Is homemade pizza a scam?

>1 and 1/2 cup self rising flour (600cal)
>340g plain nonfat Greek yogurt (180cal)
>1 tbsp EVOO (120 cal)

240g Park Street deli pizza sauce from aldi (has canola oil, 160 cal)

112g low fat mozzarella (320 cal)
30g turkey pepperoni (70 cal)
28g goat cheese (80cal)
10g parmesan (40cal)
Italian seasoning

1570cal for pizza, ate half 785 cal.

Now how much better than regular pizza is that well probably not much... now that I think of it I should just stick to chicken rice and vegetables.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Pizzas are pretty shit unless you have a real pizza oven, you need the char and “stone” flavour for them to taste nice at all, without it you’re pretty much just eating grilled cheese with tomato

    • 9 months ago

      i make pizza just fine with my gas oven and cast iron skillet

      • 9 months ago

        Cast iron pizza. best pizza.

    • 9 months ago

      I blasted it in the oven at 420 for about 20 minutes the edges were crispy and middle was somewhat chewy. Definitely not as good texture wise as a legit pizza oven or stone but I don't have one and my gf wanted pizza but I'm cutting so I had to make due

      • 9 months ago

        you cooked for your girlfriend anon?

        • 9 months ago

          Yeah man

    • 9 months ago

      You're a homosexual and can't cook. Cook it at 425 with an oiled pan for 15 minutes.

      • 9 months ago

        >cook pizza
        >with oil
        >cant cook
        jesus christ, anon.


        >tell me you're a cooklet without telling me
        Do you think drinks taste the same served in glasses or plastic cups too?

        • 9 months ago

          >being pretentious about cooking
          Please tell me about the cute little bodega where you get your special "butter", you IST refugee Black person. Better yet, post your lardass body.

        • 9 months ago

          you kicked the moron hornet's nest but you are correct. Should be 500 degrees or so.

          • 9 months ago

            >cook pizza
            >with oil
            >cant cook
            jesus christ, anon.
            >tell me you're a cooklet without telling me
            Do you think drinks taste the same served in glasses or plastic cups too?

            Pizzas are pretty shit unless you have a real pizza oven, you need the char and “stone” flavour for them to taste nice at all, without it you’re pretty much just eating grilled cheese with tomato

            There's 9000+ styles of pizza. Being a pedantic homosexual about your personal favorite is boring.

            • 9 months ago

              why is pedantic the word of the day on this rice milk forum?

              • 9 months ago

                Because IST is inhabitated by autistic morons that obsess over everything but only have black & white thinking. Therefore, they're often pedantic about incredibly stupid shit.

      • 9 months ago

        You usually want to cook pizzas no cooler than 500F. If the flour on your stone is still white, it's not hot enough. When the flour on the stone starts to turn brown or black, that's when you're ready to put the pizza on the stone.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >Is homemade pizza a scam?
      No, as you yourself calculated, it's still half the calories of a pizza from a pizzeria; pizza just has a frickton of calories in it. Trying to make low calorie pizza is like trying to make low calories candy. The entire point of that food is its caloric density. You're better off just eating it in moderation, sparingly, than trying to make it a staple in your rotation and jumping through hoops to make it "healthy."

      Also this. The quality of my homemade pizzas improved substantially when I got a pizza stone (and learned how to use it). Now when I do have the rare pizza, it tastes a lot better than any of the garbage from the local pizza places. It's still not as good as anything from Downstate.

    • 9 months ago

      This is the truth and the cooklets on IST who don't even season they food can't accept it. It's like those guys that claim they make "espresso" and then they show you their french press. No, you don't have the tools.

    • 9 months ago

      skill issue

      I made these two today, front one is a regular pizza cooked on a cast iron steel and the back one is a buffalo chicken pizza cooked in a cast iron skillet. Each is around 1100 calories in total (front one is ~70 grams more dough)

      Most ovens can only go to ~550 degrees, but if your oven heats from the bottom you can pre-heat your steel on the bottom and get it hotter. Mine gets to ~725-750, but I've found ~630 is ideal.

