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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago


    Having surgery in a couple of months, really happy

    • 9 months ago

      Im getting gyno surgery in a few months, can't wait

      • 9 months ago

        Why is gyno so common in Americans? Serious question.

        • 9 months ago

          Because they're fat.

    • 9 months ago

      surgery for waht?

  2. 9 months ago

    Frick Black folk

  3. 9 months ago

    Another week of improoooving
    Another weekend without a woman

    Oh well, life is okay for now. That's more than i ever thought possible just a few months ago.

    How are you guys? Barkeep?

    • 9 months ago

      I'm doing okay. Doing a bit of writing and balancing that out with the gym.

  4. 9 months ago

    A glass of water.

    Injured again. Won‘t be lifting for two weeks probably. Might go for a smolov jr bench cycle.

    Has anyone here done smolov jr for bench?

    • 9 months ago

      Water for me too, tbh. Bro... I'm with you. Not the end of the world, but I injured my arm. I think it's the 'brachii tendon' or something like that, i saw a athlean x video earlier and he perfectly described what I was experiencing.

      I tried everything @ the gym and can do everything except pull ups, and bicep curls. It hurts when I rotate my wrist. I could still do chin ups & close-grip pull downs which I'm goin to do for biceps til I heal up.

      Really sucks though because last time I had a similar injury it was a good 6 months until it was fully healed 🙁

  5. 9 months ago

    >How are you spending it?
    I did lawn work and am now going to get drunk.

  6. 9 months ago

    >ex was insanely hot giga stacy
    >literal model tier
    >had the trappings however, entitled and b***hy personality
    >had cheated on her ex before me, used to work prostitute jobs like bottle girl or hostess at fancy restaurants for wall street dudes
    >broke up because she was kinda mean and couldn't trust her
    >have since dated a bunch of decent looking normal girls
    >can't bring myself to commit because I had a taste of 10/10 and just cannot be happy fricking a 6 or 7 anymore
    how do I get over this

    • 9 months ago

      you’re missing a cheating literal prostitute. just think about it logically.

      • 9 months ago

        It's not that I miss her, I always knew she was never wife material. It's that I can't feel attracted to average looking girls anymore. Feels shitty because my looks are probably a 7 but once you've fricked a 10 you can't just go back.

        • 9 months ago

          so keep trying for an attractive woman with better values

    • 9 months ago

      You need spiritual gains anon. There’s more to life than the physical.

    • 9 months ago

      Im in the exact same predicament anon. Ex from 2 years ago was literal model, when i was with her i felt like a king. We break up and after that i desperately search for the same feeling she gave me. She was my 3rd girlfriend at 23 and after her Ive gone with 14 more girls trying to find that same feeling. None of them gave it to me. I think im broken.

    • 9 months ago

      Im in the exact same predicament anon. Ex from 2 years ago was literal model, when i was with her i felt like a king. We break up and after that i desperately search for the same feeling she gave me. She was my 3rd girlfriend at 23 and after her Ive gone with 14 more girls trying to find that same feeling. None of them gave it to me. I think im broken.

      Uncanny, same shit. I’ve b***hed and moaned about this ex for like 6 months straight in these threads after the break up so you may recognize this but
      >hottest b***h I’ve ever been with, model tier
      >tightest prettiest pussy you can imagine
      >had worked various… concerning… jobs
      >bitchy entitled personality, she even admitted her father spoiled her rotten, had clearly never been told no, whole reason she chased me is I rejected her initially which just wasn’t the norm for her
      >couldn’t trust her, she even flat out threatened to cheat on me which is what ended it
      Now if a girl doesn’t have that same exact body build and a pussy like hers, like so tight I have to spend serious time working up to fully penetrating her, I don’t even want it. It’s made me picky. I can compromise a bit, like fine roast beef labia hanging out pussy okay fine as long as she’s that 10/10 model type and tight. She was so fricking hot and yet her personality ruined it. It could have been her. For fricks sake she was so close to being “the one” if she wasn’t so entitled, b***hy, and mean, and what I suspect to be narcissistic (not to throw that around like it is these days). She just had to be capable of compromise and respecting boundaries, not laughing in my face if I set them and demanding I apologize for having an issue with something she did, daring to imply she was capable of faults.

  7. 9 months ago

    Leg day, then try to find hot single chicks somewhere that doesn't involve poison or satanism... in Portland... probably impossible, but gonna try anyway.

  8. 9 months ago

    Cant get high sex drive, feels bad man..
    I have multiple b***hes waiting for a call and here I am sitting home by myself because I dont feel it. Any advice from anons who were at the same spot once?

    • 9 months ago

      Go to a urologist/andrologist doctor. It helped me

  9. 9 months ago

    Life just doesn't feel real anymore, man. After getting home from college, I think about the people I interacted with and just find it hard to believe that all our interactions actually took place. "Did I really talk to these people today?" What are they doing now? Are they still alive? Sometimes I don't really feel alive. It feels like all the people I interact with are part of the same world and I'm just there from time to time. It feels like I leave their world every time I arrive home. I've been trying hard to improooove for years in every way I could. I'd like to be more like the people I see at college or at other places. Feels like they know something that I don't. They don't have it all together or anything but it's like they never question their existence. I need to confirm to myself that I'm alive by doing stuff. Like working out or playing chess or whatever. Whenever I am part of a conversation I must say something too because if I don't it's like I'm not present. I want to be like other people my age and be part of groups and have relationships and have nice experiences but I'm mostly alone. Even though I want to belong, I also want to frick off in the woods or just fade away. I sometimes feel like the last 5 years haven't been real. That I am in some kind of simulation and I need to do something in order to escape it and return to the real world. It's like part of my soul has faded 5 years ago and now I'm just trying my best to be alive without much success. It's all so tiresome. I'll go to sleep in around 2 hours and wake up tomorrow and I will feel normal and go to college. Then I will come home and work out and maybe work on some college stuff. But at night I might feel like this again. It's really a loop. Maybe one day things will change

    • 9 months ago

      >I don't feel like I exist when other people aren't noticing me
      What are you, a woman? Lmao

      • 9 months ago

        No but I think I'm experiencing some kind of depersonalization or derealization episode. Probably both

        • 9 months ago

          A body-scan/open focus meditation practice resolved this completely for me.

    • 9 months ago

      >trying to improve for years
      >somehow hasn't managed it

      It's really not that hard. If you wanted to do it you would have done it by now. Try actually being honest with yourself and see how you get on. I guarantee you'll drop all this pretentious slop about
      >bro what even is this life?!
      Are you even reading this back?

      This is the type of self indulgent faux deep drivel you write when you have no real problems but you really wish you did.

    • 9 months ago

      Water, with apple cider vinegar.
      Going okay. I took an aptitude test for a coding bootcamp. I already have a degree in business but if that doesn't pan out, I'll finally give trade school a shot. I always thought automotive engines, electronics, etc. were interesting, anyway.

      I'm also the quitter-boxer anon. I'm giving myself tomorrow as my last chance to come back. If I don't it's over for me.

      Do you journal at all? That helps me recall past events that day to ground me. Art also helps reignite the spark for life that you may have lost years ago.

      Instead of fricking off in the woods, try hiking with your friends - it's good to get away from screens and unironically touch grass.

    • 9 months ago

      know the feeling bro. i keep on improooving and eventually it’s all going to make sense and click, i hope.

    • 9 months ago

      I feel exactly the same and I'm in university aswell. What I want most is to be content with myself, that way I won't care as much about what people think or want of me. Mabye if I stop trying to fullfill what I think people expect of me I will become a more approachable and likeable person. Or mabye I'm just inherently unlikeable, either way I would be better off by putting my own needs first. Mabye you would, too.

    • 9 months ago

      I bet you show underboob on the tiktoks

  10. 9 months ago

    I somehow got a date with a really cute girl tonight after a King Cobra tier dry spell. I'm excited bros. I've abandoned the no-strap mentality on heavy pulls in favor of training grip specifically and seperately. I'm significantly stronger than I realized. WAGMI

  11. 9 months ago

    Oh man I cannot take this shit bros. After years of fricked sleep I’ve come so far just to lose it anyways. I’ve tried everything there is to try. A month ago I fixed my sleep to where I’m actually getting a genuine 7/8 hours. I was getting up before 6am, usually around 4-5am. Some days I would wake before my alarms. And when I woke up I was just up. That’s how I need it to be, open my eyes, out of bed within 5 minutes, cold shower, exercise, start being productive. That type of sleep schedule is what helped me lose over 100lbs, go from weak struggling with the bar to upper intermediate strength level, F student to all As. It was going great this past month.
    Then while going to sleep 5 days ago I started choking on air the second I fell asleep. Turned into my side. Woke up 8 hours later feeling like crap again like I have before this month of good sleep. Happened again every night since. Idk why it stopped happening. I literally feel like shit. I feel like I have a really bad hangover even though I haven’t touched alcohol since I was 21. Head & sinus pressure/congestion, slight headache, groggy and fatigued feeling like I just woke up seconds ago all day, can barely focus, feel like I’m in a haze, body a little sore.
    >sleep apnea
    I really don’t know man. Why would I have had a few weeks where it seemingly vanished? Why did it just come back randomly?

    I cannot take this bros. I’m probably not even describing how bad it is, but trust me it’s bad.

    Anyways I’m other news I feel like I’ve gotten to a point in which I can unfrick my life, mentally speaking. I just need to resolve this sleep thing to reach my full potential and be able to work as hard as I know I’m capable of. With this problem I’m operating at 15% of what I could be.

    • 9 months ago

      The sleep battle continues. Woke up early today, non of this bullshit but I really wish I knew exactly what the variable(s) here are. I think it has to do with my head position, however it seems hit or miss, like my head has to be in a very specific position with my pillow being a specific way and if it’s even slightly off then it’s all over. I’m mid work out. Hitting curls, lu raises, and chest

  12. 9 months ago

    >requested to follow the J-cup qtie back in University on IG
    >few hours ago
    >she has not accepted

    • 9 months ago

      Same except
      >the huge assed Mediterranean b***h who sat in front of me in 11th grad trig and always wore those “juicy” sweats and skin tight see through spandex
      Picrel… got a few gems of her saved but I want more… I actually ran into her during college and approached her and didn’t realize what I had done until we were mid convo then I got stuck in my head and ended the convo. She was definitely into it now that I’d transformed and looked good, oh well
      >the random built for breeding nurse I found off tiktok who lives across the country
      Idk why she won’t accept my follow she has thousands of followers whats it to her if I wanna beat off to her pics
      >the HUMONGOUS booty but natural huge ass dominicana b***h I found through the fat asses Mediterranean b***hes facebook, if I posted it you’d lose your shit. It’s not even a BBL it’s just naturally like that

  13. 9 months ago

    Another week gone by
    Another week of misery and endless suicidal thoughts and desires
    Another week of zero life development
    Another week of reading this site and seeing how successful everyone is and getting more despondent

    I am incapable of taking care of myself despite being over 30 years old. Literally every single week it’s the same thing and I’m completely frozen on how to fix anything. I’m completely irredeemable. Suicide is my only option.

    • 9 months ago

      >Suicide is my only option
      You know, sometimes is okay to give up. People may blame you but I dont. You tried your best

      Oh man I cannot take this shit bros. After years of fricked sleep I’ve come so far just to lose it anyways. I’ve tried everything there is to try. A month ago I fixed my sleep to where I’m actually getting a genuine 7/8 hours. I was getting up before 6am, usually around 4-5am. Some days I would wake before my alarms. And when I woke up I was just up. That’s how I need it to be, open my eyes, out of bed within 5 minutes, cold shower, exercise, start being productive. That type of sleep schedule is what helped me lose over 100lbs, go from weak struggling with the bar to upper intermediate strength level, F student to all As. It was going great this past month.
      Then while going to sleep 5 days ago I started choking on air the second I fell asleep. Turned into my side. Woke up 8 hours later feeling like crap again like I have before this month of good sleep. Happened again every night since. Idk why it stopped happening. I literally feel like shit. I feel like I have a really bad hangover even though I haven’t touched alcohol since I was 21. Head & sinus pressure/congestion, slight headache, groggy and fatigued feeling like I just woke up seconds ago all day, can barely focus, feel like I’m in a haze, body a little sore.
      >sleep apnea
      I really don’t know man. Why would I have had a few weeks where it seemingly vanished? Why did it just come back randomly?

      I cannot take this bros. I’m probably not even describing how bad it is, but trust me it’s bad.

