The bar is open

Come take a seat. Have a drink, on the house. Another week down and Friday is here again. Happy spooky season to you all. How are you doing?

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  1. 9 months ago

    It’s over.

    • 9 months ago

      I wish.

  2. 9 months ago

    I have to stop coming to this website.

    • 9 months ago

      >need to leave social fulfillment simulator IST
      >need to quit vaping
      >need to quit caffeine
      >need to fix diet
      >need to lift more frequently
      >need to be more active
      >need to get job
      >need to save money
      This is all I have to do to fix my life and yet I may chip away at 1 or 2 for a while but inevitably fail and fall back down before having to start over again.

      • 9 months ago

        A wise man once said: list your 25 most immediate, pressing and meaningful life goals in descending order of importance. Then erase all but the top 5, and work on those.

    • 9 months ago

      Ehh it's quite comforting honestly, just don't take shit here too serious

      Can i have a coke to my rum please?

      Haven't had a relationship, or sex for that matter, in over half a decade

    • 9 months ago

      IST is like take out
      it's fine as long as it part of a balanced diet

      • 9 months ago

        nice analogy

      • 9 months ago

        Maybe in the past. Now it's more like poison.

    • 9 months ago

      See you tomorrow

  3. 9 months ago

    every day is exactly the same

  4. 9 months ago

    my joints hurt and nothing i do helps. and yes, i've been to doctors and physical therapy.

  5. 9 months ago
  6. 9 months ago

    >have b***h problems
    >listen to Patrice O’Neal
    >problems solved

    >feel lonely and like I miss my ex, start wondering if I made mistakes and I fricked up by leaving her
    >listen to Patrice O’Neal
    >my happiness is paramount.

  7. 9 months ago

    >Prednisone gave me fast af heart rate
    >was already low on iron, with another health issue
    >cannot afford to see doctor a 4th time this year, so just taking magnesium and garlic for cardiovascular health whilst walking a lot
    >have had health anxiety since I was a teen so this only exacerbates things

  8. 9 months ago

    >brother is druggie, somehow I dont realise
    >he finally loses it while I am at vacation with classmates after prom (so I am 18, he is 20)
    >I come back, everyone in family is heartbroken or insulted, especially grandparents, we are very close family
    >loose a lot of time in my good years, when I was turning into a normie fixing his mistakes and trying to mend family
    >start hanging out with him because he lost all his friends because of his epic druggie arc so he has someone to talk to
    >barely keep my cool with all the shit he is saying and insulting our parents, but keep hanging out cus he is my brother
    >fast forward 7 years
    >he has good job, almost not a druggie, hangs out with family
    >he managed to regain some old friends, and we all used to hang out and smoke weed with vidya gaims
    >I stop because its pointless, realise that friend group is a bunch of losers with no interest in growing, meet them maybe once a month or two
    >brother does something completely moronic, I realise that I dont have any more energy to give for his bullshit, he is a grown man and should suffer the consecuenses
    >block him everywhere
    >other friends in group still want to hang out
    >I dont, especially if my brother is there
    1 of the guys is a yesman to my brother, other is okay, other 2 I still keep in touch but they dont hang out with the rest, so now its basically my brother, his yesman and a normie in their group
    how the frick do I tell them I dont want to hang out with them, normie is okay tho
    like my brother I do not want to spend any more effort on, he doesnt even understand I only hanged out with him cus he is my brother and gave me free drugs, his yesman is just a leech attached to him with no personality.

    >tl;dr how to get dumb friend group to understand I dont want to hang out with most of them

    • 9 months ago

      Simply say
      >I no longer feel comfortable with/wish to associate with you. I want nothing but the best for you all. Good luck.
      Or block them all, because you’re a grown man and owe no one any explanation for something like this.

      • 9 months ago

        ye I get it, but at the same time I am a really nice guy for some reason (I mean it took me 7 years of bullshit to tell my brother to frick off and I didnt even insult him or knock his teeth out, even though he deserved it) and those guys have no other friends, like I am their anchor to the real world, when we meet I am the one who talks because shit actually happens in my life
        idk what they will do without me....

        • 9 months ago

          >but at the same time I am a really weak guy for some reason


    • 9 months ago

      You talk to the ones you still want to have friendships with, and you explain that things have been difficult between you and your brother and for both of your benefit you're giving him space. Upu want to stay friends with the group but you'renot comfortable in settings where your brother is present.

      Unless your friends are autists or you're terrible at explaining, they should understand.

      • 9 months ago

        thank you anon, I just wrote to pretty much the last decent guy in the group:
        >"I do not feel comfortable around my brother and he stresses me out"
        >asked him why he makes he feel like bad, because he called me twice today asking me to come outside to hang out with them and I declined, and he knows I got into a "fight" with my brother
        >"I wanna see/hang out with you but at the moment not with my brother"
        I think my brother still thinks that I was just mad at him at the moment and that I have now forgiven him because I saw him a couple of times on family related basis, he doesnt realise that I am just nice by default and I do not want to deal with him anymore, like I still have to explain him at some point what he did wrong because clearly he doesnt get it, but I do not want to deal with his lack of emotional intelligence

        thank you again anon

        • 9 months ago

          >like I still have to explain him at some point what he did wrong because clearly he doesnt get it, but I do not want to deal with his lack of emotional intelligence
          Well idk your life but he is your brother. What I mean by that is he’s a man, even if he’s got issues he’s male. I have an older sister about the same gap in age as your brother and you and she has never once in our entire lives apologized to me for anything. Explaining to her what she did wrong isn’t a thing. She always just acts as if nothing happened then does the typical female BS of insinuating I’m childish or crazy for being upset with her and will at best give me a half assed almost backhanded “iM sOrRy hehehe.” And maybe involve a parent because they always take her side. The point I’m making, if there is a chance at reconciliation with your brother you at least have this. He’s not a stupid woman who believes she will turn to dust by taking accountability, even if he is emotionally immature.

          I’m not speaking to my sister right now. I recommend you do the same. And say nothing else to those friends. Whatever he did, he has to grow the frick up and approach you on the correct terms to try and make it right and take accountability. We are grown ass adults. I’m personally sick of dealing with people who refuse to take accountability while I’m made to feel like a moron and I end up having to be the one to forgive without any apology or seeing them admit fault. I’m not doing it anymore, frick that. I have to come first at some point.

          • 9 months ago

            that second paragraph is literally how I am feeling right now

            and ye he is a man, but he is a cowardly piece of shit who talks behind everyone's backs and what most annoys me is seeing him completely change his demeanor Infront of our {grand}parents
            he has some trauma thing where he needs to be the biggest guy in the room, but as soon as you challenge him he turns into this 10 year old boy and honestly it makes me sad seeing him go into his defense mechanism, after the whole thing where I blocked him we ran into each other at our parents house and he would literally try to keep distance from me in the corridors and stair wells and was this little hunched back stance, it was really weird like one of those chad vs virgin memes but super frustrating seeing my own blood act like a pussy, let alone someone who I know acts tough

        • 9 months ago

          Np bro, setting boundaries with family is never easy.

        • 9 months ago

          >I think my brother still thinks that I was just mad at him at the moment and that I have now forgiven him because I saw him a couple of times on family related basis
          Don't be a b***h. Tell him you're mad instead of being passive aggressive.

          • 9 months ago

            I am not a b***h or passive aggressive, I just do not communicate with him. read the remaining of that sentence and you will realize why I do not tell him straight out what he did wrong, he would not understand and would just ask questions and try to make me look bad for not "understanding" his point of view
            I can tell you havent argued with people who like to emotionally manipulate others

            • 9 months ago

              >I am not a b***h or passive aggressive, I just do not communicate with him
              That makes you a passive aggressive b***h. If he can't handle it, that's fine, but at least air your grievances. I've cut off many people and have always told them to their face.

              • 9 months ago

                do you read only half of the posts you reply to what the frick
                >dood just waste your time explaining shit to someone who wouldnt understand it and just waste more of your time in the process

              • 9 months ago

                >dood just waste your time explaining shit to someone who wouldnt understand it and just waste more of your time in the process
                It's not a waste of your time. He'll know why you're pissed and theoretically could change himself for the better. If he doesn't, not your problem. You're a b***h.

              • 9 months ago

                you genuinely have a shit opinion in this case
                you would be right if it was someone who I spent 2 years with as a friend, or 5 or 7 even
                but 20+ as a brother? And I am not pissed, I just do not want to see him or talk to him, or do anything that does with him. He has had plenty of time to change for the better after the countless mistakes he has made, and every time I was with him, and I told him that I was with him always as a brother.
                dont call me a b***h moron, I am absolutely not telling him what he did wrong unless he grows the balls to admit he is way over his head he asks me

              • 9 months ago

                Ok, b***h. It's your family. If you don't want to give him the chance to grow, that's on you.

              • 9 months ago

                like I said do you even read my posts till the end?
                I gave him 7 fricking years after he went druggie mode, staying with him, listening to his ramblings and insults, trying to be gentle with giving advice because he shuts it at first sign of opposition, was that not a chance to grow?
                he is a 27 year old grown ass man, I have people telling me in 2012 he is a b***h that will betray you and talk behind your back
                and what does he do 3 years later and then 10 years later?
                you are over your head, read the posts next time

              • 9 months ago

                So instead of telling him that was the final straw and then blocking him, you block him and give him the silent treatment at family events. Sounds like shit my mother would do.

              • 9 months ago

                Dude if he continues to allow his brother to be like that two things happen. His brother r never grows the frick up, and he continues getting treated like a dork. There comes a time where you need to cold shoulder/grey rock people, even family, in order for them to learn. Do yourself a favor and drop the forced psuedomachismo b***h shit

              • 9 months ago

                You tell them to frick off before giving them the cold shoulder. I didn't tell him to continue to deal with his bullshit.

                but I pretty clearly alluded to him its the final straw before blocking him
                man you are a fricking moron, you just assume what isnt clearly spelled out fits your narrative

                Passive aggressive.

              • 9 months ago

                I told him pretty much this to his face, literally clutching my fists from anger
                >"this is the end, do not ask me for anything anymore, do not contact me, we are over"
                should I have insulted him? would that not make a "bitch" you fricking moron?
                do not reply to me, do not waste espace with your horrible opinions, you keep switching your argument and making shit up

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, that's exactly what you should have done. Funny it wasn't mentioned in your other posts.

              • 9 months ago


                ye I get it, but at the same time I am a really nice guy for some reason (I mean it took me 7 years of bullshit to tell my brother to frick off and I didnt even insult him or knock his teeth out, even though he deserved it) and those guys have no other friends, like I am their anchor to the real world, when we meet I am the one who talks because shit actually happens in my life
                idk what they will do without me....

                moron grow some brain, absolute waste of skin

              • 9 months ago

                lol, okay "nice" guy

              • 9 months ago

                suck my nuts, bawd
                you like being wrong dont you, making shit up to fit your argument you prostitute
                oh ye but you most love being disproven you little cumdumpster, OH YE TAKE THAT
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*

              • 9 months ago

                Honestly sounds like your brother is the more stable one.

