Fat people are starting to win bros

Fat people are starting to win bros…

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      Can you just tell them you're fat and get an empty seat next to you, or do you have to prove it somehow? I'd do it just for the extra space.

      • 7 months ago

        >do you have to prove it somehow?
        Imagine a scale at the airport check in....

        • 7 months ago

          kek. Although those scales are meant to measure whether bags weigh more than 50 pounds. Idk if they can weigh somebody who is 500 pounds.

    • 7 months ago

      >even if that means kicking others with tickets off of the flight

    • 7 months ago

      >Sir, you have to leave the plane. A fat person needs your seat to spread their girth. Your ticket will not be refunded, have a nice day.

    • 7 months ago

      >even if that means kicking others with tickets off of the flight
      imagine you're boarding a flight you paid for and got kicked off because some fat piece of shit needed your seat to hold their haunches

    • 7 months ago

      >be you
      >window seat in a flight to japan
      >sitting in your seat
      >notice a 550lb female passenger being wheeled down the aisle by three flight attendants
      >they stop at your row
      >"sir we need for you to move"
      >"sir wait here and we will see if we can get you another seat"
      >"ok sir it looks like we have no more available seats, so we are going to have to ask you to depart the plane"
      >"sorry sir, tickets are non refundable"

      • 7 months ago

        It's like a trillion dollars in penalties if they do that in the US. Some Congress critter got bumped from a flight and went full autismo about it.

        • 7 months ago

          except youre some nobody and no lawyers gonna bother with you

          • 7 months ago

            You don't have to sue. Just send a complaint form to the attorney general's office. Takes 5 minutes.

        • 7 months ago

          ngl I absolutely lost it at "Congress critter"
          Thanks for the laughs dude

      • 7 months ago

        >"sorry sir, tickets are non refundable"
        Not legal, and if you have to skip a flight typically they schedule you for the next flight and give you several hundred dollar gift cards for the trouble.

        • 7 months ago

          and if the next flight does not work for you? or causes you to miss your entire purpose of the trip, perhaps something that is 3000 dollars and non refundable?
          what if it's for work and now you have to deal with this on your performance review because you missed an extremely important meeting with a client and ruined a deal?

          • 7 months ago

            Usually they ask for volunteers in these kind of situations before forcing anyone to change flights. A lot of people are willing to sit around the airport for 2 more hours for a $300 gift card.
            Have you never been on a plane before?

            • 7 months ago

              every plane ive been on has had extra seats and actually I cant say I've ever seen an extremely large passenger before.
              then again, I've only really ever flown to Japan or about three flights for work to some shithole
              I dont see 500lb people going to japan, the most walking and public transit oriented first world country

          • 7 months ago

            >what if it's for work and now you have to deal with this on your performance review
            Kek if my plane gets delayed while I'm traveling for work I get a free hotel room, per diem, and mini bar access.

          • 7 months ago

            If you're traveling for work and you're flying Southwest I don't know what to say to you

      • 7 months ago

        >flight to japan

        • 7 months ago

          The earth is a globe, dumb frick. Go south and west enough and you'll eventually get to Japan.

          • 7 months ago

            Southwest is an airline you fricking idiot.

            • 7 months ago

              He's saying Southwest Airlines is a largely domestic US carrier. They don't fly to Japan.

              >named southwest
              >doesnt go to southwest locations
              this airline deserves to go under tbh

          • 7 months ago

            He's saying Southwest Airlines is a largely domestic US carrier. They don't fly to Japan.

    • 7 months ago

      >if you're fat, you know the anxiety of flying and this alleviates it a lot
      But you didn't get anything you couldn't have had before, you just get it for free instead of paying
      How is having to request another seat for free less stressful than just buying two adjacent tickets and knowing you have them locked in
      Why god why do morons listen to other morons and publish moronic things that morons say

      • 7 months ago

        >buying two adjacent tickets and knowing you have them locked in
        Not defending fat fricks but they don't let you do that. It's a bullshit rule but every seat needs to have an assigned passenger and if they don't check in the airline gets to put someone else in that seat. They deliberately overbook flights for this reason, because they know some flyers won't show.

        • 7 months ago

          Well why not defend fat fricks? You fat shaming you bony bastard?