      Anyways I’m other news I feel like I’ve gotten to a point in which I can unfrick my life, mentally speaking. I just need to resolve this sleep thing to reach my full potential and be able to work as hard as I know I’m capable of. With this problem I’m operating at 15% of what I could be.

      What do doctors think about this?

      Life just doesn't feel real anymore, man. After getting home from college, I think about the people I interacted with and just find it hard to believe that all our interactions actually took place. "Did I really talk to these people today?" What are they doing now? Are they still alive? Sometimes I don't really feel alive. It feels like all the people I interact with are part of the same world and I'm just there from time to time. It feels like I leave their world every time I arrive home. I've been trying hard to improooove for years in every way I could. I'd like to be more like the people I see at college or at other places. Feels like they know something that I don't. They don't have it all together or anything but it's like they never question their existence. I need to confirm to myself that I'm alive by doing stuff. Like working out or playing chess or whatever. Whenever I am part of a conversation I must say something too because if I don't it's like I'm not present. I want to be like other people my age and be part of groups and have relationships and have nice experiences but I'm mostly alone. Even though I want to belong, I also want to frick off in the woods or just fade away. I sometimes feel like the last 5 years haven't been real. That I am in some kind of simulation and I need to do something in order to escape it and return to the real world. It's like part of my soul has faded 5 years ago and now I'm just trying my best to be alive without much success. It's all so tiresome. I'll go to sleep in around 2 hours and wake up tomorrow and I will feel normal and go to college. Then I will come home and work out and maybe work on some college stuff. But at night I might feel like this again. It's really a loop. Maybe one day things will change

      I felt like you when I was an hermit and didnt come out of the house. I would say that the feeling will go away once you get a hold of life. Go hiking, this will help you. Maby think about adopting a dog, it will help you come back to reality

  14. 9 months ago

    Halfway through a big fever, might be Rona round 2, dunno. Got me thinking weird though, so maybe this is dumb, doesn't make sense or just plain nobody asked but here goes:
    Whenever you get sad about bad memories from the past, don't insert in and identify with the sadness.

    Imagine your past self in pain, and present-day you giving that little dyel gay a big hug and telling him how much better things are going to be, that he doesn't even know it.

    I did this by accident recently and it's really made me immune to spiralling about my shitty childhood, practically fixed me overnight.
    Maybe its dumb, but it reframes everything which helps me immediately stop ruminating, and casts my present, better self as the antidote, and in stark contrast with how I used to be.

    figured it might help some other anon who's too much in his own head right now.

    Peace out bros, trying to burn through this shit before Monday so I can get back down the gym

    • 9 months ago

      Hey man I needed this. What I’ve been trying to do as I get those flashbacks(been getting a ton lately) is reminding myself “that was child me. How would current meeting handle it? Would current me even care?” But it’s not as helpful as what you suggested. I just tried it. That’s what child me needed. A big hug and to be told “I know it sucks dude. Frick those people they’re not shit in the grander scheme of things, and they’re losers anyways.”

      • 9 months ago

        Glad it made sense to somebody else.
        Same boat. Making the jump from
        >that was me, and I'm still pretty hurt by it
        >that kid is my little bro, I love him and I want him to feel better
        was a much bigger deal than I thought it'd be.

        Uhh and how do I pull myself up when I feel down due to current events such as rejection happening to me? Shit sent me into a depression spiral with how hard it is to cope with having wasted extensive stretches of youth and now I am failing at building back better.

        I was bothered by the same things. It helped me to find out what's behind it? Why does rejection feel so terminal? Why is it such a big deal?
        I was so bent out of shape about my oneitis shooting me down, I had to really dig into it.
        I wasn't sad that she rejected me. I was sad that she didn't love me, because it hit all the same notes as my parents not loving me, and as such it set off all the same dinosaur-brain alarm bells.

        The most useful thing you can do for yourself is catch yourself spiralling, and try to work out why you feel this way.
        >Why is her rejection so hard to bear?
        >would it hurt to be rejected by somebody you just met and had no connection to?
        >do you think that if she doesn't love you, nobody will?
        >do you have a single shred of evidence to back that up?

    • 9 months ago

      Uhh and how do I pull myself up when I feel down due to current events such as rejection happening to me? Shit sent me into a depression spiral with how hard it is to cope with having wasted extensive stretches of youth and now I am failing at building back better.

  15. 9 months ago

    It's been a year since the breakup and still can't forget her.

    • 9 months ago

      Been over 2 years for me and it’s only just getting better. You’ll get there anon. Memories are cursed things. The more you want to forget them, the later on down the track you wished you remembered it all.

  16. 9 months ago

    It’s feel like I reached the point where now
    I am actually the elder brother/cousin now
    Instead of the manchild I was before
    It’s such a stark contrast to the person I was before
    I used to be obsessed with becoming bird food(join the military)
    From age 15-27 I wanted nothing more than to join and make a name for myself
    Now I am grateful things didn’t work out for me
    It would have been a lose/lose situation either dead or killed people who were not my enemies but rather the people I hate enemies.
    I wasted 27 years of my and am so glad to have moved on from those childish ambitions.

  17. 9 months ago

    Considering hiring an escort to pop my cherry, anyone else bit the bullet?
    I'm not one of those "sex is sacred" types and I don't really give a shit about the stigma either, I mostly just want to experience and see if it's worth pursuing women since I don't really yearn for companionship.
    I'm only a few years short of wizard mode and I'm not sure I want to achieve that

    • 9 months ago

      Taking the paying part out of the equation, honestly I wouldn't recommend anyone go have sex with somebody they just met "just to get it over with".

      I can see the benefit in having a no-strings thing if you are just desperate to frick the shit out of some girl with brute hulk power or whatever, but if you'd be dispassionately going into an encounter just to have had one, honestly you might just feel nothing and come away feeling sex is pointless.

      • 9 months ago

        if I haven't been in any kind of relationship for 20+ years, I'm not quite sure I get to be choosy if I actually want to experience it

        • 9 months ago

          That kind of mindset may have something to do with why you haven’t had one man. And that’s a sure way to end up miserable, settling.

          • 9 months ago

            yeah I'm choosing to settle my mind by not being a virgin by the time I hit 30
            what else should I do, keep pining for women and thinking something's wrong with me every time it doesn't pan out?

            If I did it all over again I would've just held off for my first girlfriend. Fricking that rando didn't give me "confidence" or "practice" for the sex that came after, it just took something away from the experience that followed it.

            Just practice using a condom. Srs. Look up how to properly use it and practice alone. Once that's in check the rest can just be fun/exploring.

            I don't want confidence or practice, I want to feel the inside of a pussy
            nothing more, nothing less

            • 9 months ago

              Based, lose your virginity anon. The other guy wants you to be a wizard.

              You will regret not losing your virginity sooner. Even when I lost mine I wish I lost it sooner.

              Have a good time, man.

              • 9 months ago

                thanks anon, I'm thinking I'm gonna try to schedule something next weekend

              • 9 months ago

                Blast! Foiled, again!

              • 9 months ago

                This. You don't get to go through life with no regrets, but you can sometimes choose what you regret.

                Regret being 30 and inexperienced, regret "selling out" and cheapening sex, whatever. Don't listen to any moralising gay here, YOU get to define your priorities.

                >oh, I lost my V-card while drunk and stoned as a 16 year old, YOU should definitely wait for marriage though, trust me bro
                Frick off

    • 9 months ago

      Check thoroughly and find someone enthusiastic.


      Im playing rocket league crushing noobs and listening to K pop.
      At least my body is. My Mind has long gone into Heaven and there it is forevermore.

    • 9 months ago

      Do it. I lost my virginity at 17 (lied I was 18) that way. No shame in paying an escort for sex. You pay for women's time anyways through dates or going out for dinner or to the bar or getting c**ts gifts.

      Do it and move on. Get it out of your system.

      • 9 months ago

        I've been scouring for a few hours and think I found the one tbh
        costly but she's the only one not using blatantly edited pictures and she looks kinda like an ex-pornstar which is kinda hot in it's own right

        • 9 months ago

          you guys have low standards

          • 9 months ago

            yeah no shit moron why do you think I'm hiring an escort?

    • 9 months ago

      Do it. I lost my virginity at 17 (lied I was 18) that way. No shame in paying an escort for sex. You pay for women's time anyways through dates or going out for dinner or to the bar or getting c**ts gifts.

      Do it and move on. Get it out of your system.

      If I did it all over again I would've just held off for my first girlfriend. Fricking that rando didn't give me "confidence" or "practice" for the sex that came after, it just took something away from the experience that followed it.

      Just practice using a condom. Srs. Look up how to properly use it and practice alone. Once that's in check the rest can just be fun/exploring.

    • 9 months ago

      Did it at 24, it was awkward and I was drunk as hell. I lost my keys that day in the room lmao.
      However, it will demistify sex for you. After that I had 2 successful sexual relationships, and I got hooked. A little after that one girl ghosted me (30+ MILF) and lost contact with her with the other one I don't have anything serious because she is going to skip town ASAP so all is casual, we are still party friends.

      I was getting into a proper relationship with other girl with who I have a messy history (oneitis) for almost a decade but I don't want to be her second choice so I am ignoring her right now.

  18. 9 months ago

    Wake up
    Code for 8 hours
    Watch numbers in bank account go up
    Watch tv and eat dinner
    Wake up
    Code for 8 hours
    Watch numbers in bank account go up
    Watch tv and eat dinner
    Wake up
    Code for 8 hours
    Watch numbers in bank account go up
    Watch tv and eat dinner
    Wake up
    Code for 8 hours
    Watch numbers in bank account go up
    Watch tv and eat dinner

    I will be a 30 year old boomer before I know it.

    • 9 months ago

      I hate coders and programmers

      • 9 months ago

        I never leave my apartment, so the silver lining is you don't have to interact with me irl

    • 9 months ago

      Haha don’t worry anon, as you say “money in bank account go up”. That will bring you happiness lol

    • 9 months ago

      ah yes here come the 6'5" IST millionaire software engineers who work 30 minutes a day and have a supermodel virgin wife

    • 9 months ago

      How the frick do you stay focused long enough to sit there for 8 hours and code? I need to be physically doing something to stay focused that long
      T. Electrician

      • 9 months ago

        well I'm only actually working half the time since i work from home

        • 9 months ago

          Even better life. Bank account go up

      • 9 months ago

        If you genuinely love what you are working on it's very comfy.
        If I am writing a game and I'm enjoying iterating on a mechanic, and I can get peace to do it, I'll happily code for 12 hours a day and not even stop to eat

  19. 9 months ago

    I got cheated on by the love of my life a year ago and even worse, knee pain stopped me from doing squats today

  20. 9 months ago

    I trained with the blonde this week. Best session this year.

    Lagavulin thanks. I have other responsibities and my heart is going to get broken.

  21. 9 months ago

    Hey can you drink pickle juice? Is it bad for you? The pickles are really tasty.

  22. 9 months ago

    why do women become so insufferable on their period. i’m restraining myself so bad, i want to scream.

    • 9 months ago

      I am 29 years old and I have never been alone with a woman

  23. 9 months ago

    I hate my family. I hate women. I definitely resent my mother. I've tried to let the past go but I'm uninterested in putting up with them anymore. They have no commitment to change. They're a time sink, a black hole of emotion, vampires. I need to move far away and never come back and try to fix my shitty life from there.

  24. 9 months ago

    Been sober for 10 months.
    Cut went great. Body feels good. Cutting last drops of fat till Christmas.
    Something grew on my dick that's killing my confidence and I haven't even had sex, ever.
    I'm almost 30 and I'm still wandering. I need a path or at least a career but I do not see a way.
    I just wanna get smashed in front of my pc watching shitty anime coub shorts or /wsg/ variety shit, maybe cry while listening to anime songs.
    I'm wondering whether healthy lifestyle really is worth it.

    • 9 months ago

      >Been sober for 10 months.
      I will never understand how some people are so weak willed they can't handle things in moderation. What's it like being so weak?

      • 9 months ago

        The thing is, even in moderation alcohol just fricks you up.
        Also my primary goal was to lose weight so dropping alcohol was the obvious choice.

        • 9 months ago

          Pounds started melting off of me when I stopped drinking, wouldn't have it any other way now. My mind is so much healthier too. Good job and stay clean.

        • 9 months ago

          We have very different views on moderation. A beer once a week isn't going to hurt you in any meaningful way.

  25. 9 months ago

    >approaching 1.5/2/3.5/4.5
    >have cuck fetish
    >ask my wife of six years to do so
    >3 guys later
    >one she went to a hotel with and stayed later than agreed
    >sex is turning weird the intimacy gone
    >have her lick my balls and tell me about her guy fun
    >cum buckets

    Anyway what’s a good way to go bench only?