      • 9 months ago

        nice lookin pies anon. I do similar once a week. You cold ferment your dough right? I leave mine in the fridge for at least 3 days after the initial proofing.

  2. 9 months ago

    Why do americans have to cook everything in aluminium foil?

    • 9 months ago

      What are you? Poor?

    • 9 months ago

      Rent free
      I know you probably roll out your dough on the floor and let the flies get in it, but burgers have standards

    • 9 months ago

      It's in the modern programming, even when doctors tell them now uncoated aluminum can leech into your food and has findings directly linked to Alzheimer's disease.
      And pizza doesn't need anything under it anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        i know you're moronic, but you do realize the aluminum foil sold in grocery stores and the like isn't uncoated, right?

  3. 9 months ago

    >homemade pizza
    >pizza sauce from aldi (has canola oil

  4. 9 months ago

    Grill your pizzas.

  5. 9 months ago

    You can make pizza at home but you need to get your oven as hot as it goes, let it sit at that heat for maybe an hour, preheat a sheet and then you can cook it.

    • 9 months ago

      >You can make pizza at home
      I know. And i do. And i dont take mythical bullshit advice from some prolapsed homosexual seriously. You put your pizza in the oven and cook it. It's that simple. How about i preheat your sister's ass, you little c**t?

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah but the oven needs to have been preheated for longer than you’d preheat it for any other food to achieve optimal results (crispy crust). If you turn the oven on for like 10 minutes then pop the pizza in it’ll be as soggy as your grandma’s decaying shittube

  6. 9 months ago

    Why is everyone so hostile on IST these days? It's a thread about pizza, calm down.

  7. 9 months ago

    I make a BBQ chicken pizza on lavash bread.

    >1 Joseph's lavash bread
    >6oz smoked/grilled/fajita style chicken breast (whatever you got)
    >4tbsp Ray's Sugar Free BBQ sauce
    >2oz shredded pepperjack cheese
    >Thin sliced red onions

    Toss it under the broiler for a couple minutes to melt the cheese and crisp up the onions.

    80g protein for 650 calories.

    • 9 months ago

      Smart idea, I need to pick up some lavash bread and sugar free BBQ sauce next I'm out

  8. 9 months ago

    If you just remove the goat cheese, parm, the yogurt, and make a slightly smaller pizza with only a cup of flour, youre trimming like 600 cals.

  9. 9 months ago

    >Greek yogurt

    • 9 months ago

      It's a hack to make a basic flatbread - mix equal parts greek yoghurt and self-raising flour into a dough, make it flat and cook it. Surprisingly good for how easy it is, no proving or kneading required.

      For sauce, just crush a garlic clove into a can of chopped tomatoes, add salt and pepper, and put it through a blender if you can be bothered. No oil bullshit required.

      pizza tl;dr
      1. 1500g of all purpose flour + vital wheat gluten and 1100g of water in bowl, mix it up a little and wait 30-60min (autolyse)
      2. mix in 1tbs instant dry yeast and at least 2tbs of salt, knead a little, do stretch and folds, wait 30min
      3. stretch and folds, wait 30min, stretch and folds, cover bowl and put in fridge. wait 12+ hours
      4. twist out a chunk of dough, put in another flour-lined metal bowl and roll it around so flour coats the dough. wait 1-2 hours for it to expand
      5. stretch out the dough into a pizza, place on cast iron skillet being heated on stove, add tomato sauce mozzarella etc., oven should be as hot as it can go for 15 minutes, place skillet in oven and turn it 180 degrees at the halfway point
      6. use chef spatula to transfer pizza to wire rack
      7. cool and reheat (optional)

      This method fricks - slow proofing in the fridge does wonders. The total actual work required outside of waiting times is like 20 minutes tops.

