How the fuck to people get fat?

How the frick to people get fat?
I really cannot understand it, how the hell do you eat so much you get to 400 pounds while having a job? Do these people not get sick in their stomachs? Do they do nothing but eat all day?
I understand if you work an office job and you can just snack on shit all day, but if you work a job where you need to see customers all the time and you can't eat all the time, how do they do it?
It's mind boggling Bros

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  1. 2 years ago

    Eating 2800 calories is incredibly easy.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe if you sneak in a few tablespoons of sugar in between meals

      • 2 years ago

        they only drink soda. they can down hundreds of grams of sugar a day solely through can after can of soda. not to mention things like sundaes with equal parts sugar and fat, literal calorie concentrates

        • 2 years ago

          I think OP means picrel

        • 2 years ago

          Americans really are a lost people

    • 2 years ago

      Well so I have never been obese but
      t's easy to get those kind of calories. So today I went to the gym for over an hour, worked out back hard. Today I ate 3 meals and a snack + pre/protein
      >Breakfast: 1 slice of sourdough toast, 3 eggs, 2oz of turkey breast
      >Gym: whey protein isolate, pre workout
      >Lunch: 1 Galbi rib, 1 cup of white rice
      >Dinner: fried chicken breast and wing, with fries
      >Snack: 1 bag sunflower seeds
      2800 calories.

    • 2 years ago

      Happened to my gf. She always had a shit diet but would omad or just not eat too much. She got some meds that gave her unlimited apatite and she couldn't handle it. Started binging, eating 3 meals a day, etc. She didn't get to 200lbs but damn it was crazy how fast her weight went up.

      No it's not, that's 1.5kg of icecream every day. The volume of food fat people eat is overwhelming enough, and all of it is incredibly calorie dense.

      So long as you don't eat the most filthy disgusting calorie dense food en mass, you will have to work HARD to hit 2800cal.

      The saddest part is all these fat people are all atrophied and malnourished because their diet is just that bad.

      • 2 years ago

        Lmao I’m pretty ripped I don’t have to work hard to hit 2800 calories

    • 2 years ago

      death fats are eating like 4-6k cals a day not 2800 but it starts like that

      • 2 years ago

        God do I love this image. It's the hardest truth and gets me every time.

        • 2 years ago

          Physiognamy my homie. The morons on IST won't stop talking about it and it's so true. There's a reason we have instinctual pattern recognition and instantly dislike ugly looking people

  2. 2 years ago

    >Do they do nothing but eat all day
    Yes, now close the thread

    • 2 years ago

      How do you do it and still have the stomach to eat more?
      If I have a few cookies at work i can barely have dinner at home

  3. 2 years ago

    People like you (OP) are quite dumb. No offense but people who don't understand how people can make bad decisions are usually the biggest npcs I have met. I'm not even going to explain why they do it. I tried to do that once and the npc didn't get it anyways.

    • 2 years ago

      *sigh* just go back to /fat/ it's holesome and safe for you

    • 2 years ago

      >long assblasted comment about npc archetype
      >comments on the "why"
      >OP asked "how"
      Look mang I understand this post got your flabs of flesh giggling as it triggered you to get offensed, but unlike you've previously assumed the post you reply to is asking a rather innocent question, how do a man gets obese, what are his techniques, his secrets, his diet etc. It's got nothing to do with the reasons behind. It's all about the logistic of the fatty.

  4. 2 years ago

    For me mom was a stay at home and a feeder so for a little kid mommy love = moar food coupled with you can play once you finish you plate got me used to ignoring how stuffed I was

  5. 2 years ago

    >How the frick to people get fat?
    Are you that dumb? Obesity is due to mental issues causing them to want to eat excessively for comfort. If you watched a single episode of the show you posted you would see that the American became mentally ill after being molested at a young age

  6. 2 years ago

    OP getting BTFO lmao

    • 2 years ago

      Im not american and this thread is a genuine question
      People the size of american hambeasts when I visited that godforsaken land left me scarred for life
      People are mentally ill where I come from too but they don't become bipedal hippos because of it

  7. 2 years ago

    I used to be very obese it was easy I didnt care to take care of myself and wallowed in self pity, no exercise and ton of food and alcohol. I have really bad depression and shit I was not handling very well at the time and was neglecting myself in all sorts of ways.