      • 7 months ago

        >But you didn't get anything you couldn't have had before

        Before, when they weren't fat. They could've fit in a single seat comfortably - even more comfortable than spilling into the one next to it, I'm sure.

    • 7 months ago

      >how to make your business fail.png

    • 7 months ago

      America is imploding

    • 7 months ago

      >You're in a fat person's way so we're kicking you off the plane
      Shit even Rosa Parks just had to sit in the back. You literally get thrown off the bus for being normal.

    • 7 months ago

      >looking forward to seeing family after a year
      >get ready to board
      >you are told that you have been kicked off the flight because a fat moron needs your seat

      • 7 months ago

        >Jimmies status: Rustled

    • 7 months ago

      I hate women. Yes, i know you said fat people, but fat travelers is mostly women, fatsos with dicks dont leave their computer/console and the only ones who are always b***hing about MUH UNFAIRNESS its women. So yea, i fricking hate women.

      • 7 months ago

        >fatsos with dicks dont leave their computer/console
        Yeah, they do, especially those in positions of management attending seminars and meets or travelling to company sites. I know coz I have had the misfortune of sitting next to many such specimens. Fatties are the norm now, not confined to their mothers' basements.

    • 7 months ago

      I would literally go homicidal if a fat frick took my seat like that

    • 7 months ago

      Why THE FRICK can they get an extra seat for free when my baggage is eternally limited to 20kg (aka, about 1/4 of a fat frick's ass cheek)?
      This is thinscrimation!!!!

    • 7 months ago

      Im not obese but nearly 7 feet tall, im going to use this

    • 7 months ago

      The most American brand around

    • 7 months ago

      >all ticket prices will rise as they figure out how many seats they’ll have to give away

  2. 7 months ago

    I only fly Delta, as I am not a filthy Black person.

    • 7 months ago

      Delta and American>>>

  3. 7 months ago

    >what if we aim for a demographic that will pay half as much per seat
    Well, that airline is doomed. Unless their angle is to sell tons of overpriced food at the airport.

  4. 7 months ago

    Getting cancelled is a reality and horrifies shareholders, so they created esg score to measure how likely that is to happen
    If you have a high score you are considered stable and you get the israelite black rock investment money
    These meaningless PR stunts are entirely for profit and have nothing to do with social progress or fats or blacks or women

    • 7 months ago

      based israelites forcing 99% of companies to participate in a humiliation ritual

      • 7 months ago

        cant you see its all with the plan to destroy western civilization as we know it, moronic Black personhomosexual

        • 7 months ago

          the same civilization that it's preventing you to get laid?
          Have sex, incel

          • 7 months ago

            gf of 3 years, cope israelite lover

    • 7 months ago

      >Getting cancelled is a reality and horrifies shareholders
      Yeah, for companies that do bullshit ESG stunts like this. Leftist outage has never caused any impact to a corporation's bottom line, because the leftists who b***h about Chic-fil-a on social media will either still eat there, or never ate there in the first place. Contrast this to Gillette, Anhauser-Busch, The Salvation Army, and Target, who had an actual impact on their bottom line due to boycotts and pivoted.
      ESG isn't about making sure a corporation is 'stable' from getting cancelled by leftists.
      It is simply because Larry Fink and other billionaires are so out of touch with the reality of normal people, that they think what they're doing with ESG is benevolent at best, and at worst, they're completely aware its a form of control and manufactured consensus and are actively undermining of the free market system by artificially propping up corporations that espouse leftist ideologies.
      I believe the free market system will prevail in the end, and ESG will widely fall out of favor. Firms like Vanguard have stepped back and stopped recognizing ESG score in their funds' investment decisions.

      • 7 months ago

        basically all the Diversity nonsense stopped or was heavily sidelined when Covod murdered the world's economy.
        turns out corporations only like money

      • 7 months ago

        Aunt Jemima
        Uncle Bens
        And it hasn't been more because every company immediately bent the knee before it could happen
        >Disney gets mild pressure for not having minorities
        >Pumps out 10+ movies a year with black leads

        • 7 months ago

          None of these were due to financial reasons or boycotts. It was all done for ESG initiatives and "public image."
          Disney has had their least profitable year in decades.