              • 9 months ago

                oh yes baby keep talking
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*
                aaahhh just a bit longer, ouh yes keep talking after I completely ruin your whole argument by simply linking an older post X to your reply where you tell me I should have done exactly X and then I would have been right
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*
                KEEP REPLYING BABY
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*
                *PLAP PLAP PLAP*
                GET PREGNANT
                GET PREGNANT

              • 9 months ago

                Try putting it in your original post next time. And not being so passive aggressive.

              • 9 months ago

                you mean like how I should have put on a condom before fricking the shit out of you? too late semen hole

              • 9 months ago

                but I pretty clearly alluded to him its the final straw before blocking him
                man you are a fricking moron, you just assume what isnt clearly spelled out fits your narrative

              • 9 months ago

                Im not the guy you are responding to, but as someone with shit relationships with family, sometimes it’s worth to just take the L and keep the bonds strong.

                Don’t do that if it’s something that happens all the time, but you have to weight the repercussions of your decisions here.

  9. 9 months ago

    This board sucks
    >AI generated shitpost
    >is this twinks sport a good form of cardio
    >coombait threads 1 2 and 3
    >powershitters are fat haha
    >is coffee good for you
    >Sam sulek fan boy thread
    >dam sulek hate thread
    >Mentzer garbage
    >is keto good for you
    >would you let a trap frick your ass for 500
    >30yo boomer progress

    It's just garbage. No more humor threads. Ylyl is gone. Nobody talks about fitness, workouts, or gym experiences. It's just people shitposting about fitness content mixed in with porn, obviously homosexual, relationship drama, and coombait threads.

    I'm getting off this site for good (yeah I'll be back tomorrow, frick off). This weekend will be a test run. After I make this post I'm deleting my IST bookmarks and getting off this forsaken site for as long as I can. I'll probably be board, but its not like I enjoy the content I'm actually viewing on here anymore. It's more a sense of complacency. Bored = browse IST.

    It's not worth it anymore. This place has also gotten insanely negative. Posting body, leads you to 10 (You)s attacking your genetic imperfections rather than your actual muscle and bodyfat. The board has definitely changed for the worst and I don't identify with this board anymore.

    It was a fun 10 years. Made a lot of gains, made a lot of memes. Let me get a water for the road.

    • 9 months ago

      >reddit spacing
      just go back, its not hard, you werent made for this place
      we arent here to entertain your concepts of a good discussion

      • 9 months ago

        I didn't read his blogpost but the fact that you are so obsessed with reddit that you LARP as some sentinel against its posters is just pathetic. I cannot believe you are anything but the deepest, most ebonic shade of brown; desperately trying to fit in with an empirically white space.

        • 9 months ago

          you post that reply and yet complain about the state of the board? there are hundreds of you morons, just leave, nowan kars, dont bother replying it will just be data trash dust

    • 9 months ago

      Global access to the internet has been a mistake.

    • 9 months ago

      see you tomorrow friendo

    • 9 months ago

      You forgot
      >mire thread
      >tfw nogf thread
      >would lifting have saved this baby from being mauled by a pitbull?
      >thinly veiled black hate thread
      >thinly veiled pajeet hate thread
      >thinly veiled Chang incel mockery thread
      >are my legs too thin for a man?
      >what do you think of this fat girl? How would you describe her body?
      >how is this female gym attire legal? (Coom thread)
      >Hey guys, I forgot how to Google the widely available cumstack infographic, guess a thread died for this lol
      >martial arts/mma/guns thread (autistic screeching)
      >mental health thread, PLS DONT DELETE JANNIES (deleted in 2 nanoseconds)
      >hardcore gay porn thread (jannies allow it to stay on Page 1 for the whole weekend)
      >thread where a femanon asks for advice (instant derail)
      >troony hate thread
      >vegan hate thread
      >fat hate thread

      • 9 months ago

        arts/mma/guns thread (autistic screeching)
        This is one of my favorites not gonna lie.

  10. 9 months ago

    Bros I'm getting married in a week and I'm so fricking excited.

    • 9 months ago

      Marriage is gay

    • 9 months ago

      I am happy for you anon, I bet she is a cutie
      just make sure you teach your kids chess at a young age and later math properly, trust me

      • 9 months ago

        >just make sure you teach your kids chess at a young age and later math properly, trust me

        • 9 months ago

          not him, but the logic it teaches allows you later in life to basically get in whatever field you want

          I would add to that to teach him a second language before he reaches 10

    • 9 months ago

      is se a virgin

  11. 9 months ago

    I need to either learn the meta to these fricking dating apps or just stalk people IRL. It's not fricking working, and I don't know where I need to go to meet people, my area only has bars and restaurants. No real "singles club"; and going to a bar would just cause me to drink too much.
    How the FRICK do I find a gf? I'm nearing my fricking limit.

    • 9 months ago

      How do you approach women on apps and irl?
      Understand that women respond better to being flirty, funny, playful, fun, faking interest and disinterest.
      While they see sincerity, earnestness, and honesty as needy, clingy, creepy, and worst of all, desperate.
      Understand, women don't see themselves as desperate, so why would they frick a desperate man?

      Women are morons so be disingenuous, distant, and indifferent.

      • 9 months ago

        chris looks like such a bro

      • 9 months ago

        >talked to this girl a few months ago on a dating app, got her IG
        >tried scheduling dates but she always seemed very busy and/or flaky
        >but she still watches all my stories, likes a bunch of them, and generally interacts often with me on IG
        >went out for drinks with a couple of bros last night and posted IG stories with them
        >this girl sees my stories, DMs me and asks if my buddy is single and tells me he's handsome (which he is for sure)

        why do i feel like a cuck?

        on a related note, dating and relationships have always been my weakest point. i'm 29 and never actually had a gf. never been in love either. sure i go on dates every now and then but i've only been getting laid maybe once or twice a year max?

        i don't know what it is that makes it so easy for some guys to be charismatic and pull, because i have always struggled with that.

        i've been working hard on every other aspect of my life for the past few years, but dating is still a major pain in the ass.

        like i've been dirty bulking but i've been told i look "built" and like a "gym rat" by people who haven't seen me in a while. i'm not short. i've improved my style/fashion dramatically in the past 1-2 years. i've been self-employed for a few years now and things are finally taking off and i'm making low six figures now (and climbing). yet i remain perpetually single.

        i'm not trying to brag, but i legitimately think that at this point it will be easier and quicker for me to become a millionaire than to end up in a loving relationship with an attractive woman who is wife material.

        sorry for the long rant, kinda hungover and frustrated at the moment and had to get this off my chest.

        online dating and social media will kill any kind of love that can exist between a man and a woman
        once you play on that territory, you forsake any right to love someone

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            nta but you live by the sword, you die by the sword.
            who would have guessed that giving attention to women who use "dating" apps for cheap, meaningless sex would have negative consequences?
            and then when IST hits the male wall he gets pissed because all those women did exactly what he wanted them to do and are now used-up roasties with zero emotional attachment.

            • 9 months ago

              Just out of curiosity how many dates have you gone on from online dating

              • 9 months ago

                Does thefacebook count?

          • 9 months ago

            I don't know why do I even have to explain it

            once you go on these dating apps, you basically enter a meat market where you cast away any chance of genuine connection
            you profile is a fake persona, her profile is a fake persona, you judge her by her looks alone, she judges your status alone
            I don't want to be too much of a poetic homosexual, but how can something beautiful and genuine blossom when from the start the two parties are dishonest?

            The problem with today is that there aren't any actual events or communities for young people to properly bond, in the past you would have married some village cutie that you knew for years, imagine the memories and life-experiences shared together until then

            now you have the privilege to simp for a random mentally ill attention-prostitute that can discard you at the first sign of an "ick"

            • 9 months ago

              I genuinely feel sorry for you that you've let yourself become this jaded, let me ask you this, when you first ever went on a dating app what were your intentions

  12. 9 months ago

    I am 27 years old and have never kissed a girl. I have never held hands with a girl. I have never hugged a girl. I have never talked to a girl (excluding for business transactions). I am not a social butterfly but I still desire a partner. I hate parties, bars, clubs, concerts, or whatever normies do. I hate social media. I have never and would never DM a woman because she probably has 20 simps doing the same. I am going to die alone.

    • 9 months ago

      Take it from a 28 year old guy, it's not impossible, but it's REALLY fricking hard for people like us.
      I can say from experience that having the same interests help a LOT.

    • 9 months ago

      >I hate parties, bars, clubs, concerts, or whatever normies do. I hate social media. I have never and would never DM a woman because she probably has 20 simps doing the same.
      Being neuro-typical is law.

    • 9 months ago

      >I am 27 years old and have never kissed a girl
      start seeing hookers/escorts or else you will become even more mentally ill
      forget the normies/christcucks/incels, you need to get used to the physiscal side of handling a woman if you want to salvage your life

    • 9 months ago

      What do you do for a living? You could probably just focus on your career and naturally meet someone or become successful enough to attract a wider variety of women.

      • 9 months ago

        >You could probably just focus on your career and naturally meet someone

      • 9 months ago

        I work at an engineering firm. 90% male office. I would have an easier time finding a woman if I was a literal fry cook at McDonald's and I am not joking.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you have bros at work that could hook you up?

          • 9 months ago

            No. They are married boomers who spend all of their time with their wife and kids. Or they are like me, young bachelors who have no women in their social circle.

            • 9 months ago

              Hang out with the other single dudes and let romance progress naturally.

        • 9 months ago

          What kind of engineering

        • 9 months ago

          >engineering firm
          I know that feel, I work in one of the biggest manufacturing plants in the whole country and on site we are 95% males, the office in town has like 85% women.....
          during covid they separated the workforce and left a skeleton crew at the plant consisting of all the maintanance and managers, which are male ofc lol
          I wanna kys knowing how many girls I could interact with if I was an accountant

        • 9 months ago

          >engineering firm
          I know that feel, I work in one of the biggest manufacturing plants in the whole country and on site we are 95% males, the office in town has like 85% women.....
          during covid they separated the workforce and left a skeleton crew at the plant consisting of all the maintanance and managers, which are male ofc lol
          I wanna kys knowing how many girls I could interact with if I was an accountant

          >dating at work
          don't do this

          • 9 months ago

            Chads do what they want.

            • 9 months ago

              Chads don't have to pick from fat HR girls and [shudder] women engineers at work, nor will they end up getting fired for sexual harassment after the relationship inevitably goes sour

          • 9 months ago

            who said anything abou dating
            just generally being around girls is extremely useful in my experience, I found that I grow strong when I talk with cuties

    • 9 months ago

      Ok, here it goes.
      Have sex with an escort. Talk to her, befriend her, be cordial.
      Treat this as a practice date or relationship. Learn, gain perspective and confidence.
      Also, have sex with her so you can get the kissless, touchless, hugless monkey off your back.

    • 9 months ago

      Youre never getting anywhere with a sad loser mentality. Cant mope around saying all is lost without trying to talk to someone. Strike up a conversation with a random, its not as bad or hard as it seems

    • 9 months ago

      I work at an engineering firm. 90% male office. I would have an easier time finding a woman if I was a literal fry cook at McDonald's and I am not joking.

      >27 year old kissless virgin autistic engineer who hates all social activities and has no friends

      You’re definitely dying alone. At least you probably have a lot of money I’m sure that will make you happy lol

  13. 9 months ago

    The gym isn't helping me lose weight. I'm eating less and I'm still a fat frick.

