Redpill me on nofap

Redpill me on nofap

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  1. 9 months ago

    It’s placebo. But yeah reducing/quitting porn is probably a good idea.

    • 9 months ago

      This. Release the pressure from time to time, but cut out porn from your life otherwise. Throw out your stash, you'll find it freeing.

      • 9 months ago

        ~~*They*~~ claim roughly nine ejaculations a month is optimal to help minimize the risk of prostate and testicular cancer.

    • 9 months ago

      What's the harm in creating a myth that not fapping will improve your life if it's placeboing moronic incels into actually improving their lives?

    • 9 months ago

      What's the harm in creating a myth that not fapping will improve your life if it's placeboing moronic incels into actually improving their lives?

      willpower is like a muscle that gets stronger the more you work it out. If you do anything requiring willpower/discipline, then it will improve your life over time just by virtue of the fact that you're strengthening your overall self-discipline.

      • 9 months ago

        The opposite is also true. If you are horny all day but refuse to jerk off for some internet meme then you are more likely to eat garbage or skip working out because you used all your willpower on not jerking off.

        • 9 months ago

          I think you should be intensely suspicious of anyone trying to convince you that nofap is bad. The number of israelite shills that sit online and talk shit about nofap and try to get people to jerk off really reinforces the idea that porn and masturbation are bad for me. I'm on day 17 right now, my longest streak

          Skill issue.

    • 9 months ago

      Placebos work though. Power of the mind, psychosomatic symptoms and all that.

    • 9 months ago

      >It’s placebo.
      The issue with nofappers is that they develop this schizophrenic cultist mentality
      I prefer fapping sporadically (rarely more than twice a week), and I only look up solo women now, nothing more
      I'm not mentally ill enough to refuse to appreciate a hot woman's natural beauty

    • 9 months ago

      all confidence comes from placebo shit anyway

  2. 9 months ago

    it's moronic

  3. 9 months ago

    join us anon. unlimited gains are within your reach.

  4. 9 months ago

    why would I wanna be physically like trump he's dyel and fat as frick

    • 9 months ago

      the bigger question is why would you even want to fap when you're donald trump

  5. 9 months ago

    I love Trump

  6. 9 months ago

    Masturbation is dangerous.
    It completely disconnects you from the actual purpose of sex (procreation) and reduces it to an otherwise pointless hobby.

    • 9 months ago

      >Masturbation is dangerous.
      >It completely disconnects you from the actual purpose of sex (procreation) and reduces it to an otherwise pointless hobby.

      sex is dangerous because it results in the creation of life on earth that didn't consent to be here and will be trapped for at least 100 years in this shitty hell world it didn't even sign up for.

      procreation is non-consensual enslavement.

      when I arrived in this world they chopped a piece of my penis off and injected me with vaccines that probably gave me autism and then they sent me to school, told me it was for learning, but really they tried to murder my imagination and creativity and turn me into a useless robot.

      everything in this world is evil, and evil wants more slaves.

      • 9 months ago

        holy fricking based!

      • 9 months ago

        >procreation is non-consensual enslavement
        It's insane to me that more people don't understand this. Even worse, there are people who do understand it and still feel that they're fully entitled to impose existence on other beings.

      • 9 months ago

        holy fricking based!

        >procreation is non-consensual enslavement
        It's insane to me that more people don't understand this. Even worse, there are people who do understand it and still feel that they're fully entitled to impose existence on other beings.

        Antinatalism is peak reddit.

        • 9 months ago

          >just raise your kids in a world where they'll never own anything bro.

          • 9 months ago

            Why would they never own anything? Maybe stop being such a failure. My kids are under 10 years old and both have 5 figures in their pension accounts and I bought two rental apartments I plan to give them when they move out.

        • 9 months ago

          No, being unable to properly articulate why you disagree with someone is peak reddit. If you have an actual thought in your head then feel free to share it with us, otherwise frick off with this sad moronic shit
          >you're wrong because uhhhhh you're reddit!!

          • 9 months ago

            Hating children is peak reddit and you whining about it is also peak reddit
            Go back

            • 9 months ago

              No one ever said anything about hating children. Try again.

          • 9 months ago

            Antinatalism is moronic because it relies completely on subjectivity. You can only argue its merits from your own limited point of view (because you cannot judge how pleasurable or painful another person's life is) and even then, because it is completely subjective, it can be nullified by someone else's subjective opinion.

