Should I get LASIK or PRK done?

Should I get LASIK or PRK done? I just wanna be able to see better without glasses but I heard PRK might have you take longer to recover but is better in the long run.

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  1. 9 months ago

    you should go to an optometrist and get a consultation done. I had LASIK done in both eyes and the QoL change is amazing. no more eyeball juice on my glasses when I do my heavy pressing, no more annoyance from walking in the rain, no more constant headaches from the littlest smudges on my lenses. Be aware that the recovery time for PRK is far longer than LASIK - 2 weeks of blurry vision. I got Lasik and 2 days later I was back to squatting heavy feeling awesome

    • 9 months ago

      I got PRK in 2005. It's been a cheat code for life. Do it now while you can afford it and the best surgeons have yet to realize how much more they can make in Texas or Singapore or wherever.

      I got LASIK done last year, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I highly recommend it, and it also costs less than a lifetime of glasses and contacts (and eye exams and contact solution, etc. etc.).

      do you guys have any long term effects like dry eyes or anything? do you have any maintenance at all

      • 9 months ago

        I had it done almost a decade ago. Picked PRK over LASIK because I am a boxer and the surgeon didn't want to compromise the integrity of my cornea.

        Felt like I had sand in my eye for about a week and I have pretty dry eyes when the season change, but that is easily remedied with eye drops.

        • 9 months ago

          Funny side story...

          When you are in recovery, they give you steroid drops to prevent scar formation on your eye but one of the weird side effects is insomnia.

          Because of this, my doc gave me some Ambien to help if I needed it. I took the Ambien twice and had some wild sleep walking. I don't frick with sleep aides anymore.

          • 9 months ago

            Ambien is the devil’s work. My mom took some once and started talking to people who weren’t there, and then I had to stop her from running out of the house with her car keys. Scary shit. Like she was dreaming while fully awake.

          • 9 months ago

            Ambien is the devil’s work. My mom took some once and started talking to people who weren’t there, and then I had to stop her from running out of the house with her car keys. Scary shit. Like she was dreaming while fully awake.

            had a friend wake up naked at a used car dealership, shit's wild

      • 9 months ago

        I got PRK in 2020 and I still have dry eyes and a sensitivity to sunlight. Distance vision is nuts with it though.
        If I were to do it again I would get LASIK, I think the only downside is your cornea can come off if you open your eyes underwater or in very windy conditions:)

        • 9 months ago

          >I think the only downside is your cornea can come off if you open your eyes underwater or in very windy conditions
          dude... what the frick? what???

      • 9 months ago

        I had LASIK done about 6 months ago. I could see really well after just about 3-4 hours. For the first day, after their anaesthetic wore off I felt like I'd been tear gassed. Vision was blurry, snot pouring of my nose and tears running down my face. After that everything was all good though. I just used my eye drops for a few weeks and didn't do anything until they cleared it like swimming and then everything was good. I've had zero side effects, I was already mildly light sensitive and that hasn't changed and I don't experience dry eyes unless I'm being a degen and sitting on my phone for an entire day forgetting to blink.
        My vision isn't 20/20 but it's close enough to never need to wear glasses and they won't give me a correction for it at this level. If it does get worse due to age further down the line though then I can get a free correction. I still think I made a good choice because I can't really wear glasses at work. It's expensive but buy once, cry once I suppose. Same as paying for a home gym, you'll never need to constantly shell out every month anymore.
        The only downside with LASIK is you shouldn't really do contact sports. Serious head trauma can damage your cornea but it's mainly a risk when you're still in the recovery process.

  2. 9 months ago

    Mmm…mmm… Mm! Oh-hoh! Forgive me.. I was absorbed in thought.

    • 9 months ago

      I am Siegmeyer of Catarina

      • 9 months ago

        Quite honestly, I have run flat up against a wall. Or, a gate, I should say. The thing just won't budge.

  3. 9 months ago
  4. 9 months ago

    I got PRK in 2005. It's been a cheat code for life. Do it now while you can afford it and the best surgeons have yet to realize how much more they can make in Texas or Singapore or wherever.

