Have male body standards reached a level that's completely unrealistic for natties?

Have male body standards reached a level that's completely unrealistic for natties?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago

    No he's natty. Just because you can't achieve that means you're less of a man.

  2. 9 months ago

    Fact is genetics determine whether you can have an aesthetic body
    This is achievable natty with effort but most people will never look this good with identical muscle mass and bf %

    • 9 months ago

      That would be considered a skinnyfat DYEL today

      • 9 months ago

        Only on this board you terminally online freak
        Ask literally any woman any age and she's like
        >wow he's jacked, hot

        • 9 months ago

          The amount of moronation on this site is due to the amount of hispanics pajeets and other low IQ vermin I can't believe whites would be this dumb

        • 9 months ago

          >Ask literally any woman any age and she's like
          >wow he's jacked, hot
          I'v got bad news for you

          • 9 months ago

            Women love lying when they can get away with it and that medium gives them all the freedom in the world.

            • 9 months ago

              So what you are saying is that
              >Ask literally any woman any age and she's like
              >wow he's jacked, hot
              is a bunch of bullshit

              • 9 months ago

                Face to face she'll be more truthful but on the internet they will like 90% of the time.

              • 9 months ago

                >Face to face she'll be more truthful but on the internet they will like 90% of the time.
                Nope, same thing in real life.

              • 9 months ago

                >Face to face
                >she'll be more truthful
                Bro, they always lie.

          • 9 months ago

            >roid traps
            You juat don't understand the female gaze lmao
            If this pic was shaved and in a confident unlfexed posed it would get rated very attractive
            homosexual autists

            • 9 months ago

              >body hair
              it's natty
              >roid traps
              it's natty

            • 9 months ago

              >roid traps
              They're just high insertions

          • 9 months ago

            You're hairy and you're showing an explicit photo of your body, which they interpret as you wanting them to praise you for your body.
            If you trim/shave. and take a pic with a "I'm not looking at the camera" pose in a beach or somewhere you're supposed to be shirtless, then women will like it.
            Better yet, just wear and well fitting shirt that somehow shows your abs and they'll like it better.
            Being jacked is a massive plus, it's just that they don't like obvious and simple truths like we do, so never present it like it is.
            Make it seem like it's something that they got to see by accident.

            • 9 months ago

              >Make it seem like it's something that they got to see by accident.
              Chicks think sports are lame, but like a sporty-athletic guy. Toss a football around with your boys and get some photos where you're sporty, but clearly just having fun and not taking it too seriously.
              Also pics with dogs get a lot of attention.

              • 9 months ago

                Also, they love a cat guy, take a photo next to your cat or even a friend's cat.

              • 9 months ago

                I thought guys who like cats give women the ick now

              • 9 months ago

                if a woman doesnt like your cat she belongs in the prostitute pit

            • 9 months ago

              >it's just that they don't like obvious and simple truths like we do,
              Yes yes, women hate honesty, what else is new.

    • 9 months ago

      arm heavy fizeeks look so dumb man. the era of the curl bro was grim.

      • 9 months ago

        >arm heavy

        • 9 months ago

          it quite obviously is
          this is what you look like if you train arms 5 times a week and back 0 times

    • 9 months ago

      Pecs too square to have gotten there naturally imo

      • 9 months ago

        Thats moronic. You are dumb. Muscle shape and insertion points are 100% genetic.

  3. 9 months ago

    No, because they're not really standards and what some niche group considers ideal is nowhere near the generally perceived ideal.

  4. 9 months ago

    No, you are just terminally online.

    • 9 months ago

      The problem is that even zoomettes are terminally online now, so the terminally online images *are* their reality. Why look at the local boys in their high school or college class when they can get flown to get fricked in some penthouse apartment by some gigachad by hitting him up on instagram? Life is 100% digital for normies now. The irony is that a lot of the nerdier "techy" types use technology LESS now than normies, because they know of the dangers of spending all their time within a digital false reality.

      • 9 months ago

        >The irony is that a lot of the nerdier "techy" types use technology LESS now than normies
        Wasn't it Bill Gates that admitted that he didn't let his kids use any more electronics than was absolutely necessary. That of course got walked back.

        • 9 months ago

          think it was zuckerberg, he snet them to a montesori school or something and just completely banned them from computers.

  5. 9 months ago

    I think mass monsters are recognized as disgusting by most everyone who doesn’t have body dysmorphia. Aesthetic body for a natty can be had at like 12-15% body with 3-4 day splits

    • 9 months ago

      >I think mass monsters are recognized as disgusting by most everyone who doesn’t have body dysmorphia
      this. you don't even need roids to get as aesthetic as possible, but it takes a really long time. 1-2 cycles of SARMs or anavar is all you need to be considered a pinnacle of aesthetics by anyone who isn't mentally ill, with minimal effort and without turning yourself into a castrated troony who needs to be on pemanent HRT to get an errection

    • 9 months ago

      Yuck, a tattoo.

      • 9 months ago

        >gets filtered by the incel filter

        • 9 months ago

          >likes disgusting prostitutes

    • 9 months ago

      > Aesthetic body
      >12-15% body
      Pick one. Love handles are not aesthetic.

  6. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      The simple rrason for this is women see better looking women as a threat and men see better looking men as a goal
      Modern woman sees fat woman and thinks
      >its okay I look lile this...
      Man sees fat man thinks

      • 9 months ago

        >The simple rrason for this is women see better looking women as a threat and men see better looking men as a goal
        This alone is why women should not be allowed in government

      • 9 months ago

        This is true. I never buy shit if the model is a fat frick.

    • 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      only if you hang out with steroid obsessed snobs from california
      get out of the gym a little. live life

      >old ladies can vibe, old men deserve nothing

    • 9 months ago

      >men have wider mid section than thighs
      >accentuated even more if they train core

      This is some scary shit.

    • 9 months ago


      In the world of media? Yes. Movies, games, TV, Tik tok, IG, dating apps all establish ridiculous standards for males. In real life, no, you don't have to be very fit to be considered average or decent looking. I'm "omg wow so buff" to my normie friends and I barely bench 2.5 pl8 for 3 reps and can do 4x10 pull ups at 190lbs BW. I'm probably like 20% bf. Not impressive but men and women both consider me fit.