            It's the ultimate psued/reddit
            because it's complete bullshit relying on other people agreeing with your bullshit to propagate said bullshit. It doesn't even put up a facade of any kind of rigor, so falling for it is an excellent flag for the rest of us, serving to signal who dumbest fricking people possible are

            • 9 months ago

              Even if life were objectively pure pleasure, it would still be immoral to impose it on another conscious being without that being's consent.

              Reddit's here, everyone!
              If existence is slavery, liberate yourself and commit suicide, hypocrite.

              My son, if the extent of your contribution is regurgitating something you once saw as text on a meme then you're just wasting your time here. One of the most important steps in leaving your childhood behind and becoming a man is learning to think for yourself rather than simply copying what you see the people around you saying.

              • 9 months ago

                Just because you don’t remember choosing this life, you did. Your soul chose to enter your body. Just because you’re too stupid to figure out how to change your life doesn’t make it your parents fault that you chose to suffer

              • 9 months ago

                Even if life were objectively pure pain, it would still be immoral to deprive it from another conscious being without that being's consent.


                Also, do you think I'm not serious about what I said? You, speaking from your own frame of reference, i.e. the only one you can actually claim to have any knowledge of, claim that life is suffering and slavery and that you didn't consent to it and that that is immoral, etc etc etc. So...if you didn't consent to it, and you clearly wish for other people to not exist ("because they didn't consent to it" LOL), why do you still exist? I wasn't memeing when I said that before. I am following your "argument". Explain to me why you are still existing when you wish to deprive others of their existence. Is that not hypocrisy?

                >One of the most important steps in leaving your childhood behind and becoming a man is learning to think for yourself rather than simply copying what you see the people around you saying.

              • 9 months ago

                This kind of shit is why they need teach some kind of entry-level philosophy to high school students. Like, I know that IST is one of the lower IQ boards but there's no need for it to be this bad. At the very least, young adults should be able to construct a counter-argument without filling it with baseless projections and strawmen.

                I'm sorry the school system failed you, lil zoomer. You deserved better.

              • 9 months ago

                Not even attempting a response?
                All I did was use your own arguments against you. You ignored them, because you are incapable of refuting my point: that antinatalism is based on completely subjective ground.
                Which is why I can just turn your moronic arguments against you. Here, I'll do it again for fun. Read it in a stereotypical redditor/discord moderator voice for full effect.

                >This kind of shit is why they need teach some kind of entry-level philosophy to high school students. Like, I know that IST is one of the lower IQ boards but there's no need for it to be this bad. At the very least, young adults should be able to construct a counter-argument without filling it with baseless projections and strawmen.

                >I'm sorry the school system failed you, lil zoomer. You deserved better.

        • 9 months ago

          basically anti-natalists are sub 5's most of the time and they wouldn't reproduce anyway. its a snowball effect.

      • 9 months ago

        Just because (You) don't know how to have fun doesn't mean the world is hell moron

        Your sons will probably enjoy more the things on earth than you could have ever enjoyed with this mindset of yours

        >Oh but the world is hell how can someone be happy here you are putting childs to suffer!
        That's an opinion, I could argue the same but in reversal

      • 9 months ago

        >sex is dangerous because it results in the creation of life on earth that didn't consent to be here and will be trapped for at least 100 years in this shitty hell world it didn't even sign up for.
        Holy Reddit. You quite literally did sign up to be born in this world. You might regret that choice, but you did choose it.
        The best thing you can do now is try to be a good person despite all the bullshit.

      • 9 months ago

        My brother.

      • 9 months ago

        counter argument: have a nice day.
        waaa waa the world is so bad, why dont you just blow your brains out moron?

      • 9 months ago

        holy fricking based!

        >procreation is non-consensual enslavement
        It's insane to me that more people don't understand this. Even worse, there are people who do understand it and still feel that they're fully entitled to impose existence on other beings.

        My brother.

        Reddit's here, everyone!
        If existence is slavery, liberate yourself and commit suicide, hypocrite.

      • 9 months ago

        Imagine being I can able of finding enjoyment in the blessing that is life. If darkness is all you look for darkness is all you’ll ever find. moron.

        • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        weak gnostic confirmed

      • 9 months ago

        Kys loser

      • 9 months ago

        t. picrel

      • 9 months ago

        People who think like this shouldn't procreate anyway. Thanks for removing yourself from the gene pool

      • 9 months ago

        Reddit opinion
        Never going to make it
        Sorry about your penis

      • 9 months ago

        You always have the freedom to have a nice day and end your "slavery". Also I'm sorry you were born as a subhuman and feel that life is a curse and not a gift.
        As for your antinatalist perspective, it might be excusable since you are young, extremely ignorant and brainwashed. But if you want to know the truth, it's not black and white. Sure, if you are a Black person or a bottom caste soulless turd in human form, you shouldn't bring another turd into this world, but if you are of Indo-European descent, you have a duty to your ancestors to ensure your bloodline does not go extinct. The seed of your consciousness is shared among your paternal lineage btw

      • 9 months ago

        Antinatalism is a cancerous ideology that deserves to die

      • 9 months ago

        > at least 100 years

      • 9 months ago

        >Ohh noo im existing!


  7. 9 months ago

    It works for me. I feel less tired when I don't fap but at the same time most guys want to sleep after busting a nut don't they? Either way I'm just going to keep not jerking off.

  8. 9 months ago

    The occasional fap is fine. Compulsive masturbation to an abundance of HD streaming porn is not. It has been clinically proven to frick with your brain's reward system.

    Fap if you want to, but strive to get porn out of your life as much as humanly possible.

    • 9 months ago

      I no longer watch porn since I discovered escorts. The only issue is that now everything else in my life seems boring. I literally count the days til I get my paycheck. I just want to feel loved

      • 9 months ago

        I'm sorry

      • 9 months ago

        my brother... I am the same but this is after trying to date for years, and had an epiphany. I realized that I either have to pay to entertain a woman for sex. Or I pay a woman directly for sex, either way I am paying so I might as well go with the option that doesn't come endless shit tests.

    • 9 months ago

      Phew, good thing I use an abundance of low quality streaming porn. That HD shit will mess you up big time.

  9. 9 months ago

    Go to the YouTube channel Beyond The Alchemy. He speaks the truth about semen retention.

  10. 9 months ago

    It's not going to fix your life, but jacking off to internet porn a lot fricks with your psyche and inhibits your motivation. The human brain is still a primitive thing and you confuse the shit out of it when you've got an infinite harem of porn that matches your exact preferences and fetishes, then you go out in the world and you're still just some schlub with a job.

  11. 9 months ago

    >Redpill me on nofap

    Okay so the people who invented nofap are the ones who are profrick

    >you can't fap!
    >so brain thinks about sex
    >so you go near women
    >gold digger that hates men ensnares you in her trap
    (good luck finding a good woman, they're always all taken)
    >so you have sex with this woman
    >now she's pregnant
    >divorce rapes you
    >takes your house and everything you own and your bank account too
    >also your dog that is your best buddy that you owned before you met her
    >she puts it down out of spite
    >now you're paying child support for years
    >you become homeless and starve to death or end up in jail

    fapping obsessively all the time is not good, but so is nofap.

    once or twice a week, not a big deal. Eating healthy and exercising is more important.

    every time someone goes on a date, they should fap 1 hour before leaving home. 99% of the time they will say "wow this person is a piece of shit, I don't want to spend my life together with them, or risk having sex" because you could think clearly without your brain getting hijacked by your dick.

    remember, everyone who hates men, THEY CREATED NOFAP.


    but for men it's like "FAPPING BAD, SHAME!!!!!! LOSER!!"

    see how they trick everyone?

    nofap = permanent state of mental hornyness = NEVER THINKING CLEARLY.

    • 9 months ago

      >nofap = permanent state of mental hornyness
      then have sex.
      >once or twice a week, not a big deal
      say goodbye to your test levels then after doing it that much. maybe once a month at worst, otherwise multiple months for a single session. still, it’s better to not fap and have sex instead; don’t reward yourself to failing to get a girl.

      • 9 months ago

        >don’t reward yourself to failing to get a girl.
        you do realise there are men out there even decent looking ones who can't get a girl with all the nofap in the world right?

      • 9 months ago

        >say goodbye to your test levels then
        nofap bros, did we get too wienery (no pun intended)?

        • 9 months ago

          >yada yada your test levels spike a week or so after nofap but then it plummets
          but it’s still higher than what it was before, and the cycle of gradually increasing will continue.
          I think if you’re a coomer who faps constantly then nofap will do you good, but it should be treated like any other addiction; you need to temper off and not go cold turkey immediately at the start. Hormones are no joke and you’re attempting to retire your brain, it’ll take time.