  26. 9 months ago

    Water as always

    >Day 2 of carnivore
    I would rape everyone of you for a donut

    • 9 months ago

      expect you couldn't catch me you fat frick

      • 9 months ago

        Your donut or you ass fit bro. The choice is yours.

  27. 9 months ago

    Have any of you bros dealt with a narcissist? Either a friend or a gf?
    What about with someone who believed themselves to be extremely intelligent but they were actually a bumbling idiot and they would attempt to manipulate or take advantage of you but it was clear as day what they were doing? How did that go?

    • 9 months ago

      oh man. my ex gf is a narcissist.
      i know people use that term flippantly these days, but after being discarded by her multiple times and always having a hunch that something about her was off, i had to read up on it. i read books, watched loads of videos, everything.

      they are genuinely awful people, completely and utterly self involved, and with little to no empathy for others. they will make you feel guilty for having your own emotions and will turn every, i repeat every single conversation into a conversation about them.

      i dated her because at the time she seemed to be high status and know cool people, was an ex model, and appeared nice and cool at the onset (obviously attractive) and i was insecure and thought 'wow, this girl is the peak for me, i made it. i wonder what she even sees in me.' she turned out to be a prostitute who casually dated every sceney guy around, but was very good at hiding that. i didn't know my worth at all then (even though i still struggle to do so now)

      it was a really shitty process to go through but i learned a lot about myself and other people. read up on it and be aware of the signs.

      • 9 months ago

        wait until you figure out all women are like that anon...

    • 9 months ago

      Yes. You cut them off and resist all of their inevitable attempts to reconnect, reconcile, ask for a chance to prove they've changed, etc.

      You CANT negotiate or reason with them. Just walk away, go no contact. There's no other way.

  28. 9 months ago

    watching Skins and now im lonely

  29. 9 months ago

    I'm on my 8th rum and coke, no weekend plans. Everyone from work is going to a party tomorrow night except me. What is life?

  30. 9 months ago

    rum neat, please. getting mixed signals from some woman in college that I met through a (female) mutual friend a few days ago, hate doing this shit and cautious of it blowing up in my face because we share most classes together and have a mixed friend group

  31. 9 months ago

    Left the house today and it was a mistake.
    I feel okayish naked but when I see myself in the mirror clothed I feel like dying.

    I know that my problem is that every time I try to bulk up a bit I do it too fast and I've been losing and gaining the same fifteen pounds for the past year but I can`t see to to stop myself. I am very small and I still have so much to lose to get to like 16% body fat to bulk up. I've been just spinning my wheels. Sure I've gained some strenght and some reps here and there but I know I could've been so much farther ahead if I could eat more with the control that I can eat less.

  32. 9 months ago

    >shave my beard for first time in 5 years
    >my chin have disappeared and some kind of pouch have started developing
    Plastic surgery or an hero next I guess

    • 9 months ago

      Or go on a frickin diet, you're not out yet, you just got complacent for a while that's all. Too many nights in comfortable beds. Now you get to fix it

      • 9 months ago

        It's not that I'm fat, I don't have a double chin. It's like a pouch of loose skin, what you would see on an old woman.

  33. 9 months ago

    I’m at absolute rock bottom outside of being in prison/homeless/drug addict. People couldn’t even believe how pathetic my life is if I said it. Being at rock bottom should make me just not want to care and do some crazy stuff to try to fix my life. But at this point I don’t even care anymore. I don’t care enough to entertain that idea. I’m so miserable and depressed that I barely keep my head up and eyes open during the day. I’m so beaten down, humiliated, and ashamed. There’s nothing I even want. I am waiting until I get the means and courage to commit suicide. I cannot take this anymore.

  34. 9 months ago

    >get a knock on my door last week
    >it's my next door neighbor
    >"anon, can you please cut out that noise?"
    >ask what noise
    >"It sounds like you're moving metal furniture around!"
    >say sorry, it was probably my weights
    >"keep it down, I can barely hear my TV over that racket"
    >I can hear his TV through my wall, but whatever
    >try extra hard the next few days to make sure my weights don't rattle, set them down even more carefully than usual
    >3 days ago, get another knock
    >it's the same guy
    >"anon, if you don't do something about that noise, I'm going to call the landlord and you can speak with him"
    >I ask him how the tiny amount of noise I'm making could possibly be an issue when he has his TV blasting all day
    >go quiet and gesture to the inside of my apartment where you can clearly hear the TV coming from his unit next door
    >he gets visibly upset and leaves (then turns the TV off, lol)
    >today I get yet another knock
    >it's the landlord
    >"anon, Goy israeliteman next door has a noise complaint. I need you to get rid of the items that are causing an issue."
    >tell him israeliteman can frick off and if anything I should be the one with the noise complaint for his TV
    >"anon, you're not supposed to have weights in this unit. It's clearly stated in the lease"
    >ask him to show me where on the lease
    >he looks at his iPad in silence for a couple minutes, can't find anything
    >points to a dinged spot on the floor in the middle of my kitchen, halfway across the apartment from where my weights are
    >"look at the damage your metal weights are causing. I'm going to have to fine you for that"
    >tell him that mark was already there when I moved in, I even pointed it out when I toured the unit, and then pull up a picture of the unit's old listing on my phone where you can clearly see the mark was already there
    >"You're going to have to pay to repair it."
    >thankfully he leaves before I split his head open

  35. 9 months ago

    I'm more or less just feeling like shit
    my frame is funky and I always feel awkward doing literally anything

  36. 9 months ago

    Give it to me straight bros, would it be dumb to jump on enough TRT to make solid gains to imrpove my dating chances? I have literally everything going for me except my body type. Face wise I'm not anything special, but I have a good career, full head of hair, good socially, not a manlet. I feel like turbo charging my gains would be the final piece. I can match with chicks, but they are usually 6/10s. I've done well with women in the past, but this was when I was in HS and college, so it's not like I'm some incel autist. Problem is I've been in a drought and its starting to drive me mad and I can feel myself becoming chud-dy and I fricking hate it.

    • 9 months ago

      I think hopping in trt for that reason is dumb yes.

  37. 9 months ago

    This is not funny.
    None of my heroes go to the bathroom to clean their bloody asses before going to battle

    • 9 months ago

      just get the cream anon. works well enough.

  38. 9 months ago

    It's probably gonna come down to me living out of a car at some point down the line, my b***h ass mother tries to shove the trad life on me but I want no part of it nor did I ever, and I'll sooner be a broke street urchin than married to some random b***h I can't stand and who's probably already fricked around before. She said she's gonna start looking for girls soon ish, well I won't give her the satisfaction of wrecking my dreams

    • 9 months ago

      No you're gonna wreck them yourself by being a hobo

  39. 9 months ago

    >decided to look up old FB chats
    >full of cringe anime weeb shit
    >one girl was posting a picture of her posing with her butt to me
    >ignored it and posted an anime reaction image
    For context, I was going to the gym for 8 months after being a former fat weeb. Suddenly, girls start talking to me, and my autistic ass can’t handle it.

    • 9 months ago

      What's it like getting senior citizen discounts?

      • 9 months ago

        Not as good as the myspace's one.

  40. 9 months ago

    I have a date tomorrow. I haven't been on a date in 5ish years.

  41. 9 months ago

    Watchin horror movies
    Learning that counting calories fricking sucks when you're not malnourished enough to have your appetite suppressed.

  42. 9 months ago

    A good news update for you guys. I was accepted into a partial day hospitalization program at my local psych hospital for my suicidal depression. I’ll be going for 6 hours a day for two weeks. There’s group therapy, time with medication management providers and other individual time as well. Super excited about this, sick of wishing I was dead every day and thinking about killing myself.

    • 9 months ago

      Proud of you anon, hope everything goes well.

    • 9 months ago

      You at probably gone but how did you go about getting in there? I have this

      • 9 months ago

        Just search for “partial hospitalization program” or “intensive outpatient program “ and you should be able to find them, assuming you’re in the US and somewhat close to a city.

  43. 9 months ago

    Best friend of several years just cut me out of her life. Reason, apparently, is I quit gaming. All kind of mixed up feelings there, since she also stuck with me when I needed someone after my father died a few years back. Just feels rough.

  44. 9 months ago

    >start lifting seriously last year
    >hit 1/2/3/4 for reps and feel proud of myself
    >aim to do 2/3/4/5 by the end of the year
    >won't even be able to do 1.5/2.5 by end of the year
    >finding myself discouraged and lacking motivation, even starting to avoid going to the gym
    >not sure I want to continue lifting
    any advice?

    • 9 months ago

      I'm way more dyel than you (far from 1/2/3/4) and I don't see why you'd get discouraged. You clearly made some progress and set yourself up for some high expectations that you couldn't achieve, but that doesn't mean you didn't progress.

      I'd suggest stop looking at your goals in a fixed time frame and instead focus on just lifting the damn weights because you enjoy it/is good for you/whatever reason you want to use. God knows if I based my will to continue lifting on what I've achieved I'd long since have given up and I'm sure as frick I would feel worse about my situation.

      To me I've decided I'll keep lifting until the day I can't. If it takes me ten times what someone else took to achieve something then so be it, as long I don't give up I'm still making progress.

      If that's cope than yeah, I guess it is. Won't stop me though.

  45. 9 months ago

    A petite blonde cutie was checking me out at the gym this evening. She had headphones on and I had nothing to say to her, so I didn't make a move but it still felt nice.

  46. 9 months ago

    Married and LTR bros: I need some details on your sex life with your partner. Things like:
    >how often
    >who initiates it / how it gets initiated
    >what foreplay looks like and for how long
    >positions, how many and how often you switch it up
    I don't need explicit details but I do need honesty, I'm not looking to jack off. I'm trying to decide between working on what I have, finding a side piece, or just getting a divorce

    • 9 months ago

      Dude, I sense you're not asking this question because you're getting too much sex.

      Modern, feminist, female-first society demonises male heterosexuality and will shame you for having a libido. Any mismatch in the sexual dynamics if a relationship always have to be settled in the woman's favour.

      >man wants sex more than woman
      Pervert! Sex pest! Controlling! Abusive! Is that all you want me for? What am I, a prostitute? Ugh, can't you just... you know... sort yourself out? Fricking pig!
      >woman wants sex more than man
      Dude, what the frick! Are you even a man! Here is this hot, sexy goddess offering herself up on a plate! Are you gay? Big oof bro, she would be justified in cheating at this point, if not just divorcing your impotent ass. Do you need dick pills, champ? Cmon, I thought guys were always up for it? Fricking pig!

      I suffered silently in a sexually dead relationship for years. I made every excuse under the sun to pretend I was cool with it.
      >Hey, guess we're out of the honeymoon phase, this is normal
      >she works hard, she's tired, I should give her a break
      >She's depressed, that kills libido, not her fault
      >She's on antidepressants, they kill libido, not her fault
      >she gained weight and doesn't feel sexy, it would be insensitive of me to initiate
      >She's pregnant, can't risk hurting the baby lol
      >she just gave birth, gotta give her time to heal
      >She's a busy mom, sex isn't going to be her priority

      All of that to then be unceremoniously dumped when I went through a mental health crisis myself and suddenly wasn't "they guy she fell in love with", fricking b***h.

      Society in general and women in specific will try to make you feel shame for having sexual needs, and guilt for acting on them. Reject that.

      • 9 months ago

        My wife and I have sex two/three times a week, it's just boring and a lot of work.

        • 9 months ago

          I would be content as hell with 2/3 weekly sex.

          What makes it boring or hard work?

  47. 9 months ago

    >Choccy Milky Please

    Went to the ophthalmologist this week, and apparently I had some swelling around my optic nerve. He made me go get a brain MRI the next day, I see him again next Tuesday to hear the result of the brain scan and to see if its just a benign condition or something more seriously wrong.

    I'm feeling scared for the first time in life fit, I cant stop shaking the thought that I've been wasting the past few years of my life existing rather than really living.

    If I get good news on Tuesday, I think finally going to stop waiting for life to happen and make changes.

    Just trying to pass the time until then.

    • 9 months ago

      Sorry to hear that Anon.. I can only imagine the dread. You report back in the next Friday thread about what's going on okay? God bless and God speed my brother.

      • 9 months ago

        Thank you anon, will report back next week. Hope you have a great weekend friendo

    • 9 months ago

      I pray every night to get cancer or some other terminal illness so that I can get assisted euthanasia immediately. If a doctor diagnosed me with something I would literally shake his hand and thank him.