  14. 9 months ago

    Not a demoralization post.

    Just want to ask if anyone else contemplates "why do I keep doing this?" And "when is enough, enough?" While resting in between sets?

    • 9 months ago

      Scabbers got swole

  15. 9 months ago

    >talked to this girl a few months ago on a dating app, got her IG
    >tried scheduling dates but she always seemed very busy and/or flaky
    >but she still watches all my stories, likes a bunch of them, and generally interacts often with me on IG
    >went out for drinks with a couple of bros last night and posted IG stories with them
    >this girl sees my stories, DMs me and asks if my buddy is single and tells me he's handsome (which he is for sure)

    why do i feel like a cuck?

    on a related note, dating and relationships have always been my weakest point. i'm 29 and never actually had a gf. never been in love either. sure i go on dates every now and then but i've only been getting laid maybe once or twice a year max?

    i don't know what it is that makes it so easy for some guys to be charismatic and pull, because i have always struggled with that.

    i've been working hard on every other aspect of my life for the past few years, but dating is still a major pain in the ass.

    like i've been dirty bulking but i've been told i look "built" and like a "gym rat" by people who haven't seen me in a while. i'm not short. i've improved my style/fashion dramatically in the past 1-2 years. i've been self-employed for a few years now and things are finally taking off and i'm making low six figures now (and climbing). yet i remain perpetually single.

    i'm not trying to brag, but i legitimately think that at this point it will be easier and quicker for me to become a millionaire than to end up in a loving relationship with an attractive woman who is wife material.

    sorry for the long rant, kinda hungover and frustrated at the moment and had to get this off my chest.

    • 9 months ago

      oh god here come the 7 feet tall IST millionaire software engineers who do 2 hours of work a day and own multiple investment properties

      • 9 months ago

        excuse me, i'm actually 8 feet tall

        just bee yourself

        but ye, girls just like attention, the 2nd time she rejected a date invitation is when you should have stopped interacting
        for the other shit idk, im a kisless virgin turning 25 tomorrow, I think I know how to get a gf I just dont want to tbh, I should just cut more and finish my apartament

        yeah i'm not going after her or anything, i gave up a while ago. but still, shit like this is frustrating

    • 9 months ago

      just bee yourself

      but ye, girls just like attention, the 2nd time she rejected a date invitation is when you should have stopped interacting
      for the other shit idk, im a kisless virgin turning 25 tomorrow, I think I know how to get a gf I just dont want to tbh, I should just cut more and finish my apartament

    • 9 months ago


      Jokingly tell her to frick off, block her.

  16. 9 months ago

    I can't feel my dick anymore. I was already circumcized at birth as punishment for being born American, but up until recently I still had noticeable sensation on my dick no matter where I touched it.
    Now it's just nothing. I genuinely think I've broken my dick beyond repair by jerking off too much. It takes an extreme amount of friction to even feel anything that could be considered pleasurable.
    Is this something I can fix? Will my dick get its sensation back if I stop cranking my hog 24/7?

    • 9 months ago

      this is very fixable but you probably need to change the way you jerk off (I am assuming you do not have an actual sexual partner)

      honestly get yourself a prostate massager, ignore your dick for a while, learn to feel pleasure in secondary erogenous zones like your nipples and inner thighs, practice deep breathing and jerking off much more slowly in longer sessions. Frick around with semen retention for a bit less because of any woo pseudoscience but just because taking a break from your ordinary routine that has left you a numb little mess is probably good. Resensitize yourself to pleasure instead of just rubbing your meat as fast and hard as possible until you come.

      • 9 months ago

        >honestly get yourself a prostate massager

      • 9 months ago

        >you probably need to change the way you jerk off
        or, you know, stop doing that altogether

      • 9 months ago

        How much of a coomer do you need to be to reach the stage where you start shoving shit up your ass

  17. 9 months ago

    All my friends are chads, I'm a dweeby manlet, and I don't know how to deal with it. They are great guys, but it hurts my self esteem to see that I'm not even close to catching up to them in any sense (social, physical, or financial).

  18. 9 months ago

    sometimes i really wish i was living in the us
    dating is so much easier there

  19. 9 months ago

    Hey, hit me up with a whisky on the rocks.

    A girl I liked just told me she “wants to be friends” because she no longer likes me like that. This is not my first heartbreak, but I’m so tired of this shit by now. It’s all so tiresome.

    This girl not liking me isn’t even the main problem, the problem is that I am now non existent to her even though we were talking consistently for a few months. Once you are not valuable for her, they throw you out.

    I just moved countries for a job opportunity and I really needed some support or at least a friend. Now I just kinda want to restart my life here but it hurts a bit to delete my previous life and the connections I made. But I feel like I don’t matter, like if I died tomorrow, no one would cry.

    I don’t know why I even care, but I still cling to validation from others. I’m nearing 40 and I feel like this is child mentality and yet I cannot let this go.

    Thank you for listening barkeep.
    I appreciate it.

    • 9 months ago

      >A girl I liked just told me she “wants to be friends” because she no longer likes me like that
      were you close in any physical way?

      • 9 months ago

        No, we just talked and were flirting, but there was a clear intention of trying something more (verbally expressed by her, it’s not just misread from me).

        We were far because I just moved to the country she is in (it was unrelated, work opportunity, but she is a colleague and she works at my company here) so when I arrived she suddenly doesn’t give a shit about me.

        What hurts more is the ignoring. It would have been fine if she didn’t want to date me but still support me and being my friend.

        It hurts more that I’m alone that I didn’t get the girl.

        • 9 months ago

          A clean break is less painful than downgrading to "just friends". You'll be forever living in misguided hope, and the regret of what could have been.

          Be a man: wish her well, express regret that things didn't work out, say goodbye and mean it. Then go back to the drawing board and work on your style, personality, confidence, charisma, etc.

          • 9 months ago


            Never do just friends or god forbid friends with benefits with the hope of getting back together

          • 9 months ago


            Never do just friends or god forbid friends with benefits with the hope of getting back together

            Yeah that’s not a problem. I just said “thank you for the honesty and see you around”. I’m not chasing her. I’m not desperate for pussy.

            It’s just a really bad time for this to happen, and it feels like everything bad hits at once.

            • 9 months ago

              OK man, obviously you're not exactly happy about how things turned out or your situation as a whole at the moment, but I'm just pointing out that many, MANY guys would have dragged out the rejection in a far more needy, desperate and pathetic way than you handled it. Things could have been worse.

              One door shuts, another opens. Lick your wounds and reach for the next opportunity when you're ready.

              • 9 months ago

                For sure man. Thank you for the support.
                You are right and I feel like a younger me would have responded with more vitriol and hate. I’m glad I took the high road.

                I thought it about it a lot and I came to the conclusion that she doesn’t have malicious intent - she just doesn’t care about me. And that’s fine. She doesn’t have to.

                The search continues. More fish in the sea.

    • 9 months ago

      its perfectly normal to want to fit in and feel valued, its in our nature that is evolved lizard brains
      there are people just as desparate in this "bar" as you are, dont worry you deserve to and will be happy in time

      • 9 months ago

        It just feels like I’m waiting in a line to be happy and my number never arrives. I always hope it gets better but there is a sinking feeling of “maybe it’s just not meant to be”.

        I guess I’m just feeling a bit lost in life, and now that I’m in a new country, I’m no longer comfortable as everything is foreign to me.

        I appreciate the words of encouragement though anon. Thank you.

  20. 9 months ago

    Give me the entire bottle of house whiskey anon.

    My self esteem constantly flits between "holy shit look at my face and body I'm fricking sexy" to "I'm ugly as shit, not big enough, too short, girls hate me". I'm sick of the chaos. I'm sick of constantly wanting sex. I'm sick of constantly needing validation from women. I'm sick of sending a message to a woman and thinking of nothing else until I get a reply. I'm sick of feeling crushed everytime a girl walks past but doesn't look at me.

    • 9 months ago

      dis homie eating beans

      • 9 months ago
  21. 9 months ago

    >find a gf from this hell hole of a site
    where do i go from there

    • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        i guess?

        • 9 months ago

          They told me to get a hobby and you'll find woman.... I became a shit poster , woman when ? and you here siting and made it lmao.

          • 9 months ago

            nah it's been like i think 5 years since

  22. 9 months ago

    Family getting extremely annoying, totally different values than mine, like to an extreme almost... Shit lost my last few friends because life or whatever, started my own company and is not going good at all, even though I'm still very optimistic about it and it makes me happy working on it.
    No gf but a couple of young very attractive girls eye me on the street constantly but kinda feel dumb hitting them up on the street and no friends so can't really hit the bar. Even if I could hit them up it would be momentary fun, because how the frick do you make a lasting relationship with women nowadays anyways kek. Country and city also goes to shit. Frick.
    Anyways stop contact with family or not? Not in US, so a bit harder.
    So how do you cope with no friends orgf? Stop contact with family or no

    • 9 months ago

      call old friend ask to catch up, you must realise they lost a friend too
      if you can talk to girls on street why not, frick off with incel bullshit
      stop contact if its what you need

  23. 9 months ago

    I don't really know what to do with my life. I was a victim of a mass layoff after making amazing money for my age and REALLY don't want to do anything right now besides clean the house, run errands, play the drums, game, and work out. I feel useless as a man. I can afford to not work for 10 months but I want to put that 10 months to good use. I want to switch industries and have opportunities for paid internships, but don't even feel the drive to explore them.
    This is my first time NOT working since I was 6. I really, really don't want to to back to work. Am I wrong for feeling this way?

  24. 9 months ago

    >everyone around me moving in with their gf
    >some are already married
    >meanwhile i hae been single for years

    I guess it's just me and the 'ol barbell eh?

    • 9 months ago

      you just got the matter into your own hands *wink wink*

      • 9 months ago

        Haha yeah....yeah


        • 9 months ago

          nothing wrong with that. girls are b***hes to be around. you have friends and are happy

  25. 9 months ago

    Im dating a petite zoomer cutie but I’ve caught her lying to me about stupid shit she doesn’t need to lie about. I’m not sure how to handle this situation should I just break up with her?

    • 9 months ago

      >date zoomer
      >get red flags

    • 9 months ago

      If she's lying about small things, then you know she's hiding bigger things.
      Just keep fricking her, stop spending money, then leave her

    • 9 months ago

      >um hey, I just wanted to tell you that I noticed you clearly lying a couple of times and I am worried what other things you might have/will lie about so much that I asked my fellow taiwanese stich pattern connoisseurs about what I should do
      >*shit on floor* (to assert domminance ofc)

    • 9 months ago

      Either let her know to cut the shit quickly or you're out.

      Or you can sell your morals, soul and common sense for cheap pussy.

      I've done both, the former feels better in the long term 100%.

      Lies like that are a shit test and you're failing, and she knows it.

      • 9 months ago

        >Or you can sell your morals, soul and common sense for cheap pussy.

        bullshit. you just turn it into a practice gf.

    • 9 months ago

      It would be a huge red flag for me for sure. This signifies she isn’t mentally stable.

      I guess the answer depends on how much you like her.

