Fuck it

I'm just eating whatever I want and sticking to a routine that pushes me but I can stick to. Frick all of this fricking moronic bullshit you read online, frick supplements, frick these gay ass workout plans, frick these meme diets, frick all the online grifters and frick this website.

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  1. 7 months ago

    enjoy never making it

    • 7 months ago

      Making it is looking fit and being strong while enjoying life as much as you can with your qt wifey that goes to the gym with you. Can't do that without avoiding the gymcellpill, including stressing out about bullshit supps and strict diets that squeeze out a percent of extra muscle growth.

      • 7 months ago

        You don't need to stress about diet.

        It's a very easy thing to follow

        • 7 months ago

          It should be. Eat food with higher protein and lower calorie density whenever you can, if you're still gaining weight/not gaining enough weight eat less/more. Eat diverse enough foods and veggies to get sufficient micronutrients when you can as well.

          Ya, it's really not hard. But some morons on the internet try way too hard to make it complicated by spouting meme diets like keto, carnivore, and vegan by citing magic voodoo nootrition "facts" while shilling products and lifestyles. That's what OP is rejecting. And it's based AF.

          • 7 months ago

            Ah ok. I do that as well

      • 7 months ago

        you write like a homosexual holy shit

    • 7 months ago

      >enjoy never making it

      making what? Making homosexuals like you more? Females don't give a frick as long as you are stronger than them and aren't a total fricking homosexual.

      If you follow routines and strict diets and you don't compete in a sport then you have autism or some other mental deficit. Training itself was never meant to be a sport. Fricking morons everywhere, I swear to god.

      • 7 months ago

        t. never made it

  2. 7 months ago

    you are going to get fat jojo jojo jojo jojo jojo jojo

    • 7 months ago

      I don't enjoy goyslop so I'll be fine

  3. 7 months ago

    put it in the butthole too coward

  4. 7 months ago
  5. 7 months ago

    This in theory could work, but it depends what you actually end up eating and what routine you actually end up doing.

    • 7 months ago

      You don't need to stress about diet.

      It's a very easy thing to follow

      All I'm worrying about diet wise is

      A. Getting enough protein
      B. Not eating way too many calories

      That's really it. I'm done listening to morons saying shit like you need to eat 3000 calories a day or whatever the frick

      • 7 months ago

        >All I'm worrying about diet wise is
        >A. Getting enough protein
        >B. Not eating way too many calories

        Yeah that's not too bad. Remember to have some carbs, though, ketolard-ing is dumb.

        • 7 months ago

          I fricking LOVE carbs so I don't have any problem getting them. It's the one thing I have to watch myself on, I can easily kill 1600 calories of rice in a day

          • 7 months ago

            Cool, well, you should do okay. Also make sure you're somehow getting the vitamins/minerals you need. But your diet sounds pretty okay tbh. Good luck, OP

      • 7 months ago

        You need more calories the bigger you get to keep up with the energy your newly gained muscles require

        • 7 months ago

          Cool, well, you should do okay. Also make sure you're somehow getting the vitamins/minerals you need. But your diet sounds pretty okay tbh. Good luck, OP

          The only thing I worry is that I won't eat enough calories to grow muscle. But does it really matter that much if I'm eating a lot of protein?

          • 7 months ago

            Good question.

  6. 7 months ago

    Okay fine but just add zinc and omega 3s from krill and youll be good

  7. 7 months ago

    >Sardines in tomato sauce

  8. 7 months ago

    Why are you so mad? Just do what works for you. Dont see what youre whining about. Did somebody hurt you?

  9. 7 months ago

    The secret is that you can eat whatever you want. You just can't eat too much of it.

  10. 7 months ago

    i eat whatever i want just hit the protein and dont go over board

    • 7 months ago



      I'm just eating whatever I want and sticking to a routine that pushes me but I can stick to. Frick all of this fricking moronic bullshit you read online, frick supplements, frick these gay ass workout plans, frick these meme diets, frick all the online grifters and frick this website.

      After getting the basics right, a pretty good way imo. The only problem is the eat whatever mentality while being hindered to lift, through injury or sickness or whatever.

  11. 7 months ago

    3-4x ~30g protein per day, adequate calories, and some fat is all that matters
    as long as you hit each muscle(group) at least once a week for 3 sets or more, it doesn't matter
    good for convenience and health, but hardly make a difference for gains

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