  48. 9 months ago

    It's cold, outside it's pitch black, only when I make an effort can I draw out the treeline. I can hear the cars passing by from far away but otherwise it's just the blood rushing in my ears. Maybe we'll light a fire later on

  49. 9 months ago

    Life has been fricking amazing recently. Just breakthrough after breakthrough. A year ago I had so much wrong with my life that I was unable to honestly reflect on it- I’d be too ashamed to address major problems and would instead attribute my failures to bullshit like eating too much dairy. Now I can reflect properly, improve, and so my shame and fear has largely dissolved. Been way more capable of connecting with maybe 85% of people too because of that.

    Something I’ve noticed over the last few months (when major gains have been made) is that while most interactions are way more positive, from a small minority I also get way more negative attention than I’ve ever got before. It’s strange. Solid guys in my life will do everything to lift up the people around them, even to heights that they themselves are unable to reach (for example old and broken guys at work encouraging younger guys to get in really good shape). However maybe 5-15% of people only seem comfortable once they’ve been able to degrade or relegate the people around them to an inferior position. By either denigrating their self esteem to the point where they become subservient (if that’s the word?) or else literally leading them away from their best interests and wounding their faculties or integrity.

    Lots to think about. Hoping to keep this up into the winter.

  50. 9 months ago

    Frick man. Rapidly approaching 30 and I think to myself just how much I don't know how to do. I'm not talking about having a degree, worldclass athletic skills but basic shit like time management, how to cook properly ect

    I hate to say it but I'm 95% sure I'm ngm. I'm alone on a friday night on IST eating tortillas because I can't make fajitas to save my life

  51. 9 months ago

    >modelo, por favor...
    think I got a gambling problem, bros. don't want to wage, this is my cope. how do you turn the corner? I'm dangerously close to debtmaxxing

    • 9 months ago

      I did this with options trading. Took out 25k and day traded. It doesn't lead to good things. Even if you "win" it's never enough, you still keep chasing larger and larger wins until you get burned.

      If ypu want to kill the urge, treat it like the addiction it is. Stay away from your chosen gambling method completely. Every day you do anything other than gamble is progress. It is achievable, and it does get better.

      • 9 months ago

        thanks anon I'm gonna try and kick it before it gets worse, I knew my personality wasn't good for this type of thing but I did it anyway

  52. 9 months ago

    how should I make a brief introduction to my new colleagues? like what should i say aside from my name and looking forwad to knwoing them all? after neeting for 10 months, I've finally landed a job and I'm gonna receive training on the next Tuesday but neeting this long had me lost touch in human interactions

    • 9 months ago

      used to be a neet for 7-8 years before I started working 8 years ago, so I was in a more extreme situation than you. just go to work and try to do your work, that should be your main priority. once you are comfortable in your work/skill set you can start to engage in the social bullshit. I took me half a year before I opened up to colleaques. most people have sympathy for new colleagues because pretty much everyone knows how it is to be the new guy, so they will make it easy for you but at the end of the day most people are there to work and not to make friends. they would rather see a reliable coworker who helps the team than someone who makes their work more tiresome.

      • 9 months ago

        thanks and check'd

      • 9 months ago

        nta but how do you deal with shame of having a shitty or empty cv at almost 30 years of living?
        I don't know what reaction should I expect from the interviewer, I don't know what to expect at all, I just feel like no HR is going to take it into consideration when choosing candidates to interview

        • 9 months ago

          I was 28 when I had my interview for my current job. I was at a point in life where I was out of fricks. I knew I had big holes in my resumee but what could I do? I tried to fill in some gaps with straight up lies and hoped for the best. Being caught was better than continuing my neet life style. I mean whats the worst that could have happened? They could have said no or "we might think about it" and thats it. Nothing would have changed pretty much.

        • 9 months ago

          Nta but similar position, my best hope is using Covid as an excuse. My last job ended when my company got closed due to covid and I haven’t been able to find a job since.
          Semi related but I had one shitty job for a brief period last year but the interviewer/manager acted as though I was some moron telling lies when I told her this. I learned why very soon when during the interview she told a random employee I was a moron right in front of my face and then when I started working I found out she lied to me about a lot. Only left because it was 15 hour shifts where I wasn’t being compensated for the OT which was mandatory because she couldn’t retain employees. She also fricked up my onboarding stuff and attempted not to even pay me for my entire first month. She couldn’t believe I couldn’t find a job because she had spots open but she couldn’t comprehend why that is.

          I’ve sent hundreds of applications out and only that one shitty job got back to me. I couldn’t justify working there. No food or water or bathroom breaks for 15 hours, not getting paid for the extra 30 hours I was working while making less than min wage. But still having 30 minutes of my shift go unpaid for the lunch I was never able to take. Just the nature of that job itself warranted making at least $20 starting.

          • 9 months ago

            nta but how do you deal with shame of having a shitty or empty cv at almost 30 years of living?
            I don't know what reaction should I expect from the interviewer, I don't know what to expect at all, I just feel like no HR is going to take it into consideration when choosing candidates to interview

            Oh and I say 15 hour shifts but it was a lot more than that. My life was wake up at 5am, get ready, start work at 6am, get off at 2am(if lucky) and get home by 3am to sleep for 3 hours just to do it again. Every single day. She didn’t know shit from shinola and would put everyone on schedule every day claiming they only had 40 hours but a normal 12 hr shift automatically turned into much more because she and the higher ups in ops wouldn’t let us go home until they said so. It was medical.

            I want to work and escape neet, but I also want to have a life outside of work and be able to get 8 hours of sleep every night.

  53. 9 months ago

    I hate to be a b***h/'sensitive' when it comes to friendships but I think I'm about to put an end to one.

    >a few of the guys arrange to go for a few drinks and watch the football
    >I tell them I won't be joining at the specified time but may join later if they're gonna stay out after the football
    >this one guy, Bob, gets weird about this
    >tell them let me know if they're gonna stay out later
    >Bob messages saying they're staying out, I should get ready
    >leave bed, shower, drink some beers, order a taxi
    >inform them I'm on the way
    >'GET FRICKED', send a video of himself laughing
    >tell him he's a little b***h and I'm going to smack him if I see him

    I havent found myself that angry since high-school, maybe ever. Am I overreacting? This seems like a totally psychopathic thing to do to a friend.
    Also bear in mind this Bob is not exactly what you would call a good person but he was generally fun to be around in social situations with the odd occasion where he'd do something bad to someone inside the friends group

    Thoughts guys?

    • 9 months ago

      He's a c**t, you're right

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks anon I thought so too

    • 9 months ago

      Drop that trash out of your life, people like that aren't worth a second of your time. Bet you're all-around better than him anyway.

      • 9 months ago

        Thanks anon I think it might have to be done

        Bob is a dipshit. What did the rest of your friend group say about this? How would they react if you socked him in the jaw next time you all met?

        Shocked and appalled with his behaviour and said fists would be fair

        • 9 months ago

          Oh and if you want to keep the rest do the circle, definitely fight him. Especially if they all agree with you on this. It’s not about hurting him physically, it’s about hurting his soul. You need to communicate without words that he is powerless at the end of the day and you can physically dominate him at any point in time. That feeling of powerlessness will destroy someone like this. I firmly believe that’s what his actions are rooted in, power thirst. If you forcibly make him acknowledge he has no power he will be destroyed mentally even if he never shows it. However expect him to abhor you and pull major scumbag shit after this.
          The guy in that paragraph I sent you was a manlet, 5’, im 6’2” and one of the times he got drunk he admitted part of his problem was feeling physically inferior. There was a time some of us were fighting for fun, just some grappling and light sparring, and up to that moment he seemed to believe he was stronger than me. I showed him a fraction of my strength and he never got physical with me again, but the scheming shit got way worse. There were occasions he’d try to punch me in the arm while I was talking to a girl except instead of a normal bro punch he’d put all his might into it to hurt me so I would flinch or react and look bad and I wouldn’t even flinch or stop the conversation I was having, I pretended not to even notice him. And he’d then sulk the entire night.

    • 9 months ago

      Bob is a dipshit. What did the rest of your friend group say about this? How would they react if you socked him in the jaw next time you all met?

    • 9 months ago

      This is sort of what I was getting at here

      Have any of you bros dealt with a narcissist? Either a friend or a gf?
      What about with someone who believed themselves to be extremely intelligent but they were actually a bumbling idiot and they would attempt to manipulate or take advantage of you but it was clear as day what they were doing? How did that go?

      that’s not exactly what I mean, I meant more of scheming type shit. But along the same lines of this ass homosexual acting like you were taking away from his night and then acting like a b***h with zero incentive or gain. It’s weird shit. One of the friends I had in mind when I posted that would definitely do more “scheming” shit but just like Bob he would act like someone was a horrible person for not wanting to do things exactly as he wanted. You wanted to show up later because you had shit to do? He’d start shit talking you to everyone while you were gone so there’s a weird vibe when you showed up, like he’d convince everyone you were coming late because you had a drug habit or something totally made up. If someone was heading out and it was too early for him, even if we’d all been out for 6 hours and it was now past 1am, he’d throw a fit
      >buuut you just got here man come on why do you always do this to me it’s so fricked up of you
      And then he’d either act like he pulled one over on you if you agreed to stay even 20 more minutes or if you went home he’d start talking shit about you to everyone so the next hangout you were tiptoed around or cold shouldered by everyone. It was really fricking weird. He did this to everyone. It’s control freak BS

      oh man. my ex gf is a narcissist.
      i know people use that term flippantly these days, but after being discarded by her multiple times and always having a hunch that something about her was off, i had to read up on it. i read books, watched loads of videos, everything.

      they are genuinely awful people, completely and utterly self involved, and with little to no empathy for others. they will make you feel guilty for having your own emotions and will turn every, i repeat every single conversation into a conversation about them.

      i dated her because at the time she seemed to be high status and know cool people, was an ex model, and appeared nice and cool at the onset (obviously attractive) and i was insecure and thought 'wow, this girl is the peak for me, i made it. i wonder what she even sees in me.' she turned out to be a prostitute who casually dated every sceney guy around, but was very good at hiding that. i didn't know my worth at all then (even though i still struggle to do so now)

      it was a really shitty process to go through but i learned a lot about myself and other people. read up on it and be aware of the signs.

      Yes. You cut them off and resist all of their inevitable attempts to reconnect, reconcile, ask for a chance to prove they've changed, etc.

      You CANT negotiate or reason with them. Just walk away, go no contact. There's no other way.

      My issue with it is its almost like a challenge to me to destroy these people. Partly because I find it truly hard to believe they don’t have awareness or consciousness of reality. It’s like they’re not people. I want to pry inside and see how how they view and think about things. Part of me feels they know they’re wrong but they justify their actions in some moronic line of thought. They’re delusional people. What I’ve come to realize is there’s no winning and you guys are right. The only way to truly “win” the game is to not even play at all or stop playing. Recognize the signs, cut off immediately.

  54. 9 months ago

    Dad died, recently. On my mum's birthday, in fact. I feel like I'm doing okay most of the time but it's hard to care about a lot of things in the same way. Feel like I'm treading water without anything I'm heading towards, now.

    Not interested in dating, only pushing myself at work cause it's there. Will eventually buy a house when dad's money has trickled through. The only thing where I have some degree of motivation at the moment is the gym, and currently I'm just trying to work up the impetus to go do leg day.

    • 9 months ago

      I'm sorry anon. Positive thoughts your way

  55. 9 months ago

    How do I find motivation? I think my problem is the only genuine motivation I can find is pussy. And in the past that worked great, as a 17 year old virgin I 180’d my entire life by deluding myself I would be given pussy if I did the work and made it. I was right, by age 20 I started getting laid and dating. And it was anticlimactic. I’ve even gotten laid while fat and out of shape with the hottest women I’ve ever been with during my 20s now.

    So I sit here trying to force myself to do the work, get my life back in order again, but it feels like discipline alone isn’t enough. Yet the idea of just some pussy doesn’t do for me what it once did when I was a virgin. I know 100% there’s pussy waiting for me when I get there, but I also know 100% I can get genuine hot b***h/10 pussy now because I have, and I’m also forced to confront the realization that pussy is just pussy. Yeah I love sex, but it isn’t anything crazy. It’s not the golden magical Apple I thought it would be. I think what I want more than sex or hookups is a genuine relationship with real love and that’s something I cannot delude myself into believing I will obtain, I just don’t think there’s very many women who are worthwhile or wife material.
    So in short, it feels like I’m doing all this for no reason other than to do it because I know I’m better off being healthy and looking good than being unhealthy and looking like shit, and that I know I feel significantly better when I’m in shape. The carrot on a string did so much for me as a fat 17 year old virgin. It’s all I would think about during workouts. As soon as I started thinking about stopping or that IW as tired I thought to myself “shut up fat homosexual, do this and you WILL get pussy” and I genuinely believed it so it worked, I would then tell myself “I guess struggling short term through this isn’t so bad if it means SEXOO eventually.” Even if it worked, I do realize I deluded msyelf successfully.

