Grocery list

How do I improve this?

>Peanut butter jar
>Breath mints
>400g steak
>400g fresh sausage
>800g chicken
>300g hamburgers
>200g shredded cheese
>4x125g mozzarella
>24 fondue cheese
>Lays bag
>12x Babybel
>1x beer
>Tomato sauce
>1L milk
>3x ready to eat rice
>Corn can
>2x sliced bread
>Cooking butter
>4x Onions
>3x avocat
>10x bananes
>30x eggs
70€/ week 1 person

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Tip Your Landlord Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    god i wish i was european, this would cost a fortune to buy here ;3
    but you should lose the canned, and stop buying so much ready to go shit like the tomato sauce, you can buy tomatos garlic and onions and make ur own delicious sauce

    • 9 months ago

      >god i wish i was european

      Bro u americans have at least twice the salary (German here).

      • 9 months ago

        Euro living in US here, Americans do get paid more but this whole society is about nickel and diming people, everything has hidden fees attach or prices don't include tax or you're expected to tip. As a general rule any advertised price in the US is 10-20% less than what you end up paying, and some prices are nuts, eg tickets for a popular band/singer in an arena commonly cost $500 or more, due to monopoly online sales + ticket scammers. The US is absolutely awash in scammers, there's a cultural vibe here that fraud is OK if you can get with it.

  2. 9 months ago

    Damn. This would cost me $300 (HI, USA). But if I'm you, I'd trade the pre-shredded goy cheese for a 1kg block of edamer instead.

    • 9 months ago

      god i wish i was european, this would cost a fortune to buy here ;3
      but you should lose the canned, and stop buying so much ready to go shit like the tomato sauce, you can buy tomatos garlic and onions and make ur own delicious sauce

      How do I improve this?

      >Peanut butter jar
      >Breath mints
      >400g steak
      >400g fresh sausage
      >800g chicken
      >300g hamburgers
      >200g shredded cheese
      >4x125g mozzarella
      >24 fondue cheese
      >Lays bag
      >12x Babybel
      >1x beer
      >Tomato sauce
      >1L milk
      >3x ready to eat rice
      >Corn can
      >2x sliced bread
      >Cooking butter
      >4x Onions
      >3x avocat
      >10x bananes
      >30x eggs
      70€/ week 1 person

      Lmao this is like $50 at walmart

      • 9 months ago

        Lol anon you're delusional. Look at the price of babybel alone.

        • 9 months ago

          >that price explosion
          allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar

  3. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Tilda mogs bens

  4. 9 months ago

    >55lb vital wheat gluten
    >20lb lentils
    >45lb all-purpose flour
    >25lb quinoa
    >2.8lb powder milk
    >4.5lb powder butter
    >4lb cocoa powder
    >as many eggs as my fridge can fit
    >inventory of coffee, tea, beans, honey, can tuna, tomato sauce, etc.
    >50lb of salt and powder supplements
    >white kidney bean extract for all the protein pizza im eating
    yeap my bunker's ready for the apocalypse

    • 9 months ago

      also i spent around $200 for the first half of this list

  5. 9 months ago

    1. Buy bulk rice. Ditch the tiny portion of jasmine and the pilaf.
    2. Make your own salsa

  6. 9 months ago

    I fricking love Fray Bentos meatballs

  7. 9 months ago

    I'd swap the peanut butter for almond butter because peanut butter breaks me out. I'd swap out the the cheese for kefir for the same reason + the l. reuteri in a lot of probiotics makes your balls bigger. I can't drink alcohol because I'm on Accutane. And I'd swap out the rice and bread for probiotic carbs like kimchi and sauerkraut. And I prefer mixed frozen berries over bananas because bananas make me constipated. I'd also add canned fish like sardines and mackerel and canned oysters in oil. And I'd add olives in various forms like pitted olives, tapenade, and kalamata spread. And I'd add some deluxe mixed nuts, roasted pumpkin seeds, kombucha, and smoothies made from baby spinach, broccoli sprouts, kale, mushrooms, the frozen berries I mentioned earlier, and orange juice as the blending liquid. And I'd add some green tea as well, and some vegan Orgain protein powder + instant coffee or matcha.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Forgot the olive oil and apple cider vinegar. I literally drink it in small amounts. Although I should probably cut out the apple cider vinegar because it's burning my throat and making me flemmy. Or maybe I should start eating salads and drizzle the apple cider vinegar on top. I just hate eating salads because it makes me feel like a rabbit eating leaves.

      • 9 months ago

        >expecting me to read a paragraph this long without any curse words in it

  8. 9 months ago

    No improvement possible, it's perfect bro!

