I think 'nicotine addiction' is a scam

It's 99% 'cigarette habit'. I've been smoking for a decade. Every now and then, I stop for a month. I stop for just a day even more often. I get absolutely no physical symptoms of withdrawal or anything like that. I then proceed to smoke mainly because I enjoy the process and I like that it splits my day up nicely, and nicotine genuinely adds to the experience of sex, food, or wine.
There's as much 'addiction' in smoking tobacco as in, I dunno, hot showers, or sugar, or other nice things in life. And it's so easy to moderate.
>but I caaan't I need my fix to even shit in the morning
>it's a torture to fly 10 hours without a cig
>ahhhh I need 1-2 packs a day
Skill issue.

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  1. 7 months ago

    You're either moronic and didn't learn how to inhale properly in ten years of "smoking", or you're just lying.

    • 7 months ago

      >says nicotine is not addictive
      >always goes back to smoking again
      Like clockwork

      >stop smoking
      >can usually only go a single day without
      >totally not addicted btw haha
      >a-and besides it enhances the joys of life like food and sex I need it to enjoy things
      >n-not an addict though I can stop any time I want only been smoking for 10 years
      >it just makes my day complete, breaks it up nicely
      >I can stop at any time I simply choose not to because life is boring after a measly 24-48 hours without it not even addicted though haha
      You are so addicted you don’t even realize it.

      You're responding to a marketing team.

      You're addicted, moron. Why do you think they always say that the first step is acknowledging you have a problem?
      >I like smoking therefore I'm not addicted


      The funniest thing God ever did was make morons incapable of knowing they're moronic

      >yes goyim nicotine is bad for you dont you remember our decades of propaganda telling you so? Now take the vaxx and stop eatting meat, the science says so

      • 7 months ago

        ~~*(mom*~~) is enforcing naptime

        • 7 months ago

          >listen to the state, bad boy, or else!

      • 7 months ago

        That doesn't make any sense. The elite would want you to smoke so you spend outrageous amounts of money on useless shit, get addicted and become a lifelong customer. Also the meat industry is one of the biggest on the planet that lobbies politicians all over the world.

        If you smoke and eat meat you are doing exactly what the israelite wants.

        • 7 months ago

          Nicotine is healthy for you, every civilization used it for thousands of years until a israelite said its bad and you believed it

          Now go take your 6th vaxx moron

          • 7 months ago

            yeah dude coating your lungs in tar is totally something healthy and natural that your body wants

            vaping is totally healthy too even though its super new and there's no definitive research consensus

      • 7 months ago

        Imagine actually thinking this when people die from lung cancer and it's directly linked to cigs
        Have fun dying early kek

        • 7 months ago

          Its NOT linked to tobacco moron

    • 7 months ago

      >says nicotine is not addictive
      >always goes back to smoking again
      Like clockwork

      >stop smoking
      >can usually only go a single day without
      >totally not addicted btw haha
      >a-and besides it enhances the joys of life like food and sex I need it to enjoy things
      >n-not an addict though I can stop any time I want only been smoking for 10 years
      >it just makes my day complete, breaks it up nicely
      >I can stop at any time I simply choose not to because life is boring after a measly 24-48 hours without it not even addicted though haha
      You are so addicted you don’t even realize it.

      You're addicted, moron. Why do you think they always say that the first step is acknowledging you have a problem?
      >I like smoking therefore I'm not addicted


      The funniest thing God ever did was make morons incapable of knowing they're moronic

      He's right though, and the same goes to every stimulant, including ADHD meds, coffee, meth, coce, etc. They're all addictive only mentally, no physical withrawals whatsoever. Once you get this it's actually pretty damn easy to quit. You're not dependent, you only think you are and that's the reason why you're sucking that gay like your mum's tiddies.

      • 7 months ago

        That's exactly my point. There's 0 (zero) trolling in the original post. It's a very pleasurable activity that makes life better but requires a conscious efford to moderate - like all things made for pleasure.