    • 9 months ago

      Consistent, like every-single-day, motivation is very hard to come by I think. Almost need to just go through the motions for many days, if not weeks at a time before you hit the "HEY THIS! THIS!" kind of thing that gets you going. And it fades away. That's normal.

      30 anons can give you THEIR ideas on what specifically motivates them specifically, but there's no guarantee that any of those things will resonate with you.

      • 9 months ago

        There’s also the realization I cannot escape that just pussy feels like a pointless goal now that I’ve had it, and even managed to get the best I’ve had after falling out of shape. It feels degenerate tier to me. I guess I really have to almost robot mode and go through the motions until something more valiant strikes me. Idk what it is. I don’t know what that thing that gets my soul hard will be but I do long for it.. discipline is great, but it feels like my efforts are more tangible when there’s a clear goal in mind. And I mean that quite literally, when all I focus on through my workouts and to keep myself on track is that goal literally all I think of, it feels like all the work, every step during cardio, every rep when lifting, every day I hit perfect macros, is one brick in that wall so to speak..

    • 9 months ago

      It sounds cliche but motivation waxes & wanes. It's great at pushing you to take the first step, but you can't rely on it to get you to the finish line. What you need is rock-solid habits. Find yourself some IST buddies to hold you accountable and set yourself some autistic long-term goal like hitting X IST landmark (2pl8 bench, muscle up, 15k run under 20 min, etc.)

      >ex was insanely hot giga stacy
      >literal model tier
      >had the trappings however, entitled and b***hy personality
      >had cheated on her ex before me, used to work prostitute jobs like bottle girl or hostess at fancy restaurants for wall street dudes
      >broke up because she was kinda mean and couldn't trust her
      >have since dated a bunch of decent looking normal girls
      >can't bring myself to commit because I had a taste of 10/10 and just cannot be happy fricking a 6 or 7 anymore
      how do I get over this

      Sounds like Gigastacey fricked your ability to pair-bond lmao.
      At the end of the day pussy is pussy, breh. A 6/10 hole feels the same as a 9/10 one, provided everything else is equal and there's sexual chemistry. What 9s give you is insane signaling power if you're below average. If you're looksmatched or autistic and don't care about that shit then it's whatever.
      Hopefully you will find your manic pixie 7 with a heart of gold that will heal you.

  56. 9 months ago

    im from /x/ just came here to blog about one of you that i saw at anytime tonight and to tell him that u have bad manners and i dont like you
    >doing SS 3am first day in three years
    >nobody in the gym
    >on my last three sets
    >skinny newbalance paleface autism shuffle walks in
    >im deadlifting
    >points at the squat rack i was using despite there being another rack
    >can i uhh....
    >yeah for sure go ahead
    >also go clean the bench for him
    >removes all my squatting weights
    >goes around and removes all the weights i was using to do bench press
    >whatever i dont own the place, just use the deadlift bar to do my squats and bench on the open rack
    >he loads up the bar with the 35s that look like 45s so it looks like he's doing 2pl8
    >literally just does deadlift in front of the rack i was using to do benchpress, not even using the two racks he took from me
    >gets two "sets" of like 3 done in the time it takes for me to do my last squats, bench, and deadlift, just paces around, looks at his phone, and pretends to stretch the entire time
    >showed up just to make me take an extra ten minutes and be awkward

  57. 9 months ago

    mornings after drinking I feel anxious
    I really wanna cut alcohol out of my life, I can see it happening sometime in the next 2 years, but my social life doesnt allow it yet

    • 9 months ago

      You can't do social things without alcohol?

      • 9 months ago

        I'm an expat in amsterdam, a pretty urban city with a strong drinking culture, 50% of ethnic dutch drink 2-3 drinks every week, which is like a world leading ratio
        and being an expat means you HAVE to be accommodating a bit and cant have the strongest personality. I can do what I want back home but its not a good idea now.

        so at this point, I go out for beers once every weekdays with some lads and to wine dinners or parties with groups on weekends
        once I have a GF, and feel comfortable with saying no more, I will stop drinking, but circling back, the culture really is all about grabbing a beer or sipping wine with folks

        so being an expat + being an expat in amsterdam kinda forces my hand. but still, I reduced my intake drastically.

        • 9 months ago

          Oh yeah I forgot to mention in my first post, the "feeling anxious" part is literally a withdrawal symptom. Next step is having a drink just to "take the edge off". Be careful anon, you're very close to the danger zone.

          A pretty urban city also likely has a strong running-group culture. And dance class culture. And music-making culture. Don't get as bad as I was; quit drinking before it gets ridiculously hard to quit.

          • 9 months ago

            I know anon
            I drank like 50 days this year tops, out of 300, which was at least something like 230/365 just a year ago

            getting IST also helped as well
            I now have unsavoury thoughts about alcohol, same happened with ciggies, I smoked 9 years, 7 of em a pack a day, before quitting cold turkey 4 years ago. I just didnt liked smoking anymore, and I just dont like drinking now. but its more "enforced", so idk how it will turn out, but yeah, I know and understand what you mean

        • 9 months ago

          You can just say to to drinking. It’s pretty normal nowadays. Just get a Coke Zero or something my dude, cause this reeks of alcoholism.

          Also frick Amsterdam

          Source: am Dutch

          • 9 months ago

            well frick me sideways a 24 hour late (You)
            yeah I thought about it yesterday as well and didnt drink, which was fun

            I get and know why dutchies hate amsterdam but as you can imagine I cant enjoy the dutch culture without, well, being dutch, so amsterdam is my best ticket

  58. 9 months ago

    I can't figure out what I want in life.
    I feel so indifferent to everything around me.
    I still workout, go to work, hang out with friends, but it's all meaningless. But there is nothing else I would rather do. I'm not depressed, I'm just bored. I don't know what my next move is.
    Is anyone making interesting moves in life right now?

  59. 9 months ago

    >Have a massive crush on my coworker
    >Forced to work at a different facility for 8 months
    >I pretend that I forgot about her
    >Get back to my old place of work
    >Meet her again
    >Develop an even bigger crush on her
    I am madly in love bros but I am terrified that she doesn't share the same feelings. Is there a way to ask her without sounding pathetic, creepy, or desperate?
    t. khv

    • 9 months ago

      If it's a coworker, then it can be tricky. You have to at least start talking to her in a casual manner (anything but relationship). Then it's a matter of picking up on the clues to see if she might be interested you or not.

    • 9 months ago

      why do u like her exactly? and how old are both of u

    • 9 months ago

      I know the feeling.
      I live in a foreign country, and work at a small company (6 people). Coworker is the only woman I have been able to form a bond with since moving here, and we share a lot of the same hobbies, so I naturally fall for her.
      She's smarter than I thought she was, figures it out, and instead of telling me and rejecting me... she tells the boss.
      Boss is a total bro and said it wasn't his business, but I'm left a little heartbroken, and now I feel like I can't trust one of my few friends, because apparently she does this to people a lot (not being direct/getting someone involved who has nothing to do with it.)
      It's hard bro, coworkers are hard to try and start relationships with, but as adults its like we have no choice unless we're very outgoing, which I don't think you or I are.
      Your best bet is to try and find reasons to hang out outside of work and get to know her more, and then confess your feelings. Hopefully yours is more direct than mine.
      Good luck, broby.

  60. 9 months ago

    >Had a role coaster stress week
    >Sippin beer and just chilling
    >Listening to some new bangers
    Nothing much to share....Just want some rest for now.

  61. 9 months ago

    I feel no sense of accomplishment and I feel like i’m moving nowhere in life. Maybe my brain is just fried, being in law school has been killing me lately. I’m in my second year of law school at a smaller state school and I got good grades last year, but it never feels like it’s enough. I recently got a job at one of the largest law firms in the state, and i’ll be making more money than I ever have before (not that much money, but i’ve been a poorgay my whole life) but that sense of accomplishment faded quickly. It feels as if nothing is ever good enough. I am always the B+/A- student but never the A+ student and I want to kill myself. The only silver lining is that the rest of my family is uneducated so I seem much smarter to them than I actually am. I feel like such a fake and phony.

    • 9 months ago

      You probably dislike your career. If you really like what you're doing, you wouldn't put focus on your accomplishments; your accomplishments follow your work.

      • 9 months ago

        you’re probably right. It’s only recently i’ve started realizing maybe i’m not the biggest fan of law. The passion I have comes and goes in waves. The only work I actually enjoy was when I was helping out broke clients because they genuinely seemed thankful for my services and anything I would do for them. Oh well, i’m this far deep and there is no plan B. I’ll just stick it out so I can afford to have a family considering the modern American economy is fricked.

        • 9 months ago

          >The only work I actually enjoy was when I was helping out broke clients because they genuinely seemed thankful for my services and anything I would do for them.

          Then do that anon. Be a public defender or something similar to that. You were raised in a poor and probably underrepresented family and I know that law, especially in big firms, everyone is probably a rich elitist and especially in the cases they take, they only want money and glamor from them, and big law typically shits all over the little guy, the poor guy, like your family and upbringing is. It is completely understandable that this is discouraging to you and you lose "passion" if you're representing some rich butthole or cancerous corporation

          • 9 months ago

            Thanks anon. I do appreciate your words of encouragement. You also hit the nail on the head. I’ve been struggling with the elitism in the profession. My school is pretty small, yet there are still so many elitist students here that have had generations of lawyers in their families. They barely have to work, they’ll just be handed a job even if they’re pants on head moronic. But whatever, i’ll try to do public work as much as I can as long as I can afford it. Despite working at a large defense law firm, im planning on being a prosecutor. Hopefully that will be a fulfilling job

    • 9 months ago

      Was in a similar position to you. Always got A- but was never satisfied since others around me would get higher grades. Used to waste so much time trying to get a slightly higher grade. Honestly though? Now I don't give a shit. At the end of the day, it's just a piece of paper to land you a job. Once you got a job, it's not really needed unless you end up trying for other jobs. Try not to be so down about it. I mean an A- is still an A, no one really gives a shit about it besides you. I don't think you ever get over the feeling of feeling worse than you are. I just try to spend time on other various things and prioritise finding that balance that keeps me fulfilled (or at least working towards feeling more fulfilled).

  62. 9 months ago

    I feel alone bros. My family life has been nothing but chaotic and it probably won’t ever change. I’m exhausted and I have to figure out how to rebuild my life. I’m already old and only very hard work and a lot of good luck can change my fate.

  63. 9 months ago

    I don't get why she leads me on when I have absolutely no chance. Why would anyone do that? Tell me, IST, I'm genuinely curious. Do men do it too?

    • 9 months ago

      Attention, residual benefits and maybe a 3rd string backup if all of their other prospects die in a car accident at once.

      If they're a full blown narcissist then you're also providing fuel to them.

      She doesn't think about your feelings or how she affects them that way. Don't take it personally.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't know man, I can't bring myself to believe she's a narcissist or anything like that. She seems genuinely sweet and nice and all that, literally never in a bad mood, always friendly, etc. I used to think it was all in my head, but I realized last time we talked that it might not be. I don't know why she would do this though

        • 9 months ago

          I was friends with a woman fof 11 years and would've described her exactly as you just did.

          Then she got with me after dumping her ex and I found the real her. Full blown narcissist. Did my research, now everything she had said and done makes 100% sense when before none of it did.

          Does she lead on other dudes too? "Complain" that guys are hitting on her? Really sweet and friendly but then non-existent if she doesn't need you?

          I could be wrong and obviously can't tell everything from a few sentences over the internet but you seem to be saying she's giving very mixed signals.

          • 9 months ago

            We never talk about other people. We know each other because of work and never talk outside of that. I guess the only thing you said that applies is
            >Really sweet and friendly but then non-existent if she doesn't need you
            But I gotta say, I'm the one who reaches out because I need something and then she doesn't respond until I call. And its the way she talks that makes my mind wander. There's no way she doesn't know I have feelings for her, maybe she just finds it cute (or w/e) and leads me on because it's fun? Idk

            • 9 months ago

              >There's no way she doesn't know I have feelings for her, maybe she just finds it cute (or w/e) and leads me on because it's fun?
              If this is bothering you why don't you man up and tell her straight up that you have feelings for her. If she says no then burn the bridge and move on. Lack of communication is probably the #1 issue in so many relationship issues.