      You're fricked if you're trying to stand out on the internet but IRL most men are fine as natties.

      It is funny watching mass media - the guys tend to be jacked (not always, that trend may be slipping), but the women are just not fat. That's sort of the standard, just don't be fat. I can't say I complain, I've banged plenty of skellies. yvx2n

  7. 9 months ago

    The terminally online roidtroony bodybuilder physique is the male equivalent of the breast implant lip filler fake tan turbobimbo foid.

    In other words, it's not a standard.

    • 9 months ago

      >breast implant lip filler fake tan turbobimbo foid.
      Thats what high tedt men crave, troony

      • 9 months ago

        Fish swim with fish I don't care. Both look repulsive.

      • 9 months ago


  8. 9 months ago

    The "standards" don't really move. What happens is that people find one weak point in themselves that they put the most blame on for their lack of success with the other sex. I'm not getting pussy because I'm not fit enough - and when I'm fit and still not getting pussy it must be because I'm not lean enough. Still no pussy? Gotta get even bigger and more shredded. Although women don't really have a problem finding partners they do the same shit when it comes to things they believe are beauty standards, even if they are not.

    • 9 months ago

      >women don't really have a problem finding partners
      You mean sex
      Finding a decent bf is as hard for women as it is for an incel to get laid

      • 9 months ago

        >Finding a decent bf is as hard for women as it is for an incel to get laid
        That's a complete coping lie and you know it

        • 9 months ago

          Seethe harder
          Most women just settle

          • 9 months ago

            Most women ride chads dick until they're 27 and Beta Bob who's also a millionaire picks them up and forgives all their past sins

            Women DO NOT LOSE in today's society, you're just a coping incel who pretend women also struggle so you can feel better about yourself

            • 9 months ago

              Nah bro I'm chad and have a gf rn

              >Finding a decent bf is as hard for women
              uhuh, lets see that mental illness now, define "decent bf"

              Decent bf means minimum 7 inch dick can last 7 hours of continous sex with multiple women potential to make 7 figures is personable charmong funny and caring
              Bare minimum

            • 9 months ago

              >Women DO NOT LOSE in today's society
              Yes they do. They hold out hope for Chad, despite being a 5-6/10, until it's too late and end up lone spinsters.

            • 9 months ago

              >most women settle for a millionaire
              Why are incels so out of touch with reality?

          • 9 months ago

            And what is wrong with that? We all settle one way or another.

        • 9 months ago

          Most men are complete homosexuals nowadays, I feel bad for the women sometimes. Sometimes.

          • 9 months ago

            Women also have moronic standards, so they deserve to suffer

            • 9 months ago

              >That ratio
              Lmao this b***h literally only swiping on 1.5% of men

              • 9 months ago

                >Lmao this b***h literally only swiping on 1.5% of men
                and IST is still delusionally thinking that top 20% fricks 80%. These numbers are just unrealistic

              • 9 months ago

                Internet dating is not worth it unless you are in the top percetiles of men.

              • 9 months ago

                Is online dating a psyop? Serious question

              • 9 months ago

                It seems rigged for every man I've talked to about it, you might get some matches but they'll lock many behind a pay wall. I'm fairly certain they do this because they know how thirsty so many men are. Every other social media site is psychologically manipulative so this is no different.

              • 9 months ago

                the more horizontal lines you put across that the worse it gets. sheesh

              • 9 months ago

                >porn addicts
                that's just most men period
                >"sensitive" men you need to perform emotional labor for
                women have asked for decades for men to be more emotional. They've insulted stoic, emotionally controlled men for so long now that soijacks have picked up the idea they need to cry and show their femme side
                >narcissistic gym bros
                aka someone who trains and loves their body?
                >emotionally distant manipulators
                unlike the soijacks that learned to be sensitive, these guys are ex-PUA who learned how to effectively use modern women
                >performative "woke" men
                just a combo of the sensitive soijack and the emotional manipulator but with a political twist

                Women created all these men, time to lay in the bed of your own creation

              • 9 months ago

                And she'll frick the narcissistic gymbros, kek

            • 9 months ago

              I know, shit is bad.

            • 9 months ago

              A 5/10, sterilized, 27 year old roastie only swipes right on 1.5% of men
              It is fricking over, what a joke of a world we live in

            • 9 months ago

              no way that's real she looks way older than that

            • 9 months ago

              but tinder is honestly 90% skinny fat blob faces with a thin veneer of politness looking for sex with no self awareness as to how they look or act. ie pic rel

              the rest are mostly turbonormies with bare minimum stats

            • 9 months ago

              Jesus Christ.

            • 9 months ago

              Disgusting. I feel nothing but repulsed now. I'll never go near them and the story of Eve tempting Adam makes more sense than ever. I will not make his mistake, don't care if some edgelord makes fun of me for it because I can think for myself and see enough men ruined by women.

            • 9 months ago

              >That ratio
              Lmao this b***h literally only swiping on 1.5% of men

              there's like a 100:1 ratio of men to women on tinder, so this really isn't that surprising

            • 9 months ago

              one simply understands

        • 9 months ago

          Women AT LEAST want a 7 foot star athlete model billionaire who leads an exciting life and is ok with an open relationship.
          No shit they have problems finding a bf lol.

        • 9 months ago

          Sure , there may be multiple men wanting to be her partner, even desperately wanting to
          But that doesn't mean they would make a good boyfriend

      • 9 months ago

        >Finding a decent bf is as hard for women
        uhuh, lets see that mental illness now, define "decent bf"

        • 9 months ago

          Someone who can protect, provide, console and not cheat

          • 9 months ago

            protect to what extent?
            provide to what extent?
            console to what extent?
            not cheat to what extent?

            • 9 months ago

              >protect to what extent?
              To the extent that they feel safe
              >provide to what extent?
              To the extent they can raise a family
              >console to what extent?
              To the extent they feel heard
              >not cheat to what extent?
              To the extent where you don't bond with another person spiritually physically, or emotionally the way you have bonded with them

              • 9 months ago

                >To the extent that they feel safe
                So it's not about actually making them safe, but to make them feel safe. Got it. So you should send them to therapy so they stop being neurotic then?
                >To the extent they can raise a family
                Ah yes, the woman that spent the money on the kids upbringing and not on wine and traveling.
                >To the extent they feel heard
                there is that word again "feel"

                The main message here is that you think that men should emotionally manage women from their own neuroticism. Saving women form themselves.

