>eat eggs bro. >cheapest way to get protien bro. >just boil them and eat like 20 a day

>eat eggs bro
>cheapest way to get protien bro
>just boil them and eat like 20 a day

Wtf this shit is disgusting how the hell am I supposed to do this

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  1. 9 months ago

    If you're working out then you should be hungry enough that the eggs taste good. Just space them out throughout the day. 20 eggs may be slightly excessive

    • 9 months ago

      20 is way too many surely

      I was told to get 1g of protien for every 1lb of body weight, so realistically I need 32 eggs but I cannot afford that.

      • 9 months ago

        you eat only eggs?

      • 9 months ago

        Beyond 0.6-0.7g has literally no effect, even for top athletes

        The 1g thing is a moron meme

        • 9 months ago

          I was told to get 1g of protien for every 1lb of body weight, so realistically I need 32 eggs but I cannot afford that.

          It's also 0.5-0.72g protein per one pound of LEAN BODY MASS. If you're 30% body fat and 200 lbs, that's 70g-100.8g protein per day. The higher end of this range is for pro athletes.

          • 9 months ago

            Pro athletes are not bodybuilding, they're not purposely inducing maximum hypertrophy. Bodybuilders universally consume massive amounts of protein because it's not possible to gain otherwise

            • 9 months ago

              >Bodybuilders universally consume massive amounts of protein because it's not possible to gain otherwise
              Nonsense. They consume that much because they want to cover all bases and tons of broscience

              The post you're replying to, moron, is referencing data on athletes who sure as frick are trying to build muscle optimally.

              • 9 months ago

                Athletes arenot trying to build maximum muscle. Why would you even think this?
                >Much studies
                I don't care. Anyone who has experimented with this knows you need more protein than that, the guys who actually succeed in putting on muscle literally universally agree

              • 9 months ago

                >Athletes arenot trying to build maximum muscle.
                Are you dull?

                Athletes want 1000 different things and only a fraction are marathon runners.

                And if you (went outside: impossible) asked any of them if they want to build muscle optimally, I can guarantee you most of them would say 100%.
                >Anyone who has experimented with this knows you need more protein than that
                You are not only gay and moronic but also fat. Not an authority on anything

              • 9 months ago

                You literally have never tried to bodybuild lol.

              • 9 months ago

                Your mom built a body with your dad's cum lmao.

              • 9 months ago

                I will re-iterate:

                >you are morbidly obese, homosexual, and autistic
                And if you're OP you're doubly moronic for eating a restrictive meme diet.

                Black and white thinking: Hallmark of autism.

              • 9 months ago

                0 cost habitation

              • 9 months ago

                If athletes are trying to build maximum muscle (which is what the guy you're replying to said), why don't more of them look like bodybuilders? Cretin.

              • 9 months ago

                >If athletes are trying to build maximum muscle (which is what the guy you're replying to said), why don't more of them look like bodybuilders?
                They do. Those are athletes you see in the gym, you dimwitted worm.

  2. 9 months ago

    I bet your farts smell like phosphorus

  3. 9 months ago

    20 is way too many surely

  4. 9 months ago

    >only 20

  5. 9 months ago

    boiled eggs are very unappealing. there's like a thousand better recipes. also if you want cheap protein, canned tuna, sardines and chicken are probably better depending on where you are

    • 9 months ago

      Boiled eggs mashed with some mustard and salt and pepper on toast are pretty good though

  6. 9 months ago

    >listening to ketolards

  7. 9 months ago

    Put them in a pickle jar with enough water to cover them.
    Viola, you now have eggshell free eggs.

    • 9 months ago

      Alternatively, put raw eggs in a blender for a bit.
      Boil water really hard.
      Drizzle the eggs slowly as to not reduce the boiling.
      Wahlah. Egg noodles

    • 9 months ago

      using some of those hours you've just saved me to thank you

      • 9 months ago
  8. 9 months ago

    the cheapest way to get protein is probably whey, not eggs.
    At least in my country, I can get 27.5g of protein per € using whey.
    In terms of eggs, it would net me about 21g of protein per €. Not counting extra calories that I'm not looking to get anyway.

  9. 9 months ago

    cheapness isnt the reason, its the cholesterol in the yolks spikes test. thats why they are so good for body building vs other type of protein.