              • 9 months ago

                >why don't you man up and tell her straight up that you have feelings for her
                I already know the answer is no. It's totally fine, I just need to get over myself and look elsewhere. Which I will do once I fixed my shit in the other aspects of my life. Right now I'm just enjoying the talks and coping
                >but you don't know the answer until you've asked!!
                Except that I do

                When you say leading on, what are you referring to specifically?

                Not answering until you call doesn't seem to be sending that kind of signal.

                Yeah that's what I mean, and that's why I thought it was in my head (and I'm still not sure whether it is or not). It's just the way she talks and the things she says and how she says them. But she might talk that way to everyone, I don't really know. And I don't want to know

            • 9 months ago

              When you say leading on, what are you referring to specifically?

              Not answering until you call doesn't seem to be sending that kind of signal.

  64. 9 months ago

    I think I have schizophrenia.
    Work and uni is getting to me.
    I dont have any free time for my hobbies.
    No interest in meeting people or talking with them. I dont like living since its a major pain in my ass.

    • 9 months ago

      >I dont like living since its a major pain in my ass.
      Based and Oxymoron-pilled.

      • 9 months ago

        t. im kinda buzzed I don't know what im posting

      • 9 months ago

        What is oxy moron pilled?

        • 9 months ago

          I don't know , I did a mistake by replying....

          • 9 months ago

            No if you say A you have to say B too
            reply now or your mother dies in your sleep

    • 9 months ago

      I have schizophrenia. Run your symptoms by me and I'll redpill you

      • 9 months ago

        I hear the Big Show constantly. He keeps cutting the same boring promo and it sounds like it’s coming from inside my walls.

  65. 9 months ago

    I have this problem that I recognize as being a little immature and even womanly that I cannot seem to shake. Maybe it’s a primal thing related to pattern recognition in some way.
    Basically if someone has wronged or hurt me bad enough, I then have a massive aversion and disgust towards anyone who slightly resembles them, or if they have the same name and a similar quality like same hair color. And it’s a shame because these new people aren’t them, they’ve done nothing to me.
    >thick b***h with blonde hair and winged eyeliner
    Hate instantly. Just ultra annoyed seeing a b***h who looks like this, even more annoyed when I hear one speak. This is just one example. There’s a b***h with a fat ass who keeps getting spammed on IST in a sundress who looks like the type in talking about. I feel no sexual attraction due to this. Only genuine disgust and repulsion. All because of something a b***h who looks like this did to me in college. I’ve excited revenge on 1/3 parties involved, technically 2/3. And I’m over the other 2, but not the blonde b***h. I don’t even know what her name is so I can’t do that.

  66. 9 months ago

    >reality is little more than a kaleidoscope twisting itself
    >there is nothing concrete in my life that I can anchor myself to.
    >losing my mind
    I swear to frick

    • 9 months ago

      Your body and strength.
      Thats reality

  67. 9 months ago

    Why do women demand a large height difference, but then shame you can call you a pedophile when you actually go for women that are a lot shorter than you? Why do they demand that you make more money than them, but then call it oppression when you actually do? I'm so fricking confused. I can't take it anymore.

    • 9 months ago

      neither of those things are true, autist

      • 9 months ago

        Have you not seen the horrible shit that women post on TikTok? They do some fake "tee hee, I'm so ironic and funny" schtik, but what they are saying is actually true.

    • 9 months ago

      stop taking seriously what the gods made for fun

      neither of those things are true, autist

      incel simp vibes ngl

    • 9 months ago
      Removed punctuation for character count

      The reason women do anything is very simple and deserves no further thought than
      >Because they are stupid
      Every a woman does is about themself. They are the israelites of gender, greedy, conniving and manipulative. All their decisions are based around what gets them the most attention/social validation and social acceptance.
      The reason for this is because women are powerless so to be widely accepted by the tribe means survival to them, and to go against the popular grain means a death sentence if theyre banished form the tribe and forced to fend for themselves.
      Attention = shes socially accepted and doing things correctly. So they will often virtue signal and pander, even if it makes no sense at all or is a complete and total reach based on no logic. Even if it’s something that means fricking someone else over.
      Today a form of attention is likes on social media and comments from morons saying “yass” “brave” “I know that's right! Slay queen! Yass b***h!” “That’s my best friend serving!”

      So what you are describing is two separate scenarios of that
      >she wants others to justify her having preferences
      Cant think for herself, needs the validation from others
      >she wants others to justify her being a dumb pissy c**t that she’s 5’9” and men prefer women who are around 5’3”
      Can’t think for herself, needs the validation of others to confirm she’s not the issue and that its actually men who are the issue, while also leveraging something most of the world agrees is a bad thing to garner support in the form of (you)s. This avoids her taking accountability (I.e. just owning she’s not perfect and is flawed, which would tie abkcninto the tribal acceptance thing)

      A womans entire existence is based around being a desirable mate. Part of that lies in being socially accepted, part of that lies in her attractiveness. Most women only think these two things matter and neglect the values that make for a wife material woman. Which is quite ironic.

      • 9 months ago

        agreed. women have no morals and their brains are small. they are akin to animals, chasing dopamine without thought

    • 9 months ago
      Removed punctuation for character count

      So in short,
      >because they are stupid.
      Basically if

      stop taking seriously what the gods made for fun
      incel simp vibes ngl

      neither of those things are true, autist

      You have never seen a woman IRL

    • 9 months ago

      Women constantly test men with moronic statements like the ones you mentioned.
      Just rise above it with cold logic and you'll be good. Don't take it seriously.

    • 9 months ago

      A woman will select a guy who's a foot taller than her, was a college athlete, makes triple her salary and is 15 years older than her. While they're together, he's a trophy and evidence of what she's worth. The minute they break up, he was a manipulator who abused the power imbalance between them.

  68. 9 months ago

    I’ve come to realize I hate myself.
    I’m 30, and though I’m about to receive a job offer, advancing my career, I have a gf, I can’t be happy for her successes because I’m too insecure about myself and feel like I’m not where I should be.

    This always ruins my relationships. I always compare myself to others, like what I have is never enough. I always see myself in a state of lack instead of abundance. Although her success and wins have nothing to do with mine, I feel inadequate when I don’t feel completely actualized with myself.

    This feeling is so fricking consuming and I truly do not know how to accept or love myself. Has anyone felt anything similarly? Like you want to be happy or achieve something great, and you have passions, but you can’t define exactly what you want or where you want to be? And whenever you see someone else get anywhere you just feel more hopeless about yourself? I know if I had a clear vision I could achieve it, but I never know what the frick I want. I’m aimless, letting life guide me instead of the opposite.

    I know I’m a weak homosexual, no need to tell me. But I need to figure out how to heal this

  69. 9 months ago

    how do I stop being an angry boi all the time?

    >almost got in a fight at fricking Walmart an hour ago
    >start seething at the gym when people don't put weights away
    >perma banned on half a dozen Reddit accounts for hate-adjacent comments (I don't think they're deserved, but I think after the first few accounts, I should've learned)

    I don't wanna be angry all the time

    • 9 months ago

      you sound like a stupid person. I understand this general is to help others but people like you are the worst. you are only one little step away from being an animal.

    • 9 months ago

      Anger is a good drug, it feels real good to hate, it's like any drug addiction, it takes hard work.

  70. 9 months ago

    how many enemies must one fight to win?

    • 9 months ago

      Only the one that counts: yourself.

  71. 9 months ago

    all lifting goals absolutely overachieved over the course of six years, inceldom cured and can now talk to girls, to the point I don't even care to anymore, got way way better at drawing in the past few months, fixed academic life, yada yada

    got nothing left to try achieving, other than the micro goal of improving my cardio at this point

    • 9 months ago

      start a busness, join the entrepreneur life. and become a reader of books. 1 book a week

  72. 9 months ago

    I don't post here that often. Be kind, I'm ESL.

    >exit depression
    >drop out of former education
    >break up with ex
    >distance myself from toxic relationships
    >start working out again after years of excuses, revise diet, get lean
    >start new uni courses
    >get tinder
    >match with butterface with nice ass
    >went on date yesterday, she's a catfish, prob gained 20-30 lbs since profile pics were taken
    >pass me the bottle
    >tfw nofap
    >invite her home for tea, smash
    >manhandle her
    >cum buckets
    >write this

    Life is good.

    • 9 months ago

      >>get tinder
      any moron who uses tinder deserves to be single forever. desperate dumbass

  73. 9 months ago

    >How are you spending it?
    I went to some "Satanic" bullshit party last night and danced with a pretty hot goth chick for a while before she lost interest. Felt good but the music was ass. You'd think all these devil types would choose some cool tracks but it was all standard club fare. Today I have no fricking energy. It's 3:13 and I'm four coffees deep, still ready to fall back asleep at a moment's notice. Played chess online all day and lost every single match. If I want to hit the gym I need to wake the frick up. There's a local haunted house I want to visit tomorrow but none of my dipshit friends want to go. None of them have wanted to do anything for Halloween, anytime I suggest trying whatever event they just want to hang out at someone's home and play eurotrash board games. I'm starting to resent my friends because they never want to do anything, and it's starting to feel like they're laughing at me whenever I suggest something and get thoroughly rebuffed. They don't enjoy any of the things that I enjoy, they drink too much, and they're just so sedentary. I genuinely like them and I feel terrible to day it, but I'm also starting to resent them. So I've been going places alone, which feels even more lonely than staying home. Thanks for reading my blog.

    • 9 months ago

      >before she lost interest.
      once again the coomer is more interested than the woman

  74. 9 months ago

    I’m writing a guide to unfrick yourself with various different starting points, it’s written with the typical IST autist in mind/basically myself.
    There’s several sections for different aspects of unfricking ones life. I’m going to draft it over this week, then revise and further develop it, and start putting it into practice and while I do that revise and make it more readable and better. After about 1-3 years I will reassess and possibly put it out for free.

    • 9 months ago

      And why should anyone take life advice from you?

      • 9 months ago

        Because I will blast test and fake natty my way into ripping people off

  75. 9 months ago

    So fricking stresesd about work man, they want me to do 30% more work in the same amount of time. they told me to cut corners to make it but now are asking me to take pictures to make sure everything is being done. my boss just did my shift on a sunday after the place was closed an entire day and said "look it's possible". I just want to quit.

  76. 9 months ago

    My family has been out of town for a few days and they return tomorrow so I'm just chilling and enjoying my last night by myself. It's cool and rainy where I'm at right now. Heat is on for the first time all season. Got a drink and might watch Svengoolie later. Very cozy.

    Also, I noticed my hair has stopped falling out since yesterday. Was on a few different medications that messed with my hormones (enclomiphene +anastrozole). This triggered a ton of hair loss for me. Complicating things was finding out I actually have a bit of a ferritin (iron) deficiency which didn't help matters. I quit the medication around a month and a half ago but the hair loss continued. After weeks of finding hair on my pillow or noticing it fall off my head, I haven't seen anything for the past couple of days. Whether it's going to grow back is a different story but I had a major WAGMI moment.

  77. 9 months ago

    >be dicklet
    >new gf for first time in 5 years
    >worried about sex
    >get down to business
    >turns out she has a super small vegana and pretty much any penetration hurts her so she's actually happy I'm smaller
    >sex is amazing
    Life is amazing bros

  78. 9 months ago

    I don't get it bros, I've been the most chad I've ever been.
    Lost 120lbs, became an amateur mma fighter
    And b***hes love me until they ask me about politics
    Why must I lust over alt and goth chicks, they are always crazy fricking commies
    All the "trad wives" around me are single moms with tyrone BD's
    I'm just wallowing while listening to shoegaze in my room lonely, no friends, feels bad

    • 9 months ago

      Have you tried being less of a c**t? The only politician most people care about is fricking Mayor McCheese

      • 9 months ago

        This last girl broke things off because I didn't fall for the covid jab, and don't support late term abortions, but ok nibba
        I could lie to b***hes to sleep with them but thats cringe

        • 9 months ago

          It was more likely due to you calling them b***hes.

          • 9 months ago

            kys Black person

        • 9 months ago

          This wasn't a problem for me unfortunately but there is an annoying trend with women nowadays where they expect your politics to mirror theirs before they will date you. I think it's an unfortunate side effect of the app dating economy.
          Anyway, I'd just hide your power level. Play it off when the topic comes up, change the subject etc. Once she really likes you she won't care so much.

