health is a meme

Anyone else starting to think that maybe "healthiness" doesn't actually exist? All these health food, health products, health activities, health habits etc eventually get proven as homeopathic/placebo bullshit with no hard evidence of their effectiveness. I'm convinced that 99.9% of commercially sold drugs dont do anything and remaining 0.01% are prescription drugs that overload your system and harm you as much as they help. It just feels like the entire health industry is just one massive grift of giving people new shiny snake oils while in reality our bodies are stabilize themselves and carry on so long as we don't actively destroy ourselves and sickness is mostly a result of randomness or genetic defects.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Health certainly exists. It just can’t be bought through a pill. It takes effort and work. You start out healthy. Use it or lose it.

    • 9 months ago

      checked and based
      >eat right
      >sleep right
      >never be lazy
      its that simple

    • 9 months ago

      >You start out healthy
      this, being healthy just means being undamaged. a lot of damage is unrevertable

  2. 9 months ago

    Healthy is staying away from anything labelled as healthy

  3. 9 months ago

    This is the average american's brain on the modern western diet (goyslop). They have reached a point of no return sadly.

    • 9 months ago

      rent free bro. rent free

  4. 9 months ago

    Yeah man health doesn't exist all those people telling you to drink water or sleep or not eat 5 McDonald's burgers a day because it's "healthy" are just grifters trying to sell you something.

    • 9 months ago

      Drinking water and sleeping are not "healthy" activities, they're life necessities, you die if you dont do it. It's like saying that breathing is healthy

      checked and based
      >eat right
      >sleep right
      >never be lazy
      its that simple

      >eat right
      >sleep right
      >never be lazy
      What does "right" mean? Nobody can say for sure. There's no agreement between research authorities on what constitutes right food. There's definitely "wrong" food, like, eating lead cubes and drinking mercury from the thermometers is gonna be bad for you, which circles back to my original point, we only can damage ourselves.

      • 9 months ago

        I’ll give you the answer to the best of my knowledge. It’s hard to say exactly because science is too new and we have centuries of research to go before we really understand how things affect us. What is known is aerobic and anaerobic exercise are important. Do your cardio, lift weights, train hard and progressively overload. Make sure to get all your macros and micro nutrients. Keep it simple stupid. An active lifestyle with complete nutrition and a good social circle will have more impact than eating blueberries or whatever fad shit is going around. Don’t focus on doing everything. Do as many big impact things as you can sustainably like exercise and sleep, and then consider the small things that can help later.

        If you want to complicate it, a diet moderately high in protein (0.7g/lb) is good for a high level athlete. vegan sources of protein have better outcomes due to lower exposure to AGEs (which comes mostly from processed meats), lower cholesterol. Dietary cholesterol IS linked to serum cholesterol since cholesterol isn’t required through diet as your body can produce more than enough from scratch. Studies that don’t show the link tend to study people who already have high cholesterol. If you’re losing weight, it’s virtually impossible to have a high cholesterol no matter what you eat.

        If you have a predisposition to autoimmune issues, reduce your amount of veggie sources since many plant chemicals are mildly inflammatory. Organic foods avoid some harmful chemicals like synthetic pesticides but they circumvent this with other pesticides that are similar but naturally derived - it’s better but it’s not that much better. Don’t reduce veggies to 0 if you can. Some amount of dietary fiber and veggies greatly reduces risk of colon cancer which is one of the leading causes of death and also is a good source of micronutrients.

        Supplementing with vitamins will generally be unnecessary but always take Vitamin D 1000-2000 IU daily.

        • 9 months ago

          Thank u anon

      • 9 months ago

        > Drinking water and sleeping are not "healthy" activities, they're life necessities, you die if you dont do it.
        Based moron

      • 9 months ago

        Seriously, shut the frick up. You sound like a complete homosexual. $20 says you’re fat

      • 9 months ago

        >Nobody can say for sure
        I can. Not telling you tho.

  5. 9 months ago

    >sickness is mostly a result of randomness or genetic defects.
    Congrats, you have regressed to the level of pre-hippocratic medicine, when sickness was considered a whim of gods or fate.

  6. 9 months ago

    Lol show me the proof. I know I could be in a horrible state if I did certain shit.
    There is some variation in individuals of what's healthy, but if your diet consists solely of chocolate and you don't brush your teeth, you're gonna end up an obese monkey with rotten teeth, no?
    I don't know what crack you're smoking to come up with this shit.