      • 7 months ago

        Trips of trolling.
        >quit caffeine cold turkey
        >skull splitting headaches within hours
        >desperate need to take a nap in the middle of the day

        • 7 months ago

          this happens to me when i start drinking coffee after abstaining for a month or two

      • 7 months ago

        You've obviously never done them. They are absolutely physically addictive. Most prominent ones are mood swings and lethargy. You can test this by snorting over a gram of coke in a day then stop. You'll see the physical addiction for sure

        • 7 months ago

          I've done everything i've gotten my hands on and the only substances that have given me any such probles at all are alcohol and buprenorphine.

          • 7 months ago

            Then the shit you got was garbage. I've done stimulants since I was 6 years old and every one I've tried is physically addicting to some extent. Nicotine isn't that physically addicting but you can still feel the mood swings a little. Shit like cocaine and Ritalin is 100 percent noticeable and it gets bad. If you didn't experience it you either did a small dose or your shit was bunk. Even caffeine, I don't get headaches like everyone else does but the depression and lethargy are noticeable. I know things effect everyone differently but if you're really doing large amounts of real potent stimulants like coke, amphetamines or meth then you will definitely feel the physically addictive side of the comedown

            • 7 months ago

              Lol no. Your baby-brain just can't differiate with what's real and what's only your imagination.

              • 7 months ago

                Lmao your post makes no sense it's clear you're making shit up for attention because you think you're cool for not feeling physically addicted. If anything you're the delusional one for thinking you're somehow immune to effects that are felt by anyone who does stimulants.

    • 7 months ago

      100% agreed, feels good. Have a ciggy every couple days to weeks, to months at times, just a relaxing thing. Mentally ill homosexuals don't know how to moderate

      Then the shit you got was garbage. I've done stimulants since I was 6 years old and every one I've tried is physically addicting to some extent. Nicotine isn't that physically addicting but you can still feel the mood swings a little. Shit like cocaine and Ritalin is 100 percent noticeable and it gets bad. If you didn't experience it you either did a small dose or your shit was bunk. Even caffeine, I don't get headaches like everyone else does but the depression and lethargy are noticeable. I know things effect everyone differently but if you're really doing large amounts of real potent stimulants like coke, amphetamines or meth then you will definitely feel the physically addictive side of the comedown

      hate to break it to you but you're either a pussy or a brown Black person, likely both

    • 7 months ago

      He's right, I'm a ex smoker too

  2. 7 months ago

    >says nicotine is not addictive
    >always goes back to smoking again
    Like clockwork

    • 7 months ago

      How am I 'addicted' if I can have breaks and prolonged abstinences?

      >stop smoking
      >can usually only go a single day without
      >totally not addicted btw haha
      >a-and besides it enhances the joys of life like food and sex I need it to enjoy things
      >n-not an addict though I can stop any time I want only been smoking for 10 years
      >it just makes my day complete, breaks it up nicely
      >I can stop at any time I simply choose not to because life is boring after a measly 24-48 hours without it not even addicted though haha
      You are so addicted you don’t even realize it.

      >after a measly 24-48 hours without it
      Are you addicted to hot showers? Why don't you take cold plunges exclusively or was yourself with your saliva? Please don't make excuses.

      You're addicted, moron. Why do you think they always say that the first step is acknowledging you have a problem?
      >I like smoking therefore I'm not addicted

      How am I 'addicted' if it's a conscious choice rather than a compulsive behavior? Or you want to completely deny the existence of free will now? Are you saying it's _impossible_ to choose what goes into your body? Sound exactly like the excuses fats are making.


      The funniest thing God ever did was make morons incapable of knowing they're moronic

      Not an argument, just your frustration with the lack of any good reasoning on your side.

      • 7 months ago

        >how am I addicted if I can have breaks
        Nicotine has a long half-life so you can go a long time without experiencing withdrawals. I've quit nicotine a few times and the first few MONTHS were easy to deal with, but cravings started happening intermittently afterwards.

        >hot showers
        Warmth is a basic human comfort, probably due to survival instincts.