          • 9 months ago

            Not on the apps currently, I approached her organically
            As much as I want to hide the power level, I feel like it's good to be up front, but so far has not worked, She asked about politics on the second date, she said she does want to see me again. But I felt the vibe really change afterwards, we shall see

            • 9 months ago

              Good luck brother, another date is a good sign. Just focus on being a fun and interesting guy.

              • 9 months ago

                thanks man, and good luck in your endeavors

  79. 9 months ago

    Got into my first relationship on Tuesday. She’s very cute, has the same sense of humor as I do and overall there’s just insane chemistry. I thought getting a gf will change my mindset, but nothing really changed, I still struggle with nicotine addiction. I’m 24 days clean, but the urges are getting stronger:( I went to confess my sins this evening and I’ve been feeling better since then.

    • 9 months ago

      where did u meet her

      • 9 months ago


  80. 9 months ago

    >ask out a girl that I thought I had decent chemistry with
    >get shot down
    >the very next day she’s all over a guy who is ugly as frick
    I swear to Christ I’m about to loose my shit. What the frick

    • 9 months ago

      For some girls, having ultimate power over a guy is everything she wants.
      Now she gets to eat two cakes at once.
      >Attractive guy gets to roll around in jealousy for her
      >Ugly guy will never leave her

  81. 9 months ago

    How the FRICK do you form a healthy relationship with a girl if you're a typical introverted IST using manlet?

  82. 9 months ago

    I'm actually at my 10th day of stopping weed. Smoked around 12 years, last 5 years it was around 4 grams a day. The 3 years before that I was a heroin junk aswell.
    Even thou I quit opiates, got a degree and high paying job I was still a fricking junk. Night sweats are gone already, still have a hard time falling asleep and I'm low key fricking angry 24/7. But dont feel like getting high. Over the years I just became isolated, blew off friends to the point they didn't invite me to do anything anymore, haven't been on a date for over a year. Everyday was the same I just woke up got baked, coded, went to the gym and gamed till it was time to sleep.
    I already feel alot more in the moment and everything is just easier, I've told my friends about all this and have plans to hang/go out again.

    I feel like life is going to really good in a short while.

  83. 9 months ago

    >mentally ill for 10 years
    >tried new routine past week
    >lying in bed last night
    >Literally felt all the wires in my brain and body switch back on like a light switch
    >from head to toe my body starts tingling
    >it felt like shinji getting into the eva
    >my imagination went insane and any time I thought about something it felt like it was actually happening
    What a trip

  84. 9 months ago

    about to take 4g of shrooms in a lemon tea. god save me tonight bros

    • 9 months ago

      Take the battery out of all your electronics first

      • 9 months ago

        nah I want to be invaded by the demons after this shitty week.

  85. 9 months ago

    I have epilepsy type 1. It's thought that to be hereditary and triggered by too much blood to the brain (working out.) I'm on medication and I'm 7 months seizure free, but lately I've been having strong migraines after I exercise, and it feels like I may pass out.
    Ive only been jogging lately, but even that gives me a migraine and makes me dizzy.
    Do any of you have any exercises or workouts that don't pump lots of blood to the brain? Any supplements I could take or suggestions? Shit really sucks

    • 9 months ago

      Wow that’s deep man you should try just training your upper body it’s pretty fun.

      • 9 months ago

        >any exercises or workouts that don't pump lots of blood to the brain?
        >Just train your upper body bro!

        Holy reading comprehension
        Or you've never lifted

        • 9 months ago

          Idk man I’m not really fingers to the pulse of how much blood is in my brain.

          I'm not a medical professional, but I can offer some general suggestions. It's crucial to consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice regarding your epilepsy. That said, some low-impact exercises like swimming or stationary biking might be worth discussing with your doctor, as they can be easier on your body. They may also recommend specific supplements or adjustments to your medication.

          Here’s your generic answer!

  86. 9 months ago

    >hop on minoxidil
    >shedding phase is over on some parts
    >if I'm not careful it spreads to others
    >thus those areas shed
    Case in point, a small bald spot that is noticeable on the front of my head and itches like a mofo. Don't drink kids. Shit fricks with your hair so bad. I probably went from NW 2 to 3 over the past 2 years. God help me get it back to 2.

  87. 9 months ago

    I can't wait for this new job to settle in. I wanna get back into boxing so bad now that I'm not a trade exhausted after work. Frick the trades.

  88. 9 months ago

    Should I be doing full body workouts if I can only workout 4x per week?

  89. 9 months ago

    I’m took busy with work to go on dates and even if I wasn’t I’m fat (have muscles underneath) and have the personality of a wet blanket. Started meal prepping and gym is going well.

    Should I wait to start dating until my life is in order? Pretty lonely ngl

    • 9 months ago

      Don't wait, self improvement is good and you should keep it up but you need to apply that to your social skills at the same time. Imagine you spend 2 years grinding on yourself and you have a great body and still zero social skills. You now have to waste more time fricking up that you could have done in parallel. I'm telling you this as someone about a year on the same path who keeps putting off dating because I'm a pussy.

      • 9 months ago

        I want to join my local rugby club. I played during college and know it’s a great way to make friends. Problem is so already got a couple concussions during college and then tore my pec. Should I still do it? I’m not going to do an adult kickball league or something stupid like that.

        I also moved here like 3 months ago and have been working nonstop because all of my colleagues quit leaving me with all of the work.

    • 9 months ago

      Start flirting with literally everyone. You can have a gf too. You’re enough right now anon, people like to be around the uplifting person on a come up.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't wait, self improvement is good and you should keep it up but you need to apply that to your social skills at the same time. Imagine you spend 2 years grinding on yourself and you have a great body and still zero social skills. You now have to waste more time fricking up that you could have done in parallel. I'm telling you this as someone about a year on the same path who keeps putting off dating because I'm a pussy.

        Forgot to mention I had a great body by IST definitions. Had surgery and got fat. Muscle mass is close to presurgery now, but still fat. I also had a gf that left once I got fat and now I have zero confidence.

        I’m 5’11” 200lb so it’s not like I’m fat as fatass and can squat 3 plate for reps

        • 9 months ago

          >already had a gf
          Just lose the 15-20 lbs and you'll be fine dude what are you even stressing over you'll be good in like 3 months.

          • 9 months ago

            The breakup was about a year ago and the surgery was 3 years ago. I went on a lot of dates after the breakup and got laid twice including at a wedding which was pretty cool. I only really liked like one of the girls I went on a date with but she wasn’t interested. I’ve been trying to lose weight for the past two years but have have stayed between 190 and 210.

            I went on a hiatus about 7 months ago.

            • 9 months ago

              Okay, so just lose the weight??? Get off your ass and get serious about sticking to your diet.

            • 9 months ago

              Get some pics of you today, log your current lifts, and see how fast you can improve your body

              • 9 months ago

                I took a photo the day of the break up. I only look slightly better now. Last break up my progress was more or less immediate and I had abs within a year for the first time in my life. This time has been different and I’ve barely made any progress. I can no longer train chest as intensely as I did before the surgery which has been pretty demoralizing.

                I’m never going to give up. I love lifting and the challenges that come with it. I’ve been at it for about 10 years, but the past 3 years have been very frustrating.

              • 9 months ago

                Start of Covid you regressed? Like who gives a frick everybody got fricked up by that just own it

              • 9 months ago

                My peak physique was during Covid it just happened to coincide with when I tore my pec

  90. 9 months ago

    I'm a 29 year old kissless hugless handholdless dateless virgin who has rejected sexual advances a couple times + didn't reciprocate on multiple flirtatious interactions because I'm not comfortable with my body due to being overweight. Decent face (but fat), tall (6'1 or so) and I'm white with blond hair + broad shoulders with a deep voice. I'm 295 lbs, I went down to 215 or so at one point in the past and I never thought I was attractive enough to reciprocate flirtation/sexual advances. I imagine every woman is already taken with a man who is in better shape than me or better looking.

    I used to be 490 lbs and somehow I have no loose skin besides under my upper arms + between thighs. I plan on getting so lean (down to 170-180) that I can see abs in the mirror anytime I want so I can confirm I'm always lean in my brain so I can possibly start trying to get with women.

    It's actually over and I feel like an hero'ing the thinner I get because I get more attention from females yet my brain doesn't allow me to reciprocate until I'm not fat. Even if I lost the weight (which I did before), I find something else wrong with me that doesn't "allow" me to flirt with women. My entire life consists of self improvement at this point with no clear goal or end.

    My brain won't allow me to seek out women for the prospects of sex or even speak to them in any fashion other than simply "what's up" and "see ya" until I'm essentially top 10% of male bodies. There's no in-between.

    It's over.

    • 9 months ago

      Oh bro that’s a lotta of noise, let me think. I think it’s not over. Do you know what I mean?

      • 9 months ago

        No, I can't fathom the possibility of it not being over because it technically never started but I feel it's already over somehow.

        • 9 months ago

          Yea yeaaa I hear you but it’s also like you can do whatever you want right now and don’t really have anything to lose. It can’t hurt to start putting yourself at the center of attention, flirting, and making jokes. Yknow what I mean.

          • 9 months ago

            Fair enough. When I get sub 15% bodyfat and can see the beginning of abs I'll try it a few times with a few women at my gym who are single - if I get rejected every time I'm roping. Ya dig?

            • 9 months ago

              Nah dog I’m not digging that at all we’re not just going to leave that there, you don’t need to wait to get cut to start. Just go gloating around like hey see me now? Just wait 3 months I’ll be down 20 lbs. then when they give you shit or support you make it funny and positive yknow. No big deal anyone who gives you shit for that is a crab in the bucket at the end of the day mate. Yknow there’s no point in the an hero if you haven’t even begun to peak or see Istanbul or Fiji or china or Tokyo or London

              • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      You can recondition yourself by seeking out confirmation of being good enough, but you have to be open to the idea of having your mind changed. You're repeatedly self sabotaging despite everything. Honestly you need therapy.

  91. 9 months ago

    >girl i've crushed on for a year ghosted me and her best friend told me she was just going through stuff
    >she's hitting me up in group settings again

    I don't want the vicious cycle of analyzing every action she does as some form of intimacy towards me. I almost fricking got over her. I'm fairly certain she only sees me as a friend but her actions just are way too different from that of a friend's

  92. 9 months ago

    Does this site make you progressive more mentally ill, or are you on this site BECAUSE you're already fricked in the head? I think it's the former - all the demoralizing and unhinged rants are getting to me

    • 9 months ago

      The mind is fragile its vulnerable, look up hypnotism that shit is real. Just by listening to someone you’ll start imitating their behavior and vernacular to some extent.

    • 9 months ago

      it's both

  93. 9 months ago

    Anybody use Nutricost protien? Their prices seem too good to be true.

  94. 9 months ago

    I want to do a PhD in physics, but I'm apprehensive about my prospects afterwards

    • 9 months ago

      Just join the Army or Air Force reserves as some sort of military intelligence specialist or officer, then use your resulting security clearance to work at a MIC company like LockMart or one of the national labs that does glowie work. If nothing else it'll provide a springboard from which you can go on to a different position elsewhere after a couple years. Also, $50 a month for healthcare for a single adult, if that appeals to you.

      • 9 months ago

        I'm already 27. It's kinda late

        • 9 months ago

          The max age is like 29 iirc, but if it's not your thing that's fine.

  95. 9 months ago

    Feeling like I'm done with my girlfriend of one and a half years who I live with. She's a nice person but she's just fricking annoying. Constant lectures, as if she's an adult and I'm a kid. Constant criticism, like she even compares me negatively to my Dad and shit like that. I feel like I can't be myself around her. I'm constantly trying to fit myself into this little box that she's created, this little role that she's assigned me in her vision for our future. Plus our sex drives are completely mismatched: she'd be happy with once a month or less, whereas in all of my previous relationships we've settled on once a day. I really admire her as a person, in her own way. She's a bit like Leslie Knope, a real hard worker and cares about family. But I'm stagnating. I'm flat, emotionless, strained. There's all sorts of shit that's important to me that I can't talk about because she'd stare blankly at me and change the subject to some normie bullshit like Kpop drama. I don't see us having a long term future. We're limping along at the moment, arguing more and more often. It seems like it's just gonna dribble out and die with a whimper. It sucks and I feel guilty when I think about her having to break the news to her family, cuz they all expect us to get married

    • 9 months ago

      Oh yea end that shit bro how dare she try to fit you in a little box and beat you down with lectures and criticism. Comparing you to your dad is toxic asffff, bro just get out of that now it doesn’t get better

    • 9 months ago

      she wants to frick ur dad

    • 9 months ago

      Anon, at least you actually have a girlfriend.

