How do I get over the fear of falling and get rid of the blood rushing towards my head feeling?

How do I get over the fear of falling and get rid of the blood rushing towards my head feeling?

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  1. 9 months ago

    >get rid of the blood rushing towards my head feeling
    Wear a choker for those blood restriction gainzzzzzzz

  2. 9 months ago

    Do them against a wall, moron.
    >Blood rushing
    You'll get accustomed to it.

    • 9 months ago

      >do them against the wall
      I'm scared though. I have an irrational fear of being upside down. What if I'm not strong enough and I look like a complete moron trying to lift myself up

      • 9 months ago

        There is barely any strength involved, your arms are locked out already, you just need a little momentum

        • 9 months ago

          Really? Do you think I can do it? I don't know why I have so much anxiety over this. It's been a goal of mine to do one handstand but just looking at pictures makes my head buzz. Like when you're going up the peak of a roller coaster knowing the drop is coming

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah, it's not hard. Just walk your feet up the wall. Very little to no risk of falling. I busted my ass the first time I actually tried doing 'crow pose'.

          • 9 months ago

            Don't overthink it. It's piss easy to do if your arms aren't weak AF. Try "handstanding" while putting your legs on a table to test arm stength. It's a shit way to do it, but should give you some confidence.
            I've been doing them since I was a fat 15 year old and now being a fat 30+ year old it's still the same. Hands down flat at shoulder width, one ass length from a closed door. One leg raised, other foot flat and slightly on your toes, back arched. Swing your leg up, release your other, and straighten your back. Give it enough force and you'll smash into the door. Learn how much energy it takes you and you can do it smoothe and crashless.
            Handstands are good for you.

            • 9 months ago

              I'm going to have my wife help me. She can do them pretty easily. I just want her to hold my legs up so I can build some confidence, I'll try to make sure I don't smack the wall but having her there helps my anxiety

              • 9 months ago

                Are you actually scared of these? I assumed everyone can do a handstand. I can do handsprings lol done that shit since I was a kid. Haven't in some time but I definitely can

              • 9 months ago

                I'm terrified. I don't know why. It's like a giant mental block. My hands just turn into noodles thinking about it. Imnstrong enough to L sit, but I can't even fathom having my hands straight with my body straight vertical

                You can use the wall. See the chris heria or thenx guy on YouTube for handstand push-up tutorial

                OK, I'll watch their videos

              • 9 months ago

                lol just do it up a wall you'll be walking on your hands in no time

              • 9 months ago

                You can use the wall. See the chris heria or thenx guy on YouTube for handstand push-up tutorial

      • 9 months ago

        So then why are you doing them? Just do something else?

        • 9 months ago

          Because my dream is being able to do calisthenics

          • 9 months ago

            Here's your QRD:
            >1. Get over your irrational fear
            >2. Become confident in your strength against a wall
            >3. Practice doing little kicks away from the wall, try to stabilize yourself
            >4. as you get better, move away from the wall a little, so you can get better at standing on your own but still have the wall
            >5. practice several ways to bail if you fall backwards. here are mine in decreasing order of usage:
            >step forward with one hand and turn it into a roundoff
            >step forward with one or more hands so you're now off-balance the other way, then just land on your feet
            Practice with a pillow under your shit. I'm not liable for your medical bills, pain and suffering, or anything else in your dumb shit life if this fricks up. Go see a trainer and probably a doctor and don't be an idiot and do it from nothing like me
            >t. almost got a set of 2 freestanding pushups yesterday
            >instead got 3 sets of 1, oh well

  3. 9 months ago


  4. 9 months ago

    bruder, just take a pillow and do headstands instead. get used to it. then add another pillow to raise head, and then another one. this way you can progress towards a handstand

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe that's a good idea. I do want to eventually practice handstand push ups

  5. 9 months ago

    Just start to practice it whatever way you can. Your body and mind will adapt.

    Here's the roadmap if you're starting from 0:

    Pike headstand with feet on ground.
    Headstand on pillow against wall.
    Handstand against wall.
    Free handstand.
    Practice and fail thousands of times.

    The blood rush will go away by itself after some weeks and the fear will go away after falling over and over.

  6. 9 months ago

    Do them on grass

  7. 9 months ago

    oh this thread is still up? Might as well give an update

    >wife coached me through my first handstand
    >lots of failed attempts but she corrected my approach and helped me with getting the lift off
    >very quickly managed to get fully vertical, leaning on the wall. Much easier than I thought
    >a couple attempts later I managed to do a handstand without hitting the wall at all

    It wasn't that bad, the fear was all in my head. Going to start working on them consistently and I'll try to get free handstands

  8. 9 months ago

    Just do OHP

    • 9 months ago

      Different muscles

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