How bad is it to eat two of these at the same time? One packet is not enough calories for me before work.

How bad is it to eat two of these at the same time? One packet is not enough calories for me before work.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Effortpost incoming:


    First, take your packet of ramen, take out the seasoning packet, and throw it in the trash where it belongs.
    Then, get the following ingredients:
    Green onions x2
    Fresh ginger, 1 thumb
    Clove of garlic
    Eggs x2 (or more if bulking)
    Sesame oil (or butter if you're afraid of muh sneed oils)
    Beef or chicken bullion powder to taste. Just eyeball it, it's fine.

    Optional shit:
    S oy sauce
    Chili garlic sauce
    Sriracha sauce
    Miso paste
    Whatever the frick weird shit you like

    Peel your ginger with a spoon, then mince it and the garlic. Thinly slice your green onion. Just like society, you want to separate the whites from the coloreds (green parts). Heat the oil or butter in your pot, and when it's hot, add your onion whites, ginger, and garlic. Sautee them until they're fragrant and then add water. Add in your bullion powder, half of the onion greens, and optional ingredients to taste and bring to a boil. Add your noodles. When the noodles are starting to soften, add your eggs directly to the pot. Don't break the yolks or you're gay. Cook until the whites are cooked but the yolks are still runny. Serve and garnish with the remaining onion greens. Enjoy your delicious meal.

    >B-but Anon, that sounds haaaaard 🙁
    It's not hard. Stop being a little b***h and stop eating garbage.

    >But I'm just so busy I don't have time to cut three vegetables
    You're making instant ramen and you have time to browse this time sink of an degenerate anime website. you have time.

    • 9 months ago

      Just eat 2 of them, only dyels would claim they are losing gains off some stupid shit like this

      i guess do this when you have time to do it. aint nobody gonna go through food prep, cooking, and eating right before work

      • 9 months ago

        You can always chop your veggies beforehand and it literally takes less than 5 minutes to make that recipe. You are a loser. Eat the ramen as you please, throw the seasonings away.

        • 9 months ago

          >You are a loser.
          >For not wanting to do what I say and prepare your ramen
          You're a moron. I never said not to do it, im letting YOU know nobody is going to do that while getting ready for work you frickin unemployed have all the time in the world neet

          • 9 months ago

            I was telling OP to make this


            Effortpost incoming:


            First, take your packet of ramen, take out the seasoning packet, and throw it in the trash where it belongs.
            Then, get the following ingredients:
            Green onions x2
            Fresh ginger, 1 thumb
            Clove of garlic
            Eggs x2 (or more if bulking)
            Sesame oil (or butter if you're afraid of muh sneed oils)
            Beef or chicken bullion powder to taste. Just eyeball it, it's fine.

            Optional shit:
            S oy sauce
            Chili garlic sauce
            Sriracha sauce
            Miso paste
            Whatever the frick weird shit you like

            Peel your ginger with a spoon, then mince it and the garlic. Thinly slice your green onion. Just like society, you want to separate the whites from the coloreds (green parts). Heat the oil or butter in your pot, and when it's hot, add your onion whites, ginger, and garlic. Sautee them until they're fragrant and then add water. Add in your bullion powder, half of the onion greens, and optional ingredients to taste and bring to a boil. Add your noodles. When the noodles are starting to soften, add your eggs directly to the pot. Don't break the yolks or you're gay. Cook until the whites are cooked but the yolks are still runny. Serve and garnish with the remaining onion greens. Enjoy your delicious meal.

            >B-but Anon, that sounds haaaaard 🙁
            It's not hard. Stop being a little b***h and stop eating garbage.

            >But I'm just so busy I don't have time to cut three vegetables
            You're making instant ramen and you have time to browse this time sink of an degenerate anime website. you have time.

            and stop complaining. Rames is shit tier food, atleast try to make it nutritious.

            • 9 months ago

              Im trying to tell you they can do that after work. OP is asking if its okay to eat 2 of these b***hes, which the answer is yes. You on the other hand want to feel important or some stupid shit by trying to argue that you are superior

    • 9 months ago

      I rarely eat instant noodles, but I saved this post regardless 🙂

    • 9 months ago

      >throw out packet of bullion powder
      >add bullion powder from jar

      y tho

      • 9 months ago

        The packet has other seasonings like onion, garlic, and ginger powder that are made redundant by the fresh ones. That, and I prefer to know what's in the food I cook. I'll take just bullion power over bullion powder plus God only knows what else.

        • 9 months ago

          >God only knows what else.
          probably just MSG and disodium guanylate or something like that, which is likely in your bullion powder unless you get some really legit stuff

  2. 9 months ago

    i just ate two ramen packets with 8 eggs and shitload of swiss chard and an extra pinch of salt its g2g

    • 9 months ago

      hi sam

  3. 9 months ago

    I eat 3 of these and die from headaches but they taste good

  4. 9 months ago

    Two at the same time?! My god... he doesn't know.

  5. 9 months ago

    It's gonna give you congestive heart failure from too much sodium in 20 years, people who get big from lifting already have high blood pressure as it is too, I sincerely urge you to pursue a diet that isn't comparable to what an inner city zoo animal with no voter I.D. consumes on a daily basis.

  6. 9 months ago

    Get your sodium up. Make some spread.

    Better pumps than any $50 tub of shit you can buy on Amazon.

  7. 9 months ago

    Might as well pay a extra dollar for a can of tuna.

    • 9 months ago

      >canned tuna
      In a world where sardines exist, why would you ever get a can of tuna?

  8. 9 months ago

    You don't even need to eat before work unless you're a construction worker or workhorse.

    • 9 months ago

      This. You should only eat in the morning if you have a physical job. Same with lunch. Everybody else should only be eating dinner. Zogchow industrial complex has people consuming far too many calories.

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