Im skellymaxxing. Tips?

I plan to eat only 800-1350 calories a day and restrict multiple food groups. I also plan to fast 12+ hours every day. What else can I do?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Ok.You can have a nice day, by the way.

    • 7 months ago

      Stop telling people to kill themselves homosexual

    • 7 months ago

      is right. Killing yourself is more efficient than this and makes it quick

  2. 7 months ago

    why would you want to? being a skinny dude sucks

    • 7 months ago

      Better than being
      >natty with bad genetics

    • 7 months ago

      Because I'm fat and I would rather be skinny. At least I can build muscle easier if I decide I don't want to be a skelly anymore

  3. 7 months ago

    Hey brother. Calorie counting isn't the way. It does help. But if you just count calories you will have a nice day in the foot, because that isn't where the real problem is.

    I don't have the time to shove several books down your throat in one thread, so I'm going to condense to a TL;DR as much as possible.

    We have been learning that you are not a being unto yourself. You are a community. You have a microbiome within you. Your microbes contribute just as much to weight loss as anything else you can do.

    Reality is full of such paradox, but I can tell you that if you are like most fat people, your real problem is: You're starving.

    Yeah, I know. Sounds crazy right. But its true. Most fat people are STARVING.

    If all you ever eat is sterile garbage that can't even feed your microbes, you will continue to starve while your body stashes away all the useless calories in the form of fat.

    What you need to do is a few things.

    1. Eat less dead/sterile foods. Now, I'm not saying you need to start eating food teaming with the wrong kind of microbes - that's a great way to get food poisoning. But what you can do, is try to eat more fermented foods. Fermented foods are foods where the microbial balance has been shifted away from harmful microbes and heavily towards beneficial ones. (The good microbes create acids that kill the bad ones)

    Fermented foods can introduce healthy microbes to your microbiome.

    • 7 months ago

      2. You need to eat more fiber. Prioritize water-soluble fiber, but you need both kinds of fiber.
      This is where the bit about starving really comes in.

      We have this misconception that we are eating only to feed ourselves. But this is wrong. And if you eat (garbage) only to feed yourself, you will continue to get fatter.

      You need to eat the things that your microbes eat. If you do, they will take care of you and help you digest the rest of your food in a way that actually feeds you without making you fat.

      Alright so I've just dumped 2 concepts on you, but you're probably more interested in a plan of action rather than all of this.

      So I'm going to make it easy for you. Factor Meals. I started eating this shit a couple months ago, and it honestly surprised me.
      Everything really is fresh. You wouldn't believe it, but these things really do taste chef crafted. It's not like buying frozen meals.
      These are actually solid meals. And they're healthy. They're dietition approved to give you all the shit that you need to actually feed yourself the right way.

      Alright some reading:

      10% Human | Alanna Collen

      Fiber Fueled: The Plant-Based Gut Health Program for Losing Weight, Restoring Your Health, and Optimizing Your Microbiome | Will Bulsiewicz

      That should get you started.

      • 7 months ago

        >So I'm going to make it easy for you. Factor Meals. I started eating this shit a couple months ago, and it honestly surprised me.
        >Everything really is fresh. You wouldn't believe it, but these things really do taste chef crafted. It's not like buying frozen meals.

        FRICK OFF.

        report this guy for fricking advertising. literally worst ive ever seen on this site in almost 2 decades. frickin scumbag

        • 7 months ago

          At least I actually believe in what I'm saying. I practice what I preach. I haven't provided an affiliate link, so I in no way benefit if he actually chooses to go with factor. I'm just trying to help. It worked for me, so it can work for him too.

          Don't be so afraid of being sold that you fail to engage in choices that may ultimately turn out to be some of the best life-changing choices you can make.

          Sometimes it actually is worthwhile to buy the merchandise.

          Sometimes being 'sold' can actually be a good thing.

          Changed my life. But you have to be 'open'. You can't be afraid of being 'sold' on something.

          Anyway, hope the advice helps.

          • 7 months ago

            it didnt, you are a gay moron, stop posting your pseud dogshit

            • 7 months ago

              You must be an edgy teenager. I remember when I used to be like this.

              • 7 months ago

                your honor, this guy talks like a gay

              • 7 months ago

                Keep going. I'm listening.

              • 7 months ago

                hopefully a couple years from now you'll look back at these posts and reflect on when you used to be a giant homosexual

              • 7 months ago

                Funny thing is, it's probably been years since I last came here. So all this animosity is actually really nostalgic to me.

                I think I last frequented IST around the 2014s. Sort of just tapered off after that.

                Honestly just came here for motivational pictures. I've already lost most of the fat. Now I need to get motivated to actually build some muscles.

                I just struggle with anything that isn't walking or biking because I get bored mega-easily. Walking and biking is like an adventure, because you can choose a new route every time.

                But lifting....
                My god. ITS SO DULL. You just sit there enduring pain while lifting a bar up and down over and over again. Absolutely 0 stimulation. Completely boring.

                I need to find ways to exercise that isn't boring.

                Walking/Biking is the only thing I've found I can tolerate so far.

  4. 7 months ago

    I should also mention I didn't just pull this "fat people are starving" notion out of my ass. This is a new theory, which actually came out of observations of diabetes, which is now also beginning to be known as the disease of starvation. Have you ever noticed that as diabetes progresses, two things occur at virtually the same time. Bellies explode while muscles waste away. There's a reason. The fat comes on while your body is literally eating itself. Because it is starving. And it is receiving all of the wrong forms of sustenance.

    It's not how much you eat.
    It's what you eat.

    Feed your microbes, and they will take care of you.

  5. 7 months ago

    I mean I realized I just didn't need to eat every day. Then again I did pass out and break my neck, fractured c6 c7, broke off a facet joint, and almost ended up permanently paralyzed, could have even died.

    • 7 months ago

      were you deadlifting and shit without eating

  6. 7 months ago

    Lmao "12+ hour fast"
    You're fricking moronic, do an actual fast and shut the frick up about it

  7. 7 months ago

    Take it from me.

    If you're fat, LIFT and eat less. I ate on 1300 cal without lifting for months, and now it's hard to gain muscle. I can hardly lift even close to what I used to and I get tired so fast. I can do 6 reps usually before I am exhausted.

    • 7 months ago

      >I ate on 1300 cal without lifting for months, and now it's hard to gain muscle

      you nuked a lot of muscle starving yourself

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