Perma fucked knees

Im 21, picrel, young and seemingly healthy, yet my knees are perma fricked.
I always got knee pain after squatting , recently took 2 months with 0 squatting because of a different issue, and thought "hey at least my knees will be at 100% once i come back to doing legs", did bodyweight squats super setted with the quad machine, next day my right knee hurt.
Has anyone had a similar experience? Are my knees already just destroyed at age 21?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Have you seen anyone about it or try to stretch/foam roll/whatever before posting this? Theres almost an unlimited amount of reasons why your knee could hurt. For me it was a tight lateral hamstring

    • 10 months ago

      I visited a doctor when i was younger because of it and he said it hurt because i was still growing and that once that process was over it'd stop, but im 21 and my knees still hurt any time i squat so i doubt its that now

  2. 10 months ago

    Its also not injured , if I visited a doctor rn im 100% sure my knee is normal, it just hurts the day after squatting

  3. 10 months ago

    Huge bummer. How about BSS? Great leg builder. Or trapbar DL? You can still do hip hinges, hip thrusts, and leg curls at least for posterior chain.

    • 10 months ago

      Closest thing i've tried is stationary lunges , they didnt feel too good and it i couldnt add weight on reps on it even while my other lifts progressed so I usually stay to squats which I know i can progress on , even if it hurts, will try BSS

  4. 10 months ago

    we got omegachad over here complaining meanwhile im 29 with crypling alcohool adiction, never had anything close to that shape, bet all the girls love you too huh big guy? i hope your knees crumble and break over the weight of your sins

    • 10 months ago

      Hey man, thanks for the compliment that made me feel better about my body, hate to break it to you though im a kissless hugless virgin, no sinning here

      • 10 months ago

        >hate to break it to you though im a kissless hugless virgin, no sinning here
        Not that Anon, though are you/OP really a kissless virgin?

        Im 21, picrel, young and seemingly healthy, yet my knees are perma fricked.
        I always got knee pain after squatting , recently took 2 months with 0 squatting because of a different issue, and thought "hey at least my knees will be at 100% once i come back to doing legs", did bodyweight squats super setted with the quad machine, next day my right knee hurt.
        Has anyone had a similar experience? Are my knees already just destroyed at age 21?

        , a virgin?
        No fricking way, lmfao.
        Nice joke.

        • 10 months ago

          Yes OP here, i am indeed a kissless hugless virgin, Im not a very social person, I probably see the same 50-70 people every single day, when you dont meet new people you also dont meet new possible partners

          • 10 months ago

            How the frick do you meet 50-70 people regularly and still Incel and “not sociable”? Do you mean going to class or something

            • 10 months ago

              I mean the same 50-70 people regularly, so like classmates and whoever goes to the gym at the same time I do, barely meet new people, let alone women, let alone single women, let alone single women that'd date me, let alone single women that'd date me and that I actually do end up talking with and dating

              • 10 months ago

                So you don’t actually meet them or speak to them then they’re just around you? Do you have friends

              • 10 months ago

                See the same 50-70 all the time, talk to like half, I'd say out of those 1 is my friend, some are friendly the rest are just aquaintances .
                The point is not the amount but rather that I dont ever meet new people

    • 10 months ago

      Your bitter ways and attitude are why you are in this state anon. Do better unto yourself and change your mindset.

      • 10 months ago

        Whatever homosexual have a nice day

  5. 10 months ago

    Try that YouTube guy "Knees over Toes Guy"

    I used his stretches / exercises and it helped my knees.

    • 10 months ago

      I'll give him another look, I watched a few of his vids and the exercises he did either looked like they were meant for gradnpas, ie standing up and down a step, or like they'd completely destroy my knee, like those lunges that he does pushing his knees way forward

  6. 10 months ago

    Go to physical therapy or search "why do my knees hurt" on YouTube

  7. 10 months ago

    Warm up with a few sets of leg curls and take fish oil. Likely just a fluid flow issue like with tricep extensions.

  8. 10 months ago

    eat a packet a day. mix it with oatmeal or dissolve in warm water. make sure you are getting enough vitamin d and k2 too

  9. 10 months ago

    Everyone in this thread is wrong (except me). Your knees hurt because you're doing a silly knees-forward highbar squat that maximizes the moment arm on your knees. Read SS, learn to control your knees, and be free of knee pain.

    I get patellar and quadriceps tendonitis if I highbar (probably not at your b***h weights tho).

    Yesterday I squatted 242.5kgx5 and I have zero knee pain because I know how to control my knees :^)

    • 10 months ago

      You get knee pain with highbar squats because your quads and knees are too weak and not used to high load with more rom.
      Highbar = more knees forward
      What you are doing is a good morning squat with hips as the main mover

    • 10 months ago

      Yea op here my main goal is hypertrophy i'd never do my squats like this

      • 10 months ago

        you're absolutely moronic and deserve your knee pain

        • 10 months ago

          Ty fellow lower back squatter

  10. 10 months ago

    I have had a very similar experience, my advice is as follows
    >never stop training, straight up rest makes injuries worse because the muscles atrophy
    >instead, train around the injury with whatever leg workouts you can at whatever weight you can handle
    >in some cases a harder squat variation like atg or front squat helps because you'll load less weight for similar engagement
    >always maintain a stretching routine
    >knee sleeves, particularly thick powerlifting ones, help mitigate pain

    • 10 months ago

      Ty for the advice, I think you're right about rest, it feels right now like my leg muscles are just weaker and my knees didnt heal

  11. 10 months ago

    See a doctor and verify nothing is broken, if structurally youre ok, id focus on:
    -RDL, for hamstrings and glutes
    -Back extensions: also glutes and helps stretch hams a lot
    -Generally flexibility in quads
    -making sure your footwear isnt causing issue, i have knee tendinitis from this and overuse

    • 10 months ago

      I can do all my posterior chain work with no problems from my knees, its quad work that gets me. I probably shouldnt be squatting in my normal footwear though, will try barefoot

  12. 10 months ago

    could be a cyst, I walk about 5 miles a day as my commute to work for like 5 years now, and then there's more if I'm doing cardio on top of it. For the past year or so I now get a pain in my knee joint if I walk 5 miles, I'm told it's a cyst and the israelite doctor wants to charge thousands just to drain it, so I just ignore it, probably not a good idea tbh.
    Apparently cysts can just form over time.

  13. 10 months ago

    check out the knees over toes channel, really helped me
    my right knee would make a noise on every single rep even without weight, now I'm 100% cured. It was a mix of muscle imbalance, lack of strength on the muscles around the knees and shit mobility

    • 10 months ago

      Anything in specific? Looks like a lot of bullshit to go through.

  14. 10 months ago

    >my knees are perma fricked.
    Thats squating for you

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