  26. 9 months ago

    A pint of cider please
    I'm really struggling with my bachelor's degree, don't even know if I like doing it anymore. What little free time I have is spent alone in my room, as I don't have enough energy to socialize anymore. If this is truly supposed to be the best time of my life I would be far better of ending it right now.

    • 9 months ago

      Yes and no my chum.

      There are times in life you just have to suck things up and weather the storm. A degree is its own little biome separate from the (or business, commerce, how actual adults interact, etc). Don't believe that the rest of your life will be like this.

      That said, 3 years (or 4?) is a long time to spend doing something you hate. 20 years later (I'm an oldgay) I still have recurring dreams that are variations on me going into my final year of university horribly aware of how out of my depth I was. At the time, there is a sense of inevitably about it (I signed up for this, I have to see it through) - Don't believe it. If nothing about the study or the sector you're learning about excites you, exercise your freedom to reclaim your time and money and nope the frick out. Take a gap year. Switch courses. Go straight into a job and learn in-house, or go back to college in a few years when you have a concrete goal in mind.

      Life - even your working life - is long enough to allow a few changes in direction. As is usually the case, the strongest chains are the ones you imagine.

  27. 9 months ago

    >God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
    >the courage to change the things I can
    >and the wisdom to know the difference
    I’m struggling with the wisdom part right now. I feel guilty accepting the world around me because it needs to be changed and those with the courage to do so all seem to be fricking idiots so everything is only changing for the worse. If people like me keep doing nothing, is there hope? But it’s all personal risk for no personal benefit. Why bother, it’s gonna hurt me. Even speaking up with reasonable objections risks putting a target on my head.

    Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane wanted the cup to pass from his hands; to me, the cup is the temptation.

    • 9 months ago

      lol, pray to daddy little man

      • 9 months ago

        >>God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
        >>the courage to change the things I can
        >>and the wisdom to know the difference
        >I’m struggling with the wisdom part right now.
        Read proverbs.
        > I feel guilty accepting the world around me because it needs to be changed and those with the courage to do so all seem to be fricking idiots so everything is only changing for the worse.
        Read Revelations.
        >If people like me keep doing nothing, is there hope?
        God's Plan.
        >But it’s all personal risk for no personal benefit.
        Read the Gospel again...
        >Why bother, it’s gonna hurt me. Even speaking up with reasonable objections risks putting a target on my head.
        Read Psalms.
        >Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane wanted the cup to pass from his hands; to me, the cup is the temptation.
        Humble yourself.

        Probably should have mentioned I’m an atheist but the bible is kino

    • 9 months ago

      >>God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
      >>the courage to change the things I can
      >>and the wisdom to know the difference
      >I’m struggling with the wisdom part right now.
      Read proverbs.
      > I feel guilty accepting the world around me because it needs to be changed and those with the courage to do so all seem to be fricking idiots so everything is only changing for the worse.
      Read Revelations.
      >If people like me keep doing nothing, is there hope?
      God's Plan.
      >But it’s all personal risk for no personal benefit.
      Read the Gospel again...
      >Why bother, it’s gonna hurt me. Even speaking up with reasonable objections risks putting a target on my head.
      Read Psalms.
      >Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane wanted the cup to pass from his hands; to me, the cup is the temptation.
      Humble yourself.

  28. 9 months ago

    had a girl i was dating tell me i give off “you” vibes which after asking and looking it up is a series about some narcissistic serial killer obsessed with manipulating girls.

    thanks i guess, fricking b***h. still booty calls me though lol.

    • 9 months ago

      tell her she gives off a "spends too much time on social media to the point of brain rot so she doesnt even know the proper term" vibe while fricking her brains out

  29. 9 months ago

    I couldn’t get hard this morning with my fiancée ahhh bros kill me.
    >Gonna suicide sprint today after work

  30. 9 months ago

    i think im a good lvoer
    but not a good boyfriend
    longest relationship i had was 2.5 years long

  31. 9 months ago

    I've been talking to a girl, however idk if I should my shot and ask her out. The problem being is I live in a border town and she lives across in Mexico and she has kids. Can't go to Mexico much but she can come the US sometimes. Idk what to do.

    • 9 months ago

      >she has kids

    • 9 months ago

      >and she has kids
      >lives in mexico

    • 9 months ago

      >and she has kids
      No. Unless you want to get beheaded by her cartel baby daddy, I guess.

    • 9 months ago

      >lives across the border
      >in Mexico
      >with kids

      Bro, the odds of this turning out well for you are so astronomically low

    • 9 months ago

      My friend, I know you are horny, but this looks really bad.

      • 9 months ago

        Not him, but I always rub one out before plunging into big decisions like that.
        Turns out, it’s hormones fueling those intrusive thoughts.
        Frick bros.. I fricked up so many times because of it.

        • 9 months ago

          same i think i fricked up a potential hookup thing with a girl ive known for 15+ years for ever

        • 9 months ago

          Same. Sometimes I’m down bad for an ex and thinking of calling or texting, jerk off and suddenly I don’t give a shit about her.

          It also helps when you are still thinking about her. It means it’s something beyond horny.

    • 9 months ago

      It is good you asked for advice on this, because you should absolutely not in any case and under any circumstances do it.

    • 9 months ago

      ...what's that, anon? She's also in prison for murder? And is a drug addict? And trans?

      Stop thinking with your dick, man.

    • 9 months ago

      go for it anon, what could possibly go wrong?

  32. 9 months ago

    >finally left my job
    Being a semi neet is fun for now, but there's so much expectation shoved onto me. I hardly want to work for a living and slave away my youth, much less get married soon. I can't cope with that reality. My only hope is I either get lucky and land a meme 6 fig wfh job where I dick around all day and can be independent, or there's some major event like ww3 that offers me an easy out

    • 9 months ago

      Same situation fren
      I don’t want to participate in this shit world.
      >Artist since I was a child
      >Doomed to die a starving artist
      Such is the life, I want to be become a plumber to make money; but all the boomer companies around the city don’t want apprentices.
      I’m getting older every day.
      My art isn’t getting me into the israeli cabal industry anytime soon.
      I wanna document and film cool things but the YouTube israeli cartel is full already. Missed my chance 15 years ago.

  33. 9 months ago

    Where do I go to meet women? I'm fricking sick of this dating app bullshit

  34. 9 months ago

    >Take things too personal
    >Increasingly notice I don't fully understand people anymore, they are stopping to make sense to me
    I just want to stop hurting and let things slide off of me. I suppose I know what to work on for now.

  35. 9 months ago

    Militarygay in japan
    My 70 year old dad is visiting
    We went out to dinner last night and we got an appetizer as a course and the single bite of meat had a piece of well done meat, he asked me if i could make sure our steak could be cooked to how he likes it and i told him that we have to wait and that they will do what he wants without him asking because thats the dish that he ordered
    He proceeded to say, “i dont think so” but i told him that this is how japan does things and he said very loudly in a small home restaurant with just us in it, “well this was NOT GOOD” emphasis on the two words
    Why are old people so stubborn

  36. 9 months ago

    >have a drink
    I don't want to drink anymore, it's starting to become a problem and I'm barely cutting because I drink too many empty calories in beer.

  37. 9 months ago

    I love an incredibly blessed life, i have good health and fitness, i love my job, i have wonderful friends, i enjoy my warm home and very many hobbies and interests. I want a husband so fricking bad. I can't get over the thought that i will never be good enough or easy enough to love because i can always lose more weight, earn more money or be more interesting. It's never enough. I know that's all irrational and my main issues with dating are my location and the fact that I'm odd. I just want to mature a warm home, have my husband come home to me and i feed him and we cuddle and bond. I can't even tell my friends how crippling the loneliness is getting because it just feels so embarrassing bringing up tfw no bf

    • 9 months ago

      Isn’t it generally easier for women to find partners? I’m sure you’ll find your ideal husband one day anon, you just have to actively seek for it.

      • 9 months ago

        If i wanted to "settle" i could easily find a good and decent man to have me but that is not respectful to them or myself, we both deserve people to love us deeply for who we are and not just for simple companionship. I'm also in my 30's and dating is a struggle

        • 9 months ago

          >I'm also in my 30's and dating is a struggle
          You better start settling then lol

          • 9 months ago

            Why would you want a fellow man to suffer through having a woman settle for them I'll never understand

            >i could easily find a good and decent man to have me
            Clearly you don't , you wouldn't write this posts and vent slash be here....

            Just because someone is a decent ok person (the minimum) doesn't make them a good match

            • 9 months ago

              >Just because someone is a decent ok person (the minimum) doesn't make them a good match
              Keep scrolling , all best wishes...

        • 9 months ago

          >i could easily find a good and decent man to have me
          Clearly you don't , you wouldn't write this posts and vent slash be here....

        • 9 months ago

          I don’t want to be mean, but

          >I'm also in my 30's and dating is a struggle
          You better start settling then lol

          is right. At 30s you are past the point of searching for the one, especially as a woman.

          This doesn’t mean that you have to get a dogshit husband. You can get someone that deeply cares for you but has some minor flaws. However you will need to be able to accept that and do your best to be happy.

          The clock doesn’t go back and sometimes life isn’t the dream we had when we were kids. But we have to make the most of what we have.

          • 9 months ago

            >You can get someone that deeply cares for you but has some minor flaws.

            That is everyone. As i said, I'm quite happy and in love with my life and I'm not adding someone random to it just to cure loneliness . That's honestly weak behaviour. I would gladly, and sadly, rather live my life as it is now than just date a random person. I never get people who seems to think the necessary move forward is to settle for someone that wouldn't make me happy just to have companionship. Have you ever been in relationship like that? They are their own personal hell, to have someone gaze at you like you're the light of their life and you tolerate their touch. Why would you want to accept that for yourself? I would rather just bake something or go for a walk when i feel lonely instead of tying myself to a Boulder to let a vulture feast on my liver every morning because it's better than being alone.

            • 9 months ago

              >being married to someone who loves you but has minor flaws is equivalent to getting eating alive by vultures
              Ok then. Enjoy your life.

              • 9 months ago

                >having to wake up every morning face to face with someone you don't love into the day you die
                >this someone isn't torture

                I don't know why me having to love the person I'm with is an easy to waive off requirement

              • 9 months ago

                No, that's not torture, you psycho.

              • 9 months ago

                How do you know you really love someone, if you're not willing to date them?

                Sounds like you're holding out for some 10/10 husband to fall in your lap, who arrives already smitten with you and ticking all your boxes. What happened to taking a chance on a decent person, learning to love their rough edges, and seeing how the relationship grows?

            • 9 months ago

              Anonette, you will die alone if you don’t change your ways. You are searching for someone that doesn’t exist. You will not meet gigachad Henry Cavil and fall in love and marry and build a family on your 30 while having body image issues.

              I feel like you don’t want to accept this but this really is your reality.

              • 9 months ago

                Why must anons always deal in extremes, you know very well I'm being reasonable in a what i want in a partner and that I'm not seeking a personal Henry Cavill with a 6 figure job that does orphan hospice care on the side (6'7" with a 12 pack)

                No, that's not torture, you psycho.

                Maybe it's ok for men but i can't stay in a relationship with someone i can't love, and if you can accept that maybe you need some more self worth.

              • 9 months ago

                Then what do you want? It’s very hard to understand the problem.