  5. 9 months ago

    I got LASIK done last year, and it was one of the best decisions of my life. I highly recommend it, and it also costs less than a lifetime of glasses and contacts (and eye exams and contact solution, etc. etc.).

  6. 9 months ago

    How much did it cost you guys? Live in California so don't know what to expect

    • 9 months ago

      In the Seattle area, so likely similar prices - 5400 for both eyes and free touchups for life. LASIK lasts for about 10 or so years and your eyes can handle about 3 or 4 touchups max

  7. 9 months ago

    >”Hmmmm… Hmmmmmm…. HMMMMMMMMMM..”

  8. 9 months ago

    >gym still not open

  9. 9 months ago

    How do these free corretions/touchups work, do these clinics offer them because they won't be around in 10 years? Or can you get them done elsewhere

    • 9 months ago

      Well, one reason is also to reduce the chance they frick up and get sued. Obvious if they don't do too well the first time and you're still far off 20/20 and you feel ripped off then you might sue them. If they say don't worry, we'll book you in for another session then it's fine.
      Also, a lot of people will just forget about the fact that they can get another correction for free. If I can remember twenty years down the line the clinic that did my surgery, I'd be surprised tbh.

  10. 9 months ago

    >dry eyes, flapping cornea, sensitive to sunlight, sensitive to screens, can't open eyes in water, can't open eyes in wind, lifetime subscription to eye drops
    >fight and your cornea falls off (what??)
    >glasses (restock optional)
    >can't see very far swimming
    >fight and your glasses fall off (still can see enough to keep fighting)

    I will just keep wearing my old glasses tyvm

    • 9 months ago

      I've spent maybe $50 on eye drops in the decade since I've gotten it done.

      Glasses are way more expensive.

      Granted, I got the surgery done for free because I was in the military. They justify as a readiness item in that you no longer need Gas Mask inserts.

    • 9 months ago

      Same. Not letting a nogga use a laser on my eye balls. Id also feel naked without them at this point. Have been using the same style since i first got them. Also theyve protected my face on more then one occasion.

  11. 9 months ago

    I'm recently 40 and have always had good vision...

    This week I start noticing light @ my peripheral sometimes... Like I'm sitting here and then randomly looks like there's a glare to my left. Look over. Nothing there that would cause a glare.

    pretty scared to goto doctor, tbh. 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      Catch it early, go before it gets worse

  12. 9 months ago

    Siegward desereved better

  13. 9 months ago

    you're welcome

    • 9 months ago

      did you do it and lose your glasses?

      • 9 months ago

        yes UI cam't fine them anymore

  14. 9 months ago

    I got PRK because of my lifestyle and the environment I work in. It's less invasive than LASIK. The procedure was legit kind of freaky and I smelled my eye cooking. The pharmacy was an hour away from the doctor and the drive was fricking excruciating. The recovery period was ass. You know what thought? I'd do it again and recommend it to anyone. I say PRK > LASIK just because the flap chance however small is still too large to risk imo. A week of recovery for a lifetime of sight is a fair trade.

    • 9 months ago

      15/20 LE, 20/20 RE post op btw.

    • 9 months ago

      4k. Insurance didn't cover. NC.

  15. 9 months ago

    any military bros with experience with getting this shit done on the taxpayer's dime?

  16. 9 months ago

    This thread needs a dose of reality .

    The permanence of the surgery is a negative , not a positive , because if you are one of the unlucky few who get fricked , you are fricked FOR LIFE . THAT’S IT . GAME OVER . Halos and double vision FOR LIFE . Eye pain of varying degrees FOR LIFE . Glasses and contacts will not be able to fix it because it will be a “ higher order aberration . “

    And it DOES happen , search Truth About Lasik on Google and see that the previous national medical administrator who gave the approval to the procedure regrets it and warns people it was a mistake .

    I sincerely hope it won’t be you , but it happens , don’t gamble with an unnecessary invasive elective surgery with life long repercussions , just wear contact lenses Jesus Christ

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