Is this still recommended?

Is this still recommended?

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  1. 9 months ago

    You you want to get strong ASAP yes

  2. 9 months ago

    If you want to become a fat disgusting t-rex yes
    Most people already realized rippebreasts is a fraud though, nobody worships this grifter anymore

    • 9 months ago

      >how you train influences your metabolism
      why does this smooth brained take persist?
      if you over eat slop you'll get fat on any program

      • 9 months ago

        >"CARDIO = BAD"
        >"An adult male weighs at least 200 pounds"
        - Mark Rippebreasts

    • 9 months ago

      Do bicep curls then you homosexual

  3. 9 months ago

    It's out of date by 13 years

    • 9 months ago

      how can it be out of date? our muscles havnt changed

      • 9 months ago

        The muscle metagame has changed. TRex mode is out of style. Bro split bodies are in

  4. 9 months ago

    its great for building your confidence up enough about squatting to eventually hurt yourself in a catastrophic manner, like with a hernieated or slipped disk

    yeah you can get strong as frick.........but I promise you, it's not worth fricking your back in your 20's

    griftoe will just say that 'oh you didn't do it right', but that's bullshit, the book advocates regular deep heavy squatting and the more you do it the more chances you have to frick up subtly and then its all over

    • 9 months ago

      The problem isn't the squat, or going "deep" whatever that means.
      The problem is exclusively teaching sedentary to low bar, then add 5lbs on their shaky fold overs x 5.
      If your back hurts from low bar, squat high bar. If your form in either is completely unacceptable, don't add more weight. Just common sense shit that somehow filters a lot of people.

      • 9 months ago

        its great for building your confidence up enough about squatting to eventually hurt yourself in a catastrophic manner, like with a hernieated or slipped disk

        yeah you can get strong as frick.........but I promise you, it's not worth fricking your back in your 20's

        griftoe will just say that 'oh you didn't do it right', but that's bullshit, the book advocates regular deep heavy squatting and the more you do it the more chances you have to frick up subtly and then its all over

        You guys must be fricking morons to get hurt from lowbar squatting.

        • 9 months ago

          >non-existent reading comprehension
          >calls people morons

  5. 9 months ago

    Take SS
    Highbar instead of lowbar
    Add pullups
    Perfect starter routine, you're welcome.

    • 9 months ago


  6. 9 months ago

    good form check manual, nothing else

    • 9 months ago

      >good form check manual
      Is it though? For anything else than how to do a vertical shin low bar to parallel
      I've seen their youtube videos on barbell rows, it's not pretty. Still doesn't come close to the absolute atrocity that is how they teach people to "strict" press.

      >"CARDIO = BAD"
      >"An adult male weighs at least 200 pounds"
      - Mark Rippebreasts

      You're right, forgot the book probably tells you to stuff your face, my point still stands.

    • 9 months ago

      >Standing incline bench instead of ohp
      >good form check manual

      Pick one

      • 9 months ago

        >he fell for GOMAD

  7. 9 months ago

    For a power-bottom physique yeah

  8. 9 months ago

    > redditors debating which programme to use
    Basically any program that fatigues you and applies progressive overload will make you stronger.

  9. 9 months ago

    It was never recommended by people who actually look good. The only people recommending SS are fatties who are now built like picrel

  10. 9 months ago

    There are ways to make it better and get more out of it.

    > 1st phase: an absolute noob with no lifting exp should start with just the bar on everything and add 2.5 each day. Do 5 sets of 10-20 if you can manage. Use this as an opportunity to learn form and feel the muscles working. You can run the program 5 days per week at this stage since the overall load on your body is very small. Do not grind any reps - the goal is not muscle damage, its coordination and balance. It should be all perfect form and you should only feel aerobically tired. Do this until you are unable to go up in weight each day over the 5 days, you will then revert to 3 days. You can also practice pull ups and planks at this time too.