        >conscious choice rather than a compulsive behavior?
        You've merely rationalized your compulsive behavior as a conscious choice. Nicotine is not needed for survival, is objectively bad for your health and is an additional expense you don't need to incur. Why would you consciously choose to spend money to hurt your body?

      • 7 months ago

        >How am I 'addicted' if it's a conscious choice rather than a compulsive behavior?
        Because it's a compulsive behavior. Just because you enjoy a compulsive behavior doesn't mean it's not compulsive.

        • 7 months ago

          You're just trying to stretch the meaning of words now to fit your point, but it doesn't make you right.

      • 7 months ago

        >Why don't you take cold plunges exclusively
        I do. Care to try again?

        He's right though, and the same goes to every stimulant, including ADHD meds, coffee, meth, coce, etc. They're all addictive only mentally, no physical withrawals whatsoever. Once you get this it's actually pretty damn easy to quit. You're not dependent, you only think you are and that's the reason why you're sucking that gay like your mum's tiddies.

        >he’s right they’re not addictive
        >they’re only mentally addictive

        • 7 months ago

          It's only in your head. It doesn't really exist. That's the thing you need to understand and it goes away.

      • 7 months ago

        Oh I'm not frustrated homie, but arguing with a fool only proves there's two fools. Enjoy not being addicted!

        • 7 months ago

          >rolls in
          >calls OP moron
          >refuses to elaborate
          >casually uses ebonics
          so keyed and brave

      • 7 months ago

        >How am I 'addicted' if I can have breaks and prolonged abstinences?
        Zoomers think enjoying thing X is being addicted to thing X. There is no wa to convince them that you cannot just go a few days without heroin or so if you're on.

    • 7 months ago

      you don’t know what a addiction is, dumbass

  3. 7 months ago

    >stop smoking
    >can usually only go a single day without
    >totally not addicted btw haha
    >a-and besides it enhances the joys of life like food and sex I need it to enjoy things
    >n-not an addict though I can stop any time I want only been smoking for 10 years
    >it just makes my day complete, breaks it up nicely
    >I can stop at any time I simply choose not to because life is boring after a measly 24-48 hours without it not even addicted though haha
    You are so addicted you don’t even realize it.

    • 7 months ago

      You're responding to a marketing team.

  4. 7 months ago

    You're addicted, moron. Why do you think they always say that the first step is acknowledging you have a problem?
    >I like smoking therefore I'm not addicted

    • 7 months ago

      Are you addicted to chocolate?

      • 7 months ago

        i need nicotine to find life enjoyable but you are literally addicted to food??? checkmate

        being warm and eating yummy food are natrual pleasures in life, your body only likes nicotine for the sake of liking nicotine

        • 7 months ago

          >a completely artificial, human made 'yummy' sweet made specifically for enhancing pleasure produced from selectively bred plants
          chocolate addicts are the worst man, almost on the same level with fent enjoyers

      • 7 months ago


  5. 7 months ago

    The funniest thing God ever did was make morons incapable of knowing they're moronic

    • 7 months ago

      Saving this post for other moron threads lmao

      • 7 months ago

        Enjoy, my friend

  6. 7 months ago

    Yeah it's a good thing I quit again after a while. At least I don't need to perform mental gymnastics of this level.

  7. 7 months ago

    >I've been smoking for a decade
    Imagine the smell

  8. 7 months ago

    Smoker here, that's a lie to yourself, you're just going through a phase. I also went months and sometimes even years without smoking, but it's very hard to break the habit for good. Nicotine abstinence has phases, after a few minutes you want to light another cigarette, then hours, days, weeks, months, years. That's why a lot of people fail, you may go a day without smoking, which is hard but not impossible, but on day three, the urge actually gets stronger. Then you may surpass that, after two or three months, a lot of the effect of nicotine is already gone, but you have another wave of urges to come back.

    The point is, if you feel alright to stop for a few months, then you're doing the hardest part, just take this opportunity to quit forever. Otherwise, you'll always come back to it and it will become increasingly harder to quit.