    • 7 months ago

      >They're doing this because they're afraid of being cancelled, not because society is surrendering to fatties
      okay, well why would they be afraid of being cancelled?
      >because society surrendered to fatties

      • 7 months ago

        20+ years ago, John Stewart satirically predicted that in the future, there would be so many obese people that society would deem them beautiful and healthy. Little did he know, it would be his own party spearheading that.

        • 7 months ago

          >his party
          You mean his filthy race.

      • 7 months ago

        was her next sentence it's a mental illness or was it something else?

    • 7 months ago

      ITT: Somebody who gets it

      Its about the money.
      It has always been about the money.
      It always will be about the money.

  5. 7 months ago

    I honestly cant get into their mind. Being fat is obviously miserable and they have to feel it. Theyre probably constantly uncomfortable, achey, and have trouble doing simple things. And then they go on a plane and find out that they cant even sit their fricking gargantuan mass into a human sized seat, and instead of feeling deep shame and utter disgust with themselves, they wage a crusade on tiktok and demand society change to cater to their mass. How is it possible to possess so little self-awareness and shame?

    Also logically, where the frick does this end? What if it were possible to gorge yourself to where you took up the entire seats on a flight? Would it still be reasonable to expect that you pay for "a single seat" when you are in fact using tens of thousands on jetfuel, crew wages, maintenance costs, and the cost of the airplane?

    God im so happy ive been lucky enough to have not been sat beside a fat ass yet. The day it happens ill fricking seethe with rage.

    • 7 months ago

      >How is it possible to possess so little self-awareness and shame?
      probably lots and lots of mystery pharmaceutical wienertails and SSRIs
      these people are not even human anymore

      • 7 months ago

        true probably lobotomized herself. This thing probably spends its day eating goygruel, watching zogflix, and mindlessly scrolling tiktok.

    • 7 months ago

      I used to be fairly fat, so I feel I'm in a position to answer.

      I will speak for the majority.

      They know.
      You're right, they absolutely know. And it is miserable. It creates pains. Sleep becomes difficult. Something that feels very much like a heart-attack becomes an everyday reality. Its honestly the most miserable form of existence you can live. I cannot express to you how being fat is actually worse than you think it is. Everyone knows it must suck. But when you experience it yourself, you find out that somehow it is even worse than what you expected - and you expected it to be bad.

      I am not going to justify their mindset. Only attempt to explain it.

      For most of us, the shame IS there. Its there every moment of every day. It doesn't go away. Maybe you can suspend the shame for brief seconds by making jokes and things. But it doesn't truly go away. Its always there.

      I _think_ the reason some fat people get uppity about this sort of thing is because THEY ALREADY KNOW. They know they are fat. They have to live with it every day. They're either trying to change it or they aren't. But either way, they know.

      They just don't want to have to hear about it from other people. They're already living it. You think a comment from some random individual is suddenly going to slap realization into them? They already know they are fat. Your commentary is merely an unwanted reminder of the thing they are already aware of every minute of every day.

      So, like you'd expect, they get annoyed. Annoyed that yet another person feels the need to comment on their situation. As if they don't already live the hellish reality.

      Its about compassion and judgement. People hate to be judged. Especially when they know they've fricked up.

      They want people to stop b***hing at them. Because they're perfectly capable of b***hing at themself internally.

      As a former fat person that has (mostly) got my weight back under control, I think this is what it is really about.

      • 7 months ago

        frick them, and frick you. the obese should be put in prison, b***h. you're frickin pathetic you disgusting little moron. just do the world a favor and die tonight.

        • 7 months ago

          Man are you in for a rude awakening when you inevitably slip up one day. Which, it is highly statistically likely that you will. Its not just Americans anymore. Even Europe is struggling with the obesity epidemic.

          Its going to be such a rough time for you when you inevitably put on a few pounds and have to eat your words.

          I wonder if all that animosity will actually turn inwards and propel you to fix it, when it does happen?

          I've fixed my problem so good luck shaming me. My shame is nearly gone now. I'm nearly completely back to where I was before the world went to hell and I got fat. Now I just need to build some muscles!

          But seriously try to have a little compassion. Its easy to hate on fat people when you are skinny. Problem with that is: It is easy to take your body for granted and let things slide. You may one day find that you, too, have a problem you never dreamed you would have, and then need to fix it.

          Maybe if you are lucky, people will show you some compassion when this happens.
          Or maybe not.

