I think i have a bulged disk. Lower back pain after prolonged sitting or sleep. Mild sciatica down the right leg.

I think i have a bulged disk. Lower back pain after prolonged sitting or sleep. Mild sciatica down the right leg.

Anything special I should do? I assume just stay off the rows squats and deadlifts until it heals.

I had been trying to brace more during squats, hold more breath, flex abs hard, and focus on form, and im pretty sure thats how i strained it on squats. feels bad man

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  1. 9 months ago

    not even heavy btw im weak as frick lifting like 4 or 5 months most recent squat was 175lb 5x5

  2. 9 months ago

    Yep, you frick'd a disc. From those symptoms probably L4/L5. You should just get ready to go to the ER when it decides it wants to really go.

    • 9 months ago

      but it will heal right?

      Im only 26, am i just done squatting and deadlifting forever????

      • 9 months ago

        If you're not training to compete in squat and dead then theres really no need as those are the worst lifts for your back. My 2 discs got fricked together L1,L5 around 21. It can happen to anyone, anytime doing big lifts and it fricking major sucks ass. It will heal but you won't be the same and you'll have to be careful and find other core exercises to help your muscles support your back more, you might wanna consider physical therapy.

        • 9 months ago

          jfc nobody listen to this weak ass moronic anon please

      • 9 months ago

        Anon you have the kind of injury that’s life changing for most patients. Take it easy for sure

      • 9 months ago

        Discs don't ever 'heal' what actually happens is your immune system eats the contents that bulged out leaving your disk permanently smaller as it lost some of its insides. It will also be a weak spot that can easily leak more material.

        And yes, your days of heavy squats and deads are over. You fell for the deadlofy meme. Real advice though, of you go heave raise the bar up some more in a squat rack that will ensure you can keep you back straight.

  3. 9 months ago

    pray to God that it isn't beyond repair.
    most disk Injuries are permanent.
    & see a doctor
    .t fug'd back squad.

  4. 9 months ago

    strengthen core and glutes

    decompress spine

    t. buldging disc l4/l5 haver

  5. 9 months ago

    I had these symptoms years ago and it eventually went away with rest. I suspect spinal extensor DOMS feels like central lower back pain for some people and you're probably imagining the sciatica.
    >Do exercises like GHR/reverse hypers and knee/leg raises
    >Do a deadhang and foam roll your spinal erectors in the morning and after any exercise that loads the spine
    >When the pain is gone try introducing safer variations like front squats and Romanian deadlifts and focus on bracing correctly
    >After a month or so with no pain, try to reintroduce back squats and conventional deadlifts, and make sure you brace

  6. 9 months ago

    If it's a minor strain/bulge, you should unironically walk it off. Walking stimulates lower back blood circulation which removes scar tissue and fixes your back. Also do the mcgills big three.

    Stay on that routine for a out two months, if the pain doesn't go away it's probably time to see a doctor

  7. 9 months ago

    Deadhang 3-5 minutes a day every day
    If you have access to a pool, use it and float as much as you can for as many days as you need relief as it should relieve pressure on your disc
    Seek professional consultation from a physio, good ones will help
    It will heal over time, don’t do OHP, squats or anything that will compress your spine in the meantime

    t. Blew out my disc 6 years ago

  8. 9 months ago

    dude, that spine looks severed wtf

  9. 9 months ago

    Batman be like

  10. 9 months ago

    The more I read about squats, the more moronic the 1/2/3/4 meme seems. What is the point of squatting so much weight if it can frick up your spinal cord when you're not careful?

    • 9 months ago

      It's the cult of SS. I swear Rippetoe derailed the fitness culture by a decade because of his lowbar squat nonsense. If you really want to squat, do front squats, zercher squats, and strict highbar that doesn't put pressure on your spine. Lowbar is just too risky and it doesn't even give that much benefit than other variations.

      • 9 months ago

        Hack squat is unironically the best squat variation out there. I started doing hack squats after a particularly painful flare up (around 3 months ago) and my legs have been on fire since then. I get insane doms and burn every time and I just feel my quads a lot more. And it doesn't put pressure on your back at all if you do it correctly

      • 9 months ago

        This. I fricked my back as well and it's most likely gonna be a life long injury, as it comes and goes since 2019, even though I haven't been doing squats or deadlifts for almost 3 years now.
        I'd never recommend anyone doing heavy squats / dls if they don't specifically want to become powerlifters.
        People like us make a silent graveyard of this moronic meme that has been around for too long, and sadly, no one listens to what we have to say.

        • 9 months ago

          Nobody listens because what you are saying is wrong and stupid. Unless you want to be weak, I wouldn’t avoid deadlifts or squats

  11. 9 months ago
    I ignore women


  12. 9 months ago

    You should do either squats or lunges to strengthen your butt. In my experience, the leg press machine is bad news. Obviously strengthen your abs and core with planks or similar. I find this way of core strengthening is less irritating than exercises where you bend at the waist repeatedly.

  13. 9 months ago


    I got into lifting so i could live a longer more mobile life. Ive seen some of my less active relatives compared to more active and its insane how different your life can be at 40 50 60 depending on your lifestyle.
    and here i am permanently damaging myself 4 months in????

    yall got me scared. google was saying this can heal in 6-12 weeks in 95% of patients.

    I kept squatting on it for awhile thinking it was just a strain and i needed to focus more on form

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