>The old Romans had a custom which survived even into my lifetime.

>The old Romans had a custom which survived even into my lifetime. They would add to the opening words of a letter: "If you are well, it is well; I also am well." Persons like ourselves would do well to say. "If you are studying philosophy, it is well." For this is just what "being well" means. Without philosophy the mind is sickly, and the body, too, though it may be very powerful, is strong only as that of a madman or a lunatic is strong. This, then, is the sort of health you should primarily cultivate; the other kind of health comes second, and will involve little effort, if you wish to be well physically. It is indeed foolish, my dear Lucilius, and very unsuitable for a cultivated man, to work hard over developing the muscles and broadening the shoulders and strengthening the lungs. For although your heavy feeding produce good results and your sinews grow solid, you can never be a match, either in strength or in weight, for a first-class bull. Besides, by overloading the body with food you strangle the soul and render it less active. Accordingly, limit the flesh as much as possible, and allow free play to the spirit. Many inconveniences beset those who devote themselves to such pursuits. In the first place, they have their exercises, at which they must work and waste their life-force and render it less fit to bear a strain or the severer studies. Second, their keen edge is dulled by heavy eating. Besides, they must take orders from slaves of the vilest stamp — men who alternate between the oil-flask and the flagon, whose day passes satisfactorily if they have got up a good perspiration and quaffed, to make good what they have lost in sweat, huge draughts of liquor which will sink deeper because of their fasting. Drinking and sweating — it's the life of a dyspeptic!

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  1. 9 months ago

    Seneca died in a bathtub, having been ordered to kill himself or be killed by his mentor, emperor Nero. The emperor believed Seneca might be involved in a plot against him. Though a stoic, Seneca was the least convincing stoic in lifestyle, choosing to retain wealth and comfort, which likely compromised his ability to be a convincing role model for Nero. Seneca is much like failed father figures seen in the 50s to the 90s - they benefitted from a wealth of philosophy, but they failed to successfully reincarnate it foe thr next generation.

    • 9 months ago

      >stoics cannot have wealth and comforts
      The frick are you on, homie?

      • 9 months ago

        Epictetus would like a word.
        But in Seneca's case, his wealth and comfort was lavish, over the top, beyond even modest enjoyment. He advised an emperor and lived the related lifestyle. If you want evidence of how that worked out for him, both factually and ethically, revisit how he failed to propagate his beliefs to his mentee and how he died.

    • 9 months ago


      Also, this is a more accurate and appropriate image of Seneca, given his fitness opinions


      Also, this is a more accurate and appropriate image of Seneca, given his fitness opinions


      >The old Romans had a custom which survived even into my lifetime. They would add to the opening words of a letter: "If you are well, it is well; I also am well." Persons like ourselves would do well to say. "If you are studying philosophy, it is well." For this is just what "being well" means. Without philosophy the mind is sickly, and the body, too, though it may be very powerful, is strong only as that of a madman or a lunatic is strong. This, then, is the sort of health you should primarily cultivate; the other kind of health comes second, and will involve little effort, if you wish to be well physically. It is indeed foolish, my dear Lucilius, and very unsuitable for a cultivated man, to work hard over developing the muscles and broadening the shoulders and strengthening the lungs. For although your heavy feeding produce good results and your sinews grow solid, you can never be a match, either in strength or in weight, for a first-class bull. Besides, by overloading the body with food you strangle the soul and render it less active. Accordingly, limit the flesh as much as possible, and allow free play to the spirit. Many inconveniences beset those who devote themselves to such pursuits. In the first place, they have their exercises, at which they must work and waste their life-force and render it less fit to bear a strain or the severer studies. Second, their keen edge is dulled by heavy eating. Besides, they must take orders from slaves of the vilest stamp — men who alternate between the oil-flask and the flagon, whose day passes satisfactorily if they have got up a good perspiration and quaffed, to make good what they have lost in sweat, huge draughts of liquor which will sink deeper because of their fasting. Drinking and sweating — it's the life of a dyspeptic!
      IST BTFO

      >every large muscle of a legionary is a language he didn't learn, an interesting fact he did not memorise...

    • 9 months ago

      tl;dr he was just like Socrates but with a different opinion on wrestling and more money

      • 9 months ago

        Disagree. Socrates chose to pursue truth over life which is what makes him a powerful figure, he could have avoided his trial by simply shutting up around the rich and powerful. Seneca went with the flow and still got ganked.

      • 9 months ago

        Socrates, being an Athenian citizen, also likely fought in the phalanx at some point. Seneca, an elite patrician, probably did not fight in the legions. There is very little information on the early lives of either, so this is just speculation.

        • 9 months ago

          >Socrates, being an Athenian citizen, also likely fought in the phalanx at some point
          Alcibiadies claimed Socrates was an excellent, almost super-human soldier. He gave him anime characteristics like how he could endure cold, heat and starvation on marches better than any other and marched barefoot. He saved his life. Alcibiadies was disappointed Socrates would fool around and get gay with him too. Likely this was all Plato's creative license though because he was a gay.

  2. 9 months ago

    Also, this is a more accurate and appropriate image of Seneca, given his fitness opinions

  3. 9 months ago

    >Envy people with muscles
    >Write this much about how you're better than them because you study philosophy instead
    >Call yourself a Stoic


  4. 9 months ago

    I have a philosophy undergrad, 30 KHHV NEET fat 28% bf and will probably be homeless soon because I think working is immoral under circumstances like mine which is probably a schizoid cope.

