9 months ago

    I would drop your therapist, obviously pedaling supplement of the month bs lol what a pathetic profession

  7. 9 months ago

    Not a fan of the Pajeet spices. Tried Ashwaganda and it made me uninterested in everything in life, even lifting.

    It literally makes you numb to everything in life and not even numb in a good "I don't give a shit" way. It makes you a total zombie that doesn't want anything to do with anything. Just lie down and die bro. It also killed my sex drive.

    • 9 months ago

      yep its like that for most except less extreme. it does increase gains but not worth it. emotions make life worth living without them your undead.

      • 9 months ago

        >it does increase gains
        >no you see it decreases cortisol so you recover faster
        doubt, there's pharmacy drugs that nuke your cortisol and bodybuilders used to take it until they realized it just made them sleep all day and did jack shit otherwise. John Meadows talked about it a little.

        • 9 months ago

          there are scientific studies on it. like 50% more gains from if ibremember correctly 300 or 600mg daily. it boost testosterone by small amount 20% or so and it decreases cortisol. plus it does something with gaba and bodybuilders supposedly use ghb for gains... still i recommend against taking it. emotional numbness is probably worse than sensitive depression.

  8. 9 months ago

    It doesn't do anything that will actually "fix" you. If you have a GABA deficiency then you should get theanine since gaba supplementation is pretty much a scam while theanine actually works.

    • 9 months ago

      Or you could not be a Black person and get 10x the benefits with the real thing instead of ingesting some isolated meme compound.

      • 9 months ago

        I just literally said supplementing gaba doesn't work. Go ask a pharmacist you dipshit and they'll tell you exactly what I said, moron. Oral GABA doesn't work.

        • 9 months ago

          >I can't read
          Pottery. Go buy a 10 year supply of theanine for all I care, dumb b***h.

          • 9 months ago

            You literally cannot read.
            >supplementing the real thing doesn't work
            You're the dumbest person I've communicated with on IST in weeks. Go invest more money on your scam Amazon supplements while you think you're "sticking it" to big pharma while there's shit in tea that actually works, fricking moron. Get that amazon wiener out of your mouth

  9. 9 months ago

    Yea gives you pancreatitis

  10. 9 months ago

    Similar effects to any GABAergic and despite building tolerance almost immediately is still very weak.

  11. 9 months ago

    It works but:
    >It's subtle
    >You have to take it regularly for at least a week before it kicks in
    >You have to buy the good stuff

  12. 9 months ago

    it does some frickery with your t3 and t4 hormones. it also lowers cortisol and thats why people take it. but it doesnt boost test or anything. i doubt it helps build muscle at all. it has a calming effect on some people. which is probably related to the cortisol being lowered.

  13. 9 months ago

    If your t is lower due to stress it will help.

  14. 9 months ago

    been taking it for about half a year now.
    with a stops of a few days in between to see if there was an effect.
    there was. not what I inteded at first, but there was.

    with ashwagandha I was calmer. I did not lash out quite as easily as I usually would. that was good. being more relaxed was pleasant.
    but the biggest difference for me was my fricking cum and orgasms.
    orgasms would also be more relaxed, but somehow more intense.
    and the loads were easily twice as much as normal.
    if I didnt take ash for 1 day my cum loads would go back to normal levels near instantly. 600mg a day and I would come buckets.

    other than those 2 differences there was nothing I could point my finger on.
    still taking it since being calmer and cuming buckets is well worth it. ash is very cheap.

  15. 9 months ago

    Made me legit impotent and uncaring about anything for a month. Luckly it went away, I thought I have broken dick forever. Don't trust the pajeet herbs and spices, they can seriously frick you up.

    • 9 months ago

      why the frick are you lying, you Black person?

      • 9 months ago

        Found the browncel.

  16. 9 months ago

    don't take it if your'e already a little bit nuts, ended up hitting on everyone at the gym and getting hyper sexual.
    Did end up fricking a trainer at a gym 4 hours away, she wasn't a 10 and she did end up telling everyone I was a piece of shit but it's whatever.
    Honestly even creatine messes with my brain.
    Crazy bros be careful with supplements.
    psychosis helps you train harder but there are social costs

  17. 9 months ago

    I'm taking it for two weeks, still not feeling anything. I just want to lower my stress levels and get better sleep. I'm also taking Maca for a month, also not feeling much, except a bit higher libido than usual.
    how long should you take these two to feel something?

    • 9 months ago

      Ive been having it for 3 weeks and I swear it doesnt do shit, i dont feel anything from it, no positive or negative side effects, pretty sure I got scammed

      I have bipolar and insomnia. I've tried tons of antipsychotics and SSRI's but have not had much luck. Same with prescription sleep meds.

      I've been taking ashwagandha for about 10 days now (twice a day per bottle instructions). And haven't noticed anything. Maybe I'm a little calmer, but it's such a small difference idk if it can be attributed to the ashwagandha. Going to finish out the bottle and see if I notice anything coming off it.

  18. 9 months ago

    Ive been having it for 3 weeks and I swear it doesnt do shit, i dont feel anything from it, no positive or negative side effects, pretty sure I got scammed

  19. 9 months ago

    "Ashwagandha" isn't even real. You've been had.

  20. 9 months ago

    >my therapist

  21. 9 months ago

    >Boron 6mg a day. Sometimes I take a couple of days off.
    >Magnesium Citrate (400mg a day)
    >Zinc, additional 30mg to A-Z, which already has 15mg. So I'm taking like 45mg of Zinc total(I also take Copper three times a week, just in case)
    >Cabergoline if I feel Prolactin creeping up on me

    >I eat liver at least once a week
    >I eat 3-4 eggs daily
    >Lots of Kefir and Milk

    Can something be added here? I'm 25, soon to be 26 and a former hardcore Alkie, yeah I know how that sounds,

    • 9 months ago

      You could add Tongkat Ali to your stack.
      Why? Because it blocks Oestrogens from working in your body and boosts testosterone.
      Why? Because you drink Milk and Kefir daily, and there's a high level of oestrogens in milk / dairy.
      That's what I would add.
      Oh and maybe a multivitamin, with or without minerals.
      The one I takes care of practically all micronutrients my body needs, in a single pill, which is pretty useful and convinient.

    • 9 months ago

      Spoonful of Apple Cider Vinegar first thing in the morning.

    • 9 months ago

      where tf are u getting cabergoline?

      • 9 months ago

        Dostinex. I'm an EUgay, so it's easy to get from pretty much all roidtroony websites.

        • 9 months ago

          sweet. what dose you on? any sides?

          • 9 months ago

            >what dose you on?
            Just the typical 0.25mg twice a week. 1 tab/week. Dostinex/Caber is strong, so you don't even have to take it all the time, if you don't have legit Prolactinoma/tumor. I take it, like I've said when I feel that something is off.
            >any sides?
            Being horny/more energy. Those are the only "side" effects.

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