>that 25 year old who's been lifting for years and never makes any gains, but still thinks he's "gonna make it"

>that 25 year old who's been lifting for years and never makes any gains, but still thinks he's "gonna make it"

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  1. 9 months ago

    How long did it take you to draw this shitty strawman, Mr troony?

    • 9 months ago

      Go back
      Op’s pic is older than you

  2. 9 months ago

    Stinky demoralizer begone

  3. 9 months ago

    25 is nothing I just went from 175-220 at 33. You have plenty of time to get jacked

  4. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Trying too hard.

      • 9 months ago

        >Posting one soijak is "trying too hard" now

  5. 9 months ago

    I am honestly a little salty about my highschool experience

    • 9 months ago

      Nothing wrong with that, mate, I think we all have things we would’ve liked to do differently in retrospect.

      I think if you’re sat there thinking your high school experience was perfect then you probably haven’t really grown and grown up at all.

      • 9 months ago

        Highschool doesn't matter, it's prison for children- where you're taught only how to be moronic.

        I was bullied basically all throughout school and I'm unable to form any meaningful bond with another person whether it be friendship or romantic. I started lifting to cope with this. It's over

        Yeah I know its normal and I usually go months at a time not thinking about it. I do ultimately think that highschool and the cliques were all stupid as hell, but all those female classmates I wanted to get to know but I was too repulsive at the time to even be acknowledged gets to me sometimes. And even when they did, it was because I was acting like a fool on purpose to get laughs

        • 9 months ago

          you know whats more fricked up? I was in class with majority of girls and they treat me like a toy, like cute animal to not get serious with. For example once i had birthday and hottest girl in class got some chalk on her ass and suggested me to wipe it off from my butt... Then they laughed at me... They already knew back then i was incel and to be incel for the rest of my life, so they all laughed at my expense.

    • 9 months ago

      Highschool doesn't matter, it's prison for children- where you're taught only how to be moronic.

      • 9 months ago

        since leftoids love stirner for criticing rightoids, read "the false principle of our education".
        Goyim are slavecattle, israelites go to school and are taught to think, goyim go to school and are taught to serve.

    • 9 months ago

      I was bullied basically all throughout school and I'm unable to form any meaningful bond with another person whether it be friendship or romantic. I started lifting to cope with this. It's over

      • 9 months ago

        I’m sorry to hear that mate. It’s not over. You should talk to someone about your difficulty connecting to people, though, it could help a lot.

      • 9 months ago

        I was never bullied at all, and got along well with pretty much everyone. Still kept to myself. I took cannot form bonds and maintain relationships.

        Society has changed so much and the powers that be do everything they can to facilitate an environment such as we live in. People used to be different.

        • 9 months ago

          Well at least you can still integrate yourself into society if you want to, you’re basically volcel. I’m assuming it’s because I was fat as a child and then I grew up to be a manlet but I’ve always been low value male at every interval in my life. Especially with social media now height is like the most important factor as a male, I can’t even make friends because being an Incel just repulses everyone even potential friends now. I guess it makes sense why would anyone want to associate with an Incel?

    • 9 months ago

      The people you are envious of, who had "the HS experience", have already moved on with their lives. The ones who haven't moved on are stuck wanting to relive it like Uncle Rico. Which in and of itself is sad and not worth being envious of. Basically anyone who lives in the past (with happy memories or not) will be unhappy in the long run. Live in the moment. At 23 and graduated with a bachelor, I look forward to going back for a masters. It's sooo much easier to slay pussy when you a) have money and b) are 2+ years older than the girls you want to go after. Wgmi.

  6. 9 months ago

    You are posting in a discord raid thread
    OP is gay troony chinese

  7. 9 months ago

    The only one that isn't going to make it is the one taking hormones to be another gender because he consumes porn by the hour.

  8. 9 months ago

    Shitty bait thread is obvious, SAGE!

  9. 9 months ago

    Whoah, OP's pic is literally me.
    Feels good to finally be on right track to making it 🙂

  10. 9 months ago

    Too much text, delusional male. You will never be a woman.

  11. 9 months ago

    unironically me because i yo-yo cut and bulk but never eat enough thus never gain muscle
    gymming is easy but eating is hard

  12. 9 months ago

    Sounds like novice purgatory to me

  13. 9 months ago

    I first saw OPs pic when I was 24 and now I am getting close to 30

  14. 9 months ago

    If id be lifting for 1 month and didn't see any gains I'd think about what am I doing wrong.
    Any healthy person who eat enough food and do basic workout would get gains.

  15. 9 months ago

    Oh no no no that's me bros!

  16. 9 months ago

    He will make it.

  17. 9 months ago

    hello gainslet troony, good to see you back. pick up a dumbbell and put down the phone.

    oh wait, you can't, hormone therapy has rotten your bones with osteoporosis at 26. guess it's time for 1x1 bodyweight neck pulldowns!

  18. 9 months ago

    I hope i don't become this guy 🙁

    • 9 months ago

      You won’t. I’ll let you in on a secret: people who don’t progress in lifting are just cognitively dissonant. They think they are training effectively, eating properly, getting enough sleep, etc. When they aren’t. I know this because I first tried working out in my early 20s, and b***hed, and moaned about how I was a “hard gainer.” Then in my early 30s I gave it another shot with a hell of a lot more self discipline and commitment and got crazy results. So my advice to anyone whether they’re in their teens 20s 30s or beyond is to stop making excuses for yourself. Unless you have some unusual health problem that prevents you from working out or gaining muscle, your lack of progress means your strategy needs refinement. Accept that or stay week (most people stay week)

  19. 9 months ago

    Giddy, seriously you come in here every day and take shit and put up with abuse from all these people and you don't let it stop you and you keep pushing on and coming here every day.

    You're fricking dedicated. I admire you and respect you. Inside of you is a fighter. Don't quit and don't fricking give up.

    You're got roughness. I respect that more than anything else. I got these bodybuilder homosexuals in my gym. They prance around and think they're better than everybody else but the moment things get hard they break down and cry like little b***hes.

    I walk up to them and tell them to their face, I might not be the biggest guy in here and I might not be the strongest (but I'm in the top 10) but for damn sure I'm the toughest. And I look at them in the face and dare them to challenge me. They back down every time.

    Everybody in that gym knows I'm a tough motherfricker. That's been the secret that carries me through.

    Same thing with you. You're tough. Don't quit. I admire that and respect that and you're so fricking tough I don't even think you realize. I've been a fan of yours and have had respect for you from day one. Takes a fighter to recognize a fighter.

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