                >To the extent where you don't bond with another person spiritually physically, or emotionally the way you have bonded with them
                This one is actually on the guy and can easily be achieved.

              • 9 months ago

                >So it's not about actually making them safe, but to make them feel safe. Got it. So you should send them to therapy so they stop being neurotic then?
                Sure or embrace gender roles and protect your partner
                >Ah yes, the woman that spent the money on the kids upbringing and not on wine and traveling.
                >there is that word again "feel"
                >The main message here is that you think that men should emotionally manage women from their own neuroticism. Saving women form themselves.
                Women are emotional creatures, learn to cope with that if you want a long and happy partnership
                >This one is actually on the guy and can easily be achieved
                They are all on both and are all easily achieved, women can also cope that men like sex and might cheat

                Relationships are not checklists, they require a lot or work and not everyone can do it.

              • 9 months ago

                >Sure or embrace gender roles and protect your partner
                Has nothing to do with being able to protect them and everything with being a therapist to them to manage their neuroticism.
                >Women are emotional creatures, learn to cope with that if you want a long and happy partnership
                So you think a relationship between a therapist and their patient is what men and women are supposed to have?

                interesting "gender roles" you have there. Ah yes, remember how all through out civilization men would spend lots of time and effort managing the emotions of a woman to protect her from herself.
                Yup.... We certainly didn't build civilization on women not having rights and simply staying at home.

              • 9 months ago

                >if you want a long and happy partnership
                You know what? The juice ain't worth the squeeze.

              • 9 months ago

                if you can't accommodate my ever shifting irrational feelings then you are just not man enough to reproduce

              • 9 months ago

                >Sure or embrace gender roles and protect your partner
                Has nothing to do with being able to protect them and everything with being a therapist to them to manage their neuroticism.
                >Women are emotional creatures, learn to cope with that if you want a long and happy partnership
                So you think a relationship between a therapist and their patient is what men and women are supposed to have?

                interesting "gender roles" you have there. Ah yes, remember how all through out civilization men would spend lots of time and effort managing the emotions of a woman to protect her from herself.
                Yup.... We certainly didn't build civilization on women not having rights and simply staying at home.

                I sincerely doubt that because men are more prone to risk taking and criminal behavior
                regardless, it doesn’t matter to this discussion unless these drugs are
                >for aesthetic purposes
                >will actually significantly increase your odds of early death
                >men do not also take them
                >it is not specifically to kill themself
                and I can legitimately think of no drug on par with steroids that fits the above
                maybe some sort of stimulant to get skinny, but I doubt it would outpace men’s consumption of said drug

                It's absurd really.
                Good relationships and cilization was built on letting the man lead, to be in charge, to be ignore womans irrational desires and only grant them logical long term ones that lead to formation of family and society.
                Now, people think having a relationship is not pulling in the emotional, irrational one into stability. But by appeasing the emotional, irrational one, however they happen to feel in the moment. Which is inherently an unstable system that cannot be stable.
                The woman was "led" much like a child was, with hard boundries to keep them safe and you were nice you'd explain them to the woman or not, but ultimately they had to follow and had no choice in the matter.
                Much like a child didn't get to choose to eat only sweets for breakfast lunch and dinner.
                But it's even worse than a child. Because a child does not have experience and that is it's reason for being dumb. It has no responsibilities because it has no power over matters. You lead and keep them safe by force.
                A woman though? She is a grown adult, she doesn't have the excuse of being dumb because she simply doesn't have any info about the world.
                Worse still, they want power over matters, but also don't want responsibility that comes with said power.
                Again trying to appease this will only lead to unstable chaos, because desires and wants, can change on a dime. The wants are free, you can want anything anytime, in any amount.
                What you can provide is always limited, as effort and time has to be expended to make them a reality.
                Thus a system that says "desire whatever, I will try to satisfy your endless appetite " is destined to fail.

                Further more, when back in the day women had no rights. They also had special privileges due to the fact they don't have rights. Chivalry for instance is a direct response. You give them less power, but you treat them nicely for it. For a "princess" to be saved by a nobel knight, she needs to in need of saving from something.
                In the old days it was form outside forces, such as poverty, famine, death, outside dangers.
                These days those things don't exist for majority of women. So whats left to save women from? Themselves, thats the only thing left to save them from.
                So we end up in the role of the therapist, trying to mentally manage an irrational and unstable person.
                Which does not breed a good relationship between man and woman.
                A relationship between a knight and saved farm girl can work.
                A relationship between a therapist and a patient cannot.
                A relationship can only work if you work together against outside factors. Not if you have to save women from themselves.

                Lastly modern society inherently makes women more miserable, to speak nothing of men.
                But for a woman to be happy and loyal to her man, she needs, requires him to be better than her.
                Smarter, stronger, more wealthy, more socially powerful, etc.
                They don't have a certain set of standards they need fufilled such as "must provide a roof over my head, any roof". Or "as long as I am not starving, I am happy".
                It's always "It must be better than X"
                He must be better than me. That is vital to their happiness.
                In the old days when women had no rights and life had real problems such as famine and having a house.
                If a man would take up any woman who has no rights, he would be better than her, being able to provide either strength of body for hunting or labor for building. Later still, they would provide money and resources.
                While the woman couldn't really do hunting and heavy labor, and wasn't permitted to work to get money.
                Almost any man was better than her and she was happy with him.

                With modern society.
                We have given women rights, the ability to work, the type of work present in the world has become less physically intensive or dangerous and more cushy and easy office work.
                Any hard physical labor or complicated smart work can be payed for.
                Women earn as much as men, or more, with current "initiatives" by society to put women forward.

                The result? The woman with her inbuilt "I need a man better than me" has effectively removed multiple reasons as to why a man is better than her, and pushed society to get money on the same or better level than men.
                What does this logically lead to?
                That there will be less and less men better than her. There is less and less men out there that emotionally satisfy her and make her happy.
                And the harder she strives to be successful in modern society, the more and more candidates are removed from the pool.
                So you end up with women wanting top earners which are limited in numbers by the very idea.
                And again it's not about having certain standards of living that they need. It's about having "better than X".
                Even women who earn millions, want men who earn billions, who are better than them. They cannot be happy with men who are worse than them in some aspect.