                You don’t want a 10/10 man, but then you also don’t want to “settle” for an average guy? What is going on here?

                If you tell me that you want to find a guy that you love, then good luck, but it’s way more reasonable to believe that it’s a you problem and you have issues developing love for anyone if you didn’t find anyone until now.
                That is a mental hurdle that you have to overcome then, or resign to the idea that you will become the cat aunt at 40s because you were too picky.

              • 9 months ago

                Just ignore these prostitutes. They're all the same. It's literally just fear of missing out. Even when in their 30s have dick on demand but they always want to monkey branch to the next big thing. She says she's not looking for whatever but never trust what women say. Settling in their "brains" is a 8.5/10 that's 5'11" instead of 6'2" that they have to put a couple extra filters on before they post him on Instagram to get attention from their idiot friends.

                Women above 2/10 are never involuntary alone, they're just disloyal prostitutes who have reached the Alex of their monkey branch and still won't "settle" for a objectively amazing guy because they got the ick for some idiot reason.

              • 9 months ago

                Love doesn't exist

            • 9 months ago

              >to have someone gaze at you like you're the light of their life and you tolerate their touch
              it ain't fun feeling like half the time she's annoyed with you and merely tolerates you, I tell ya hwat
              but that's what I get for not taking life into my own hands

    • 9 months ago

      Sadly that is a woe that many of us are facing. We hate ourselves and cannot open the door for someone else to like us because we never think we are good enough.

      You have to heal your mind and start accepting yourself before you solve the husband issue. It’s okay to work on yourself and going to the gym, but if you never accept yourself, you will have body dismorphia even at a top physique.

      Take some time to realise what makes you feel like that, what trauma made you feel useless without a good body, and do your best to process it.

      >t fat man that hates himself

    • 9 months ago

      Its all good don't worry , when I'll find your beloved I will tell him you sick of love...

  38. 9 months ago

    I’ve been going back to the gym, quit smoking cigs about a month ago, and am cutting my calories to about 500-700 a day. It’s a slow fricking grind but I am convinced I’m going to make it bros.

    • 9 months ago

      That’s a lot of improvement. I’m proud of you anon. Keep it up, consistency is key.

  39. 9 months ago

    I wish one of you guys would knock some sense into me.

    She left me about a month ago to be with her ex. And now she is cheating on her ex with another guy she met a few days ago. She is just a bad person. Why the frick do I love her still?

    • 9 months ago

      You are attached to the possibilities that you made up in your own mind to be happy with her. You imagine your day to day, coming home, having her there and fricking her and cuddling.

      But that is not reality. She is a prostitute and she wouldn’t do that. You would never be happy with that woman after the initial fun. While it might not seem like it, she made you a favor and you will see it when you are happily with your next girl.

    • 9 months ago

      post her nudes so we can tear her apart

    • 9 months ago

      You don’t love her and you need to stop using wording like that. What you feel isn’t love. It’s a mix of lust and basic attachments from having no other b***hes. She more than likely bombarded you with constant heavy affection which you’ve never had before. Your brain is in a weird state where it’s going through withdrawals on a chemical level (neurotransmitters) and your last reference for a source of those feel good chemicals is her.
      That wasn’t and isn’t love though.

      T. Has gone through it. Meet a new b***h, even a subpar one who’s still better than her even just slightly, and you’ll instantly realize to your core “oh, she wasn’t special… wow I was so dumb that b***h wasn’t shit lmfao”

  40. 9 months ago

    How much do women care about money? I recently got hired at a big tech company. I was a broke ass student now I will be make 6 figures.

  41. 9 months ago

    I'm 34, and I feel like I have wasted the best years of my life on an university degree I don't care about, working in jobs I had no fun or staying at home when I was jobless and just playing video-games and watching porn all day long, to the despair of my parents. Now I must find a job after not working for more than a year and a half, went in an interview last week, I don't want to say I aced it, because it's not true, but it wasn't catastrophic, I could give out answers that made sense and were not devaluating me. Doesn't mean I'll get the job, and I feel like I will have to start bottom of the barrel jobs, it's going to suck but there nothing I can do at that point.

    The worst I think is that I don't feel like I have wasted these years on my own volition. I always had the feeling like I would not be a day over 25 years old. I don't know why. It feels all so meaningless. Like my time is long gone. When I was younger, say 10 or 11 years old, I once crossed the road. I must admit I was not paying attention, probably thinking about some bullshit, but I did not see the car coming. I somehow narrowly jumped back to avoid the car, but the moment has been since then stuck in my mind, like somebody took a close up black and white picture of the car. I feel like I should have died that day, and through some strange occurring, it did not happen, which made the whole world, or perhaps just mine, go down a strange and bad timeline.

    • 9 months ago

      Few years later, when I was 18, I had to redo a year in school because I failed some tests. Somehow the memories of my life are starting to get muddy at that point. Yes, I finished school, I went to university, but it just feels like I was a passenger to these events. Thinking back on it, I have just little bits of things that happened during these years, but it's all so confuse. I feel like in such a fog, you know like that sensation that you have when you took a nap at the wrong time or it lasted to long, and you wake up completely exploded and feeling even worse than before. It's like somebody was living my life in my place, or like I was on autopilot, and that person or entity fricked up every possible thing they could, and now that there nothing there, I'm left behind like an old toy with which you don't have fun anymore.

      Now I am just here, trying to make sense of things. Sometimes I feel like I'm the smartest person in the world, and other times I feel like I am the worst piece of shit to exist, a waste of organic material, using somebody else's air and water, who is more worthy than me. Other times, I feel like completely empty, except for that hurting in my head, like a black mass that is slowly eating my brain. Sometimes I tell myself I should go and take a hammer to hit my head, creating a hole for that thing to escape.

      Once in a while I go to a bridge not far from my home, and while looking over the rail at the trees and the little river going under it, I tell myself it could be so easy to just put an end to it. Even when I drive with my car, I think about taking off my seatbelt and driving at max speed into a wall or a gas station. But I don't do it, I feel like I havent reached the point yet I guess, it's just some ideas in my mind.

      Everything just feel so hopeless and meaningless right now, so useless. I am useless. I am a waste, a failure.

    • 9 months ago

      Few years later, when I was 18, I had to redo a year in school because I failed some tests. Somehow the memories of my life are starting to get muddy at that point. Yes, I finished school, I went to university, but it just feels like I was a passenger to these events. Thinking back on it, I have just little bits of things that happened during these years, but it's all so confuse. I feel like in such a fog, you know like that sensation that you have when you took a nap at the wrong time or it lasted to long, and you wake up completely exploded and feeling even worse than before. It's like somebody was living my life in my place, or like I was on autopilot, and that person or entity fricked up every possible thing they could, and now that there nothing there, I'm left behind like an old toy with which you don't have fun anymore.

      Now I am just here, trying to make sense of things. Sometimes I feel like I'm the smartest person in the world, and other times I feel like I am the worst piece of shit to exist, a waste of organic material, using somebody else's air and water, who is more worthy than me. Other times, I feel like completely empty, except for that hurting in my head, like a black mass that is slowly eating my brain. Sometimes I tell myself I should go and take a hammer to hit my head, creating a hole for that thing to escape.

      Once in a while I go to a bridge not far from my home, and while looking over the rail at the trees and the little river going under it, I tell myself it could be so easy to just put an end to it. Even when I drive with my car, I think about taking off my seatbelt and driving at max speed into a wall or a gas station. But I don't do it, I feel like I havent reached the point yet I guess, it's just some ideas in my mind.

      Everything just feel so hopeless and meaningless right now, so useless. I am useless. I am a waste, a failure.

      Thanks for sharing.

      • 9 months ago

        I understand that there is no miracle cure to this, it's a sum of things that happened or did not happen and that brought me to this situation. But it does feel good to write it and throw it out, even for a moment.

        Maybe things can get better if I put the effort in, maybe I can feel happiness, a happiness so true that for one second I would be afraid to die. Maybe I should stop expecting things and just improve myself, whatever comes my way shall come my way. It's just feels like there no way to go for the moment, like I am stuck in a thick jungle and I have no machete to cut my way out.

  42. 9 months ago

    Even when I 'fix' everything (get a good routine and goals etc.) I always eventually end up back here, falling back into bad habits and sin.

    What's the point in all this self-improvement shite if I'm just as lonely at the end?

  43. 9 months ago

    It occurred to me an hour ago I’ve been dwelling on my college glory days, which weren’t that great anyhow just better than any other time in my life. And what I realized is that’s the past, it was 6 years ago. It’s gone. It’s memories. What I need to do is focus on a newfound glory, a new rise.

  44. 9 months ago

    >all those morons replying to the clear bait
    here is some advicr: if it makes you feel such strong emotions its bait

  45. 9 months ago

    How would you guys change this? Goal is to be 230lbs within 6 months, 190lbs by July next year.
    6’2” 285lbs plan is
    >walk 2-3 hours a day
    >eat 1500 calories give or take
    >lift twice a week for now, increase to three days over time

    • 9 months ago

      Sounds unsustainable.

      I would aim for 2000kcal (that's probably well under what you're eating at the moment). Do 30 mins cardio 3x a week, and alternate that with 3x lifting sessions. Start both light if you're untrained. Couch to 5k is a great program if you're looking to get into running, or else do something comparable.

  46. 9 months ago

    Chatted to my muse at both training sessions this week (I can call her that, I'm a fair bit older). Sunbeam smile, soft voice, amazonian beauty. Shy. Righted all that was wrong with the week.

    Glass of red, please. Not chilled.

  47. 9 months ago

    Billions must die and I'm tired of pretending they must not.

    • 9 months ago

      What characteristics do these billions share, anon?

  48. 9 months ago

    the bar is quite busy for a friday night. did you all stay in?

    well im sad as shit, i just turned 31 and the difference from last year where i spend my bday with my ex is actually insane.

    • 9 months ago

      I stayed in because everyone fricked up from yesterday.
      >What you want to drink my treat?
      >Im having a corona extra

  49. 9 months ago

    Sick and tired of pretending life isn't complete fricking dogshit at 30 if you haven't made it. There's no turning it around at 30, it's done. No you don't age like fine wine, literally everything in your body is going to shit. Wrinkles add character? like frick they do.

    There's teenagers getting pregnant and you have to watch "charisma on command" youtube videos like people can't immediately see through that bullshit. Other 30yr olds are taking their kids to school and you can't even muster up the courage to talk to a woman. And it doesn't change either. You have to be born with that ability. You just can't be social awkward past the age of 25. Its a red flag.

    Frick the gym too. Any muscle you think you will gain could have been made in 1/3rd of the time in your teens. That's when it really mattered. Yeah having a good body at 30 is great but having it at 18yrs old is better.

    Friends, if you still have them, wont be around that much. If they have kids, you are just a 3rd wheel and a burden.

    "Just travel bro"
    Frick that shit. what? spend thousands to go to a place where no one wants you just so you can get overcharged at a tourist trap? Frick off c**t. Think the locals give a shit about the millionth frickin tourist taking up space?

    Just sick of the lies......

    • 9 months ago

      It’s easy to see life like that and you aren’t wrong in a lot of these.

      But that doesn’t mean you just get to give up. Yeah, you won’t go back to 18s, but life moves onwards and so do you. You always should strive to be the best version of yourself possible, even if you are on your 30s.