    • 7 months ago

      This. I think it's just psychological and not a physical dependency at that point.
      I can quit no problem for weeks but the second I'm tired midway through a long shift or stressed I'll reach for a cigarette.
      Then once you have one you might as well have another and another until you're right back where you started.

    • 7 months ago

      I've never tried to quit, I just wanted to see if there's an abstinence syndrome to it. Turns out, there isn't. Every time I picked up the cigs again I did it because it's a perfect fit for alcohol, coffee, after meal etc. It's just right.

      In my book, if a substance is truly addictive there must be serious cravings, pains, other adverse effects. When I stop (pause) smoking, I get none of it. 1 week in, 2 weeks in, nothing. No sleepiness, no change in appetite, no headaches.

      This. I think it's just psychological and not a physical dependency at that point.
      I can quit no problem for weeks but the second I'm tired midway through a long shift or stressed I'll reach for a cigarette.
      Then once you have one you might as well have another and another until you're right back where you started.

      'Psychological dependency' is a myth, because it's impossible to differentiate it from a dozen of other reasons a person might be sticking with a habit (like going to the gym, dating a person, or drinking coffee on a balcony).

      • 7 months ago

        >I did it because it's a perfect fit for alcohol, coffee, after meal etc. It's just right.
        Inhaling hot carcinogenic smoke feels "right?" Seriously listen to yourself.

        • 7 months ago

          If you do your own research you'll quickly find out that cancer statistics are heavily skewed and don't necessarily prove that smoking was the decisive reason a subgroup had a higher incidence of cancer. None of the health-related statistics can be trusted and if you still believe it after the certain recent *events* you're a fool.
          >nooo please believe the science, it's settled, oh no it's un-settled, oh it's settled again, no you can't argue with real scientists, that's how science works chud

          • 7 months ago

            Ok but your lungs literally turn black, that can't be healthy

            • 7 months ago

              Even if you willfully ignore cancer statistics, smoking raises blood pressure and is still terrible for your lungs.

              Even if it's true that's completely unrelated to the topic (addiction).

              yeah, today I was so busy that I forgot I even smoke
              sometimes I get bored of smoking and tired of the smell so I just stop for a few months
              wouldn't call that an "addiction"

              Precisely. Addicts don't just forget about their addiction and don't skip days and months.

              Just because you don't get how it works, doesn't mean it doesn't.
              Thing is nicotine addiction is so extremely strong, that you get withdrawals the second you stop.
              It's not as heavy as opioid withdrawals, but it is there. Also psychological withdrawals are just as real.

              >addiction is extremely strong
              >meanwhile people just abstain from it for prolonged periods of time by choice
              That's not addiction.
              >psychological withdrawals
              Anything related to the psyche is completely controllable. If the physiological effects don't affect the decision making in some people to the same degree they do in the other, it is clear that there's no physiological addiction per se - and people smoking packs a day and people who are unwilling to pause just lack willpower and have poor decision making ability.

              That's all interpretation bro.
              >Do I NEED to order a supersize meal? No. Does it make it a lot better? Absolutely.
              - said the obese

              If it were easy to see addiction for what it is, no one would be addicted to anything in the first place.

              Whose to say the supersize meal is a little exception or a repetitive excess? Whose to say that one cigarette is because you desire it like a gentleman or crave it like an addict? Not me.

              The point is that everything is fine until it isn't.

              >Whose to say that one cigarette is because you desire it like a gentleman or crave it like an addict?
              Basically it's about the culture and the moderation that comes with it.

          • 7 months ago

            Even if you willfully ignore cancer statistics, smoking raises blood pressure and is still terrible for your lungs.

            • 7 months ago

              IT's also bad for your blood vessels.

              • 7 months ago

                nic promotes new blood vessel growth, which is great for young struggling cancer tumors. Carry on ingesting a pesticide, what could go wrong?