                Naturally this isn't all. A woman can easily still want "better than x" even if her man is better than her in every single way. By simply comparing her neighbors wife and her husband and how much better he is.
                But this is more about what a woman will want to be "satisfied"
                While "he is better than me in everything" is the minimum women require to not destroy a relationship.
                The "he is better than other husbands in the area or social circle around me" is what a woman will desire to be "satisfied".

                Naturally any man will understand that there can only be one woman in such a scenario that is satisfied and all the other ones will be wanting and seething.

                I could go on, but I hope it's clear enough.

                Society will continue to deteriorate until modern numales come to terms with these facts.

            • 9 months ago

              >To the extent that they feel safe
              So it's not about actually making them safe, but to make them feel safe. Got it. So you should send them to therapy so they stop being neurotic then?
              >To the extent they can raise a family
              Ah yes, the woman that spent the money on the kids upbringing and not on wine and traveling.
              >To the extent they feel heard
              there is that word again "feel"

              The main message here is that you think that men should emotionally manage women from their own neuroticism. Saving women form themselves.

              >To the extent where you don't bond with another person spiritually physically, or emotionally the way you have bonded with them
              This one is actually on the guy and can easily be achieved.

              >Sure or embrace gender roles and protect your partner
              Has nothing to do with being able to protect them and everything with being a therapist to them to manage their neuroticism.
              >Women are emotional creatures, learn to cope with that if you want a long and happy partnership
              So you think a relationship between a therapist and their patient is what men and women are supposed to have?

              interesting "gender roles" you have there. Ah yes, remember how all through out civilization men would spend lots of time and effort managing the emotions of a woman to protect her from herself.
              Yup.... We certainly didn't build civilization on women not having rights and simply staying at home.

              Incredibly based, fren.

              • 9 months ago

                It's absurd really.
                Good relationships and cilization was built on letting the man lead, to be in charge, to be ignore womans irrational desires and only grant them logical long term ones that lead to formation of family and society.
                Now, people think having a relationship is not pulling in the emotional, irrational one into stability. But by appeasing the emotional, irrational one, however they happen to feel in the moment. Which is inherently an unstable system that cannot be stable.
                The woman was "led" much like a child was, with hard boundries to keep them safe and you were nice you'd explain them to the woman or not, but ultimately they had to follow and had no choice in the matter.
                Much like a child didn't get to choose to eat only sweets for breakfast lunch and dinner.
                But it's even worse than a child. Because a child does not have experience and that is it's reason for being dumb. It has no responsibilities because it has no power over matters. You lead and keep them safe by force.
                A woman though? She is a grown adult, she doesn't have the excuse of being dumb because she simply doesn't have any info about the world.
                Worse still, they want power over matters, but also don't want responsibility that comes with said power.
                Again trying to appease this will only lead to unstable chaos, because desires and wants, can change on a dime. The wants are free, you can want anything anytime, in any amount.
                What you can provide is always limited, as effort and time has to be expended to make them a reality.
                Thus a system that says "desire whatever, I will try to satisfy your endless appetite " is destined to fail.

              • 9 months ago

                With modern society.
                We have given women rights, the ability to work, the type of work present in the world has become less physically intensive or dangerous and more cushy and easy office work.
                Any hard physical labor or complicated smart work can be payed for.
                Women earn as much as men, or more, with current "initiatives" by society to put women forward.

                The result? The woman with her inbuilt "I need a man better than me" has effectively removed multiple reasons as to why a man is better than her, and pushed society to get money on the same or better level than men.
                What does this logically lead to?
                That there will be less and less men better than her. There is less and less men out there that emotionally satisfy her and make her happy.
                And the harder she strives to be successful in modern society, the more and more candidates are removed from the pool.
                So you end up with women wanting top earners which are limited in numbers by the very idea.
                And again it's not about having certain standards of living that they need. It's about having "better than X".
                Even women who earn millions, want men who earn billions, who are better than them. They cannot be happy with men who are worse than them in some aspect.

                Naturally this isn't all. A woman can easily still want "better than x" even if her man is better than her in every single way. By simply comparing her neighbors wife and her husband and how much better he is.
                But this is more about what a woman will want to be "satisfied"
                While "he is better than me in everything" is the minimum women require to not destroy a relationship.
                The "he is better than other husbands in the area or social circle around me" is what a woman will desire to be "satisfied".

                Naturally any man will understand that there can only be one woman in such a scenario that is satisfied and all the other ones will be wanting and seething.

                I could go on, but I hope it's clear enough.


                Society will continue to deteriorate until modern numales come to terms with these facts.

                So true. I cannot see how anyone, not even women, could disagree with this for any reason other than being butthurt about the objective truth.
                The IRS being greedy and wanting more tax payers lead us to this point.
                Doesn't seem like there is a way to go back unless we somehow remove hypergamy from the brains of women or undo all the technological progress and go back to men defending women from nature and other men.

              • 9 months ago

                >So true. I cannot see how anyone, not even women, could disagree with this for any reason other than being butthurt about the objective truth.
                People are too emotional to think rationally anymore, because women are women and most men were raised by absent/weak fathers. Men are gone at work all day making Goldstein more money so they aren't around to turn their sons into proper men, and this has been compounding ever since the silent generation couldn't raise the boomers
                >Doesn't seem like there is a way to go back unless we somehow remove hypergamy from the brains of women or undo all the technological progress and go back to men defending women from nature and other men.
                It's going to take some form of system overthrow with force at this point. No way it will happen naturally

              • 9 months ago

                It's absurd really.
                Good relationships and cilization was built on letting the man lead, to be in charge, to be ignore womans irrational desires and only grant them logical long term ones that lead to formation of family and society.
                Now, people think having a relationship is not pulling in the emotional, irrational one into stability. But by appeasing the emotional, irrational one, however they happen to feel in the moment. Which is inherently an unstable system that cannot be stable.
                The woman was "led" much like a child was, with hard boundries to keep them safe and you were nice you'd explain them to the woman or not, but ultimately they had to follow and had no choice in the matter.
                Much like a child didn't get to choose to eat only sweets for breakfast lunch and dinner.
                But it's even worse than a child. Because a child does not have experience and that is it's reason for being dumb. It has no responsibilities because it has no power over matters. You lead and keep them safe by force.
                A woman though? She is a grown adult, she doesn't have the excuse of being dumb because she simply doesn't have any info about the world.
                Worse still, they want power over matters, but also don't want responsibility that comes with said power.
                Again trying to appease this will only lead to unstable chaos, because desires and wants, can change on a dime. The wants are free, you can want anything anytime, in any amount.
                What you can provide is always limited, as effort and time has to be expended to make them a reality.
                Thus a system that says "desire whatever, I will try to satisfy your endless appetite " is destined to fail.