  9. 9 months ago
  10. 9 months ago

    >Peanut butter jar
    dont need it unless youre making peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
    >Breath mints
    dont need it
    need it
    >400g steak
    steak is gross
    >400g fresh sausage
    sausage is ok, but I would never eat it on the daily basis
    >800g chicken
    >300g hamburgers
    hamburgers are gross
    >200g shredded cheese
    cheese is bad for you
    >4x125g mozzarella
    cheese is bad for you
    >24 fondue cheese
    cheese is bad for you
    >Lays bag
    chips are bad for you
    >12x Babybel
    cheese is bad for you
    >1x beer
    alcohol is poison
    >Tomato sauce
    >1L milk
    >3x ready to eat rice
    >Corn can
    >2x sliced bread
    why so much bread?
    >Cooking butter
    butter is bad for you
    >4x Onions
    pasta is fine in small portions
    >3x avocat
    avocados are fine
    >10x bananes
    ok but why so many
    >30x eggs
    why so many

    less cheese and meat + no chips, mint, or peanut butter would fix the list.

    • 9 months ago

      based and eating disorder pilled

      • 9 months ago

        >not wanting to have clogged arteries, heartburn, acne and loads of other health issues is equivalent to having an eating disorder

    • 9 months ago

      Do you realize what a fricking homosexual you sound like?

  11. 9 months ago

    >He didnt shoplift the 400g beef

  12. 9 months ago

    >Not enough vegetables
    >too much cheese
    >too much process meat

    I would watch your saturated fats anon.

    Buy frozen vegetables and buy chickpeas or lentils to mix with your rice to increase protein intake and lower your Glycaemic index for slower release Energy / satiation.

    Stop buying pre-shredded cheese as the Anticaking agent they use stops it from melting properly. Buy block cheese instead

  13. 9 months ago

    Uncle Ben's seems to stand out in the UK.

  14. 9 months ago

    >>10x bananes
    Only (semi) good thing there

    • 9 months ago


  15. 9 months ago

    Almost everything in a jar or a box has added sugar. Get less premade stuff, cook better although it's a little more time consuming. Don't buy sliced bread, get a loaf and use a bread knife, the bread will be tastier and healthier than that spongy shit.
    Eg don't buy biscuits, I learned to bake chocolate chip cookies and now the idea of buying them premade seems silly cause mine taste better and I choose the sugar content.

    • 9 months ago

      Post recipe

      • 9 months ago

        1 cup flour +a little bit
        1 cup brown sugar -a little bit
        (more sugar = crispier, more flour = more soft and bready)
        1 teaspoon baking soda
        pinch of salt (maybe 1/2 tsp
        1 stick (4 tablespoons, about 1/4 pound) of butter
        Mix this together in a bowl until it's consistent
        add an egg and mix that
        3 ounces chocolate chips (about 100g)

        Mix it all up good, roll it into a log and cut into 12 rounds, which will be small
        Rub a baking tray aka cookie sheet with butter, put the cookies on it well spaced out (they'll melt and spread out)
        Oven to 375F/190C
        Bake 15 minutes, let them cool down a bit and keep them in some sort of sealed box/jar at room temperature so they don't try out.

        Only takes half an hour start to finish, lasts me a week. I mix everything by hand. Costs about $4.

  16. 9 months ago

    shall we slop now or slop later

  17. 9 months ago

    >fresh sausage
    do those have the cancer chemicals in them?
    >30 egg
    check your cholesterol (ideally apob, but ldl-p is also aight, worst case ldl-c, ofc check hdl to know if you're cucked in the absorption aspect) if you haven't, dietary cholesterol adds a bit (say 20%) to the equation so to avoid cucking your arteries you wanna know your situation
    same goes for the other sat fats, tho idk if those apply irrespective of your cholesterol situation

  18. 9 months ago

    >>Lays bag
    replace with nuts, if that works for you
    >>200g shredded cheese
    replace with unshredded if you wanna be hipster about it, and also not want whatever garbage they use to prevent clumping
    >3x ready to eat rice
    for extra schizo points, replace with regular rice if this ready to eat stuff is moist and in contact with plastic or paper

  19. 9 months ago

    Chips cookies and chocolate aren't groceries pal.

  20. 9 months ago

    My diet costs 40/week, quit buying slop

    • 9 months ago

      Post food list

  21. 9 months ago

    >Ready to eat rice
    >Gimmick cheese

    Black person, what the frick are you doing?

    • 9 months ago

      My mistake on not deleting
      It took me a sec to realize you are a moron and attached a pic full of shit that is not related to what you are actually purchasing.

      • 9 months ago

        >Nooooo, you have to take a picture and post your actual shopping cart for me to see because I can't read
        The fact that you have the nerve to call someone moronic is hilarious.

        • 9 months ago

          Be a lazy b***h if you want, I guess.

  22. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Why is he thinner, I was assured size was genetic

      • 9 months ago

        socialism is great for weight loss

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