How do I become a Baki character? How do I achieve their strength, speed, mobility, athleticism, size, all of it?

How do I become a Baki character? How do I achieve their strength, speed, mobility, athleticism, size, all of it?

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  1. 7 months ago

    >Tranime thread

  2. 7 months ago

    Unless you have Hanma genes, you're not going to make it. Also take X-4 to max your gainz.

    • 7 months ago

      Even if I'm only on like Seudo's or Shinogi's level that's already great

    • 7 months ago

      for me it's jack

  3. 7 months ago

    What's the best version of baking to read?

    • 7 months ago

      SpinyBackTeam is the best one. Ignore any and all WildFang nonsense.

  4. 7 months ago

    You never will, if you were to actually follow the story the characters in Baki actually live for fighting. They breathe fighting. Every day, their whole lifetime. Looking for fights. Desire for fighting.

    If you dedicate your next 30 years for it you won't achieve it.

    • 7 months ago

      I've met people like that but were nowhere near these characters level of capability. I want their capabilities

      • 7 months ago

        Punching and kicking with steel toed boots/ankle weights with a rope above it and tungsten fishing weights in your gloves.

        Go do a bunch of goku double side kicks in the air barefoot to realize how weak you are, none of the muscles you lift with train them maybe that's why I hit hard and am not strong.

        Intense stretching static and otherwise. Bag work way beyond cardio limit but to practice technique when tired af. Long sparring sessions and instead of going to war on your sparring partner's noggin, just reset once a solid blow is displayed and move far away enough(kickboxing sparring is this who tf are you or your sparring partner if you both can't deal a heavy punch in close to end a fight). 110% hill sprints, box jumps, weights just don't take a 1way ticket to snap city. Go do an amateur fight tournament or fight. Eat really well and get a home gym to spend way too much time creating a new muscular fatigue tolerance.

  5. 7 months ago

    excess muscle is extremely unhealthy, stop bodybuilding

    • 7 months ago

      Why do vegan shills have to shit up fun threads constantly?
      Are you looking for an excuse to post your keto-schitzo macro?
      Did you know keto can actually alleviate symptoms in schizophrenics?

      • 7 months ago

        I am eating a high-fat diet, so this is awkawrd
        no idea why you think keto means bodybuilding is healthy, when humans are naturally slim

    • 7 months ago

      >excess muscle
      Without drugs, you'll only put on as much muscle as your body allows. Some people are simply smaller and others larger. Even the larger people cannot get too much muscle without drugs. You literally have to turn your body into a chemistry experiment to get too much muscle.

      I am eating a high-fat diet, so this is awkawrd
      no idea why you think keto means bodybuilding is healthy, when humans are naturally slim

      >humans are naturally slim
      Whether or not a person is slim is genetic. Without an excess of food, humans are naturally lean though not necessarily slim. There are some people who are just built like a tank because of their frame and how their body puts on muscle and will never be slim. There are some people who just because of birth will hold a lot more muscle their peers. These are the type that had tended to become bodybuilding champions.
      >bodybuilding is healthy
      It is healthy. Muscle mass is good for you. Many of the health problems from aging, especially in a sedentary people, are caused by the overall decline in muscle mass. At the same time, muscle mass general makes one stronger and hence it is always of use. Stronger quads will always make you a better sprinter for example as much as it will help you be stronger in a squat or some other activity using the legs. Being metabolically active and as functioning as a pump when being used, muscle help prevent a variety of metabolic disease such as type 2 diabetics and assists your heart in distributing blood during physical activity.

      • 7 months ago

        >Without drugs, you'll only put on as much muscle as your body allows.
        Your body's boundaries are not a good indicator for what is healthy or not.
        More muscles means more calories, means more metabolic activity, which means that you age quicker.
        Age is intrinsically tied to your metabolism, your body doesn't have a digital clock that tells you anything about how many Earth rotations you've been through.
        If you don't need the muscles you're getting for basic daily function, then you are reducing your lifetime for the sake of looking sexy to other men.

        >Without an excess of food, humans are naturally lean though not necessarily slim.
        Okay, we can argue that there is a difference between lean and slim.
        My point is that maintaining high muscle mass is very unhealthy for you.

        >Many of the health problems from aging, especially in a sedentary people, are caused by the overall decline in muscle mass.
        If I grow muscles at 20, I won't keep those muscles until I am 50, unless I keep exercising, so this point is not applicable.

        But even if it were, for age-related concerns, I would start hiking.
        I often hike together with a police officer who is close to the age of retirement, we use walking sticks, which with correct usage, builds upper body strength.

        Muscle growth for basic function is very different from bodybuilding.
        Even health experts usually admit that bodybuilding is a terrible activity for health.

  6. 7 months ago

    Tranime isn't real life, leave this website and never come back.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm staying here and will continue to post muh tranime until I get a step by step guide on how to become a Baki character

      • 7 months ago

        1. Move to Thailand
        2. Juice yourself to the gills (roids are legal there)
        3. Join a muay thai gym
        4. Train every day
        5. Wait a few years

  7. 7 months ago

    >How do I become a Baki character?
    I know that I could never become baking character tier. But it won't stop me from trying.

  8. 7 months ago

    it's sad that someone can post some obscure chink cartoon character here and then betas here know its name, lmao

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