                Further more, when back in the day women had no rights. They also had special privileges due to the fact they don't have rights. Chivalry for instance is a direct response. You give them less power, but you treat them nicely for it. For a "princess" to be saved by a nobel knight, she needs to in need of saving from something.
                In the old days it was form outside forces, such as poverty, famine, death, outside dangers.
                These days those things don't exist for majority of women. So whats left to save women from? Themselves, thats the only thing left to save them from.
                So we end up in the role of the therapist, trying to mentally manage an irrational and unstable person.
                Which does not breed a good relationship between man and woman.
                A relationship between a knight and saved farm girl can work.
                A relationship between a therapist and a patient cannot.
                A relationship can only work if you work together against outside factors. Not if you have to save women from themselves.

                Lastly modern society inherently makes women more miserable, to speak nothing of men.
                But for a woman to be happy and loyal to her man, she needs, requires him to be better than her.
                Smarter, stronger, more wealthy, more socially powerful, etc.
                They don't have a certain set of standards they need fufilled such as "must provide a roof over my head, any roof". Or "as long as I am not starving, I am happy".
                It's always "It must be better than X"
                He must be better than me. That is vital to their happiness.
                In the old days when women had no rights and life had real problems such as famine and having a house.
                If a man would take up any woman who has no rights, he would be better than her, being able to provide either strength of body for hunting or labor for building. Later still, they would provide money and resources.
                While the woman couldn't really do hunting and heavy labor, and wasn't permitted to work to get money.
                Almost any man was better than her and she was happy with him.

              • 9 months ago

                It's absurd really.
                Good relationships and cilization was built on letting the man lead, to be in charge, to be ignore womans irrational desires and only grant them logical long term ones that lead to formation of family and society.
                Now, people think having a relationship is not pulling in the emotional, irrational one into stability. But by appeasing the emotional, irrational one, however they happen to feel in the moment. Which is inherently an unstable system that cannot be stable.
                The woman was "led" much like a child was, with hard boundries to keep them safe and you were nice you'd explain them to the woman or not, but ultimately they had to follow and had no choice in the matter.
                Much like a child didn't get to choose to eat only sweets for breakfast lunch and dinner.
                But it's even worse than a child. Because a child does not have experience and that is it's reason for being dumb. It has no responsibilities because it has no power over matters. You lead and keep them safe by force.
                A woman though? She is a grown adult, she doesn't have the excuse of being dumb because she simply doesn't have any info about the world.
                Worse still, they want power over matters, but also don't want responsibility that comes with said power.
                Again trying to appease this will only lead to unstable chaos, because desires and wants, can change on a dime. The wants are free, you can want anything anytime, in any amount.
                What you can provide is always limited, as effort and time has to be expended to make them a reality.
                Thus a system that says "desire whatever, I will try to satisfy your endless appetite " is destined to fail.

                Further more, when back in the day women had no rights. They also had special privileges due to the fact they don't have rights. Chivalry for instance is a direct response. You give them less power, but you treat them nicely for it. For a "princess" to be saved by a nobel knight, she needs to in need of saving from something.
                In the old days it was form outside forces, such as poverty, famine, death, outside dangers.
                These days those things don't exist for majority of women. So whats left to save women from? Themselves, thats the only thing left to save them from.
                So we end up in the role of the therapist, trying to mentally manage an irrational and unstable person.
                Which does not breed a good relationship between man and woman.
                A relationship between a knight and saved farm girl can work.
                A relationship between a therapist and a patient cannot.
                A relationship can only work if you work together against outside factors. Not if you have to save women from themselves.

                Lastly modern society inherently makes women more miserable, to speak nothing of men.
                But for a woman to be happy and loyal to her man, she needs, requires him to be better than her.
                Smarter, stronger, more wealthy, more socially powerful, etc.
                They don't have a certain set of standards they need fufilled such as "must provide a roof over my head, any roof". Or "as long as I am not starving, I am happy".
                It's always "It must be better than X"
                He must be better than me. That is vital to their happiness.
                In the old days when women had no rights and life had real problems such as famine and having a house.
                If a man would take up any woman who has no rights, he would be better than her, being able to provide either strength of body for hunting or labor for building. Later still, they would provide money and resources.
                While the woman couldn't really do hunting and heavy labor, and wasn't permitted to work to get money.
                Almost any man was better than her and she was happy with him.

                With modern society.
                We have given women rights, the ability to work, the type of work present in the world has become less physically intensive or dangerous and more cushy and easy office work.
                Any hard physical labor or complicated smart work can be payed for.
                Women earn as much as men, or more, with current "initiatives" by society to put women forward.

                The result? The woman with her inbuilt "I need a man better than me" has effectively removed multiple reasons as to why a man is better than her, and pushed society to get money on the same or better level than men.
                What does this logically lead to?
                That there will be less and less men better than her. There is less and less men out there that emotionally satisfy her and make her happy.
                And the harder she strives to be successful in modern society, the more and more candidates are removed from the pool.
                So you end up with women wanting top earners which are limited in numbers by the very idea.
                And again it's not about having certain standards of living that they need. It's about having "better than X".
                Even women who earn millions, want men who earn billions, who are better than them. They cannot be happy with men who are worse than them in some aspect.

                Naturally this isn't all. A woman can easily still want "better than x" even if her man is better than her in every single way. By simply comparing her neighbors wife and her husband and how much better he is.
                But this is more about what a woman will want to be "satisfied"
                While "he is better than me in everything" is the minimum women require to not destroy a relationship.
                The "he is better than other husbands in the area or social circle around me" is what a woman will desire to be "satisfied".