    • 9 months ago

      Please re-read my post. What I mean by "healthy" are things that actively improve your state of being. Yes, we obviously know what behavior is destructive, its much easier to track and define. If you smoke crack and get fricked in the ass by Black folk you will end up in a bad place. But avoiding these things is not a 'healthy' behavior, it's just retaining neutrality.

    • 9 months ago

      ehhh, debatable i guess?
      there are people in their 40's with perfect teeth who drink 2L of soda every day and dont brush their teeth. Then there are people in their early 20's who have rotten teeth even though they brush their teeth to some extent and have reasonable soda/candy consumption.

      I also know some relatives who lived to 100 yo and literally only drinked booze, smoked cigarettes, were incredibly overweight etc. Then my grandpa who lived this perfectly healthy lifestyle tailored by doctors died at age 68 to heart attack. In a vacuum yes I can get behind that when you take 1 million people with bad habits and 1 million people with good habits, the ones with good habits will probably on average live longer and healthier. But again to what extent? And how big is the difference actually? Literally the one relative with perfect habits lived 32 years less and died to health problems. What's the metric? Im not talking about being a meth addict, but just regular foods you choose and whether you go for that run or not make literally zero difference.

      • 9 months ago

        Just because you know someone who lived like that and lived doesn’t mean you’ll be able to. They have different genetics and a different environment. The environment you are exposed to and your choices and behaviors since you’re a child will affect you exponentially in life. What’s healthy is to give yourself the best odds of living a functional, fulfilled life, which means feeling good, looking good, being able to do what you enjoy comfortably. The general trend is that if you chainsmoke your whole life, you’ll probably get lung cancer. There are always outliers but I wouldn’t bet my life on it just to avoid going for a run. Besides, you begin to enjoy exercise for the endorphins.

  7. 9 months ago

    i'm convinced that your health & longevity is heavily influenced by genetics, but putting in the effort to be as healthy as possible will still definitely extend your life and allow you to sustain a higher quality of life for a longer duration
    but if somebody has the genes to die at 60, there's probably just not much they can do

  8. 9 months ago

    Sounds like a facebook boomer post

  9. 9 months ago

    Human life expectancy has stayed that largley the same for our entire existence and no nu science would have you believe that meat and plants are killing you.

    • 9 months ago

      A perfect example of not thinking things through.
      Life is becoming easier, people live longer, but because of their shitty choices the net lifespan remains the same.
      Hambeasts don't live long in general.
      Healthy means that the food or activity in question, while partaken in moderate amounts, causes positive long and short term feedback.
      OPs question is too general/philosophical to begin with, but to think that our choices do not matter is insanity and fatty logic.
      >muh geneticz

  10. 9 months ago

    >There are many concepts of God therefore God doesnt exist

  11. 9 months ago

    Not in the concept most people think of it like where there's some kind of linear value between deathly ill and professional athlete. It's like there is a ceiling to to how healthy you can possibly be and it's pretty easy to get there and performance is a diffent but related scale.

  12. 9 months ago

    "Health" = Buy my supplement!

    El Americano

    > Sleep 8 - 10 hours a day (Bonus: on the floor)
    > Eat meat, eggs, raw dairy (Bonus: all raw)
    > Drink only water (+ natural tea)
    > NoFap (Bonus: Ice your Balls)
    > Cold Showers (Bonus: NoSoap)
    > Daily Strenous Exercise (Lifting / Martial Arts / Labor)
    > No Drugs whatsoever

    Americans are too moronic to figure these things out instead spend their salary on Joe Rogan's secret male weed changa formula and shit they don't need and b***h they're broke.

    • 9 months ago

      You spend all day thinking about Americans rent-free? You're gay bro

  13. 9 months ago

    >health is a meme
    lmao , the state of this board

  14. 9 months ago

    >sickness is mostly a result of randomness or genetic defects
    I've had this same exact thought today.
    I'm healthy, probably healthier and more health-conscious and aware than most.
    Today I woke up with a sore throat for literally no reason at all.
    I avoid crowds, I eat fruit daily, I do cardio, it's not cold outside, I don't drink iced or cold drinks, I don't fricking lick door knobs. I just randomly stumbled upon a sore throat.

  15. 9 months ago

    what do you want OP? someone to only give you advice and drugs that are 100% proven effective? grow up you fricking child lmao

  16. 9 months ago

    Keeping with that theme, I'd like to thank the first sponsor of this podcast, 8sleep.

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