    > 2nd phase: Essentially the regular 3 day per week program but with a focus on additional conditioning. Before you begin the workout, do some type of upper and lower body movement for 2-4 sets of 15-30 reps with light weight. Challenging enough to get some cardio and blood into the muscles but light enough that it doesn't interfere with the workout itself. Example: bodyweight squats, kettlbell swing, Triceps pushdown, band pull apart, etc. Just something to get moving before going into your 3 sets of 5 squats.

    > final phase: normal SS program but now the weights are starting to get heavier and take more out of you each workout. Add in the cardio on a separate day of the week from the workouts. The final workout day of the week, pick 3 accessories that will target your biggest muscular weaknesses and hammer them with 2-3 sets of failure. This is usually a Hamstring Triceps or upper back movement.

  11. 9 months ago

    The main problem with the book is reading comprehension. It's title is starting strength. Not how to optimize nutrition after 8 years of progress, not how to program after you reached 2-3-4-5, not how to win at the pro level. The title is starting strength. It's an awesome book but only for people who can read.

    • 9 months ago


  12. 9 months ago

    Do high bar and yes. It's not magic is just gets you to stop overcomplicating shit. Run it hard for 6 months then cut

    • 9 months ago

      >do high bar
      Yeah do an exercise that focuses mostly on your quads instead of strengthening your entire posterior chain with low bar…

      Plus high bar squatters look like dumbasses.

      • 9 months ago

        High bar works glutes and hams too. Look up lombards paradox.
        Low bar is fine if op wants, but ss is way too anal about it and the form is much harder for beginners to learn

        • 9 months ago

          dunning-kruger: the post

      • 9 months ago

        You can't do a barbell squat without utilizing your posterior chain, plus high bar has better ROM and a deeper lengthened stretch....

        • 9 months ago

          High bar works glutes and hams too. Look up lombards paradox.
          Low bar is fine if op wants, but ss is way too anal about it and the form is much harder for beginners to learn

          Now which one works more muscles to allow a novice to gain the most strength in the shortest period of time?

          • 9 months ago

            It's not about efficiency moving the most weight, it's about learning absolute noobs how to do multi joint barbell lifts in more intuitive, easier and safer ways.
            I have seen enough horrendous low bar fold overs in my gym to know. Depth is hardly ever reached too despite being folded the frick over

            • 9 months ago

              Dude a person can spend about 20 minutes watching Rip explain how to lowbar squat. Its not rocket science.

              • 9 months ago

                It's more complicated to teach someone a consistently executed low bar to depth than it is to give them a pair of weightlifting shoes and just let them feel it out for themselves, given a few basic cues and directions. Some will squat high bar, some will find a hybrid position, some will do low bar. Squatting in whatever style confidently and consistently is more important than forcing tonnage on beginners.
                As I said I have witnessed enough to know that a good deal of people starting with low bar because x or y person told them they have to, end up with the most crooked looking fold over atrocities, usually short of depth too.

              • 9 months ago

                They can take 30 minutes to get a form check easy.

                >just let em do what they want
                That just keeps them in DYEL territory forever instead of learning lowbar right in the beginning.

              • 9 months ago

                >That just keeps them in DYEL territory
                you are aware there's an entire separate sport to powerlifting where people often exclusively squat with the highest possible high bar position deliberately trying to stay excessively upright? I think they are making some gains too m8

              • 9 months ago

                I've added 5 lbs twice a week for 3 months straight with no sign of a stall doing high bar, and I've only had to gain 5 lbs bodyweight. Low bar is fine but the obsession with it is just weird

  13. 9 months ago

    It's a good starting program IF your goal is to become fat powerlifter that can deadlift 600lbs. Otherwise, ignore it.

  14. 9 months ago

    Here is how you actually profit from Starting Strength
    1. Read the whole book.
    2. Replace low bar with SSB squats.
    3. Don't do linear progression, just do light weight with reps and control the weight like a bodybuilder.

    • 9 months ago

      Why are you purposely trying to sabotage people

  15. 9 months ago

    it's really good to run for like two months to pack on some useful strength, then you can either stick with it if you want to be a powerfat, or swap to a hypertrophy program. And do barbell rows instead of power cleans, because power cleans are hard to learn without a coach

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