>had symptoms of mini stroke. >go to A&E. >10 hour wait to be seen. >symptoms resolved by now

>had symptoms of mini stroke
>go to A&E
>10 hour wait to be seen
>symptoms resolved by now
>get basic neuro exam
>"You're ok, just a migraine LOL, see your GP"
>Book an appointment with GP
>Get seen by a fricking NURSE
>Just asks me to monitor my blood pressure
>ZERO imaging done, ZERO exams
>I'm not even fricking allowed to see my own blood tests, no idea if they tested for clotting
>They didn't even suggest losing weight or something

How can I stay IST when this is the state of the NHS?
How do I get a CT or MRI done in the UK btw? Called a private hospital they said CT scans start at fricking 800 pounds + 200 pound consultation fee WTF.

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  1. 9 months ago

    No refunds. Enjoy hell, vaxxie.

  2. 9 months ago

    If you wanna live you have no choice but go private. My country has social halthcare too but it's also completely useless.

  3. 9 months ago

    Get out of Bongland I would’ve worked you up in the US for those symptoms. You’d at least have gotten a head CT and labs which I would have gone over with you line by line at the bedside. Sorry your government wants you to die to save money.

    • 9 months ago

      >I would’ve worked you up in the US for those symptoms
      Nice larp, homosexual. He didn't even say what his symptoms were.

      • 9 months ago

        I've worked in an ER before and anyone coming in for anything head related is getting a CT scan

        • 9 months ago

          During the first week of UK lockdown I collapsed with a sudden blinding pain in my skull lifting heavy at home.
          Managed to phone for help. Paramedic was at the door in less than 5 minutes, and I was rushed straight into hospital and having a ct scan 10 mins later for a suspected brain haemorrhage
          Turned out all clear so they concluded I'd had an aneurysm that had returned to normal.

      • 9 months ago

        I was a ER PA for two and a half years before I burnt out and had to leave. Mini stroke symptoms, no matter what, get worked up. It’s a system based on liability and we do the workup so we don’t miss something. Whether it’s a temporary hemianopsia, weakness of an arm, slurred speech, balance difficulty, whatever it’s getting worked up.

        • 9 months ago

          Can all those symptoms just be anxiety?

          • 9 months ago

            Absolutely. But if you just diagnose that without the workup and you’re wrong your ass is getting sued. Same thing for chest pain. 99 percent of people under 40 with chest pain have anxiety or some other benign condition but if you don’t do an EKG on all of them you miss the patient with the anomaly

  4. 9 months ago

    hate to be an 'it's over' poster but the country has genuinely gone to the dogs lad, get out if you can it's what I'm trying to do

    • 9 months ago

      There's no place in the world where he'll get proper healthcare without directly paying for it. The system is strained by old fricks and fatsos.

      • 9 months ago

        in the UK you literally can't pay for it, everything is fundamentally routed through the NHS, even if you get private the closest thing you can get to paying for healthcare is just jumping the queue to see a GP and get referred to non-surgical stuff like a physio
        >t. bong with private healthcare

        • 9 months ago

          I'm a bong and I get private healthcare with bupa through my work and that's not how it worked for me.

          • 9 months ago

            I'm with AXA and every time I try to use it they either just put in an NHS referral or send me to nuffield health

  5. 9 months ago

    They MRI you when it’s necessary. I walked into my local hospital, announced my condition, and I got painkillers and an MRI within 3 hours.

    Migraines are fine. Let me guess, your vision went funny and your extremities went numb? Maybe you couldn’t speak properly either? Perhaps some confusion?

  6. 9 months ago

    >scans start at fricking 800 pounds + 200 pound consultation fee
    Cheap compared to US tbh

  7. 9 months ago

    Bong who works in healthcare here. Describe your symptoms lad.

  8. 9 months ago

    File a complaint that staff used wrong pronouns.

    You must use bureaucratic systems against themselves to control them.

  9. 9 months ago

    You have to argue and make an ass of yourself. People who are pushovers never receive help or care in a free healthcare state.

  10. 9 months ago

    My great gramps escaped bongland after WW2. The only problem is he settled in Canada and Winnipeg for the rest of his 70 years...

  11. 9 months ago

    When you're living under a communistic healthcare system, the person who makes the most noise, gets seen first. You basically have to make it sound like you're going to die (even if you're not) so the onus falls on them, you can't be rude about it though.. It's the only thing that'll get their lazy asses moving.

    take it from a canadian.

  12. 9 months ago

    Why were the wait times so long?