    • 2 years ago

      Dude I got yeast infections constantly in my gooch it's weird that it was so hard to see at the time WAGMI

    • 2 years ago

      ^^ same as this anon, it's really easy to fall into a cycle of comfort eating >> sad because fat >> comfort eating and there's loads of shit that can compound this (depression, etc.)

      I've lost 10kg in the past couple of months in what I hope is a sustainable way but I reached the point of being a total mess before finding a way to do it.

      • 2 years ago

        when im sad I just walk on the treadmill for an hour now and my mood improves tenfold instead of eating a stack of oreos and a bag of chips

    • 2 years ago

      its really easy to eat away bad feelings and it just compounds over time

  8. 2 years ago

    They eat carbs.

  9. 2 years ago

    Some ppl just suck at shedding weight. Genetics does play a factor.

    Most fat ppl really do eat like shit though. I wondered the same for years.

    Lived with a few chubby people and wondered why they don’t lose weight even though I’d make dinner with them so often. Then I noticed how often they’re taking soda cans out of their room, how much cheese they put on shit, how they take their coffee with 2x sugar and cream, how much of the chip bag they finish, and how they’d almost never pack a lunch for work but rather eat out (ofc, that entails a combo with fries and big ass soda).

    It adds up.

    I’m so glad my mom told me the shut up when I cried about never having McDonald’s while every other kid got it.

  10. 2 years ago

    I used to be 180 lbs throughout most of my highschool and early 18-22 but I was never into any kind of sport of athletic discipline. I would just run every once in a while and that's it. Then, Io don't know how I went all the way up to 290 Lbs at approximately 23-24, I don't really know tbh I ask myself the same question every single day. I probably never weighted myself from 21 all the way to fricking 29.

    I would just notice I was gaining weight and I wouldn't freak out about it until I had to get a new set of pants because the old ones wouldn't fit anymore. I would try to eat healthy, fail and I just would not notice how much weight I was gaining up until next time my clothes wouldn't fit.

    I started doing a lot of running at 29, and went down all the way to 190. I was doing a pretty comfy OMAD diet in which I would just eat a giant 1500 Kcal salad once a day and run about 3-4 miles every day.

    Even after I relaxed, primarily because of covid and I had to learn how to cook. I went up to 214 ( and I beat myself up over that everyday) but I just couldn't understand how I let myself go all the way up there originally. these two years I've been yoyoing but at least I've been quite successful at not becoming a hambeast again, because being completely honest, I never learned how to eat (I'm trying right now, started just last month, and I've had moderate success)

    • 2 years ago

      Shit man, I know what that's like. I've dealt with being both overweight and anorexic myself at different points in my life so I can relate. It's important to keep track of your health and what you eat/drink/do so you don't let yourself go like I did. That shit adds up, for better and for worse. Hope the best for you Anon

    • 2 years ago

      Good for you, I hope you can stick to your diet permanently.

  11. 2 years ago

    It's really easy and we're set up for failure even by health professionals. I'm a sedentary disabled female, my BMR and TDEE is 1300kcal at optimal weight. However doctors recommend women get 2000kcal a day. It's very easy to pile on the pounds even when eating what seems to be healthy balanced meals, because portion sizes are larger than ever too.

    inb4 troony, no their testosterone would give them much higher bmr and harder to get fat like I did

    • 2 years ago

      >However doctors recommend women get 2000kcal a day.
      Mine said the same but I've found 1200 to be my maintenance expenditure. Where did the 2000 for women/2500 for men come from?