                Naturally any man will understand that there can only be one woman in such a scenario that is satisfied and all the other ones will be wanting and seething.

                I could go on, but I hope it's clear enough.

              • 9 months ago

                Further more, when back in the day women had no rights. They also had special privileges due to the fact they don't have rights. Chivalry for instance is a direct response. You give them less power, but you treat them nicely for it. For a "princess" to be saved by a nobel knight, she needs to in need of saving from something.
                In the old days it was form outside forces, such as poverty, famine, death, outside dangers.
                These days those things don't exist for majority of women. So whats left to save women from? Themselves, thats the only thing left to save them from.
                So we end up in the role of the therapist, trying to mentally manage an irrational and unstable person.
                Which does not breed a good relationship between man and woman.
                A relationship between a knight and saved farm girl can work.
                A relationship between a therapist and a patient cannot.
                A relationship can only work if you work together against outside factors. Not if you have to save women from themselves.

                Lastly modern society inherently makes women more miserable, to speak nothing of men.
                But for a woman to be happy and loyal to her man, she needs, requires him to be better than her.
                Smarter, stronger, more wealthy, more socially powerful, etc.
                They don't have a certain set of standards they need fufilled such as "must provide a roof over my head, any roof". Or "as long as I am not starving, I am happy".
                It's always "It must be better than X"
                He must be better than me. That is vital to their happiness.
                In the old days when women had no rights and life had real problems such as famine and having a house.
                If a man would take up any woman who has no rights, he would be better than her, being able to provide either strength of body for hunting or labor for building. Later still, they would provide money and resources.
                While the woman couldn't really do hunting and heavy labor, and wasn't permitted to work to get money.
                Almost any man was better than her and she was happy with him.

                It's absurd really.
                Good relationships and cilization was built on letting the man lead, to be in charge, to be ignore womans irrational desires and only grant them logical long term ones that lead to formation of family and society.
                Now, people think having a relationship is not pulling in the emotional, irrational one into stability. But by appeasing the emotional, irrational one, however they happen to feel in the moment. Which is inherently an unstable system that cannot be stable.
                The woman was "led" much like a child was, with hard boundries to keep them safe and you were nice you'd explain them to the woman or not, but ultimately they had to follow and had no choice in the matter.
                Much like a child didn't get to choose to eat only sweets for breakfast lunch and dinner.
                But it's even worse than a child. Because a child does not have experience and that is it's reason for being dumb. It has no responsibilities because it has no power over matters. You lead and keep them safe by force.
                A woman though? She is a grown adult, she doesn't have the excuse of being dumb because she simply doesn't have any info about the world.
                Worse still, they want power over matters, but also don't want responsibility that comes with said power.
                Again trying to appease this will only lead to unstable chaos, because desires and wants, can change on a dime. The wants are free, you can want anything anytime, in any amount.
                What you can provide is always limited, as effort and time has to be expended to make them a reality.
                Thus a system that says "desire whatever, I will try to satisfy your endless appetite " is destined to fail.

                Basically just take women and treat them like unruly pitbulls.

          • 9 months ago

            Choose one
            >not cheat
            Choose one

          • 9 months ago

            And is also 6 feet tall and is high status and has a 7/10 face

        • 9 months ago

          Someone who is romantic and isn't a beta male
          It's a really hard combination to find in the modern world

          • 9 months ago

            >Someone who is romantic and isn't a beta male
            thats me though
            >It's a really hard combination to find in the modern world
            you know why? because that is not rewarded in modern society. In fact if you want to have very low mating chance, that is the best way to go about it, other than being a complete loser.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah because women are fricking picky

      • 9 months ago

        >Lol finding a decent bf is as hard for women as it is for an incel to get laid
        Now imagine how hard is getting a decent gf for an incel. An incel can barely find a girl that is interested him sexually, let alone a decent one personality-wise.

        The whole "Men are dying of thirst in the desert while women are dying of thirst in the ocean." normie idea is braindead. Also it literally implies that the average woman statistically deserves or looks for someone better than the average guy (her equal), which confirms that women have turbohigh standards.

        • 9 months ago

          I feel kinda bad that I was one of many wieners getting run through these women before I got married - I was just adding to the bawdtery. That said, one more dick wasn't going to make them any more of sloots than they already were.
          Just glad I didn't catch anything.
          Some of them were really hot. A few had decent personalities aside from being easy to bed. Only one was smart - never figured her out. I guess she just liked dick. IDK.

      • 9 months ago

        every man wants to frick a prostitute
        no man wants to marry a prostitute
        deal with it b***h

  9. 9 months ago

    I think no going on feed-based social media works. My strategy is to compare myself to other men I'm competing with. I often come up favorably in this comparison.

  10. 9 months ago

    I never had a girlfriend only sex. I have given up on my country's women
    >20 yearsold

  11. 9 months ago

    Who actually buys into this shit?
    Hair styles, body shape, clothing, accessories, tattoos it's all shit that only utter spastic fashion victims fall for.
    I literally do not give a SINGLE frick about these 'standards'.

    • 9 months ago

      In my experience, its usually short men with brown but not black skin that are really into fashion and the like.

  12. 9 months ago

    thanks for the black pills I am still planning on suicide

  13. 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago

    Body dysmorphia is gay and feminine. I take steroids because they make me feel good and make me strong.

  15. 9 months ago

    Not at all, most girl are perfectly happy with a natty lifting body and 15% of bodyfat

    • 9 months ago

      Lmao, see this


      Women also have moronic standards, so they deserve to suffer

      • 9 months ago

        Ugly old women usually havr higher standards
        18yos frick anybody who is confident and direct

    • 9 months ago

      Lmao, see this [...]

      What's your point? You think that these 1,5% are all low bodyfat roidjunkies?
      Its easy to get lots of matches as a man if you look natty muscular and know how to take decent pictures.
      Most men don't look fit at all and don't know what a good picture is, the bar is very low to mog 90% of them.

      • 9 months ago

        >You think that these 1,5% are all low bodyfat roidjunkies?
        I think the 7 men she let frick her were 6'+ rupped black men on roids with huge 8" BBCs because that's what all women want and need

        • 9 months ago

          Isn't it weird how we always talk about black men and never black women, and yet there are no black people here? I don't even know any black people.