      Anyone got a recommendation for a pizza stone to go into a standard oven? Preferably one that's actually something else like a paving slab of an appropriate material so I'm not paying the kitchen gadget premium

      • 9 months ago

        >Anyone got a recommendation for a pizza stone to go into a standard oven?
        get a cast iron steel, not a stone. works much better in my experience. I bought mine at world market, but I guess wherever you can find a big slab of cast iron, as long as you season it

        pizza tl;dr
        1. 1500g of all purpose flour + vital wheat gluten and 1100g of water in bowl, mix it up a little and wait 30-60min (autolyse)
        2. mix in 1tbs instant dry yeast and at least 2tbs of salt, knead a little, do stretch and folds, wait 30min
        3. stretch and folds, wait 30min, stretch and folds, cover bowl and put in fridge. wait 12+ hours
        4. twist out a chunk of dough, put in another flour-lined metal bowl and roll it around so flour coats the dough. wait 1-2 hours for it to expand
        5. stretch out the dough into a pizza, place on cast iron skillet being heated on stove, add tomato sauce mozzarella etc., oven should be as hot as it can go for 15 minutes, place skillet in oven and turn it 180 degrees at the halfway point
        6. use chef spatula to transfer pizza to wire rack
        7. cool and reheat (optional)

        73% hydration is a little high for pizza, especially for beginners. I find 65% to be a good balance between easy to handle and a nice airy crust. it's also easier to just knead once instead of having to fold it. also if you're using a cast iron skillet, just put it in the oven to preheat, no need to use the stove

        • 9 months ago

          im messing around with VWG currently cuz i ordered and received
          i did a bowl of 23% protein dough for shits n giggles, looking forward to baking it tomorrow

  10. 9 months ago

    >I should just stick to chicken rice and vegetables.
    Yup. It's fun to play around with different ideas, but practically speaking you should eat like the people you would want to emulate.

    • 9 months ago

      What do ripped homies eat on their chicken and rice? Spices and sauces for example?

      • 9 months ago
        • 9 months ago

          >watches IFBB pro
          >doesn't take gear
          I'm not sure why people do this. CALORIES IN, CALORIES OUT

        • 9 months ago

          >Black person in video

          Oh lawd my chicken gonna be seazoned today

          • 9 months ago


            Wait he said ghee and hot sauce. I'm cutting, so just hot sauce? Is he even black?

      • 9 months ago

        I rotate between szechuan, jambalaya, and jamacian sauces. Yeah it's adds an extra 300-500 calories to what would otherwise be 1300 calories of meat + rice, but the flavor is worth it. I'd rather go for a run and have food that tastes good than skip the run and eat bland cardboard.

  11. 9 months ago


    It's just bread. MAKE NORMAL BREAD, YOU SICK FRICK!!!

  12. 9 months ago

    >whole wheat flour, yeast and water
    >store bought pasta sauce
    >any cheese I have but I use a Monterey jack cheese from costco
    >sliced mushrooms olives and garlic as topping
    >cast iron pan turn the stove on medium for 5 minutes then into a 400F oven for 10-15 till brown on the cheese
    Doesn't fail me and it may not be "right" but it's tasty and easy.

  13. 9 months ago

    >Make pizza on store-bought pita bread (sneed oil free)
    >Macros aren't bad at all
    Go ahead and call the pizza police, I don't give a frick. Pizza night means I'm taking shortcuts with my cooking, I've been eating gourmet all week.