      • 2 years ago

        The calorie guidelines are based on the assumption that people are also following excercise guidelines

    • 2 years ago

      >It's really easy and we're set up for failure even by health professionals.
      Yes, it is my fault that you are fat. I'm telephathically beaming fat into your big fat mouth while I'm running around the ER all night. Sometimes I go to bed just giggling to myself at how fat I'm going to make you the next day with my wicked, fat-inducing psychic powers. My absolute favourite thing in the whole world is when I have to cut open some potato's neck while they desaturate in resus because they're so hopelessly obese they can't just get tubed like a normal person. I'm laughing now just thinking about it. I just love it so much. Muhahahahaaaa.

      someone post the screenshot of the german emergency guy's story about the fat guy who died in resus.

  12. 2 years ago

    Be a normal weight in high school
    Dyel but look good by normie standards
    Eat relatively normally
    Start drinking alcohol
    Party and eat food, consume alcohol together
    Gain a tiny bit of weight
    Each time gain more
    A pound here or there
    Don't really care all that much
    Up 20 lbs
    Exercise sucks dick and I hate it
    Know nothing about nutrition
    Figure it will come off eventually
    Just eat a little less
    Go on some diet
    Lose a tiny bit
    Slow as frick
    Keep going
    Gain even more due to partying
    Stop partying due to wanting better health
    No friend group
    Drink alcohol to drown sorrows
    Gain even more
    Up 40 lbs
    Get a fast food job
    Free food
    Broke af, so free food is a godsend
    Only a fool would buy food when it's free
    It's over at this point
    Was eating decently when I bought my own
    Now it's all free fast food garbage
    Explode in weight
    Up 110 lbs above my leanest
    Job sucks dick so I'm still drinking
    Look like shit
    Feel like shit
    Enough is enough
    Find out about fasting
    Reverse 5 years of this pretty quick
    Now a relatively normal weight

    Plugged in my foods and found I was consuming 5000-8000 calories A DAY when I was drinking and eating fast food. About 3000 calories each day was coming from alcohol alone. Never ever going to let it happen again. It starts as a little here and there, then at some point people just say frick it and give up. I was so close to being a fatass forever. If I did it the normal way with eating less and exercising more it would have taken years to lose it if I did the 500 calories less per day thing. If I couldn't do it so quickly I would've just said it wasn't worth it and gave up. Now I can just kind of do whatever and gain/lose 10 lbs like it isn't shit. I can drink and eat whatever I want and then just not eat for a week or two and be back to original weight. Still a dyel. Don't even give a frick about muscles. Just don't wanna be fat. Thanks Cole Robinson. That homie saved my life frfr no cap fasting be bussin

    • 2 years ago

      Also forgot to add that literally everything you buy in America is jam packed full of absolute garbage. All fast food is extremely high in calories from the added sugar. It all has the sneed oil in it. Artificial bs and preservatives are added. It's all junk. If you go into a gas station in America, quite literally every single thing there is processed. EVERYTHING. The only way that it is even possible to have any good food is to buy from scratch raw ingredients and make it yourself, which is hard to do for many people since they are often unhealthy and work long hours.
      After work you have no energy left to do anything and doing basic shit feels like a chore. And even the raw ingredients you get are full of hormones, pesticides, and preservatives. This means people generally get their food from fast food or restaurants. Even some basic ass hamburgers from a fast food place will run you 500 calories. And people don't just get that. They also want fries, a drink, and maybe a dessert to feel satiated, which can easily run 1300 calories or more a meal. Then they do that 3-4 times a day, so they get really fat. And the fatter they get, the more they eat. Doesn't help that this food contains no nutrition so they always feel like shit and then they need to eat to feel good again for a few minutes. It's a deep downward spiral that is hard to stop once you're hooked. The fast food companies know all this and specifically design their food to be as addictive and the least satiating as possible. Those scientists are all going to burn in hell for what they have done to their fellow man. They are no better than bulk fentanyl manufacturers. Feel lucky if your country isn't as israelited as America.

      Luckily I found the cheat code of just not eating for days on end, but most people would be too scared to even try that or wouldn't have the discipline to do it. Then they have friends that push it on them too. There are so many factors that go into it my man

      • 2 years ago

        >If you go into a gas station in America, quite literally every single thing there is processed. EVERYTHING.
        When I started trying to fix my diet I was shocked when I first noticed that as well. Hundreds of food products and literally nothing that isn't junk food except for some bags of nuts. No fresh fruit, no yogurt, just candy and chips for miles.