          • 7 months ago

            >”if you look at the science I’m actively telling you not to trust…”

            Blown away people fall for bait this bad

          • 7 months ago

            Shill for big tobacco. That's a new one

      • 7 months ago

        >Every time I picked up the cigs again I did it because it's a perfect fit for alcohol, coffee, after meal etc. It's just right.
        Dude, THOSE are the cravings. You're not feeling them too painfully because you're allowing yourself to smoke in those moments. You think you are in control of that, but when you do try to quit for good and realize a cig is still perfect after the meal... but you can't have it, then you'll feel it.

        • 7 months ago

          Respectfully, that's like saying adding salt to the food to enhance the flavor is a 'craving'.

          Do I absolutely need that extra salt? Nope, already had my daily norm. Will a small pinch make the entire meal 20% better? Absolutely.
          You could argue that salt is biologically necessary and good for you. True, but I had a 'craving' purely because of the taste, to enhance the pleasure from the meal.

          Moreover, a cigarette is more than just a nicotine shot to kill a craving. It's an acquired taste, an aesthetic, a contemplation, a culture. In a way, it's similar to a grace. A prayer before your meal is not a requirement, but blessing it sure adds to the value.

          • 7 months ago

            That's all interpretation bro.
            >Do I NEED to order a supersize meal? No. Does it make it a lot better? Absolutely.
            - said the obese

            If it were easy to see addiction for what it is, no one would be addicted to anything in the first place.

            Whose to say the supersize meal is a little exception or a repetitive excess? Whose to say that one cigarette is because you desire it like a gentleman or crave it like an addict? Not me.

            The point is that everything is fine until it isn't.

  9. 7 months ago

    Nicotine sucks. It calms you down when you're anxious or stressed but then leaves you feeling perpetually more anxious.

    • 7 months ago

      Just don't be anxious or stressed so much all the time. Nicotine has nothing to do with your life choices that make you so neurotic.

      When you're chill nicotine is good for you.

      • 7 months ago

        I can't stop being so anxious partly because of the nicotine. I just know that this feeling of malaise coincided with when I picked up nic. It made me less resilient.

  10. 7 months ago

    Not everyone is the same. Imagine if you had an IQ above 85 and were able to conceptualize that you are one neurological type and don't reflect everyone else.

    I've had periods where I've drunk alcohol daily for weeks then stopped for months without a thought. That quite obviously doesn't mean others wouldn't develop an addiction.

    • 7 months ago

      >Imagine if you had an IQ above 85
      There's zero utility to imagining that. It's like imagining how would I feel if I didn't have breakfast. I'd rather make sure I'll have something for breakfast tomorrow :^)

      Jokes aside, you're talking about a _bad habit_ people with low impulse control may and do develop. My point is, and I don't know if there's a way to put it in words to make it explicitly clear to IST - nicotine itself is not addictive. That's why, provided you're a conscious being, it's fairly easy to choose when to smoke.

  11. 7 months ago

    >smelling like shit makes life better
    Lol, lmao even

    • 7 months ago

      >caring what people that can't afford cigarettes think about how you smell

      • 7 months ago

        Holy cope

        • 7 months ago

          It was legal to smoke everywhere just decades ago and the world was a better place despite the smell and there ain't no single thing you can say to prove me wring

          I can't stop being so anxious partly because of the nicotine. I just know that this feeling of malaise coincided with when I picked up nic. It made me less resilient.

          I hope you'll find a way to stabilize your mood bro. Do you train?

          • 7 months ago

            >there ain't no single thing you can say to prove me wring
            Then everywhere would smell bad, weed unironicly smells worse than sewage

            • 7 months ago

              I agree, I wanna vomit when I smell weed. But that's unrelated

  12. 7 months ago

    I don't smoke but when I drink I can smoke a pack or two in a night no problem then not smoke or drink again for months

    • 7 months ago

      >I don't smoke apart from when I smoke
      most intelligent smoker

  13. 7 months ago

    yeah, today I was so busy that I forgot I even smoke
    sometimes I get bored of smoking and tired of the smell so I just stop for a few months
    wouldn't call that an "addiction"

  14. 7 months ago

    Just because you don't get how it works, doesn't mean it doesn't.
    Thing is nicotine addiction is so extremely strong, that you get withdrawals the second you stop.
    It's not as heavy as opioid withdrawals, but it is there. Also psychological withdrawals are just as real.