          • 7 months ago

            Lmao did a burger force itself on you in a dark alley? Being fat is a choice

            • 7 months ago

              Growing old is also a choice too, my friend. You can choose to end it all early, if you'd like. I won't judge.

          • 7 months ago

            Not that anon but
            >inevitably slip up one day
            This is the reason you got fat. For us (a minority immune to the "obesity epidemic) we genuinely don't like over eating, and even have to remind ourselves to eat.
            >It is easy to take your body for granted and let things slide
            Again, not for all of us. We rely on our bodies' function so heavily we'd immediately notice any change like that. And as I said, we can't "let things slide," the idea of stuffing our maws like that is genuinely disgusting.
            I grew up poor and my mom got a fat bf who would only order KFC for dinner. I noticed a little fat gain after a month so I just stopped eating it. It was easy since like all fat people foods, it's nasty

            • 7 months ago

              Alright I just gotta ask. Are you under 30 years old?

            • 7 months ago

              >when you inevitably slip up one day
              You lost me there bro. Becoming a fatass is hardly cause by "slipping up one day" you have to actively shovel shit into your mouth day after day for months or yes to become morbidly obese. You ever seen that show where they show fatties what they are in a day? No person in the planet "accidentally" consumes that much food.

              Seems like there's a major misconception here that you have to 'stuff' your 'maw', or "shovel shit into your mouth" to become fat.

              Guys, you do realize you can literally become fat while eating normal portion sizes, just by changing what you eat, right?

              Literally not even changing portion size. Just changing what you eat can make a substantial difference as to whether you are losing weight or gaining weight.

              As for "slipping up one day".
              You're right. You don't get fat in a day.
              You can, however, get fat in about 9 months. That's how it happened for me. Only took 9 months to go from 175 lbs (healthy body weight for my size) to over 220 lbs.

              You know what changed?
              Job sent us all home. I stopped getting out. I doordashed all my orders. And guess what, doordash doesn't serve healthy food. They only deliver from fast food. So guess what I was eating? Fast food. All this just because I didn't want to get out, because I got too used to being home because covid.

              It has taken me all this time just to get back to where I started. Being almost 30 aint helping either.

              You don't have to overeat to get fat. You can get fat just because you ate small amounts of garbage (and nothing else).

              I get that if you're young, fit, and have never been overweight yourself that you probably can't conceive of how it happens. Most people can't understand how it happens...
              ...until it happens to them.

              • 7 months ago

                >You don't have to overeat to get fat.
                That's literally how you get fat, idiot. CICO

              • 7 months ago

                You've just revealed both your age and ignorance.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm 32 and have multiple PhDs. But sure, tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night tubby.

              • 7 months ago

                Why the FRICK would you want more than one PhD?
                .t Guy who actually did a PhD

              • 7 months ago

                You tell 'em, Smarty!

              • 7 months ago

                I did a joint PhD program the first time around, the other two were paid for by the companies I worked for at the time, now I'm very comfy and have a healthy income so I wont be doing any more.

              • 7 months ago

                Jesus christ, then stop being a lazy slob and move. Dumbass weak willed Black person

              • 7 months ago

                >you can literally become fat while eating normal portion sizes, just by changing what you eat, right?
                Why would I do that
                >You can, however, get fat in about 9 months
                That's a long time.
                >220 lbs
                Oh that's not even that fat depending on your height. Imagine being able to do 8 pullups at 220? You'd be a fricking monster. Just lift.
                >Job sent us all home. I stopped getting out. I doordashed all my orders. And guess what, doordash doesn't serve healthy food. They only deliver from fast food. So guess what I was eating? Fast food. All this just because I didn't want to get out, because I got too used to being home because covid.
                And you know what I did during lockdowns? I bought a barbell and plates and got ripped b***h. You don't get it. We don't like fast food. We don't like sitting around doing nothing. It's nearly impossible for us to get fat.
                >You can get fat just because you ate small amounts of garbage (and nothing else).
                And we wouldn't do that, which is my point. So stop saying "it could happen to you!" as if we have a little piggy brain too.
                >I get that if you're young, fit, and have never been overweight yourself that you probably can't conceive of how it happens. Most people can't understand how it happens...
                ...until it happens to them.
                Excuses excuses. Fatty brain producing a fatty body. Again, when I started getting fat I just stopped eating.