        • 9 months ago

          Why do you always talk about black dicks, anon?

  16. 9 months ago

    Jesus fricking Christ when did men become such pussies.

    When I was growing up a man whining like you c**ts would have been told to man up and we were better for it.

    Now you all just cry all the fricking time and give eachother reinforcement about being so profoundly weak. Brutal dude.

    • 9 months ago

      >Just man up and resist countless stressors that didn't exist a 100 years ago
      Also brown tryhard homosexual spacing

      • 9 months ago

        I grew up in the 90s. Shit wasn't that different. What was different is we were told to be men and your generation was told to be pussies.

        You actually believe it when someone tells you it's ok for a man to cry. Way to fail the most obvious shit test of all time.

        • 9 months ago

          Yes it wasn't at all different in the 90s, that's why millenials have way more critical disease in youth compared to the other generations and zoomers and alphas will have even more. It's not okay to cry about it, you have to fix yourself because you sure won't get any help from affirmative action doctors.

        • 9 months ago

          >we were told to be men
          Why didn't you listen?

      • 9 months ago

        is all the lookism bullshit on this board caused more by not going outside or by sheer moronation?

        new generations face new hardships, deal with it.

      • 9 months ago

        you don't work in a coal mine for pennies you pathetic whining homosexual cuck Black person you should be beaten daily

        • 9 months ago

          >homosexual cuck Black person
          Did you start posting on IST a week ago. In the coal mine you knew what was killing you and you had a chance to improve your situation. Now you have no choice if you want to be healthy or not due to 72 childhood vaccines, poisoned water, air, food, EMFs, x-rays, unless you luck out on having 1920s like parents.

    • 9 months ago

      reddit spacing, stop reading they're

    • 9 months ago


  17. 9 months ago


  18. 9 months ago

    In the world of media? Yes. Movies, games, TV, Tik tok, IG, dating apps all establish ridiculous standards for males. In real life, no, you don't have to be very fit to be considered average or decent looking. I'm "omg wow so buff" to my normie friends and I barely bench 2.5 pl8 for 3 reps and can do 4x10 pull ups at 190lbs BW. I'm probably like 20% bf. Not impressive but men and women both consider me fit.

    You're fricked if you're trying to stand out on the internet but IRL most men are fine as natties.

  19. 9 months ago

    Not outside your weird echo chamber. Just have nice arms.

  20. 9 months ago

    Just look at it the other way around. If male body standards were so high and men's bodies were that important to women, then everyone with a good body who is a lot closer to the "ideal" than the average guy, should have an easy time attracting women, and yet it seemingly makes no difference.

  21. 9 months ago

    To an extent but not really because the drastic increase in male face and height standards are far worse. At least you can always get on roids. What the frick can you do for height and face? Crazy surgeries?

    • 9 months ago

      The peak at 6'6" - god DAMN - I'm 6'5" and very, very few people in public are taller than me. I can go a day without seeing anyone my height. Do women really understand how tall that is?

    • 9 months ago

      online dating is fricked because ten hot guys can match with thousands of girls. In real life those ten guys would have been canceled out by 10-20 girls instead of 1000 girls

  22. 9 months ago

    His videos were cool in the beggining but there's realistically no more content to pump out so he just puts out shit videos like this for fat morons.

  23. 9 months ago

    Only women cry about muh standards because whining is loser slave mentality. Men don't bother with that.

  24. 9 months ago

    The cult of mediocrity is infinitely worse than unrealistic body standards.

  25. 9 months ago

    >male body standard

    Half of it is simply being over six foot.

  26. 9 months ago

    >female body insecurity
    >"oh no I can't stuff my face with pizza and ice cream every day 🙁 it's so hard being a woman!!"

    >male body insecurity
    >"take these dangerous drugs that will likely kill you before you turn 30"

    • 9 months ago

      Women use dangerous drugs more than men, it's just usually not for physical performance

      • 9 months ago

        I sincerely doubt that because men are more prone to risk taking and criminal behavior
        regardless, it doesn’t matter to this discussion unless these drugs are
        >for aesthetic purposes
        >will actually significantly increase your odds of early death
        >men do not also take them
        >it is not specifically to kill themself
        and I can legitimately think of no drug on par with steroids that fits the above
        maybe some sort of stimulant to get skinny, but I doubt it would outpace men’s consumption of said drug

  27. 9 months ago

    No, not really.
    Other expectations of men, like like saying men needs to find morbidly obese women attractive, have long been at a totally unrealistic level.

  28. 9 months ago

    No shit what a dumb question

  29. 9 months ago

    The so called "body standards" for both men and women are nothing more than "DON'T BE FRICKING FAT".
    It's not unrealistic for either group. There's just a lot of homosexuals who haven't even tried to take care of themselves.

  30. 9 months ago

    Watched t/ listened to that vid. Kinda sucked, nothing special, doesn’t address anything that anyone wouldn’t already think is crazy.
    Normie fitness standards aren’t actually that crazy. No normal person thinks the modern mass monster IFBB pros look good. And no normal person thinks teenagers should be using SARMs. Standards haven’t moved all that much, at least in the leanness/muscle mass area.
    The only unfair standard women have for men is wanting them to be tall. You can get away with virtually anything else. And even manlets can get girlfriends so it really isn’t that bad.

    • 9 months ago

      Normies are generally terrible at judging how muscular someone actually is, especially when comparing real life to instagram or tiktok
      Most people will have never seen someone actually huge and/or shredded in person, they might see a fitness model on their phone and think ahh they're not that big, but IRL they'll see some 110kg builtfat rugby player and think they're a monster.

      • 9 months ago

        >Normies are generally terrible at judging how muscular someone actually is
        especially younger women - they honestly can only consciously judge strength by biceps and abs. It's hilarious.
        Subconsciously they can probably judge overall size, but even then they are frequently so much smaller - short women are the worst at judging size. They're looking up at everything.

        Remember, pic related is huge to most females.

        • 9 months ago

          >pic related is huge to most females.
          He looks like a natty after 3 years of non-religious lifting without too much lightfrauding, so yeah, he definitely looks like he has put in some work.