  15. 7 months ago

    Idk, I think some people definitely get addicted. My parents are prime examples, but I do enjoy tobacco in moderation. I can have a couple of cigarettes a week with friends and I enjoy a cigar every month or so. But I didn’t start smoking until I was in my early 20s and it’s always been a social thing for me.

  16. 7 months ago

    >>it's a torture to fly 10 hours without a cig
    It's torture to fly for 10 hours period.

    Also, I agree, stopped fro almost a year now, cold tukey. Only thing I noticed is I get rosacea now and of course, I gained some pounds of weight. Nothing else, no positives. Was it worth it? I dunno. I spend less money, I guess that's something.

  17. 7 months ago

    Why don't cig smokers switch to cigars? You get the nicotine but don't damage your lungs overtime.

    • 7 months ago

      Cigars take too long to smoke. You can’t just take a 5 minute trip outside to smoke one.

    • 7 months ago

      I smoke a pipe, same thing you dont inhale, but it smells and tastes wonderful
      I smoke a maple/hazelnut aromatic atm and its so good

  18. 7 months ago

    >nicotine genuinely adds to the experience of sex, food, or wine.
    Yes anything that causes dopamine release does this.
    Your sleep is probably shittier than you think, just like mine because of my crippling caffeine use.

  19. 7 months ago

    I don't 100% agree with you, but it's definitely a cigarette thing. I used to smoke cigarettes and it's a very addictive habit but I quit eventually because the addiction pissed me off.
    I now smoke pipe and cigars occasionally but feel no addiction whatsoever. I'll go months without either just because I'm not really in the mood.

  20. 7 months ago

    I miss baccy so much it's unreal.
    Please smoke one for me

  21. 7 months ago

    At 6 weeks clean from nicotine, you can see twice as far

    At 8 weeks, enemies stop being able to track you

    >Being a cuck prey gay smoking gay
    Not even once

    • 7 months ago

      >he doesn't smoke

      • 7 months ago

        >that pic
        What a homosexual. Humans are the greatest species because we skin alive anything that even dares look at us the wrong way.
        There's nothing to "survive" out there because it's them who have to survive us.

      • 7 months ago

        This guy is one of the lonely middle aged weirdos you see on hikes. His life is a mess so he spends his time in the woods larping as a survivor without ever leaving cell coverage or a ten mile radius from a gas station.

  22. 7 months ago

    Cigarettes are just fricking disgusting and devalue all the property around you
    At least vape like child you are so people don't hate you so much

  23. 7 months ago

    never smoked a cig in my life but will regularly hit nicotine vapes and pack zyns bummed off friends when I am super drunk. My tolerance is so low that that shit always sends me to space. Then I don't even think about it again until I'm blasted again, and even then, if nobody's got anything, I am not going out my way to seek it out. Maybe I don't do it enough for it to become a habit, but it never seemed particularly addictive to me.

    I do know what true vice is, too, because I have been addicted to trans porn for over a decade. No matter how long I go without, I always come crawling back.

  24. 7 months ago

    Nah I get genuinely irritable as frick and have a headache

  25. 7 months ago

    OP is so addicted that he has to post his mental gymnastics on a Chinese commie propaganda board to seek approval from complete strangers so he can keep pretending he has control over his life.

    I smoke regularly, pretty much just in social situations, and I can down a pack in a couple of hours. Then I can spend days or weeks without touching a cigarette without any "real" withdrawal symptoms. I've been doing this for years already, I don't need a daily fix and if the mood's not right it even feels gross if I smoke one.

    Most of the time I don't feel that the nicotine really enhances anything since I'm already desensitized. The rush I used to get when I started is already gone, at this point I'm just chasing the old feeling but never finding it.