  14. 9 months ago

    1kg of flour
    1 egg
    a bit less than 0.6l water. Ideally lukewarm
    a appropriate amount of yeast, doesn't really matter if you leave it over night

    120-150 kneads, ideally in a bowl large enough to do the kneading inside
    Let rest over night
    Makes about 4 pizzas. Flour bowl lightly before using a dough scraper to create a ball, and remove your portion
    Only starts becoming a nightmare to work with after more than a week in the fridge

    • 9 months ago

      >1 egg

  15. 9 months ago

    Calories are a meme

    • 9 months ago

      calories don't exist they were literally named by a grifter called Carl calorie

  16. 9 months ago

    >baking in alu foil
    enjoy cancer

  17. 9 months ago

    I mean pizza isn't gonna be a healthy meal in general, but making it yourself is gonna be cheaper and healthier than buying it. It just takes time. I don't think it's worth it to do it on my own, but i've made it for friends/dates for movie nights before.

  18. 9 months ago

    it's nice to have dough sitting in the fridge for a quick pie

  19. 9 months ago

    pizza tl;dr
    1. 1500g of all purpose flour + vital wheat gluten and 1100g of water in bowl, mix it up a little and wait 30-60min (autolyse)
    2. mix in 1tbs instant dry yeast and at least 2tbs of salt, knead a little, do stretch and folds, wait 30min
    3. stretch and folds, wait 30min, stretch and folds, cover bowl and put in fridge. wait 12+ hours
    4. twist out a chunk of dough, put in another flour-lined metal bowl and roll it around so flour coats the dough. wait 1-2 hours for it to expand
    5. stretch out the dough into a pizza, place on cast iron skillet being heated on stove, add tomato sauce mozzarella etc., oven should be as hot as it can go for 15 minutes, place skillet in oven and turn it 180 degrees at the halfway point
    6. use chef spatula to transfer pizza to wire rack
    7. cool and reheat (optional)

  20. 9 months ago

    >low fat "cheese"
    >store-bought sauce
    >turkey "pepperoni"

    Please buy real ingredients

    >eating an entire pizza by yourself

    What did you expect the outcome of this to be exactly

    • 9 months ago

      >I put food words in quotes
      >Hah that means it's not real
      Hey moron, they make low fat cheese with 1% milk instead of whole milk. Learn how foods made before you step up like you know shit.

  21. 9 months ago

    No, I make restaurant quality pizza at home with simple ingredients and while not a "healthy" meal it's certainly more healthy than it would be at Goy Hut or frozen stuff like DiGoynos.

  22. 9 months ago

    >use foil
    >still get food on pan beneath

  23. 9 months ago

    >protein bread from trader joes
    >low fat mozz for the first slice and muenster for the second
    >plain tomato paste and sauce that I season with the secret family recipe
    >10 turkey pepperoni slices

    Less than 500 calories for a decent amount of protein that is enough to keep you full until the next meal and there is no sacrificing taste although the bread doesn't have the same texture since its "dough-less"

  24. 9 months ago

    I mash a soft cheese wedge into a rice cake, splash some parmesiean & herb on there and cover with turkey pepperoni.
    130 calories, 8 carbs, 8 protein....not great but nice for a quick bite.
    I wanna get fancy, crisp up an egg wrap or tortilla, add tomato paste then your garlic, onion, oregano herbs, little rosemary and basil. Then, soft cheese with pepperoni & back into the oven/air fryer to melt & warm up the paste.
    Olives & pickled onions if I want to get wild.
    No need to dick around with making dough and all that shit. Spend your calories on the cheese/toppings and boost the flavor with spices.

  25. 9 months ago

    You just buy a pre-made crust you fricking morons

    • 9 months ago

      i don't need a machine to mix wheat and water

  26. 9 months ago

    Do not use any butter or oil except bare minimum to coat the dough ball while it rises. Use reduced fat cheese and turkey pepperoni. Load it up with veggies like onion, pepper, mushroom, olive. It’s pretty simple anon. The local Publix has protein crusts and I can make pizza where a slice is 200 calories and has 20g protein and it tastes good and is filling. I can eat nothing but pizza and Lise 2 pounds a week and still hit my protein goal. It’s the perfect meal.

  27. 9 months ago

    looks great anon

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