    • 9 months ago

      I heard somewhere that egg protein is also more bioavailable to build muscle than other sources of protein.

      OP : Maybe instead of hard boiling try different methods. Some people cook in muffin pans... you could mix your eggs up, add 'toppings' if you want, and pour into muffin pans .

      • 9 months ago

        >egg protein is also more bioavailable to build muscle
        When you fart a cloud of doom you think you absorbed all of that?

      • 9 months ago

        possibly true, but not by an appreciable amount. i think eggs and whey are both like 99% available, beef 95%, milk 95%, etc.

        If you are going the egg route, protecting the yolk is the most important thing for getting the nutrients, for which Soft Boiled is the best method

  10. 9 months ago

    You didn't realize it would be terrible before you started? Are you moronic? You really should stay away from this board. Your feeble brain is too easily influenced.

  11. 9 months ago

    You don't just sit and eat boiled eggs you dunce!
    >have 2 or 4 with your bacon sunny side up
    >have a few hardboiled in your lunch salad or mix some in at the end when cooking a soup/stew
    >add a few raw eggs to your blender with your water or milk and whey
    >cook a few maranges and make delicious glazed pastry with the yolks or batter and bake some fish or chicken tendies

    • 9 months ago

      >functional human diet

      This board is for actual autists to LARP as fit people. moron

  12. 9 months ago

    >zoomers will eat butthole and dick but not eggs

  13. 9 months ago

    hardboiled eggs are disgusting, but softboiled eggs are heavenly

    it's a night/day difference

    • 9 months ago

      And what of good Solonius?

  14. 9 months ago

    Eggs fricked up my gut guys. I get extremely toxic, putrid gas whenever I eat now, and it lasts for hours. They're not small either, its like their enveloping my entire insides it feels like as their on the way out. I tried to take a probiotic thinking it would do nothing but good, and it somehow made it even worse. Wtf do I do? It happens when I eat anything now, and especially eggs. I started taking a digestive enzyme and it seems to help somewhat but its still doing it and I can't take a digestive enzyme every time I eat for the rest of my life can I? wtf happened to my gut.

    • 9 months ago

      likely e.coli or salmonella, maybe klebsiella

    • 9 months ago

      What's your fiber intake? Have you ever tried supplements? I'm pulling bro-science out my ass but non-soluble fiber is supposed to slow up the digestive process and make food sit in your stomach longer. It might give your body more time to work through the food in your stomach before it hits your large intestine and makes you start ripping ass.

      • 9 months ago

        I was eating low carb bread with my meals before for the high fiber in it, but it seemed like that was also making it worse so I stopped having that. I don't really have a specific fiber source I normally get now. I was eating a bunch of California mix veggies too which I also cut out cuz they seemed to be making it worse.

        • 9 months ago

          also food seems to feel like it sits right at the bottom of my stomach now, like I can feel the below my bellow button basically where my adonis belt is going down, in between that gets bloated and hard whenever I eat and stays like that for a long time. I also don't shit very much anymore and when I do its like rabbit shits that I have to force out hard.

    • 9 months ago

      You might've eaten a bad egg and fricked your gut biome. Whatever was in that egg must've wrecked the bacteria in your gut that was supposed to take care of the food, so now you get half-digested shits (hence the putrid smell of death).
      Eat things that are normally considered healthy and also contain a lot of bacteria. Drink some kefir and eat some normal bread (go to a bakery and get a normal ass bread, not some gimmicky "low cal bread"). Might be a good idea to also try eating some yeast (not the dry powdery kind, the wet kind that comes in the form of cubes). This could help repopulate your gut with lactobacillus and other helpful bacteria.
      But do know that you might also get cramps and diarrhea for a few days, so don't eat things that are calorie dense or could put too much pressure on your organs (no sugar, no oil, maybe a little animal fat, an absofrickinglutely no spirits. Maybe a beer or hard cider, but nothing above that in ABV.). Your gut is gonna be a warzone between whatever bacteria is living there and the bacteria you're introducing now.