    • 2 years ago

      >About 3000 calories each day was coming from alcohol alone
      Holy cow it's that bad? I don't drink but I didn't realize it was that high cal. What were you drinking?

      • 2 years ago

        A 6 pack of natty daddy tall boys. It's the most foul tasting shit I've ever put in my mouth, but it was $5 for a 6 pack. I was such a cheap bastard at the time that my moronic mind figured why not. I would drink 2-3 six packs every day. Two six packs is 2,896 calories. 3 is 4,384 calories. Then I would also have 1-2 pizza hut pizzas that were custom made so I couldn't really count the calories, but they were usually stuffed crust and had tons of topping thrown on. I roughly estimated it was an additional 5000 calories or so.

        Now I'm not an alcoholic and I chilled out a lot on casual drinking. I also REFUSE to put that shit back in my mouth. If I want to drink ill have some Whiteclaw or some Corona seltzers. Corona is preferred since they have 0 carbs. They are also decent on calories. No more beer ever. Seltzer only. I also refuse to work a shit job that saps my mental health so bad that I need alcohol to cope. I'd rather starve or be homeless honestly. I'm not going to be a slave to the system.

        >If you go into a gas station in America, quite literally every single thing there is processed. EVERYTHING.
        When I started trying to fix my diet I was shocked when I first noticed that as well. Hundreds of food products and literally nothing that isn't junk food except for some bags of nuts. No fresh fruit, no yogurt, just candy and chips for miles.

        Nuts, some beef jerkies, certain pickles, pickled sausages, pickled eggs, cheeses. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. The pickled stuff wouldn't even be there in most places, but I live in the south. Any old country store and a few corporate gas stations have these items. Even then, the jerky options often are extremely expensive and usually have added sugar. The pickled sausages also have some bullshit preservatives in them too, because fricking vinegar isn't good enough I guess. The jerky and the pickles sausages aren't authentic unless they come out of a Mason jar that you have to pick them out of with tongs. Everything else is trash.

        • 2 years ago

          Forgot pic rel

  13. 2 years ago

    Just not thinking about your diet, eating junk food and not exercising can get you to around 250, but beyond that you have to be actively and intentionally overeating. These people are mentally ill and have an eating disorder. Food is a coping mechanism and a comfort in the way alcohol or drugs are abused. It's no coincidence that omega fats almost always have an enabler.

  14. 2 years ago

    I was around 10-20lbs overweight. Was doing cardio but I just ate too much as a kid.
    Was told to clean my plate, don't waste food, you are growing eat more etc.
    For a period around 10-14 I ate copious amounts of fast food because that's what my parents ate.

    Still have some issues with being fat but I just need to keep the food intake under control.

    • 2 years ago

      >Was told to clean my plate, don't waste food, you are growing eat more etc.

      Same lol. I hate food waste, like it gives me legit anxiety.

  15. 2 years ago
  16. 2 years ago

    Your brain is literally designed to produce pleasure chemicals when you eat something so that, as an animal, you actually want to spend your time getting food instead of just not caring and starving to death. Our brains have no idea we live in modern society where food can be obtained basically instantaneously and at any time and it still works really really hard to reinforce that eating = happy.

    Consider that the foods that make you fat, shit with tons of calories, fat, sugar, etc- these are the things your brain SPECIFICALLY rewards you for eating. It doesn't care about your lean chicken and your leafy greens because that stuff isn't caloric. Your brain thinks it needs all the calories it can get, so frick yeah it's sending extra dopamine when you eat those cookies, because your brain has no idea how fat you are and it thinks you might need those calories someday, so you better eat them now while they're in front of you.