          • 9 months ago

            >and the cycle of gradually increasing will continue.
            There's no cycle, the ching chong study found that there is only one spike, and the only way to get the spike to occur is to have orgasmed 7 days prior. After the spike there is no recurrence of the spike. Another orgasm needs to take place to initiate a new cycle.

    • 9 months ago
  12. 9 months ago

    Nofap gives you superpowers. UFOs are nofappers that have ascended to godhood and are flying in the 12th dimension (appears as ball of light in our dirty 3rd dimension)

  13. 9 months ago

    >quote from man who fricked a pornstar

  14. 9 months ago

    People who invest in an all or nothing approach to pornography are either concerned with the degradation of morality/dignity of women, or are genuinely moronic.

    You should not feel an outright compulsion to fap whenever you have free time. It's ordinary to have such a compulsion when you see something stimulating, but if you feel compelled to just start doing it because you're doing nothing else, that's a problem and you should fill that space with something else.

    All or nothing approach to masturbation is a dumb approach for the same reason diving headfirst into a crazy fitness routine or diet when you've never done it before is unlikely to work; such a vast change which is not enjoyable will lead you more and more into cheating, and it creates the sense that if you cheat once, you might as well completely abandon the thought.

    No, do it gradually. Stopping masturbation altogether isn't necessarily unhealthy, but it's unrealistic for most people not in a relationship, and people who pretend that jerking off at all is some great sin should be equivalent to religious nuts proselytizing to you. You need not concern yourself with their moronation.

    Er, I mean, it gives you superpowers. I haven't jerk offd in 2 years and i can grow new limbs.

  15. 9 months ago

    Did it for 250+ days once, lost count

    It does help but is only worth doing if you are also having sex, i.e. rewiring to the real thing

    But it's also not a silver bullet if you're an autist who can't talk to women. Adding some bodily desperation to coom does help override the nerves but it can also just make you handsy and desperate

    tl;dr stop jerking if you like but make sure you're cumming into a real flesh-and-blood female or it's just going to drive you nuts

  16. 9 months ago

    Bro literally every religion is against masturbation

    They might be onto something

  17. 9 months ago

    I never jerk offd. The first time I ejaculated (outside of a wet dream) was when I came in my girlfriend, who is now my wife, at the age of 26.

    Went to doctors for years and they could never explain the problem, and everyone online called me a liar when I wrote about it. Luckily as I now have sex with my wife all the time, it's not really something I think about now.

    • 9 months ago

      >they could never explain the problem
      what problem? were you unable to jerk off? or did you just not do it? for the latter i see no reason why you would go to a doctor about it

      • 9 months ago

        I felt no desire to jerk off at all. But I do get horny and need sex every 1-2 weeks, or ill have a wet dream. But i just do not feel the inate desire to put my hands on my dick.

        I once fricked a pillow, that was it. tried to replicate that a few times, but i just didnt ejaculate from that. Only pussy or a wet dream does it.

  18. 9 months ago

    Every moment you cum to porn is a moment when you are not able to have sex with a woman.
    Basically masturbation takes away your ability to have sex/procreate for a certain period of time.
    You are losing your freedom.

    It doesn't really matter that you don't have a girlfriend right now or haven't had sex in a long time or even ever. You are FREE to have it. FREE to procreate. Psychological need of freedom.
    Masturbation takes that freedom away.

    • 9 months ago

      By the same logic eating a sandwich takes away your freedom to dine at a Michelin star restaurant. moronic.

  19. 9 months ago

    For me, I did it so I would have more drive to find a girlfriend. I really thought that apart of me being okay with being single was because I could have sexual gratification whenever I wanted through porn. I guess it worked

  20. 9 months ago

    It's an act of revolt against the government and society

    E. Michael Jones explains how the government uses porno to weaken countries, and weaken the image of the leader in that country. They also use it to make the population complacent, that's how they did it after the French Revolution and still do today.

    Informations above are present on Libido Dominandi by E. Michael Jones.

  21. 9 months ago

    just stop playing with your dick Black person

  22. 9 months ago

    Just jerk off once maybe twice a week and focus on actually improving your life.

  23. 9 months ago
  24. 9 months ago

    No you don't get wizard powers from not cumming for a month, but in a perfect world you should be in such a state that when you're horny enough to fap, your imagination is all you need to get off. A bit idealistic maybe, but the closer you are to that the better. A quick 10 minute wank to some softcore photos is obviously a lot healthier than a 2 hour gooning session to BBC anal double penetration videos.
    And when you're not fapping daily it is kinda nice just being out in the real world and being more attracted to more women. Makes you feel a bit more alive.

