how the FUCK do I gain weight as a dyel wristlet?? I'm like pic rel.

how the FRICK do I gain weight as a dyel wristlet?? I'm like pic rel. Do I just need to eat 6 times a day or some shit or am I genetically fricked?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Lift and eat
    never be hungry, if youre hungry you already lost. Make a bulking shake in the morning (milk, fruit, protein powder, greek yogurt). have snacks on hand like beef jerky or nuts. eat lunch. eat dinner. drink milk.

    • 5 months ago

      What this guy said, bulking shakes, also get over any fear you might have of over-bulking, if you can gain it, you can lose it. I used to be like your pic, entire arm like one long noodle. Now my arms look properly proportioned and I even fill out the sleeves on some t-shirts. Your main focus shouldn't be your wrists or your forearms, work the biceps and triceps equally. Forearm gains are a mid-tier concern, you don't need to target them specifically yet, you'll probably feel them pump off regular bicep curls. Most importantly make it fun or you won't do it. You're actually in the lucky stage where you can do practically any exercise or eat anything and see results. Eat like a pig, the only macro that should concern you right now is protein, the rest of your calories can come from McDonalds. You're not gonna hit anywhere near 1 gram of protein per lb bodyweight starting out, but it's not hard to hit 100 daily if you're religious about protein shakes. Buy a chocolate mass gainer, peanut butter, and 3% milk, easiest shake in the world and tastes pretty good. Whatever you buy, use 4 scoops.

      • 5 months ago

        >Your main focus shouldn't be your wrists or your forearms
        I've been trying to work out and it's so hard to use dumbbells without any forearm strength but you say I should just skip that and continue? it feels like it will take forever and I can never get to exhaust the bicep because the forearm won't let me

        • 5 months ago

          Yes skip it, you'll notice that the vast majority of exercises involve your arms, and consequently your forearms, in some way. Your forearms very quickly stop being the limiting factor, think of it like they need to reach a baseline level of strength. You start getting distracted with forearm exercises it's going to be a massive waste of gym time, forearm specific workouts aren't important yet. I get the tiny wrist insecurities but you gotta walk before you run.

  2. 5 months ago

    make a fat friend and eat the exact same things he eats

    • 5 months ago

      nah homie
      you need to make a fat friend, nuke your gut biome with antibiotics, get a fecal transplant from him, and THEN eat the exact same things he eats

  3. 5 months ago

    three things:
    >100g of chestnuts a day

    • 5 months ago

      >no longer GOMAD
      where did it all go wrong

  4. 5 months ago

    first step is to realize you are moronic
    second step is to calculate what you actually eat and see that you are not consuming more than 2000kcal a day and realize that it had nothing to do with your genetics or other superstitious garbage.
    third step is to eat more. stop eating boiled chicken and greens. buy a jar of peanut butter, reeses pieces, ben and jerry's, whatever and just eat your TDEE and then take one spoonful and boom you mogged your TDEE and are now bulking. damn that was hard.

  5. 5 months ago

    Mfw there's actually other black people on here

  6. 5 months ago

    this video explains it pretty well

  7. 5 months ago

    whatever you're eating it's just enough to keep you alive.
    also you're probably quite young and have just finished growing, which is the most metabolically high intensity thing you can do.
    get eating.

  8. 5 months ago

    been stuck at 100-115 (5'6'') for most of my adult life
    finally got up to 135 for the first time since they put me on a med that bloated me up to 175.
    this is my arm currently, after gaining 15lbs

    heres what I did

    >drink most of my calories, smoothies, protein shakes, high fat milk, juice, etc.
    >snack at any slight hunger, high calorie snacks, cinnamon rolls, nuts, granola bars, pastries, etc.
    and the most important
    >start eating 3 meals a day instead of just 1
    which seems moronicly obvious, but has been a major challenge for my entire poor ass life, and I'm still struggling to do. trying to replace drinking calories with eating 3 meals a day.

    most of the advice in this thread sucks ass and clearly comes from fat fricks who never weighed anything under 150

    • 5 months ago

      You don’t even lift moron dyel

      • 5 months ago

        >you dont lift because you're skinny!
        I'm getting back into working out, too lazy to pull pics from years ago where I weighed 140, had some visible muscles, and was struggling to bulk because it was too much of a struggle to eat enough. benched 125, squatted 200, deadlift 175.
        I'm obviously no longer at that point because the last 2 years has been homelessness, bad relationship, mental crisis.

        anyway, did the gay thing and set a new years resolution to start lifting again after successfully gaining weight past the nearly anorexic BMI, that's why I'm here, because I finally successfully gained weight and am ready to start lifting and mog my shitty PRs of roughly 3 years ago.

        • 5 months ago

          Jesus Christ cry more homosexual

    • 5 months ago

      >most of the advice in this thread sucks ass and clearly comes from fat fricks who never weighed anything under 150
      This is like saying "eat less" isn't valid advice for fatties if it comes from someone who has never been obese.

      • 5 months ago

        its because "eat less" or "eat more" are fricking obvious, but the advice doesn't help a single thing

        >just eat less lol
        the hunger is still there, how do you deal with the urge, how do you ease the transition?
        actual helpful advice
        >eat these low calorie foods that take up a lot of space in your stomach, ie. popcorn, water, then slowly eat less of those low calorie foods as you lose weight and have less of an urge to eat more

        eat less is advice skeletons who never weighed more than 130 give
        eat more is advice fatties who never weighed less than 150 give

        • 5 months ago

          >how do you deal with the urge, how do you ease the transition?
          by being a functional human being with control over himself
          trying to trick yourself into not being hungry means you'll still use feeling hungry as an excuse to get fat again when it happens
          Sorry you have to have a bit of willpower and just resist your faulty feelings in the pursuit of health and attractiveness.
          >eat less is advice skeletons who never weighed more than 130 give
          >eat more is advice fatties who never weighed less than 150 give
          Alright then what am I if I say skeletons should just eat more and fatties should just eat less?

    • 5 months ago

      said it before ill say it again, MK-677 GHRP-6 or megestrol.
      >inb4 muh roidtroonyyy reeee
      then stay a DYEL skeleton homosexual forever, not my problem mr sticks

  9. 5 months ago


  10. 5 months ago

    digglet is learning how to use discord, what the political implications for this ?

  11. 5 months ago

    Eat a lot of food and do at least one set of dead hangs to failure everyday. Ez

  12. 5 months ago

    just workout lil homie

  13. 5 months ago

    My military buddies tell me there is a program they put skellies on called the PB protocol or something. You have to carry peanut butter with you at all times. Basically with every meal you must also eat an entire pb sandwich, and they assign some guy to watch you and make sure you actually eat it.

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