    • 9 months ago

      >working is immoral under circumstances like mine
      What circumstances, exactly?

      • 9 months ago

        pluralist proximity ethics + won't die or be seriously injured in recent enough term being homeless in a liberal city
        self doesn't persist in time - obligation to future self is minimal and gradual compared to supporting immoral things with productive activities and taxes now. Self not persisting also means training/preparing for better improvements at a significant cost/suffering the selves now are a form of slavery.

        • 9 months ago

          Your philosophy opinions are shit tbh and probably held for fake and gay reasons. You aren't Socrates compelled to the will of his Daimon of reason. You're just being a moron whose been enabled to hold esoteric meme positions.

          • 9 months ago

            possibly. Found out I fit schizoid personality pretty well few days ago and these could be copes, but I can't just not believe what I believe unless I find something's wrong with it. Best I can do is use the schizoid label to introduce additional doubts as a reason to change things in more moderation - but moderation in compared to what? I wouldn't know what to do if everything's in doubt unless I also arbitrarily assume views of most people are also right with a higher degree of certainty than mine, idk why I would do that.

            • 9 months ago

              You're trying too hard. Just livestream your dick chopping instead of wasting everyone's time.

            • 9 months ago

              >unless I also arbitrarily assume views of most people are also right with a higher degree of certainty than mine
              Given that you may fit schizoid personality and that you're intellectualizing homeless and low self investment, yes, that sounds like a good idea.
              >idk why I would do that.
              Because you are not an island unto yourself. While not a guarantee of success, collective human thought over millenia has well-established general themes of what works and what doesn't. The ability to sacrifice some meaningful part of the present to ensure a better future is well documented as one. You're running a strong counter approach to that, which either means you're correct despite the trend, or you're mistaken. Statistically, you're far more likely to be mistaken.

              • 9 months ago

                Self persisting in time because others seem to think so would only be a good reason to think so too if similar levels of introspection are applied for both sides. Most people never considers these stuff and there should be evolutionary tendencies to make us think that way too whether or not it's true vs me wasting time thinking about it and having significant personal cost to me as a result of it, the weights are different.

                I'm assuming these refers to general personal happiness. If that's the goal, I agree with everything you said but it seems to me that being authentic and moral as goals should be prioritized before that and I'm disagreeing with those goals aligning with other people.

              • 9 months ago

                >Most people never considers these stuff
                That's a statement rooted in bias and specific framing. People think about how much they owe or don't owe the future self in deliberating every action they take that has future bearing consequences. Further, even if we accept your premise, enough people have thought about it over the course of history to shape human thought.
                >it seems to me that being authentic and moral as goals
                Your taste in ethical targets and priority faces the same issue as your philosophical positions - you've adopted ones that will lead to large negative outcomes for you, which rely on the statistically unlikely outcome that you've selected the correct ones despite being contrary to the trend.
                I'm not saying you have to subsume yourself to the world. I am saying that when 999 people out of 1,000 think your practical choices are moronic, you should take that seriously.

              • 9 months ago

                >enough people have thought about it over the course of history to shape human thought
                That's a good argument, frick

                I've looked into everything written related to persistent of numerical self identity philosophy and I'm not convinced of the arguments. But my assessment could be result of schizoid copes even though I don't know where exactly of which argument I'm not understanding. And then the arguments other people have could be copes from other things like evolutionary tendencies. So whether or not I should change what I do would depend on cope probability comparison, theirs vs mine. We are able to reason and do other shit despite evolutionary tendencies in other areas of philosophy and assumed for mine and the number of people are greater which average out to lower net copes when arguing in literature vs me having schizoid personality. Schizoid personality cope have a higher probability of affecting my assessment given I'm one guy and evolutionary and other copes have similar probability of working on me too and the few other philosophers that believes something close to what I believe do not see what I see as a necessary conclusion. So I'll have to change what I do despite my beliefs - now with lower confidence, since I still don't know where in the specific argument I'm going wrong or if I'm actually correct. Now I have a reason to believe a thing but also have a reason to do things(completely or in moderation) against what I believe, that's annoying but I guess that's my situation.

                Thanks for correcting me. Holy shit, I have to think about working and doing other normie crap now with nothing starting at 30. Really appreciate the help anon but AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

        • 9 months ago

          Get a job

          • 9 months ago


            I literally think that's a form of slavery as self does not persist
            It's also immoral for supporting shits in society and paying into govt's bs

    • 9 months ago

      You'll be fine.

  5. 9 months ago

    Goatis is eternal

  6. 9 months ago

    to think without lifting is to be a stoike, to think and lift is to be a stoic, to lift without thinking is to be an ick fr fr

    • 9 months ago

      have a nice day oldBlack person

  7. 9 months ago

    I wonder if the Romans ever ingested any dish soap. I know I have and it's not good, happened a moment ago and my throat is still burning. Didn't throw up but what should I do?

    • 9 months ago

      It doesn't do anything, at worst it will give you the shits.

  8. 9 months ago

    *destroys roman empire*
    heh, nothing personnel ytbois

  9. 9 months ago

    who dafuq is Roman?

    • 9 months ago

      >How could you forget about me, cousin?

  10. 9 months ago

    He's basically saying if you have incel nerd genes it's pointless to gymcel, which is 100% correct
    You're not a robust legionnaire, you're a geek with thin wrists and a weakly shaeped jaw

  11. 9 months ago

    The romans were gay pedophiles. Didnt read.

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