      Don’t get focused on goals and comparing yourself to 18 year olds.

      Comparison is the thief of joy.

    • 9 months ago

      just bee yourself

    • 9 months ago

      Bro you have to just do it. Its like grinding in a rpg. You have level 1 approach and talk to women. It doesnt get better if you dont do it. If all the women are rejecting you, you are shooting too high. As a man with a pretty wife who didnt lose his virginity till 26, ugly women arent the end of the world. Looks fade. Every time you see a pretty woman remember some guy is sick of fricking her. An ugly woman is a treasure in the home. If you shoot lower you hold all the power. Theyll know you could leave her and do better. Theyll feel like the luckiest woman in the world.

      Grind your fricking skills mate, stop wallowing. Youre trapped in the mindset of “im broken, there is no hope”. Ill tell you right now, there is. 0% chance of success in that mindset. If you try to be better every day you have a good shot. 1% better a day and youll be 3x a year. In 3 years 1000% better.

      Keep grinding lil guy.

      T. 34 year old, 5’7”, earn 38k a year, pretty wife, modest body (arms shoulders and pecs are good), have a house and a kid.

      I gamed my best years away 12-26 and still made it. I have low charisma.

  50. 9 months ago

    Had a great date with a woman. Laughed together, had a lot in common, stayed till the restaurant closed. Planned a next date.
    Get a message today that she wants to leave it with that. Frick me, i want to know why and at the same time i don't want to know.
    Give me something strong

    • 9 months ago

      do you expect us to give you an awnser to why women are filthy little decieving snakes?
      I honestly think its because women spend time with other women, someone is always on their period, constant drama that is unlike that of men because they are weak and cannot just make someone shut up by physical presence alone, so they resort to lies, deception to get what they want.
      everyone does it, so they do it too, so everyone does it because they do it too

    • 9 months ago

      That sucks anon. You were a Plan B, or she reconciled with her ex, or you successfully validated her, or whatever bullshit machiavellian stuff women do as easily as breathing.

      If the chemistry seemed genuine, it probably was. Take that energy and invest it in a more worthwhile girl. Some females are trash though, sorry bud.

    • 9 months ago

      >have date
      >goes great
      >lean in to kiss her halfway through the date
      >she just exclaims a cute “oh” and leans in to kiss me back
      >start walking to the place we’re going for drinks for 2nd half of date
      >she reaches for my hand
      >walk to place holding hands
      >it’s closed, offer to walk her home then
      >make out outside her apartment building
      >it’s October I suggest she opens the front door so we can kiss some more out of the cold
      >she drags me up to her apartment instead
      >proceed to sex
      >she snuggles up next to me
      >spend the night
      >wake up
      >asks me if I want to do something in the morning before we both head to uni
      >dunno so we just end up watching some show she likes I don’t remember which
      >she’s laying in my arms as we do it
      >exchange numbers and make plans
      >texts me a few days later that she’s just not ready for a serious relationship
      >never hear from her again
      Why the frick are women like this?

      • 9 months ago

        one of the other 6 guys she fricked in the last week looks better than you and is probably more of a chad.

    • 9 months ago

      I did the opposite today, sometimes it just is what it is
      >go on date
      >matched and talked because she seemed odd like me and asked interesting if strange questions
      >finally meet after a couple weeks
      >she's slightly chubbier and speaks with a heavier accent than I expected
      >she still asks strange but interesting questions but now I find them offputting
      >be nice and witty and charming the whole time, exceed all my expectations of myself to be socialable
      >she seems smitten
      >I'm just not
      >message a few hours after date that the spark was missing or whatever
      >she hasn't replied
      I feel depressed now, I thought I could settle for someone slightly below my standards but instead I may have just hurt someone, I don't like this dating thing

      • 9 months ago

        Eh, rejection always hurt. At least you said directly that you didn't feel it. There was no point in making yourself miserable dating a girl because she seems smitten. Are your standards too high? I don't know. I think as long as you have handled the situation without being a jerk, it's okay: the dating world is already cruel as it is.

        • 9 months ago

          thanks for the advice, I tried to handle it as nicely as possible because I know it can be hard for everyone
          >Are your standards too high? I don't know.
          Probably not, I'm tall and white enough to get a decent amount of matches but I was rejecting most of them because of low self esteem and trying to match with girls that took unflattering selfies with no friends because that seems relatable
          these small dates seem to take a huge toll on my psyche, it's only my second one I've followed through on from dating apps, I think I can only manage one every 6 months

          • 9 months ago

            >and trying to match with girls that took unflattering selfies with no friends because that seems relatable

            I understand what you mean, but I don't know if this is a healthy strategy for finding whoever you are looking for. I'm not accusing you of "pity dating" or whatever, but I mean people with low self-esteem and who don't have a healthy social circle can potentially "lie" on their profile to give themselves a chance to even reach the physical date event, and then they hope that they can win you over with their personality.
            Perhaps you should believe in yourself a bit more and explore other matches, ones you would not have considered before because they were "out of your league". It can be very awkward, but it could also work out well.

            >I think I can only manage one every 6 months
            I don't know if it is like a muscle that you can train the more dates you go on, but take your time and do one when you feel ready. There's no need to go if you don't feel in the mood for dating and waste the other person's time as well as yours, making you feel even worse in the process.

            • 9 months ago

              thanks aniki, you're telling me things I should already know but am probably repressing.
              there are plenty of people I know in real life and have good rapport with that I would happily date if they weren't already with someone, that are also better than the type I was seeking on apps.
              I definitely have some strange mental barriers going on.
              how's it going for you then?

              • 9 months ago

                Not bad. Searching for a job currently, went to a few interviews. Started working out to get back in shape, Honestly, just taking the days as they come, and trying to improve myself as much as I can.

              • 9 months ago

                >trying to improve myself as much as I can
                admirable, hope you find a good job soon, tougher than the dating world to get in but at least there's no worrying about hurt feelings for some company

  51. 9 months ago

    I 'tismed out and passed on such an obvious fricking hint. I've been talking to a girl, she told me about a lot of things that bother her, etc. Recently I made her laugh to the point where she was wiping her tears and pretty much immediately after she told me she really wants to get back into running knowing full well that I am known as "the runner" in our program. Then she clarified her wish by saying "If only there was a nice secluded trail for me to run on" knowing very well that I am the "trail runner" in our program.

    Instead of setting up a date, my inner ISTner kicked in and I just couldn't stop thinking "Don't shit where you eat. Don't shit where you eat. Don't shit where you eat". So I told her I'm sure there are nice trails in her area and she stared at me and said "IF ONLY there were trails in my area."

    Bros. I think this place ruined me. A nice jog together doesn't have to be sexual even though she's sexy. "Don't shit where you eat"? You fricking moron it's not like we're fricking right after a run. I just need some female contact.

    We haven't spoken in two days after talking almost daily. Frick this place it's time to touch some grass.

    • 9 months ago

      shes the moron. she sohuldve asked you out. stop being a coomer

    • 9 months ago

      >2 days
      you can be "honest" and tell her you like her and that you "missed the hint"
      or that you drank some shitty ass "sex on the beach" wienertail that gave you food poisoning amd you shit your guts out, and you could go for a run in the next few days
      do you think 2 days is even worth stressing out for? just make up some shit idk
      oh I sprained my ankle like a week ago and dont want to admit it cus its kinda embarrasing seeing as I am the designated rooner at work thats why I am acting dumb, but its better now and I can do a slow run if you still wanna

  52. 9 months ago

    >Corona Extra
    >Know girl for around 10 years
    >Always been into to me I guess
    >tfw 10 years to realize it
    >Go camping
    >Get drunk and loose my mind over her
    >Next morning
    >Some romantic scene from movies
    >tell my bro the deal and tell him if I ever go for it its for "putting the ring"
    >See her last time
    >Teasing me about who I have a crush in front of everyone
    >can't tell
    >We don't judge one another for obvious reasons
    >Vision of her giving birth
    >Thinking about her for past days
    Honestly I let the "heavens decide" and want to see where it will go if it will....
    Just sharing.

  53. 9 months ago

    I am now the airport businessman incel meme. Flying multiple times per week, getting drunk by myself at airport bars

  54. 9 months ago

    Had a rent inspection and the lady said she smelt pot (she aint wrong lol). She said she wouldn't make a note of it but im fricking paranoid now. Why did she have to mention it then? She must have a frickin hounds nose because i had the shit wrapped in 2 massive garbage bags, in a cupboard that i sprayed with odor control disinfectant and put a brand new air freshner in there. SHIT!!!! Im in a legal state but i dont think alot of people actually know its legal here now..

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe she just knows you're a pothead and said it even though she didn't smell shit

    • 9 months ago

      If you smoke it in the appartement/house, then it can still smell, your nose just doesn't pick it up anymore, put people who don't smoke will immediately smell it. And perhaps she did make a note and will keep it to use when the time is right. Trust no one, not even yourself.

      • 9 months ago

        I cleaned the carpets and sprayed the walls with hospital grade disinfectant. The house stunk of chemicals. Hope she aint a snitch. I'm white so i should be okay.

        What the frick is a rent inspection?

        In my state a real estate agent will come once a year to see the condition of the house and check if there needs to be any repairs. A full grown adult making sure another full grown adult is cleaning their room basically.

        • 9 months ago

          >I cleaned the carpets and sprayed the walls with hospital grade disinfectant. The house stunk of chemicals. Hope she aint a snitch. I'm white so i should be okay.

          Or she didn't smell anything and just wanted to see your reaction.

          my doggo was bit by a rattlesnake this afternoon and died an agonizing painful death. the cries i heard from my little dude, i dont think i will ever forget. frick snakes bro. what a shitty fricking day

          I feel sorry for your loss.

    • 9 months ago

      What the frick is a rent inspection?

      • 9 months ago

        It's a visit that the owner does to check if you didn't break anything and if you take good care of the unit you are renting.

    • 9 months ago

      potheads have no idea how much that shit stinks lol

    • 9 months ago

      >She said she wouldn't make a note of it but im fricking paranoid now. Why did she have to mention it then?
      fricking potheads
      >t. ex-pothead
      it's because she knows it might get you in trouble, so she's trying to help you by giving you feedback *without* fricking you over
      >She must have a frickin hounds nose because i had the shit wrapped in 2 massive garbage bags, in a cupboard that i sprayed with odor control disinfectant and put a brand new air freshner in there

      potheads have no idea how much that shit stinks lol

      no, you get habituated to that shit
      I had it in fricking air-tight jars in multiple HDPE bags in a cupboard, and still, when I opened the cupboard I could sense it
      shit stinks
      >SHIT!!!! Im in a legal state but i dont think alot of people actually know its legal here now..
      hm, can you get in trouble?
      in any case, maybe weed is ok for you, but if you're like me, it may be fricking you over without even realizing it. if that's the case and you don't really need it, see if you can stop the cannajew

  55. 9 months ago

    my doggo was bit by a rattlesnake this afternoon and died an agonizing painful death. the cries i heard from my little dude, i dont think i will ever forget. frick snakes bro. what a shitty fricking day

    • 9 months ago


  56. 9 months ago

    I wasted the last 3 years (I'm 19) of my life with online strangers being my only social outlet. Feels like I missed out on the best years of my life.