      • 9 months ago

        Are you saying to get like some kind of freshly baked bread, like a baguette or something? Or could I just pick up a whole grain loaf of bread. I don't know if we even have kefir around here, I've never seen it in a store before. What are some other things I could try to eat? I was keto for the last 2 years so I don't really know what types of things to eat now that I'm bulking on a regular diet. Why was the probiotic making it worse, shouldn't that taken consistently have made it better?

        • 9 months ago

          >Are you saying to get like some kind of freshly baked bread, like a baguette or something? Or could I just pick up a whole grain loaf of bread.
          Try to get something freshly baked, it usually has fewer additives.
          >I don't know if we even have kefir around here, I've never seen it in a store before.
          Ok then get some yogurt. Basically any form of liquid dairy that has resulted from the fermentation of milk and has not been pasteurized (aka there's still living bacteria in it). The point is to repopulate your gut, and for that you need living bacteria.
          >Why was the probiotic making it worse, shouldn't that taken consistently have made it better?
          According to your post, you ate enzymes, not probiotics. Of course that a foreign enzyme is gonna bump heads with whatever is in your gut now. Learn the difference.
          >inb4 but I did also eat probiotics
          Remember the part where I said that your gut is gonna be a warzone? Yeah.

          Also, if the above doesn't work, then it might be a good idea to take some antibiotics and then try again (first the antibiotic, then wait a while, then try again, so you don't accidentally nuke the good bacteria in the food). It's not gonna make you feel great, but it will help with removing whatever foreign bacteria is in your gut.

  15. 9 months ago

    Based Gaston bro
    Just yesterday I ate 10 eggs in a day for the first time

  16. 9 months ago

    >how the hell am i supposed to eat 20 eggs a day
    You're not. You're supposed to eat a few eggs and also get protein from other sources, such as meat and dairy. But of course that you sperged out, picked 1 source of protein and exaggerated with it, because other spergs who have zero clue what they're talking about told you to do it for shits n giggles.
    >this shit is disgusting
    Either your eggs have gone bad and you couldn't tell before eating them, oh you have been inhaling junkfood for the last year and melted your tastebuds. Boiled eggs with a bit of salt are fricking delicious, especially on an empty stomach.

  17. 9 months ago

    Don't do keto again, moron


    • 9 months ago

      Enjoy diabetes and dementia

  18. 9 months ago

    who the frick said eggs were the cheapest way to get protien?
    Have you actually looked at calorie per dollar charts? Eggs are twice as expensive as chicken breast per gram, 5 times oats, 6 times peanut butter, even fricking potatoes are cheaper per g of protien than eggs.
    I happen to like eggs but if you don't then stop eating them, moron.

    • 9 months ago

      Eggs Aminos are better

    • 9 months ago

      >for protein
      wtf? What are you eating like a gallon of oats?

      • 9 months ago

        >Not doing GOOAD

        • 9 months ago
  19. 9 months ago

    what the frick are you doing, dipping them in ketchup? Just eat them with a little salt and stop being a manchild who has to gorge themselves on candy

  20. 9 months ago

    Just buy ground beef, chicken, pork, and veggies and make tacos, pasta, amd the occasional wine sauce fancy dish so you arent nutrient starved and have an excuse to buy liquor and wine.

  21. 9 months ago

    I just eat 3 a day

  22. 9 months ago

    I usually eat 6 eggs a day, for about a year I was eating them hardboiled, you go insane trying to eat that many boiled eggs everyday. Scramble some, fry some, sunnyside up, add some eggs to another meal, whatever just get some variety.
    Also from the way your shell peels look it looks like you are spending a lot of time peeling, add a tablespoon or two of vinegar to your water and only put the eggs in when its boiling and then put then in an ice bath or rinse them under running water when they're done cooking your desired time and they will be much easier to peel, you can tap the top and bottom them gently roll the egg while applying pressure and the shell should peel off in one big piece because its all attached to the membrane.

  23. 9 months ago

    I could eat me shitloads of devilled eggs. Just leave the yolk filling in a bowl and dip the whites in and don't skimp on the paprika.

  24. 9 months ago

    Add some mustard, or sriracha, or onions sauce, or fish sauce, or Worcestershire sauce

  25. 9 months ago

    try baking them in a muffin tin with some pepper and spices.

    this is how i eat them as someone who doesn't really like eggs

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