  25. 9 months ago

    is it that difficult to beat their dick only once or twice a week? Is it that hard to avoid looking at pornography so frequently?
    If you are seriously struggling, something that helped me long ago was picturing myself in the act, as if from the view of someone walking into my house and seeing me beat off to whatever the frick. Or, when you're about to relapse, just stand up and go for a walk. A lot of the urges happen because you're sitting in front of a screen doing nothing.

  26. 9 months ago

    Howard Stern is the worst kind of israelite.

    >oy vey goyim, tells us about your penis
    >no frick off
    >come on goy, surely you succumb to my propaganda!
    >no, frick off

  27. 9 months ago

    it's for haters and losers. no matter how harmless you think it is, your brain is always watching and judging you and thinking: "oh, i must be a loser." literally never do it

  28. 9 months ago

    I gave up on nofap and instead simply fap to my waifu (solo images only)
    it has the added benefit of making me not care about women because she won't take me for all I'm worth and then try to ruin my life

  29. 9 months ago

    this new wave of fedora christians is the cringiest shit i swear
    i liked you guys better when you were atheist edgelords, at least then you had a sense of humor
    looking forward to the pendulum swinging back in a few years

  30. 9 months ago

    I was forced to nofap for 6 weeks because I chose to get circumcised last year. And not only could I not fap, but I couldn't even allow myself to get a semi-chub because it would stretch my stitches. And so I had to turn myself into a monk and not look at anything even remotely sexual or think about anything sexual. That extreme level of abstinence cured my Finasteride-induced and porn-induced severe erectile dysfunction. I had diamond hard erections again, way more sexual dreams, and the first wet dream that I've had since I was like 13. I also splurted out the biggest cumshot that I've even seen. I'm talking 13 super thick ropes that made audible thumping sounds when they hit the tile on my bathroom's walls.And so massively increasing your overall dick health is definitely a thing with nofap.

    As to the other claims like nofap curing depression, making you more energetic, motivated, and confident, et cetera, that I can't comment on with authority. But I did sort of notice that I had an easier time talking to other people, both men and women, and I did notice that women seemed to be nicer to me than usual. But that could have been my own imagination. But the extreme level of horniness that I felt on nofap did motivate me to want to do more with my life and approach more women because I was so desperate to get laid.

    10/10 would recommend.

  31. 9 months ago

    diminishing returns after like 3 days

  32. 9 months ago

    I'm on nofap day 4 and I just ejaculated TWICE in my sleep last night. Woke up from sleep twice drenched in cum. Had to clean all my sheets, pajamas, underwear etc. It's fricking hard bros. I should've never started this. The gods are manifesting PAWG succubi in my sleep to frick with my progress and drain my energy

    • 9 months ago

      After about 3 months of nofap the succubi in my dreams manifested horse wieners.

  33. 9 months ago

    Trump's opinions used to be the norm, it was only in the age of the internet that "haha I fapped until my dck was out of cum and it was just shooting air and I had to see the doctor" became something people said for real and not a joke. Intenret porn has ruined mne.

    • 9 months ago

      True. The list of deviant behavior that is considered normal today because of the Internet is endless.
      Masturbation, anal "sex", transgenderism, interracial, these novel forms of homosexuality (traps, femboys), etc.

      Then there's social media that literally makes people mentally ill. That's where trannies and gender freaks come from.

  34. 9 months ago

    Use pic related to quit porn and masturbation. Google it, it works.

    This is heavily censored here in IST. I had to rename the file, my previous post didn't appear.
    Do not mention its name or the post won't even appear, or the thread may be autosaged.

  35. 9 months ago

    Let me break it down for you brother.

    Instead of wanting to better your interaction with women to find a worthy mate, it reduces something as beautiful and sacred as love and sex down to pixels on the screen and playing with yourself like a child in the corner of a room somewhere.

    Not to mention the negative impact of Pornography on your mind.

    Its mental poison, its a control mechanism, it is meant to provide you fake "comfort", it gives you nothing and takes so much from you. Time, energy, willpower, confidence, mental clarity.

    Unfortunately nofap community can be pretty toxic and gay, so id suggest starting out solo, just do what you can and make each day count.

    Lord have mercy.

  36. 9 months ago

    if you coom you'll lose some minerals (copper, selenium, zinc) and your endocrine system will be affected by prolactin, dopamine, serotonin
    some people regard these effects as harmful/disadvantageous
    obv the more you do it the more you'll be affected

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