    • 9 months ago

      you're still figuring things out, you will be for the rest of your days and you will probably never *get it*, but don't lose your spark, this is just the start, you haven't wasted those 3 years, everything is an expierience

  57. 9 months ago

    I came back home because of fall break and hear the news that my grandmother is only given 3-6 months to live from bile duct cancer. I don’t even know how to process this

    • 9 months ago

      You don't have to process this all at once. It will happen over time.
      What you can do is interact alot with her. Create memories. Ask her things about when she was young, how she perceived the world, about her parents, her grandparents anything that she wants to talk about. Record her if you can, take pictures. If you accomplish one of her dreams, even if it is silly, do it. Just use the time with her wisely.

    • 9 months ago

      damn that must be hard being the unlucky 0.5% of people that has grandparents pass away

      I wasted the last 3 years (I'm 19) of my life with online strangers being my only social outlet. Feels like I missed out on the best years of my life.

      well you are 19, the best years of your life will always be behind you at this point, like if your 30 your best years will be behind you
      17-19 is nothing, grow up

      • 9 months ago

        Frick off you moron Black person. She was a second mom to me. I’m sorry you’re too much of a subhuman for your own family to treat you like a human

        You don't have to process this all at once. It will happen over time.
        What you can do is interact alot with her. Create memories. Ask her things about when she was young, how she perceived the world, about her parents, her grandparents anything that she wants to talk about. Record her if you can, take pictures. If you accomplish one of her dreams, even if it is silly, do it. Just use the time with her wisely.

        I’m spending a lot of time with her now. Me and her are really close and this hurts more than anything

        • 9 months ago

          >uses racial slurs
          >calls other subhuman
          Your grandmother would be ashamed

        • 9 months ago

          >She was a second mom to me
          oh so you counting her as hugging the flowers from now?
          you dont know anything about me
          I spent 3 years of my life visiting my grandma atleast 2 times a week, because noone gave 2 shits about her, I arranged food to be delivered to her every day, I brought her food on the weekends, I bought her medicene, I only didnt wash her and her sheets (she would spend most of her time on the bed due to old broken bones). I was her only joy in life, after I couldnt bear my grandfather wither away I decided I would stay with grandma till the end, and I did. at the end it was very bad, going once a day to try to feed her and make her take her pills, explaining to her every day what happened, because she only remembers very little and even explaining who I am, toilet stuff, etc
          it wasnt pretty but I was there for her till the end, you should take comfort in knowing you wont reach that

  58. 9 months ago

    i'm going to floss, brush teeth and go to bed

    • 9 months ago

      oh also pee

  59. 9 months ago

    Sometimes I read through the posts here and fantasize about a lonely anon rescuing me from my NEETdom.

    • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      So do I anon, like a mentor suddenly showing up in my life. Unrelated, but is the person in your picture melting? Does she have lewd thoughts about horses?

    • 9 months ago

      kys troony

  60. 9 months ago

    Making a Hinge account this weekend. Will not like any girl that has kids. Will not like any girl who doesn't want kids. Won't like any obese girls or girls of a different race than me. If she looks like an instathot I'm clicking the X as well. I know the kind of girl that I want and I won't settle.

    • 9 months ago

      Oh yeah and dog in her pictures and "love to travel" are both rejection criteria for me.

  61. 9 months ago

    Made a thread earlier in the week about premature ejaculation. Wanked two times before the gf got home yesterday and then fricked her really good before we went to bed and again in the morning. Feels good but my penis is sore

  62. 9 months ago

    I need a job and career path in life. Something to work towards. I'm at the end of my rope bros.

    • 9 months ago

      Healthcare, brah. So many different fields you can go into and you'll be guaranteed a job forever. And many qt coworkers.
      t. RN

      • 9 months ago

        Like what? I've heard some of that is going away because muh AI. I don't have enough time or interest for medical school. I dunno I need to do some research or something. I must leave advertising industry, it's killing my soul.

        • 9 months ago

          What do you do in advertising.

          • 9 months ago

            I burnt out during covid but I formerly worked in design and then I worked as an assistant creative director.

        • 9 months ago

          I actually recommend to many people to not go for MD, unless you really really want to be a surgeon. Outside of that I, and most peers that I've talked to about it, trust DOs and Nurse Practitioners more. MDs jump way too quickly to pill-pushing imo. Respiratory therapists have cool jobs. RNs can work any specialty in any city and have opportunities for travel contracts. They can find work in very small towns too. Radiology tech is a neat job, nice and task-oriented. Do not work as a paramedic or EMT.

          • 9 months ago

            Like what? I've heard some of that is going away because muh AI. I don't have enough time or interest for medical school. I dunno I need to do some research or something. I must leave advertising industry, it's killing my soul.

            Don’t do healthcare unless you have your own true deep rooted passion. The only viable careers are travel nurse, surgeon, physician assistant (purely because you can get into cool and obscure types of clinics and finish school quicker than a normal physician while still making good money), or maybe some specialty like respiratory therapist.
            Medicine will wear you down faster than anything and most jobs don’t really pay well considering the type of work you do.
            My buddy was a firefighter medic making under $45k to watch people die, deal with violent junkies and fats, for example. Dude had 20 days off a month and had to spend them working a second job to make ends meet.

            • 9 months ago

              >The only viable careers
              This is essentially my problem. I have no idea what to do. My confidence is shot after bad experiences and accumulated stress over the years so I can't even trust my own judgment about what I'm good at anymore.

              Analytical, good visual sense, reasonably decent at writing, quick study understanding new tech and concepts.

              • 9 months ago

                Honestly man I would look hard into a few various things but look into trades. Find the easiest trade that’s not going to destroy your body and have a game plan to switch to a better job as soon as possible.. that way you get a livable wage relatively quick, OT if you want it, and can learn a skill that you’ll have in your back pocket for life should you be desperate for work. But unless you get in and enjoy it I would plan to have figured something else out.

                That’s what I’m trying for, electrician apprenticeship. I’m similar to you so many experiences in life and work have shot what little confidence I had going into my 20s. I only know I focus better with my hands than other shit and that once I physically do something enough I git gud.

              • 9 months ago

                I'd like to learn basic handyman shit. I know that. Because at minimum that will be useful if I'm ever able to buy a house.

              • 9 months ago

                >I have no idea what to do. My confidence is shot after bad experiences and accumulated stress over the years so I can't even trust my own judgment about what I'm good at anymore.
                >verificatino not required

            • 9 months ago

              That's why I said don't work as a paramedic lol, shit fricking sucked. Local government pays ASS. But I'm a nurse now and it's a bajillion times better.

          • 9 months ago

            >RNs can work any specialty in any city and have opportunities for travel contracts
            really sounds great, as long as I can avoid the shit I don't want (shit hours, unnecessary stress, QoL-fricking long-term injuries, etc)

  63. 9 months ago

    I unintentionally “flirted” with a girl again despite gf
    >at work, not gonna say what but I interact with customers alot
    >two cute girls ask for help
    >tell them the bla bla
    >the cuter of the two is smiling nervously at me the entire time
    >they thank me for the help and tell me they’ll be back some other day to do thing we talked about and turn to leave
    >qt lingers for a second longer than her friend smiling and waving thanks and bye
    >smile back and say see you then
    >qt turns around and looks at me again and smiles
    God damnit bros I have a gf why do the cutest women around always do this shit to me when I’m unable to pursue. My gf is a qt too but anyone who’s been in a relationship knows what it’s like.

    • 9 months ago

      i feel you, sort of.
      i live in a town where everyone is fricking everyone else. my wife expects monogamy - fair enough, she's my wife, and i didn't marry her with the intention of being unfaithful - but affairs are as common as oxygen out here because most people are basically peasants. i expect it from people my age and younger, but late 30s, 40s and even early 50s coworkers make subtle and sometimes not so subtle passes at me. i dont go to the bars much with my friends because alcohol lowers my inhibitions and i was a manprostitute before i met my wife. shes a good girl, shes very attractive, she can go toe to toe with my mother in the kitchen, all that jazz.. but her sex drive is shit. we frick once a week, sometimes once every other week, and its tiresome because its mostly her being ignorant in my opinion. i am unironically very attractive and she confides in me all the time that shes terrified i'm going to find someone else and leave her all alone. i am the hot one in the relationship according to her. okay, fine, then put out more, i shouldn't have to jerk it so often when i'm married. you get the same dick forever, i get the same pussy forever, but if you dont want me to start thinking about going out to the bars and turning the small bits of validation i get from older women into a marriage ending affair.. then fricking put out you stupid c**t. or be done with it and walk away, and i'll go back to swimming in ass.

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        >her sex drive is shit. we frick once a week, sometimes once every other week,
        standard questions:
        is she on the pill
        is she on any pills
        is she working out
        is she eating shit, or something more mediterranean-y
        does she have IBS
        does she have headaches
        does she have insecurities n shit
        was her sex drive higher before

    • 9 months ago

      is natural, as a man if you're in a relationship you're more attractive, the more attractive your gf, the more too. just like customer reviews
      >unintentionally flirted
      you can even intentionally flirt, as long as it's for fun, they know it ain't going anywhere since gf, and it's in a way that ain't hurting your gf even if she's right there - compare guys showing off their gf/wife

  64. 9 months ago

    > water as always

    I love my family, and if something happens to them I would miss them forever..

    That being said they reeeeeally are holding me back bros. I'm thinking of cutting ties at least for a month.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm thinking of cutting ties forever. They are a net negative to my life and will never change.

      • 9 months ago

        You are probably young, dude. Touch grass. And I'm not saying it like an insult.

        Go outside and face the world. How cold and shitty the world and it's people can be.
        Only there you will find why family matters so much.

        • 9 months ago

          >You are probably young, dude
          I'm not. I've eaten shit because of them my entire life and even despite that, invested time and energy trying to point them in the right direction. You reach a breaking point and not only is my love gone, there's a lot of built up resentment because it's impossible to dissipate it.

          • 9 months ago

            I believe you then. Good luck anon. Try to be more that this, even if it feels monstrously unfair.

  65. 9 months ago

    Been having dreams about my ex everyday for the past two weeks, gym doesn't give me the same relief as it did anymore, not even back day. Fricked a half year long recruitment process to become an atc controller due to overconfidence of all things. Winter is coming and i don't know how many "it is what it is" I've got left in me, bros. I feel like I am the definition of unfullfiled potential.

  66. 9 months ago

    take a two week grind from the gym and all the sudden you're a weak little b***h

    hurts mane.

  67. 9 months ago

    I wish I wasn't born. My parents deserved a better son.
    I'm not some druggie or a NEET, I'm just a painfully average loner. I can't an hero because I don't want to imagine the pain they'll go thorough. I just need to get married and have a kid so they'll be satisfied, then live my life until I die. It sucks that I'm one of the two males in the family line; with the other being a nonfunctional alcoholic who lives with my uncle. Hey B, if you see this, get your shit together homosexual. If I can cope without needing a drink you can too.

    • 9 months ago

      How old is your brother? I identify with your post though except I've tried my entire life to be a good son/brother/whatever and fit in and whatever but I just had a shit hand of cards. You can only carry so much on your shoulders.