                If you need some extra help or restrictions to keep you from getting fat, I'm not judging that. What I am judging is how you think your mindset is "normal" or how everyone thinks or feels when the reality that you have to face is that you're a glutton; you suffer from the sin of gluttony.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm 32 and have multiple PhDs. But sure, tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night tubby.

                You both must be trolling me. There is no way that you are this obtuse.

              • 7 months ago

                From your weight it sounds like you're obtuse while we're quite "acute" :3

              • 7 months ago

                >Tell fatty he must not eat to lose weight
                >"You're trolling"

              • 7 months ago

                >look you don't have to use as shovel instead of a spoon to get fat
                >you can also be a "totally normal" person that eats "normal" portions of extremaly processed garbage and never cooks! It's totally normal to eat 5 frosted donuts everyday, it's not even that much food by weight!
                Profound. Please face the wall now.

              • 7 months ago

                >doordash doesn't serve healthy food. They only deliver from fast food. So guess what I was eating? Fast food
                >All this just because I didn't want to get out
                All the fricking major grocery store chains did deliveries during covid. You had all the fricking time in the world to cook. Shut the frick up, moron.
                >inb4 but I can't cook
                Then you're unable to perform a basic task required for independent and dignified life. Might as well say you can't wipe or brush your teeth. Apply yourself.

              • 7 months ago

                Having been there, done that, and still fighting the physiological and mental after effects: zero sympathy for fat fricks

              • 7 months ago

                >Seems like there's a major misconception here that you have to 'stuff' your 'maw', or "shovel shit into your mouth" to become fat.
                nah the conception is right. Your inability to process reality is amazing, I hope someone's paying you to be delusional because you're entirely too talented at it to be doing it for free.

              • 7 months ago

                Man are you in for a rude awakening when you inevitably slip up one day. Which, it is highly statistically likely that you will. Its not just Americans anymore. Even Europe is struggling with the obesity epidemic.

                Its going to be such a rough time for you when you inevitably put on a few pounds and have to eat your words.

                I wonder if all that animosity will actually turn inwards and propel you to fix it, when it does happen?

                I've fixed my problem so good luck shaming me. My shame is nearly gone now. I'm nearly completely back to where I was before the world went to hell and I got fat. Now I just need to build some muscles!

                But seriously try to have a little compassion. Its easy to hate on fat people when you are skinny. Problem with that is: It is easy to take your body for granted and let things slide. You may one day find that you, too, have a problem you never dreamed you would have, and then need to fix it.

                Maybe if you are lucky, people will show you some compassion when this happens.
                Or maybe not.

                I used to be fairly fat, so I feel I'm in a position to answer.

                I will speak for the majority.

                They know.
                You're right, they absolutely know. And it is miserable. It creates pains. Sleep becomes difficult. Something that feels very much like a heart-attack becomes an everyday reality. Its honestly the most miserable form of existence you can live. I cannot express to you how being fat is actually worse than you think it is. Everyone knows it must suck. But when you experience it yourself, you find out that somehow it is even worse than what you expected - and you expected it to be bad.

                I am not going to justify their mindset. Only attempt to explain it.

                For most of us, the shame IS there. Its there every moment of every day. It doesn't go away. Maybe you can suspend the shame for brief seconds by making jokes and things. But it doesn't truly go away. Its always there.

                I _think_ the reason some fat people get uppity about this sort of thing is because THEY ALREADY KNOW. They know they are fat. They have to live with it every day. They're either trying to change it or they aren't. But either way, they know.

                They just don't want to have to hear about it from other people. They're already living it. You think a comment from some random individual is suddenly going to slap realization into them? They already know they are fat. Your commentary is merely an unwanted reminder of the thing they are already aware of every minute of every day.

                So, like you'd expect, they get annoyed. Annoyed that yet another person feels the need to comment on their situation. As if they don't already live the hellish reality.

                Its about compassion and judgement. People hate to be judged. Especially when they know they've fricked up.

                They want people to stop b***hing at them. Because they're perfectly capable of b***hing at themself internally.

                As a former fat person that has (mostly) got my weight back under control, I think this is what it is really about.