    Of course this is an entirely manageable feeling for a lot of people, but for some people it isn't, and it's compounded if:
    -You haven't ever been properly educated on taking care of yourself nutritionally
    -You have a bad home life or suffer from any kind of mental illness
    -You are poor
    -Any shit of this nature that makes you more prone to needing a 'high' to cope

    Also, once your brain chemistry and reward centers are already fricked up, you don't feel hunger like normal people do anymore. You eat when you're happy, you eat when you're sad, you eat when you feel anything, you eat when you don't feel anything.
    Essentially, all feelings become hunger. You are constantly hungry and never satisfied because your brain doesn't actually register the same sensations the same way. Doubly true if this started as a kid and you literally only know disordered eating.

    Basically, it's a cycle that feeds itself just like any drugs do. Eating makes your brain inject happy chemicals in your body and it feels good. Food is a legal and cheap drug. Simple as.

    • 2 years ago

      If hunger can be defined as "a sensation produced in the body that compells someone to eat" Then I haven't felt hunger in years. Sometimes I'll go days without eating while I can literally feel my muscle degrading. I'll have food right next to me and just not want to eat for some reason. Do you know anything about this? Did I fricking ruin my brain somehow? No food tastes good either. Fast food, snacks, calorically dense food, macro dense food, micro dense food, I just don't care. I have no instinct or drive to eat.

      Also, I'm on an extended fast rn, I'm hoping that legit not eating for months will fix things. When I start eating again will I actually seek out food? Is there anything I can do to increase my desire for food or that will make me hungrier? I can't smoke pot it makes me hallucinate and I don't get the munchies anymore.

  17. 2 years ago

    I got fat from boredom and binge eating

  18. 2 years ago

    I understand how people get obese
    >t. went from 150 to 235 in a few years
    but what gets me is how people get like death fat size and get up to 300+ lbs. At 235 I stayed fat for years but I knew at one point I had to stop eating 2-3 ramen cups and a stack of oreos every night and atleast maintain my weight.

  19. 2 years ago

    Poor parenting
    Stress eating
    Goyslop is engineered to not be satiating and to make you want more of it, if you give in you're topping off the calorie bomb with another calorie bomb

  20. 2 years ago

    i understand sneed oils and pufa
    what i don't understand is how you don't stop eating when you see that you're getting that fat.
    subhumans, literaly. they do not deserve life.

  21. 2 years ago

    You posted a picture of a show you’ve never watched obviously. I’ve seen almost every season of this shit. Dr. Now is based as frick and sometimes these planets actually get their shit together and lose weight. Most don’t. A couple of people on the show have actually died shortly after filming. But your question was what causes them to become behemoths. It’s trauma. 100% of the time. Molestation. Rape. Family member dying. They become fat fricks because they find solace and comfort in food and can’t stop. They’re literally Hoarders except piling shit into their homes and yards they pile the shit directly into their bodies. It’s sad as frick and everyone here should pray to the Lord nothing so traumatic ever happens to them.

    • 2 years ago

      I do not pray for an easy life. I pray for the strength to endure a difficult one

  22. 2 years ago

    >Bulking gone wrong.
    >GOMAD gone as intended.
    >Strong athletic people who suddenly quit in their 30s or 40s but continue eating the same amount and balloon.
    There are many routes to being a fatty.

  23. 2 years ago

    I used to have a similar thought op, when I was a young man I never understood how people got fat. As I've gotten older however my metabolism is slowed, instead of just being able to drop a pound at will I have to do calorie maintenance, think about what I want to eat. It's definitely a choice, but it's the easy choice it's like sleeping in. My guess would be op is a young man.

  24. 2 years ago

    You don't need to eat that much 300cal/day surplus means you will gain about 30lbs in a year. Over time your surplus will decrease if you keep eating the same amount, but you will continue to gain weight for quite a while and your appetite and ability to eat fast will probably also increase gradually. So you could easily gain 100lbs in under a decade without ever feeling like you were "eating a lot".

    Then by the time you get to a huge weight it feels hopeless because physical activity is too hard for you and even if you lose a frickton of weight you will STILL be fat, and you know that you'll find it unsustainable in the long term.

  25. 2 years ago

    I bought some candy recently it's very heavy on the calories. You can crush 700 calories just munching some Haribo while watching a TV show and not even make a dent in your appetite. That plus soda and you can easily go 1000kcal on just snacks.

    So just don't buy snacks.

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