    I don't think I need nicotine in my daily life at all, and yet I don't see myself permanently quitting. I know that it can take weeks or even months but at some point I will feel like I could use a cig and I'll just tell myself that it's nothing and I'm in control. Although unlikely, you may pace yourself and lead an otherwise healthy life, then die of natural causes without getting cancer or heart issues, but you're just lying to yourself if you think that your brain isn't dependent on nicotine already.

  26. 7 months ago

    quitting smoking is so fricking easy that I do it every day. non-smokoids btfo

  27. 7 months ago

    I smoked for 6 years on and off randomly and just stopped one day cos i wanted to, can start smoking again whenever i want to
    I can relate OP
    Non-smokoids in here have been drinking the anti-smoking propaganda since birth so dont fault them for repeating the same drivel
    I know 5 people who smoked their entire lives and are now in their 70-90s and still perfectly fine lmao
    Its all bullshit, the establishment hates it cos it raises T and helps brain function, they want you to be weak and stupid
    Look at the sheer amount of poisons in everything else we consume daily and ask if they really care about your health

    • 7 months ago

      lmao this reads like the most obvious israelitepost ever
      >PLEEEEEASE listen to me goy!!

    • 7 months ago

      >I smoked for 6 years on and off randomly and just stopped one day cos i wanted to, can start smoking again whenever i want to
      Exactly. It's literally that simple. The "mental gymnastics" is mainly performed by sobergays with no impulse control whatsoever. They think everyone is like them and it's inconceivable for them that there are people with free will. They also blame the substance - just like fats - for entering their bodies against their will, or should I say... wish?

  28. 7 months ago

    I'm in the same situation. I've been smoking since middle school and I'm 26. I haven't smoked in like a month, sometimes I just don't care about it. If I'm stressed or celebrating I might smoke, hasn't happened lately.
    I think it's more genetic than you assume though, I know guys who started smoking and "hated" it but got hooked really fast, and coincidentally whenever I ask people about their smoker parents they have very similar patterns. My dad also started smoking at school and barely ever smokes regardless.

    • 7 months ago

      >I haven't smoked in like a month, sometimes I just don't care about it
      Glad to see at least some people that get it.
      >I think it's more genetic than you assume though
      You might be right, it could just be inherited just as intelligence, life expectancy, and body composition.

      How did this board not fall for the vaxx propaganda yet they fell for the tobacco bad propaganda?

      >How did this board not fall for the vaxx propaganda
      You'd be surprised how many vaxxed hands type all the inane comments here. At this point many will deny they're vaxxed or will insist it was a long time ago, it's time to forgive and forget and move on, it didn't matter and wasn't a big deal, repeat "2 more weeks" etc.
      Meanwhile many vaxxies irl get sick with flu/cold EVERY 2 WEEKS during the fall/winter months. They still call it all covid btw.

  29. 7 months ago

    How did this board not fall for the vaxx propaganda yet they fell for the tobacco bad propaganda?

  30. 7 months ago

    Nicotine by itself isn't particularly addictive. It's more about the ritual and oral fixation. If you chew some gum and don't be a pussy then in 6 days your withdrawal symptoms are done. From then on it's just a craving.

    • 7 months ago

      its mostly about the additives in cigarettes and shit

    • 7 months ago

      >Nicotine by itself isn't particularly addictive
      Yeah that's the entire point of the original post.

  31. 7 months ago

    What I'm getting from this is you have a decades worth of organ damage from smoking cigarettes with no plans to stop.

    You're moronic and I want bad things for you, but you've bought a ticket for a much worse ride than you deserve.

  32. 7 months ago

    Yeah I don’t know how addictive the actual nicotine is. I chew the gum occasionally when I can’t drink coffee and I never get addicted to the gum. I think when I was smoking I just enjoyed the social aspect or having something to do with my hands.

  33. 7 months ago

    I quit for months, sometimes years but everytime I go back I enjoy it. It's a sensation thing, but yea I don't see it as addictive, I personally am a fatty trying to quit sugar and that shit is addictive I can't stop thinking about it, sometimes I can't sleep because I want sugar so bad, I get headaches too.
    Never get addicted to sugar guys.

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