                >reddit spacing
                >fat apologist
                >Covid blame
                >doordash mentioned
                You’ve all been b8ted masterfully. This

                I honestly cant get into their mind. Being fat is obviously miserable and they have to feel it. Theyre probably constantly uncomfortable, achey, and have trouble doing simple things. And then they go on a plane and find out that they cant even sit their fricking gargantuan mass into a human sized seat, and instead of feeling deep shame and utter disgust with themselves, they wage a crusade on tiktok and demand society change to cater to their mass. How is it possible to possess so little self-awareness and shame?

                Also logically, where the frick does this end? What if it were possible to gorge yourself to where you took up the entire seats on a flight? Would it still be reasonable to expect that you pay for "a single seat" when you are in fact using tens of thousands on jetfuel, crew wages, maintenance costs, and the cost of the airplane?

                God im so happy ive been lucky enough to have not been sat beside a fat ass yet. The day it happens ill fricking seethe with rage.

                was also his post, to create something for him to respond to. Note the reddit spacing again. Well played sir, enjoy your harvest of (you)s.

              • 7 months ago

                >Seems like there's a major misconception here that you have to 'stuff' your 'maw', or "shovel shit into your mouth" to become fat.
                >HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (You) i'm not reading the rest lmao

              • 7 months ago

                >reddit spacing
                >fat apologist
                >Covid blame
                >doordash mentioned
                You’ve all been b8ted masterfully. This [...] was also his post, to create something for him to respond to. Note the reddit spacing again. Well played sir, enjoy your harvest of (you)s.

                >the aware and the ignorant

              • 7 months ago

                >All this just because I didn't want to get out, because I got too used to being home because covid.
                During lockdowns I started gardening on my patio and running/doing calisthenics regularly. I dropped 30 pounds and cured my health problems that docs just prescribed meds for. You have no one to blame but yourself.

              • 7 months ago

                >Only took 9 months
                Help I accidentally 9 months straight

          • 7 months ago

            >when you inevitably slip up one day
            You lost me there bro. Becoming a fatass is hardly cause by "slipping up one day" you have to actively shovel shit into your mouth day after day for months or yes to become morbidly obese. You ever seen that show where they show fatties what they are in a day? No person in the planet "accidentally" consumes that much food.

          • 7 months ago

            >when you inevitably slip up one day and accidentally consume 350,000 extra calories to reach an obese bodyweight
            you fat moron lmao

      • 7 months ago

        They should do something about it then, not my fault they’re fat

  6. 7 months ago

    if you are flying southwest you have nowhere to fricking be and deserve to deal with the lowest tier of airtravel passenger

  7. 7 months ago

    >don't have to sit next to hamplanets anymore
    how is this not an outright win for everyone?

    • 7 months ago

      Such a naive question. Let me help you out a bit.
      Businesses almost never swallow the cost. They pass the cost onto their customers. Every fat frick who waddles through airport security to fly on Southwestern means they're factoring in that extra seat for roll spill-over onto everyone else buying a ticket.

      You sound like the dumbfrick who pays 40% of your wages to taxes and then boasts how your "healthcare" is free. Sweet Jesus, you guys don't think at all.

      • 7 months ago

        yeah OK but have you ever actually had to sit next to a hambeast on a long flight? shit sucks

    • 7 months ago

      >hello sir, thank you for choosing Southwestern
      >your ticket costs 50% more than usual for... no particular reason
      >would you like to purchase Deplaning Protection Insurance today? No? Of course sir, that's your choice, and I admire your optimism. But of course you realise you are liable to be deplaned if another passenger with a greater need for your seat is on the flight. It sure would be a shame if your kids had to fly alone
      OK, so that's the total sir, plus taxes and tip

  8. 7 months ago

    do you really want the seat next to her? they did this for you, too

    • 7 months ago

      No, I don't want her to be on the flight at all. Send her to the baggage compartments.

  9. 7 months ago

    I am 100% on board with this if and only if they pay a higher fare.

    • 7 months ago

      That's the issue with the policy. It's complimentary. Usually fatties have to buy two seats.

      The big problem here is that it still costs the same amount to fly a plane regardless of a fatty's feels, so that complimentary seat cost will be averaged out to all customers. You will literally be subsidizing fatty seats.

  10. 7 months ago

    I wish we'd just make everything fat-centric. Big ass seats on planes, big ass cars, big ass movie theater seats. Imagine how comfy you'd be as someone who isn't a fat piece of shit.

