How fucked am I bros

Even bench press hurts. Squat is impossible. Scoliosis. This is so fricked

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  1. 1 year ago

    That's rough, OP.

  2. 1 year ago


  3. 1 year ago

    Swimming and after six months you might consider yoga and bilateral exercises.
    Try visiting a good quiropractor. Also, try to stay lean. Added weight increments the pain in an exponential way.

    • 1 year ago

      Swimming made my scoliosis worse.
      Try something like martial arts, something where you actually stretch and rotate your whole body.
      I had to go to physiotherapy to help fix scoliosis, meanwhile I joined kickbox and my physio noticed hugeeee improvement.
      Even pilates would be better than swimming.

      Even bench press hurts. Squat is impossible. Scoliosis. This is so fricked

      I was also told I shouldn't be doing any gym while scoliosis wasn't fixed, so OP I'd recommend you stop or atleast lift much lighter..

  4. 1 year ago

    >weighted deadhangs
    >inversion table daily

    There you go, I've fixed your trolliosis.

  5. 1 year ago
    S spine anon

    Im having a crisis bros, Im a very active person that enjoys outdoors,extreme sports and pushing the limits. I always thought it was some dumb hernia or ligament. I'm now guaranteed to live a limited life. I'm in crumbles.

    • 1 year ago

      I had that, crohn's disease left my joints wrecked at 28. People live fulfilled lives without even trying to exercise at all so you just need to wait until you find some other shit, which you will.

    • 1 year ago

      What caused it? Is it like this since childhood?

      Do bulgarian split squats instead squats. Harder and less injury risk for you, same gains. Do Romanian deadlifts instead deadlifts. Hits the posterior chain better. Do it maybe with dumbbells.
      Do real bench press instead of powerlifter bench press with moronic arching and retracting scapula

      And ofc try to fix it

      • 1 year ago

        >Do real bench press instead of powerlifter bench press with moronic arching and retracting scapula
        oh my god what a moron. OP dont listen to this guy, watch this video:

        • 1 year ago

          First of all who are you? What knowledge about anatomy and biomechanics do you have?
          I know who you are. You are a sheep who can’t think for himself and follow the advices of mainstream youtubers.

          Pulling the scapula back and down and keeping it there during the movement is completely unnatural and impinge important nerves and veins in this area.

          Pulling your shoulder blades back while pushing is like trying to extend your triceps while flexing the biceps. Doesn’t really work. And to maximally contract your chest, you have to move the scapula.
          Slightly retract while going down and protract while going up.
          Try to punch while keeping your shoulder blades together. Doesn’t work and you can’t produce much force.

          The cue to arch and retract the scapula was invented to reduce the ROM, so they can bench more like how they bastardized the squat.

          You guys don’t have strong muscles. You get strong muscles by training your muscle in its full rom and not like what you are doing.

          OP has likely pain because he is impinging nerves due to retracting the scapula and pulling it down.

          Why pulling the scapula back (retraction) and down (depression) is bad


          Here some videos how you do real bench press and train your chest in its full rom for max strength and muscle gains




          • 1 year ago

            too much text

          • 1 year ago

            This man is correct and you

            too much text

            >Do real bench press instead of powerlifter bench press with moronic arching and retracting scapula
            oh my god what a moron. OP dont listen to this guy, watch this video:

            are homosexual

    • 1 year ago

      Don't you mean shambles?

  6. 1 year ago

    >30 degree scoli
    what are you, a woman? a guy with a bigger cobb angle than you held the world record deadlift for a few years. just do a bunch of core and back strengthening stuff, work on stability and you'll be fine

  7. 1 year ago

    Not sure i'd advise squatting at all with scoliosis, you're asking for herniation if you do. Just steer into cardio instead.

  8. 1 year ago

    Fellow depressed scolianon here.
    How much deviation is that?
    Im at 11 degrees, also only diagnosed fairly recently due to an injury which brought me two slipped discs and three dislocated vertebrae. Still hurts ever day after almost 4 months and 12 chiro sessions.
    I'm in the exact same position as you. I was a very active person, lifting, rooning, rock climbing, longboarding... now I havent done all those things in 4 months and nobody will tell me when I can live normally again.
    Am I just supposed to live fricking sedetary now? Am I so fricked that the things other people can do to be healthy will hurt me? Am I just forced to be unhealthy now? Its fricking hard
    If any other scolianons here have experience with making it work with lifting and an active lifestyle then please let me know.

    • 1 year ago

      What caused your injury?

      • 1 year ago

        Slipped and fell onto my lower back on a stone surface. For a normal person that fall would have been completely harmless, but due to my scoliosis I have a rotated pelvis, which means that my right sacroiliac joint is sticking out of my back. I fell right onto that, which caused the damage to my spine.
        I always had that joint stick out but I didnt really think much of it. I grew very quickly from abnormally short to abnormally tall when I was a teenager so I had issues with posture and mismatched leg length while growing, and I always put it up to that. Getting diagnosed with scoliosis explained so much...

        • 1 year ago

          You maybe developed scoliosis due to mismatching legs.
          Could be treated with proper PT

    • 1 year ago

      Mine is worse than this and I can bench and squat, low bar squats feel a bit uncomfy though.
      Every scoliosis is different, you won't find a solution here, you gotta see a doctor.

  9. 1 year ago

    strange, scoliosis rarely cause pain.

    >Even bench press hurts. Squat is impossible
    lower the weight or do alternatives: db benchpress, machine chest presses, hack squats, etc. you need to look for exercises that cause 0 pain

    you need to strengthen your back: hyperextensions, rows, DEADLIFTS, you need to have strong spinal erectors

    don't give up and be active. if you stop moving it'll be worse in the long run

  10. 1 year ago

    I also suffer from this.
    According to my doctor: as people have pointed out swimming is very good. Apparently especially backstroke. Unfortunately I forgot the reason why.
    You can do exercises that target contralateral muscles. Like go on all fours and extend your left leg and right arm. These kind if things.
    Once you got a decent baseline you can lift normally. But consult with a chiro or doctor before.

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