>need to take an iq test for a job interview. >score in the top 8% of the population. >have math PhD. >fat

>need to take an iq test for a job interview
>score in the top 8% of the population
>have math PhD
Why cannot I keep a healthy diet? Why do I keep overeating all the time?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Big brain learn good learn food feel good everytime you feel anything you food
    Boost your wisdom Stat by 4 or 5 points and you'll loose wait ez.

  2. 9 months ago

    Being moronic is the most intelligent paths to successful
    Read that again

  3. 9 months ago

    You say you are good at math but can't count calories? Weird, start there. Educate yourself about caloirie intake, check the sticky too.

    • 9 months ago

      >You say you are good at math but can't count calories? Weird
      what an incredibly asinine comment

  4. 9 months ago

    Try keto

    • 9 months ago

      Don't sabotage him anon, keto causes schizophrenia

  5. 9 months ago

    >score in the top 8% of the population
    >have math PhD
    how are you not top 1%?

    I'm a 1 or okay maybe 2%er and a liberal arts moron

    • 9 months ago

      That's because liberals are smarter.
      It's just science. Which is an aAR.
      Borp haha Marty.
      I like pickles! Haha I'm a sad alcoholic! I am the current meme morty you will laugh at me haha !1

    • 9 months ago


  6. 9 months ago

    Because your brain needs da food bro

  7. 9 months ago

    You might be very good a math, but a dipshit in every other area of life.

  8. 9 months ago

    >Top 2% IQ

  9. 9 months ago

    >top 8%
    Bro I'm sub 2% and feel like a moron on the regular. Don't beat yourself up.

  10. 9 months ago

    >literal 0% IQ
    >no job
    >hate family
    >no frens

  11. 9 months ago

    Because sitting in a college is the opposite of being smart.

    Not trying to be a dick, but while you were sitting in adult daycare, all your peers were fricking like crazy, saving money, advancing their careers.

    I'm a grad school drop out. After working in industry for like 6 years and going to grad school, it became patently obvious my professors couldn't do my job but I could do theirs.

    The good news is there's still time. Watch scooby werkstatt (in the sticky)

  12. 9 months ago

    My mom has a PhD in stats, she's also fat (but not obese), can't keep a healthy diet and has tried many times. I'm an electrician and I look great. It's just the way of the world.

  13. 9 months ago

    brain needs a lot of carbs to work well
    maybe eat only enough fat for hormones and fill rest up with skyr, lean cuts of meat, pastrami, etc
    then after you reach your protein and fat needed for the day, fill the rest of your daily calories up with snacks you like or whatever garbage carbs you eat and you'll be fine
    it's very easy to keep a diet
    I love red grapes and raw cacao
    so in the morning i put grapes and cacao in my skyr
    boom 60g protein, little fat and some fruit
    for lunch i eat pastrami because i love it with some toasted whole grain spelt bread that my wife bakes
    after gym i drink a litre of milk because that's my snack
    i love milk
    milk is the best
    i could drink milk 24/7 but i keep it as a reward after gym
    then i eat dinner with wife. I'm eastern European so she makes me shopska salad and either something with eggs or fatty fish
    if she's really horny I've noticed she makes something different, probably to avoid fish or egg smell 🙂

  14. 9 months ago

    >too dumb for some very simple biochemistry
    >math PhD

    must've been a real meme subject

  15. 9 months ago

    >IQ of 121
    >sufficient for math PhD
    >Avg college debt upon graduation $30k
    >More than 80% of faculty describe themselves as "liberal" or "very liberal"
    What even is this

  16. 9 months ago

    You're not smart. You just improved at the skill of test taking.
    You're a fat moron.

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