  13. 9 months ago

    Guys how the frick do I get rid of panic attacks? Everywhere I go besides the gym I get fricking jiterry and my heart rate starts racing and I get dizzy. Is it over? What the frick do I do? It’s killing my quality of life

  14. 9 months ago

    I got double jaw surgery earlier this year. My jaws were detached from my skull, sawed into several different pieces, and reattached to my skull with metal plates and screws. The recovery was absolutely horrific - especially in the first week. My jaws were wired shut, I couldn't talk at all, blood would pour out of my mouth and nose every time I sat up straight or stood up to walk, I was constantly drooling, my face swelled up so much that my lips were 4x their normal size and ended up fusing together from all of the swelling, blood, drool, and snot, my nasal cavities got almost completely filled with rock hard black blood clots, it felt like someone shoved 2 fistfuls of charcoal into my face, my right nasal cavity was completely clogged because the nasal sprays weren't working, and my left nasal cavity was 95% clogged. I was one little booger or blood clot away from not being able to breathe at all, and so I went to the emergency room at like 3 AM on the 3rd morning of my recovery. Despite the fact that it looked like someone had smashed me in the face with a baseball bat and glued my lips shut and pumped my mouth full of air, and despite the fact that blood was bubbling and dripping out of my left nostril every time I took a breath, which I could barely do, the staff in the emergency room did barely anything to help me. They put me in a wheel chair, put blood pressure, oxygen levels, and heart rate monitors on me, and left me there for like an hour like that, even though the emergency room wasn't that crowded. They finally moved me to a bed and gave me an IV, and after a doctor came to check me out like 20 minutes later, she basically said my oxygen levels were fine, told me to hang in there, and walked off. Keep in mind that everyone in the room was staring at me with WTF looks on their faces because I looked horrific and was still struggling with every breath.


    • 9 months ago

      Then like 30 minutes later a male nurse came and yanked out some of the gnarly looking blood clots in my nose with some medical pliers so that I could breathe a little bit better. But he said he didn't feel comfortable going more than a half inch deep into my nostrils because he didn't want to ruin my surgery. And so they said I had to back to the hospital that performed my surgery because then my surgery team would be able to help me better. And they told me I had to wait for an ambulance to transfer me - which they said shouldn't be longer than a 45 minute wait. I ended up lying in that bed for like 7 hours waiting. Random female nurses would check on me like every hour and would give me syringes of liquid Tylenol and Ibuprofen to take every 3 hours. I was begging them to give me more painkillers via text on my phone because it felt like someone was stabbing me in the eardrum with an icepick, but they wouldn't do it. And so I just laid there rocking my head back and forth wheezing and bleeding through my nose for hours. Even worse, I swear every single patient in the beds around me were illegal immigrants since they didn't speak a single word of English. And then it gets even worse still, because once the EMTs finally arrived, they only asked me a a handful of questions that I had to slowly reply to via texts on my phone, and then helped to strap me into the collapsible wheeled gurney. They put me in the back of the ambulance, closed the door, and then drove the speed limit to the hospital that performed my surgery. They didn't use their sirens or their flashing lights or break any traffic laws. And it only took like 30 minutes and they didn't touch me once or say a single word during the entire drive. Despite this, I still got billed nearly $1,000 for that ambulance trip after insurance (they charged my insurance about $2,000 and I had to pay half for some reason).


      • 9 months ago

        And then when I got to the hospital that performed my surgery, again I was pretty much neglected for hours and again I was surrounded by what I assume were illegal immigrants because they didn't speak English. I just repeated the process for about 7 hours of nurses hooking up an IV to me and checking on me every hour or so and ignoring my requests for stronger painkillers. One female nurse even tried to give me painkillers in pill form which I told her via text that I couldn't take because my jaws were wired shut. She said she was going to go get me the liquid versions in a syringe but she never came back. And so I had unchecked excruciating pain for the next 3 hours and again just rocked my head back in forth in agony as all of the medical personnel walked by my bed and ignored me. I still hate those people to this day - especially that nurse who was too lazy to do her job. And not a single person from my surgery team ever showed up either. Instead, my lead oral surgeon got a call from them and they talked on the phone for a bit about what to do. Then some 20-something oral surgeon in training finally came to my bed, ripped my lips open without warning, which hurt like a motherfricker and covered my lips in bloody scabs that lasted for days, shoved some Afrin up my nostrils, gave me a tube of generic petroleum jelly to put on my lips, told me to go home and that he believed in me. This whole process ended up costing me like $4,000 after insurance by the way. Holy shit - I hate 99.99% of the people in the healthcare industry. Legit greedy psychopaths.

  15. 9 months ago

    I live in the US. My wife had a brain tumor recently, gold plated insurance, dance story. Insurance is good for when you have an expensive hospital stay/ medical procedure, but it won't get you seen any faster.

  16. 9 months ago

    I went private for a blood test a couple of years ago because I literally couldn't be bothered to deal with the NHS

  17. 9 months ago

    nice universal healthcare b***h

  18. 9 months ago

    I enjoyed ninja high school, what you on about? (Yeah national health service is a joke. My mum and auntie died because of those homosexuals fricking up).

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