Functional mushrooms

I've been using these 2 but I haven't experienced almost any positive effects. Is this brand shit or do I just need to fix my sleep? I'm also running low on them so feel free to recommend some that actually work.

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  1. 9 months ago

    hmmm wonder if it could be that supplements are a scam

    • 9 months ago

      ok, I'll just grow my own lion's mane in my basement. Any tips on growing cordyceps or should I just buy it from a chinese guy?

      • 9 months ago

        i have a friend that grows mushrooms in his closet and he says cordyceps are kind of hard to grow

      • 9 months ago

        I've been using these 2 but I haven't experienced almost any positive effects. Is this brand shit or do I just need to fix my sleep? I'm also running low on them so feel free to recommend some that actually work.

        Careful with large doses of Lions Mane, it could cause some irreversible damage to your nervous system. Watch Russo lifts on YouTube he took a mega dose and pretty much ruined him for months, took many more.months of biohacking to get him somewhat to baseline

        • 9 months ago

          I've heard all sorts of shit from it does nothing to it causing fricked up depression and issues. I think honestly it's not really worth it when it's such a grey area. Some people say it's magic but I'm inclined to believe those people are more likely just more susceptible to placebo. I'm sure it works for some people but I'd say it's more likely it doesn't. Otherwise pharma would be pumping it out

        • 9 months ago

          Just don't megadose it then.

          I've heard all sorts of shit from it does nothing to it causing fricked up depression and issues. I think honestly it's not really worth it when it's such a grey area. Some people say it's magic but I'm inclined to believe those people are more likely just more susceptible to placebo. I'm sure it works for some people but I'd say it's more likely it doesn't. Otherwise pharma would be pumping it out

          Big pharma is unable to patent plants, they can only isolate one chemical and then patent it. That's why their shit sucks.

          • 9 months ago

            they can isolate what makes it work and sell it. Tons of medical innovations come from nature it's the greatest source. Billions of years of natural selection is always better than throwing darts with a blindfold

        • 9 months ago

          Just don't megadose it then.
          Big pharma is unable to patent plants, they can only isolate one chemical and then patent it. That's why their shit sucks.

          Wtf? Don't mega dose it?
          How in the frick are you guys making your "lobster" rolls without calling that a mega dose?
          You are making lobster rolls with your Lion's Mane, right?

          • 9 months ago

            what's a lobster roll?

            cordyceps isn’t that the virus from last of us

            it's a fungus
            the whole plot of the show is that it is a fungus infecting people
            are you some kind of simpleton, son?

            I mean, some of the zombies heads are even turning into mushrooms
            what the hell is wrong with you, talking about a virus
            there are giant fungal tendrils all over the ground, and you're in here talking about viruses

            • 9 months ago

              Literally just google lobster roll, add boston or lion's mane if you think I'm talking sushi.

      • 9 months ago

        cordyceps are a b***h and a half to grow. They take at least 2 months to grow and during that time if they get any mold on the cakes they are basically forfeit .

        pic related was the best flush I ever had growing them in tubs, the rest got moldy.

        if you are going to try to grow them yourself stick to the jar method as it is far easier to keep mold out.

        • 9 months ago


          they are cheese cheeto flavored, right?

          • 9 months ago

            i think my brain tricks me into it, but they kinda do

  2. 9 months ago

    Bro stop think about it for a second. Have you ever seen a mushroom in the shape of a perfect oval shape? A mushroom pill growing on a tree trunk?

    You got scammed big dawg

  3. 9 months ago

    unless your basement has lab conditions i wouldnt bother

    • 9 months ago

      lmao this is such bullshit I grew notoriously tricky exotics first try. You just have to have a brain

    • 9 months ago

      It's not that challenging, hardest part with lionsmane is maintaining the proper humidity to encourage fruiting, if you frick that up the fruit grows in looking weird and wrong.

  4. 9 months ago

    I went foraging for Wild Mushrooms recently and was really lucky to stumble across a MASSIVE Bear's Head Tooth Mushroom that had to weight at least 2 pounds and tons of Chanterelle mushrooms.

    I've been eating the Bear's Head Tooth over the course of a week and it contains compounds that can literally regrow nerves, my brain feels like it's regrowing, it's crazy effective and powerful, look into it.

    • 9 months ago

      Ah I see you've got Lion's Mane which in the same Genus. Every time I eat the Mushroom though I eat like 100g cooked, not 500mg in a capsule. The dosage could be playing a big role. I'm not sure if freshness plays a role either, it may.

    • 9 months ago

      didn't you just get that pic from google images?

      btw I'm wondering if you were to harvest that mushroom, would it regrow after some time?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah I got it from google images, but it looks almost exactly like the one I found. I harvested the entire mushroom except for a small piece I left attached at the base of the mushroom. I'm not sure if it will regrow, but that's what I was hoping to accomplish by leaving a piece behind still attached to the tree. The Mushroom itself has a decent taste too, kinda like crab meat.

    • 9 months ago

      What reference do you use for identifying edible stuff from the poisonous?

  5. 9 months ago

    cordyceps isn’t that the virus from last of us

    • 9 months ago

      cordyceps is a whole bunch of different mushrooms. One is kind of a stimulant and people use it as preworkout. Another is that weird one that takes over insects bodies and controls their brains. The latter likely inspired the last of us

    • 9 months ago

      it's a fungus
      the whole plot of the show is that it is a fungus infecting people
      are you some kind of simpleton, son?

  6. 9 months ago

    lions maine did nothing for me and the price is absurd

    cordyceps is helpful if you don't mix it with caffeine and if you have good control over your horniness. otherwise it will be bad for you

    • 9 months ago

      honestly I didn't feel anything when I first taken lion's mane, but that was also the case when I first drank a monster energy drink. I just didn't feel shit.

      >cordyceps is helpful if you don't mix it with caffeine and if you have good control over your horniness. otherwise it will be bad for you

      can you elaborate on that?

      • 9 months ago

        it fricks up my focus when I mix it with caffeine and some nootropic youtubers said it's a bad combo. it's an afrodisiac so if you're coomer it'll make you waste more time on porn

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