    • 7 months ago

      Shit, that actually doesn't sound too bad, Then when a fat person shows up, just say you identify as an obese woman.

  11. 7 months ago

    If you boys suckerpunched obese "people" who's working out I wouldn't snitch. Abs are made from abstaining from calories so obese people are stupid buttholes every time they take up our space and sweat their toxic poopy acid sweat.

  12. 7 months ago

    Fat gluttons get free seats while you have to pay $100 for a few extra pounds in your bag

  13. 7 months ago

    I identify as overweight, I need a free seat kthx

  14. 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      Hey I don't know if you know this but that's a satire acceount. I know, it's embarrassing, I've been tricked before too. But it's not real, it's a cruel joke.

      • 7 months ago

        I know, that's why I posted it. It's funny.

      • 7 months ago

        holy moron

      • 7 months ago

        obviously you god damn moron

      • 7 months ago

        Bruh moment. Jokes aside try The Onion they post quality metarials.

    • 7 months ago


  15. 7 months ago

    Can I just say I'm obese and get an extra seat or do I have to prove it?

  16. 7 months ago

    These women would reject me for being 5'6

    • 7 months ago

      Omg, so you're saying women aren't allowed to have standards? Fricking misogynist

  17. 7 months ago

    Is it normal to hate fat people?

    • 7 months ago

      Dunno, but being disgusted by them is perfectly normal. Hate is more a product of personal experience.

  18. 7 months ago

    >another company going woke
    southwest is going to go under soon, no way this kind of business practice is going to benefit them at all

    • 7 months ago

      While I agree with your general point, can you morons think of another term besides woke? It’s getting kind of old tbh

      • 7 months ago

        no one asked you fricking homosexual. b***h.

  19. 7 months ago

    I like fat chicks, but oxygen tanks and wheelchairs are where I draw the line.

    • 7 months ago

      What a disgrace

    • 7 months ago

      i'm split, on one hand i love fatty japanese hags but on the other hand i hate entitled fat fricks that waste public resources. maybe lifting gives you a fat fetish to balance the universe

  20. 7 months ago

    I will be informing my lawyer

  21. 7 months ago

    getting fat so i dont have to sit next to anyone on the plane

  22. 7 months ago

    I don't fly Southwest because I'm not a Black person

    Shit happens to southwest homosexuals because they're airlines for the piss poor. Get yo bag so you can fly United or even Delta you broke ass homies.

  23. 7 months ago

    Another W for powerlifters

  24. 7 months ago

    I'm obese and took a flight back and forth.
    Never been on a plane before and the size of the seats truly baffled me.
    Not even normal a normal man fit into them comfortably. Armseats were like 40cm.
    Watch any normal person trick the system just to get the seat next to them empty.

  25. 7 months ago

    Gonna get some cancellation going on in this thread.

  26. 7 months ago

    Southwest is a dogshit airline and the whole reason to fly with them was because they were cheap. It's like a slightly nicer Spirit. Why the frick would you ever fly with them now that tickers are going to cost more to foot the bill for fatties

  27. 7 months ago

    imagine being american and having to share your airspace with these flying whales

  28. 7 months ago

    What’s the point of fat people?

    • 7 months ago

      To consume harder than you.

  29. 7 months ago

    Hasn't Southwest Airlines been doing a ton of lefty cuck shit the last few years?

    • 7 months ago

      yes and it shows.

      • 7 months ago

        >give out free seats
        >lose money
        No one could have seen that coming

  30. 7 months ago

    fat people are superior to thin subhumans. proud to be obese.

    also all gym-goers are gays.

  31. 7 months ago

    send them to war and see how much they win then

  32. 7 months ago

    oh this is going to generate some hilarious phone footage of someone screaming at a fat b***h.

    Imagine you're flying to something important, a family member's funeral, a once in a lifetime job interview, something like that.

    Then suddenly this blubberlord shows up with their cpap whirring away, shuffling sideways down the isle as they point their ham obelisk of an arm at you, demanding you get out of their fricking way, they have to fly to st. louis to try the new Checkers that just opened up.

    Fricking amazing.

  33. 7 months ago

    southwest is a homosexual airline

  34. 7 months ago

    Good, accelerate

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