high test, low motivation

Bros, I'm 37. Fecently I checked my testosterone levels. I expected hypogonadal levels, given that I was depressed my whole life, I'm very timid and medium sex drive. I also never had sex (partially because of religious reasons and partially because of avoidance personality disorder).
But my testosterone came out over 700 ng/dL. I also did some basic bloodwork apart from that and everything is in range. I don't understand it. Why am I unmotivated timid frick with such high testosterone?

I don't do drugs, don't drink, don't smoke. Is there something else I should check? I've seen endocrinologist, but since my bloodwork is good she doesn't find an issue. She told me to check my prolactin, but I'm grasping straws at this point.

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  1. 2 years ago

    Single parent, internet induced mental illness, world is coming to an end and subconsciously the will to fight is gone, never been punched in the face, only ever lost wrestling matches, more L’s than W’s in general. I’m sure there are more but really your L counter has become the norm and no amount of hormones can fix that.

    • 2 years ago

      I've got both parents, but my father was pretty unsupportive. The rest might be true

      >normal test and blood
      You have mental issues bruh. Seek help for mental isuses.

      I did few sessions of therapy, but I guess it wasn't enough.
      I guess it won't hurt to try again

      Because society is collapsing, it's not your fault.
      Everyone feels this way, but a majority of people get prescribed anti depressants and other pharmaceutical wienertails that are designed to emotionally neuter you.

      I did SSRIs, but they castrated me emotionally and had other sides. They did help for anxiety and avoidance though

      Also stop being nice

      it's pretty ingrained in me

      I thought maybe there's something wrong with my physically, but maybe I'm indeed fricked in the head

      • 2 years ago

        Therapy rarely works. They will try and throw you on ssris that will tank your good blood. They will also attack your religion. While I agree the church is run by homosexuals you need to get that Old Testament warrior shit in you. You know, the ones God blessed while they fricked prostitutes and had 10 or more wives and 12 sex slaves. The ones people pretend God suddenly would shun after Jesus came. Other things are like The Game by Neil Strauss. Wild at Heart for your Christian reinforcement, the actual book Fight Club (yes, it is written as satire because the dude doesn’t understand the beauty of what was written, one of the times death of the author has some use). But above all you have to get the neutered part of your religion out of your head. Christianity has been slowly killing itself since the 60’s in hopes of mass appeal. Other people will just scream israelite on a stick at you. Ultimately you have to decide for yourself and act accordingly.

        • 2 years ago

          Seriously, look at shit like your stupid Christian music, like those gays in Skillet that have been using the same chords and rhythms since 2002. It is alway I’m a bad person, I’m a bad person, kill me, kill me, I’m a bad person, I’m a literal monster, I can’t wait to die and see Jesus so I can be good finally. Frick that noise. Not taking the humanist perspective but why the hell do you carry that with you everywhere if you are truly free in salvation? Frick that and frick them.

        • 2 years ago

          >But above all you have to get the neutered part of your religion out of your head.
          I don't think there are neutered parts in Catholicism. You can interpret them that way, if you're a homosexual, but Jesus said if you don't have a sword, buy a sword and be ready.
          Various bishops cherry pick what fits into their agenda, but there are some based ones too. Ironically a lot of them are African.

          • 2 years ago

            >Mostly African
            No shit. Most clergy bred in American Seminary are taught by athiests that don’t even believe the bible and would sub in harry potter and marvel if they could.

            • 2 years ago

              That's sad to hear, bro. I've heard that state of Catholicism in USA is not so great and that the bishops there have a doctrine of working of democrats, because they supposedly vouch for solving social issues. Except taxation and socialism have nothing to do with Christianity, which only praises charity, not state enforced theft.

      • 2 years ago

        SSRIs made me more suicidal.

      • 2 years ago

        Are you overweight? Do you have any hobbies?

        • 2 years ago

          No, I'm in a good shape.
          I liked vidya and reading books, but somehow I don't do it anymore.

      • 2 years ago

        do NOT listen to this frick

        Therapy rarely works. They will try and throw you on ssris that will tank your good blood. They will also attack your religion. While I agree the church is run by homosexuals you need to get that Old Testament warrior shit in you. You know, the ones God blessed while they fricked prostitutes and had 10 or more wives and 12 sex slaves. The ones people pretend God suddenly would shun after Jesus came. Other things are like The Game by Neil Strauss. Wild at Heart for your Christian reinforcement, the actual book Fight Club (yes, it is written as satire because the dude doesn’t understand the beauty of what was written, one of the times death of the author has some use). But above all you have to get the neutered part of your religion out of your head. Christianity has been slowly killing itself since the 60’s in hopes of mass appeal. Other people will just scream israelite on a stick at you. Ultimately you have to decide for yourself and act accordingly.

        and do not stop trying to find therapy that works for you, if your psychiatrist just wants to throw you some SSRIs and send you to a CBT therapist and call it a day find another psychiatrist, they are not all like this although many if not most are.