          It's funny that women have more realistic body standards than most people on IST or other insta lifters.

          • 9 months ago

            >It's funny that women have more realistic body standards
            sometimes they really do, honestly.
            I wanna go full bear-mode, but that's what I like - I'm not looking for sloots anymore. (Married a cardiobunny)

            >porn addicts
            that's just most men period
            >"sensitive" men you need to perform emotional labor for
            women have asked for decades for men to be more emotional. They've insulted stoic, emotionally controlled men for so long now that soijacks have picked up the idea they need to cry and show their femme side
            >narcissistic gym bros
            aka someone who trains and loves their body?
            >emotionally distant manipulators
            unlike the soijacks that learned to be sensitive, these guys are ex-PUA who learned how to effectively use modern women
            >performative "woke" men
            just a combo of the sensitive soijack and the emotional manipulator but with a political twist

            Women created all these men, time to lay in the bed of your own creation

            ask a woman what she actually wants and you'll hear some crazy circular logic descriptions.

            Anyway, disregard females, acquire gainz.
            God help you young bucks trying to find a decent woman - the view from an old guy is that the dating pool is full of piss.

            • 9 months ago

              >God help you young bucks trying to find a decent woman - the view from an old guy is that the dating pool is full of piss.
              ehh kinda, decent women are kinda invisible, they exist but don't show themselves off like a prostitute. they just kinda appear when going to a friends wedding or at the vet.

              no doubt they're rare though, tbh men that aren't fat, poor or schizoid are somewhat rare too.

      • 9 months ago


        >Normies are generally terrible at judging how muscular someone actually is
        especially younger women - they honestly can only consciously judge strength by biceps and abs. It's hilarious.
        Subconsciously they can probably judge overall size, but even then they are frequently so much smaller - short women are the worst at judging size. They're looking up at everything.

        Remember, pic related is huge to most females.

        There's a large portion of women who describe physiques by "strength" and "he looks too strong" based on how low their bodyfat is.
        It's so irritating

        • 9 months ago

          > obese powershitter cant comprehend why woman dont find him attractive
          It's a mystery anon, what's wrong with normies these days.

          • 9 months ago

            I specifically mentioned that they described bodies by 'strength' not attractiveness you ESL moron.

  31. 9 months ago

    I'll be honest it is starting to break me. I'm not bad and am improving but the only women that actually want to be more than friends are total trainwrecks that will ruin my life. No I'm not a manlet and my face is ok.

  32. 9 months ago

    I thought this until recently, there's probably a very fine window for being a fake natty and still looking good
    saw a 5'7 roidtroony that was as wide as he was tall
    shit looks uncanny in real life

    • 9 months ago

      >there's probably a very fine window for being a fake natty and still looking good
      I think that's because most guys that roid want to go as far as possible. At least all the guys I know that roided went to weird lengths.

  33. 9 months ago

    No because I don't care about roidtrannies' standards

  34. 9 months ago

    On the internet, you only pay attention to the top 0.00001% of bodies, since it is so easy to consume content like that.

    But in real life, the average girl has no access to men like that. They see a guy with a decent face and non-obese body and find him attractive enough.

    The honest difference between a 7/10 normal attractive person and 10/10 is really not so much that you will be disappointed with the 7/10 in the long run.

    • 9 months ago

      no sorry but tinder exists

  35. 9 months ago

    I have watched that fricking video.
    Nothing like blaming men for everything, focusing on gym that barely matters when it comes to dating success and not mentioning genetics at all.

  36. 9 months ago

    women's discrimination against short men in dating is one of the last frontiers of discrimination

  37. 9 months ago

    No, and I'll keep chasing the perfect body.

  38. 9 months ago

    I'm so sick of this "british guy makes a pseudo doc with adhd editing and 40 min of history leading to the topic" meme

  39. 9 months ago

    I don't even know what I want from a partner anymore, seems every girl I meet is some combo of: going nowhere career wise and wants a provider, has or wants children, has absolutely zero shared interests or is already taken.
    Doesn't even factor in physical and mental attractiveness. Some girls have the willpower and emotional drive and decision making of a 6 year old.

  40. 9 months ago

    Gym bros keep winning.
    Why aren't you lifting, anon?

  41. 9 months ago

    No, you're just in this bubble. Nobody thinks like this in real life, it's just IST and some other parts of the internet.

    I think this is a case again of people getting fooled by what they see on the screen in front of them. That's not an insult, I do it myself sometimes.

  42. 9 months ago

    on the internet? yeah but who gives a frick
    irl? no, i have 14in arms and coworkers think im big

  43. 9 months ago

    >Be random insecure dude
    >Think about getting abetter physique
    >Start browsing IST instead of actually getting educated on fitness for some fricking reason
    >Buy into the moronic memes, the narcissism, the body dysmorphia, etc
    >Make fitness and being moronic their entire life
    >Become miserable
    >Post on IST to spread the misery they were contaminated with and make others go through the same process
    It's like a virus or some shit, but honestly nowadays with tiktok and youtube the vieus is not contained to IST only

    • 9 months ago

      Just don't go online. It's that simple. But zoomers are terminally online browsing tik tok and socializing on discord

  44. 9 months ago

    No, only for terminally online zoomers. Rest of the world is skinny fat.

  45. 9 months ago

    Female body standards are by far way more unrealistic and have been for so long

    • 9 months ago

      i'm afraid there has been a misunderstanding; today is NOT opposite day

      • 9 months ago

        Anon, this is very unrealistic and more unhealthy.
        Just because someone is capable doesn't mean it's realistic

        • 9 months ago

          Acheiveable natty?

          • 9 months ago

            No, that cow is taking at least 5 different orals daily

            • 9 months ago

              It's over.

  46. 9 months ago

    >Female body standards are by far way more unrealistic and have been for so long

  47. 9 months ago

    Natty lifting beyond the first 3 years is pointless.

    • 9 months ago

      Only if you believe constant growth is necessary

      • 9 months ago

        Got 2 get big to, uh, eat big. Brah. Got to jacked and a sickkunt brahh.

  48. 9 months ago

    >Have male body standards reached a level that's completely unrealistic...
    Yes moron. We live in a gynocentric society that never tells women to curb their hypergamous expectations. Just train and date outside of the western world.

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