      • 9 months ago

        He's my cousin, and he's about 30.
        They tried an intervention on him multiple times but it failed. Apparently they've just given up on him and are waiting for him to die of a bad liver.

        • 9 months ago

          >He's my cousin, and he's about 30.
          Oh ok. My brother was an alcoholic for a long time and while I'm happy he's alive and recovering, he fricked his brain up good and it's strained our relationship considerably. I have nothing in common with him and he does what all stupid people do which is be oblivious about the world around them. I would recommend talking to him like a human being and try to have a heart to heart. All addicts are different but I've heard interventions rarely work. But the clock is ticking for him. My advice would be to go to AA, rehab, and busy himself with small tasks and jobs while he's in the recovery process. But at the end of the day, he's gotta want it. Hope he turns it around anon.

    • 9 months ago

      Hey man you have one shot at life in an empty universe. You get 80 years to experience the tiniest fraction of time in a species that might be extinct in 100 years or might go on to the end of time. You don’t owe your life path to your parents and if they’re decent parents then you being happy is more important than their goals for you. My dad wanted me to be successful and well off, I hated him for it as a teenager and we had a bad relationship, when I started doing what I like and made a manageable living off of it and he saw that I was passionate and content he got invested in that too and we now have a great relationship in my late 20s

  68. 9 months ago

    Will we ever be so fricking back?

    • 9 months ago

      I think it's important to remember that you can never get to we're back without being over first.

      • 9 months ago

        what if you think you've been over it for some time but then it comes back when you least expect it?

  69. 9 months ago
    **Day 06: Success**

    **Day 06: Success**
    Another day without porn. I spent most of the day with my family, enjoying a picnic with some friends. Even when we came back home at 8 pm, I managed to spend two hours exercising while listening to a course about investing in dividend stocks. Now, I'm finishing the script for the YouTube video I plan to record tomorrow. I'm also searching for some copyright-free music to include in the video and printing some coloring pages for the kids.
    I also weighed myself, and I'm at 74 kg (180 cm in height). I started cutting four months ago, and I've lost 7 kg. It's the lowest body fat percentage I've had in years. I feel great. Have a nice weekend.

    • 9 months ago

      >porn addict
      >retire early gay
      >HAS KIDS
      The schizo level of this board is beyond belief

  70. 9 months ago

    How do I stop thinking about her bros?

    • 9 months ago

      Easiest way is tho get a new one, tis a treacherous way though. Time heals all wounds my friend, and remember, you were born on your own, you live on your own and you will die on your own.

      • 9 months ago

        She's actually she first girl I've had anything real with since my last heart break. Trying to get back out there but the more I do the more I see how there isn't much good. I get that it's my life ultimately but sometimes it just hits out of no where.

        • 9 months ago

          While there isn't much good there, there is still some left, even if the other sex is so different and we're unable to understand each other and surely never will be. Maybe one day you will meet the one, maybe you won't. Best you can do is just be ready, be the guy you'd want your daughter to go out with and maybe, just maybe you will get lucky and if you won't. It is only a part of this silly thing we call life, it is not everything.

  71. 9 months ago

    frick the trolls

  72. 9 months ago

    Whiskey please.
    >Get new job managing bar.
    >ex staff who nearby and keeps showing up to chat around.
    >Co-worker coming to grab me spots her chatting and goes wide eyed and 360's away.
    >First mire from a girl in forever, she calls me muscles.
    >Staff suggest she likes me, bro says she's my type anyway.
    >Ask for her number.
    >She's flattered but turns out she has a boyfriend.
    Feel's like I'm running out of time or I should just an hero. I'm just tired of it all bros. Getting grey hairs now, but can still pass for mid 20s. Fricked up every opportunity for a decade now.
    I know I'm getting better every day but feels like the clock is running out.

    • 9 months ago

      >job managing bar
      Couldn't pay me enough to suffer dealing with alcoholics for my career. Think that might be a source of a couple of your gray hairs?

      • 9 months ago

        Nah the grey hairs are just age. Had them just before going back to bar shit after like eight years. Used to work in the movie industry.

  73. 9 months ago

    Anybody just "bored of life"? Is it just depression?

    • 9 months ago

      I'm not bored of life. I'm really tired of being stuck and stagnating. I want to live. I want to travel. I want to enjoy life. But I don't know how.

    • 9 months ago

      I think they can be separate things. Idk I'm 36 and I feel like I've done most of the important stuff. I went to good schools, got graduate degrees, became a drug dealer and made a few million and put it into Bitcoin. Traveled all around the world, climbed some big mountains. Now I'm married with two kids and things are great, but at the same time almost everything is boring as shit. It's not bad and I'm not really sad, it's just my expectations for almost any experience are just so low because I'm so bored. I've been to the far reaches of the earth, have dined in the finest restaurants, read good books and seen good movies and conversed with the best and brightest of our time. At this point new events generally just feel like repetitions of everything I've already seen play out a dozen times before.

      Which again is fine, but I basically have little real captivation in almost anything. Things are only good for what they are. That's fine I guess.

      I think I'll buy a farm soon and build it up for a comfy life. Maybe it'll be helpful if things go to poop but if they don't it'll still be a wholesome opportunity

    • 9 months ago

      literally me rn. this world just aint interesting anymore. whats the point of living?

    • 9 months ago

      I get that. It just feels like I'm going through the motions. Nothing is really interesting anymore

  74. 9 months ago

    College is a total meme and a complete waste of time. I wish my parents didn't push me into it straight out of high school. Now I'm stuck majoring for a degree I don't even like and it won't get me any jobs since Computer Science is a fricked field. I still have a year left to go but I really just want to be done with it.

  75. 9 months ago

    No will or motivation left. Not even the gym helps, nor any positive or negative coping skills. Quite literally just numb to everything.
    Worst part is this isn't the first time this happens.

  76. 9 months ago

    I tested positive for lupus, not just the ANA but also for anti-sm antibodies which are 95 percent specific for lupus. My daughter has some autoimmune arthritis but thankfully her lupus antibodies were negative. I watched her rheumatologist’s face sink when I told him about my test results, he sounded really worried for me. Gotta wait a month to see my own rheumatologist. I don’t want lupus bros I want to be healthy the rest of my life. This is fricking terrifying. I’m not just some guy freaking out I’m a physician assistant so I generally know what I’m talking about here.

    • 9 months ago

      Auto-Immune diseases suck. I probably have one but currently it's still in its latent phase. When I was in high school I had quarter sized nodules all over my lungs but with no illness otherwise so they assumed I had sarcoidosis. Couple weeks later when I saw the rheumatologist they all went away though. Had inflammation of my eye recently causing intense headaches which is probably a sign of auto-immune but it too went away. Lupus is a bit more persistent though.

  77. 9 months ago

    I haven’t left my house in 6 months. There’s a whole world going on out there that I’m not a part of.

    The only time people talk to me is if they need something and I’m tired of it. Took two weeks off work so people would stop asking me to do shit they should be able to do themselves. “Friend” who hasn’t asked me to hang out in months randomly asked me if I was busy today and if I could come witness his shotgun marriage. I said no.

    At least I managed to secure professional qualifications and a good income prior to becoming a shut-in. I hate society so much it’s insane.

  78. 9 months ago

    just some water for me
    I remember reading an escorts AMA long time ago, and what stuck with since then is how she said many of her clients don't want sex, they just want a date/companionship
    At the time I thought this was really stupid,

    Now being older, I understand, I sadly understand

  79. 9 months ago

    Do you need to compensate with wealth if you're an ugly man, when it comes to getting getting girls/a girlfriend?
    Is money/wealth more important than your personality, charisma?
    How's any girl or woman suppose to like or even want a man who doesn't have perfect teeth and has an ugly face?
    Is "being yourself" just a saying to make guys like this feel better about themselves?

    • 9 months ago

      A man being rich is comparable to a woman being pretty. It’s not the only thing that matters but it’s a game changer

      • 9 months ago

        >A man being rich is comparable to a woman being pretty. It’s not the only thing that matters but it’s a game changer
        Right, so is chasing wealth and ignoring girls what I should do due to being ugly like I described in my first comment.
        Will this lead to eventually and only attracting golddiggers or will this help attract decent girls too?

        • 9 months ago

          It will attract decent girls too depending on your definition. In my opinion there’s nothing wrong with dating someone because they’re rich, I think it’s possible to love the person too, but you might see them all as gold diggers.

          Chasing wealth is the right thing to do depending on your life philosophy, in my opinion chasing wealth is a good place to start.

        • 9 months ago

          >Should've added a question mark, instead of a dot in my first sentence.

  80. 9 months ago

    >20 years old
    >3rd year in college
    >still a kissless virgin
    This has to change sometime soon. It’s possible, right? I’ve tried talking to a few girls to no avail. At this point I’m 2/3 through my college career. I do still have a chance, right guys?

    >regardless of your thoughts i must persevere and not continue to be a moronic homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      College will be brutal unless you're in top shape and very sociable. Focus on your education. You are 20 which is basically a baby.

  81. 9 months ago

    Busy freaking weak on top of being sick as can be at the start
    Can finally just relax and do nothing tonight
    Got a date with my ex tomorrow just hanging out
    Don't know how that'll go. We're both still crazy about each other, we're both a little less jackasses these days, she still has certain qualities I just don't like.
    But it doesn't have to be perfect, trying to look at it as just a date and go from there

  82. 9 months ago

    >working remotely in another country, my evenings Mon-Fri are all devoted to work
    >also volunteer internships with two different organizations here
    >also taking law courses
    >also learning the language
    >through all this, I’m supposed to maintain gains and a social life
    I’m truly happy to be doing what I’m doing but frick me man the workload is exhausting sometimes

  83. 9 months ago

    I know I just miss the space she filled in my life and that our relationship just didn't have the mettle to go further but it doesn't stop me from sometimes feeling undesirable after it's over

  84. 9 months ago

    I hate everything about my life. I want to change all of it. I feel nothing.

  85. 9 months ago

    I’ve had a very mentally draining year.
    I wanted to dedicate this year to making friends and meeting more ppl that live in walking distance and it’s been kind of a dumpster fire, nutjob girl accused me of stalking her, I keep getting turned down or flaked on by everyone I try to hang out with, of the three ppl that I did befriend 2 moved out of state and one decided she couldn’t be friends with me because I’m a guy (I think she got feelings and I didn’t want to date her). Worst of all my car got fricked up and I haven’t been able to hit the gym for 3 months, so I haven’t lost anymore weight and I feel deflated. It’s all so tiresome. There’s a few ppl that If I run into them today I’m going to ask them out, wish me luck fellas. If I strike out anymore I’m going to turn into John cena

  86. 9 months ago

    Struggling to not be in a negative depressive state all the time. Moved in with my GF and her grandma a few months ago after going solo all of these years. Haven't felt the same after a bad shroom trip in the house a few months back. I know I need to get out of this cursed house asap, but its looking more likely my relationship has also run its course. I see the only solution as living alone with or without her. Constantly wishing I could go back to a less stressful single care free kind of life, this time banging some quality snatch before I get too old at 28. I love this girl kind of like a daughter (first relationship), but even after 2.5years talking to her is a bit of chore. Sometime I feel like a single dad in the relationship.

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