      Why is it so hard for me to get a girlfriend or at least a friend with benefits?
      •Would playing my guitar in front of them at parks and on campus (playing songs like "Peaches", "Island in the Sun", "Carless Whisper", "More than Words", "Drive", etc honestly help to attract them?
      •The guitarists I've met (who clearly play much better than me) have told me that I play on an intermediate level:
      •I've been thinking about getting well known tattoos on my arms, mostly to help me look cooler when it comes to women/girls, I admit.
      Not going to lie:
      I'm seriously fricking tired of being a single, physically fit (yet I don't have attractive face and still getting some teeth work done) solo guitarist gym guy who doesn't have a gf or even frickbuddy...
      However, if playing guitar in front of them AND getting cool tattoos will help me start attracting them (admittedly, I really don't want to get tattoos), then I'll do it:
      I seriously want to know what you Anons think of this and what else I can do to improve my chances of not being single anymore and finally having relationship: intimacy, sex, traveling/spending time together and have arguments, disagreements with:
      I'm sure a relationship won't be a bed of roses, though I still want one.
      Got any helpful advice?

      and I seriously want a girlfriend, or at the very least a friend with benefits.
      I've been thinking about getting cool tattoos (even though I honestly don't want to) and playing my guitar in front of them on campus, at parks, etc just to possibly improve my odds of finally getting a girl.
      Anon, being a single guy who doesn't have a romantic relationship fricking sucks!

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Not everything is meant to work out and this relationship sounds like a prime example. End it and move on. Absolutely don't keep being unhappy just to meet people's expectations.

  96. 9 months ago

    Why is it so hard for me to get a girlfriend or at least a friend with benefits?
    •Would playing my guitar in front of them at parks and on campus (playing songs like "Peaches", "Island in the Sun", "Carless Whisper", "More than Words", "Drive", etc honestly help to attract them?
    •The guitarists I've met (who clearly play much better than me) have told me that I play on an intermediate level:
    •I've been thinking about getting well known tattoos on my arms, mostly to help me look cooler when it comes to women/girls, I admit.
    Not going to lie:
    I'm seriously fricking tired of being a single, physically fit (yet I don't have attractive face and still getting some teeth work done) solo guitarist gym guy who doesn't have a gf or even frickbuddy...
    However, if playing guitar in front of them AND getting cool tattoos will help me start attracting them (admittedly, I really don't want to get tattoos), then I'll do it:
    I seriously want to know what you Anons think of this and what else I can do to improve my chances of not being single anymore and finally having relationship: intimacy, sex, traveling/spending time together and have arguments, disagreements with:
    I'm sure a relationship won't be a bed of roses, though I still want one.
    Got any helpful advice?

    • 9 months ago

      You only need status dude, work until You become popular and the girls in your área Will flow at you.

      General advice:
      Don't get permanent tattos only for pussy, do the not permanent and move for there if You get succes.
      Looksmax at least to high tier normie
      You are crazy for pussy, don't stop the work on You only for looking a girl

  97. 9 months ago

    Drank too much tonight and keep typing and deleting messages to my Ex...frick I'll never get over her

  98. 9 months ago

    Any anons have advice with Dream-maxxing? Specifically with regards to
    >increasing consistent lucidity
    >staying deep enough asleep to not wake up when I achieve lucidity
    >maximizing vividness
    I've just been enamored with this kind of thing lately, especially the spiritual opportunities I might be afforded as well.

    • 9 months ago

      There are certain kinds of cheese that will induce very intense dreams if you eat them right before bed.

  99. 9 months ago

    I got married today bros. Sometimes you can actually make it.

    • 9 months ago

      Hell yeah bro!

    • 9 months ago


  100. 9 months ago

    Surprise me! Something a baby could take because I’m a child when it comes to drinking. Sorry if that sounded gay.

    I’m thinking of getting into journaling, spoken or written. I was told recently that I have a nice voice and articulate things well in my speech so maybe that would be a fun route. May still write things out though. I’m in my third year of college now and admittedly the first two feel like a blur. I barely remember what happened and I moved through it all mindlessly. Hopefully journaling would help me grapple with my goals and thoughts better, also just remembering what the hell I did that day.

    I’m on the later side of college (but not too late) to be thinking this, but I’d like to socially branch out more. There are so many people to meet on campus at my university and I haven’t done so to the level I’d like. I’ve recently met some pretty nice people and hopefully could meet more people through them. Obligatory “waa no gf” but really I’d like to just have a group large enough (or connections close enough) that I could randomly call someone to hang at 11pm and they would. Doing fine socially, but there’s room for growth.

    I also feel I need to divvy up my time more deliberately. I could get more work done and give myself dedicated free time. I’ve become so boring because all I do nowadays is schoolwork and fricking off on Instagram. Maybe a bit more structure to my day would get me out of the social media slog and give an inkling of motivation to do shit I enjoy. Give me something to talk to people about as well.

    Overall I’m doing well and I’m optimistic for the future. Though maybe I shouldn’t be optimistic if I’m still on IST, haha

  101. 9 months ago

    Im so lonely
    I feel like i have absolutely no one that i can confide in

    • 9 months ago

      >you want me on top?

  102. 9 months ago

    She golf me she still hasn't moved on after she broke up with her ex. She was so perfect, smart, funny, and i'll never forget the way she smiled at me

  103. 9 months ago

    I just want to feel completely loved by a girl that isn't my mom/grandma.

  104. 9 months ago

    48 hours without nicotine

  105. 9 months ago

    ~~*They*~~ got to my gf of 5 years and she's been talking to me about ~~*open relationships*~~. It's over...

    • 9 months ago

      protestants are even worse

  106. 9 months ago

    >First year PhD student
    >30 years old
    >Still fat
    >Eating my own cooking so I'm slimming slowly to skinnyfat
    >Still no gf
    Gimme the frickign bottle of your worst rotgut

  107. 9 months ago

    >get a MILF lover
    >she comes over several times a week, bang her good
    >never initiate, she constantly texts and tries to ask me over
    >eventually we have a talk, I imply it's never going to a relationship, she tells me she should have known before she fell in love with me
    >keep seeing and banging her
    Eventually I'll have to break it up, but I can't really think of a way of doing it without hurting her feelings

    • 9 months ago

      >Anon is considering someone's feelings
      Shit and I thought I was fricked up.

  108. 9 months ago

    Health anxiety is ruining me. This year I’ve had periods of months where I believed I was having heart attacks, blood clots, brain aneurysms, strokes, etc.
    These last few months it’s been abdominal aortic aneurysm. I’m overweight (cutting) but I can see my pulse in my stomach while laying down. That’s normal in lean people. I know for a fact I’ve always had this, when I was lean, after gaining weight a few years ago. I just didn’t pay it any mind and assumed “yup that’s my pulse” until this health anxiety shit.
    Was bad this morning
    >feeling twitching in abdomen now
    >wtf oh shit I knew it frick frick frick shit frick no no please frick shit no
    >comes and goes, mostly off to my left side, occasionally feel a quarter second long sharp pain in abdomen area now that I’m hyper focusing on it
    >can’t palpate any masses
    >laying in bed trying to stay calm but freaking out
    >after an hour of this, trying to get a recording to see if the spasming is visible, I suddenly fart a bunch
    >goes away
    So basically my day was started in an anxious fit and it ended up being gas. I’m still farting actually. I’m not even 30, it would be extremely rare if I had an AAA. And yet it’s not impossible so that makes me anxious about it. I won’t be able to chill about this until I get seen by a doc and have them MRI me

  109. 9 months ago

    A gallon of water, please.

    I spent it by myself. Nothing new on that front.

    Buying clothes to go back to the gym after a back injury, unemployment and three months away. Going back loaded with whey and creatine. Will probably start roiding to see if it makes me more confrontational, assertive and violent. I'm done being a b***h.

  110. 9 months ago

    I need to figure out how to make decent money

    • 9 months ago

      there are no "tricks" when it comes to making money. imho there are only a 2 options you have as a regular guy. you work and live a frugal life style, save up most of your money over decades and invest (not gambling, so no crypto) that smartly. you inherit something. yeah thats about it. you either live like a bum and have money on your bank account or you live pay check to pay check like most people.

  111. 9 months ago

    9 months later and still not over the ex. She wasn't even that special, just a 30 year old waitress who fell into my standard "yeah I love you gurl and I definitely want to spend more time with you" schtick.

    After a while I did develop feelings for her (like one does) and we even moved in together. But then her sister got evicted from her own place so I had to move out so they could split rent. We started having less sex, I started noticing her eyes wandering and hyenas at work talking to her more explicitly. I start getting jealous, start confronting her about the bullshit and she decides shes had enough of my jealousy and cuts the cord.

    Sometime in February I asked to work from home so I don't have to be around her anymore (we work in the same office), and my request was granted. However my productivity/social interactions dropped hard after that. Picked up smoking, literally sit inside all day long typing away on a laptop and will probably get served with a termination notice at the end of the month due to failing to meet my sales goals.

    Wasted 4 years at that place surrounded by bloodthirsty hyenas who'd frick their own grandmother's corpse just to close a deal. Tried doing things "the right way", which meant acting like a civilian, not lying and not focusing on the hustle. Which is why I was never able to achieve any sort of long term stability at this job. Or gain any respect from others who kept messing with my business, both financial and romantic. I feel like a dead man walking and I regularly ask myself why do I even get up in the morning at this point. I'm 34 years old.

    • 9 months ago

      Sort of similar. I can relate to catching feels anyways despite her being nothing special. Now like a year later I’m still thinking of her daily catching myself wishing she’d text me. Relationship was 6 months long distance only met up twice. It was more of a penpal ship with benefits on occasion than a relationship.

      Here’s what I’ve learned though. We know they’re not special and they weren’t the one. We don’t truly miss them, we miss the female companionship and these individuals happen to be our most recent reference for that kind of affection and attention. It’s not them we miss. I was like this for over 5 years after my first gf, and fricking this second one one time I instantly realized what I just typed here. The only way is to meet other women. You’re probably over her, you just don’t realize it’s female affection and companionship you crave not her.

      • 9 months ago

        I realize that, I also realize it's impossible to find a girl that's gonna completely fit those "ideal gf" shoes.

        This one was pretty close to that though. I've had a 4 year long relationship and another year long relationship before this one, but no where did the surrounding circumstances matched like with this one. We worked together, we had the same interests, we had a joint circle of work friends, and we lived together before the sister thing happened. Even her cats liked me and I don't care much about cats personally. Now I lost her, lost the friends, can't even lift without looking at the fat grips she gifted me, miss the stupid cats, and am about to lose the job I was at for 4 years. Not something you can "frick away" with another pussy, especially when you don't have anywhere to meet her or anything to take her out with

        • 9 months ago

          I’m not telling you to frick it away man. Date. The key take away for me getting over the first gf after five years was “oh. I’m going to be okay. I will meet someone new, someone better.” Not that the bar for mine was super high. But you get what I mean. If you could come that close once you can get even closer again, and again, and again until you find the one. And there’s many “the one”’s out there.

  112. 9 months ago

    Yelled at my roommate a while ago for banging around with their iphone light at random times at night/leaving the door open for the hallway light to blind me.
    Feel bad cause I couldve been more diplomatic but weeks of bad sleep from being randomly woken up cause of his shitty sleep schedule made me lose it.

    • 9 months ago

      This is why I still live at home and will only leave when I can afford to live by myself. I don’t think I can be diplomatic with an entitled moron as a roommate which from what I’ve heard and seen with friends is the case most of the time. Like what, I approach them the right way and they just say “uh huh yeah whatever you say my bad man” and then they continue doing the same shit? The things I don’t take lightly are my sleep, food, and a clean environment. Pair that with them being someone who constantly has to have people over and I don’t believe I simply could be civil knowing they’d probably act like a self absorbed dick about it and continue messing with those things. I’d have a domestic violence thing ensue. I’m super conscious of how my actions affect others because of this and I quite literally have thought processes of “better not leave this light on/turn it on at all, better be as quiet as I can I know I’d be pissed if they fricked with my sleep” but no one else seems to think those ways.
      So no I don’t think you’re wrong. They will now think twice about it.

  113. 9 months ago

    Hi bros I got a girl’s number last night at the bars but I blacked out and remember her at all. What do I do?

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