        Mental illness is a lifelong struggle and it can be really discouraging fairly quickly to stop seeking solutions, but if you keep trying you really can find a solution that helps you feel better. Maybe try a psychotherapist or occupational therapist, there are many types, having one that doesn't judge your religion is definitely a plus.

        • 2 years ago

          Frick you israelite shill, therapy will only hurt him more.

          • 2 years ago

            How? I suggested going to a GOOD therapist, not a checked out jobber. Persistence is key.

            • 2 years ago

              There is no such thing. Everyone I’ve gone to has always lead with you are incredibly intelligent and you will figure it out, take these pills. They make your dick stop working and you won’t be able to fall in love but it might help the depression. Every. Single. One. Different cities, different locations. The pills made me balloon up to almost 400 pounds. They don’t want you well, they want you crazier and catatonic to pay off their own loans. Tony Robbins is less sinister.

              • 2 years ago

                >The pills made me balloon up to almost 400 pounds.
                they do increase the appetite but I gained 10 pounds, not 200. I'm off of them now though.

              • 2 years ago

                Mine left me in bed, killed my drive for anything. I’m still fighting that shit years later. I got myself back down to 200 but it has been hell and I will probably never fully fix the things they broke.

              • 2 years ago

                what did you take? I took fluoxetine, which didn't change my apetite and then paroxetine, which made me slightly overeat. Fluoxetine was very mild although it also killed my dick for like a month. Now paroxetine was strong af, killed my dick for the duration of therapy and made me completely unmotivated. It really did help my anxiety though and I would say semi permanently. It was a b***h to ween off of it though.

              • 2 years ago

                They had me on the three major tricyclics, they had me on an anti seizure medication, they had me on zoloft, one had me on fricking adderall to try and fight the weight gain, always good to throw in a pibch you know. Effexor was in the mix quite a bit. None of them made me feel better. I’m not even saying I’m perfect now, I do have all kinds of struggles but I just try and grind it out more now. Again the people who have helped me the most have been free videos from Jim Rohn, Zig Zigglar, the books I keep listing off. Jim really helped put things in perspective for me.

                > What guides us to different destinations in life is determined by the way we have chosen to set our sail. The way that each of us thinks makes the major difference in where each of us arrive. The major difference is the set of the sail.
                > The same circumstances happen to us all. We have disappointments and challenges. We all have reversals and those moments when, in spite of our best plans and efforts, things just seem to fall apart.…In the final analysis, it is not what happens that determines the quality of our lives, it is what we choose to do when we have struggled to set the sail and then discover, after all of our efforts, that the wind has changed directions.

              • 2 years ago

                What a man thinks about is what he becomes.

              • 2 years ago

                I think about fricking thicc b***hes and comedic situations involving mushrooms a lot

              • 2 years ago

                yeah, I think they threw a wienertail of meds at you, each clashing with each other and expected to "balance" you, while it completely threw you from balance. That's insane. They don't do that stuff where I live

              • 2 years ago

                >Everyone I’ve gone to

                that is just anecdotal evidence though, most people a random uninformed patient may be referred to is generally unhelpful but if you take the reigns and do your research to find someone that works for you, it really can help. I've had plenty of bad therapists, not all of them are like that and giving up is not a solution.

              • 2 years ago

                You are fricking moronic

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not the one that doesn't understand the difference between a psychologist/therapist and a psychiatrist.

              • 2 years ago

                This isn’t a fricking debate homosexual. The book of Five Rings, The Federalist Papers, Marcus Aurelius, you learn more from these things about yourself than you ever will going paying some over educated idiot who is equally as broken and unsure and just looking to pay rent. Hell you can even get the books written by some of the psychologists that break down cbt and it will still be time better spent than one of these current asshat grifters.

              • 2 years ago

                psychologist are trash in usa, because it's pretty unregulated field

        • 2 years ago

          I don't think I'm mentally ill. Actually I think I'm one of the most level headed people in my surroundings and my peers would probably confirm.
          I just got personality disorder that makes my life shit. I want to get rid of those traits. I thought maybe I'm low T, but that's scratched. So there's no chemical fixing of this, I gotta work on my personality.

          • 2 years ago

            I'm using "mental illness" as an umbrella term to refer to any sort of social maladaptation, not to suggest that you are "sick" per se. My advice still stands, please read it as just a service to consider that may improve your quality of life rather than a "cure" to an illness.

        • 2 years ago

          Frick you israelite shill, therapy will only hurt him more.

          also psychotherapists in my country don't judge religion. Most are actually Christian. I'll certainly give it a shot, thanks bro.

  2. 2 years ago

    >normal test and blood
    You have mental issues bruh. Seek help for mental isuses.

  3. 2 years ago

    Also stop being nice

  4. 2 years ago

    Because society is collapsing, it's not your fault.
    Everyone feels this way, but a majority of people get prescribed anti depressants and other pharmaceutical wienertails that are designed to emotionally neuter you.

  5. 2 years ago

    Test is just one hormone. It can’t fix autism otherwise ftm troons would instantly be cured and detrans.

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