this image did more to convince me to skip squats than the guy who died doing squats

I’ll stick to things like Bulgarian split squats, sled, and sprinting for leg gains.

Powerlifting is a proven meme. I can’t believe it lasted for this long but finally it’s final nail in the coffin has been placed. Imagine thinking that loading a movement you naturally use to go to the bathroom for would be a good idea and give you aesthetic and functional legs.

Good riddance

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  1. 9 months ago

    His legs look like tumors. Calisthenics chads win again

  2. 9 months ago

    This is what it eventually happens if you go to the gym. You end up looking deformed.
    Calisthenics is the way to go

    • 9 months ago

      Or just skip legs more often if you have a natural affinity for big legs. I'd say most white people don't need much leg training to blow them up.

      • 9 months ago

        >just go to the gym but dont actually workout or make use of the machines
        At that point you are better off doing calisthenics and saving your money.

        • 9 months ago

          Sure you can do that if you want to train that way, but it will be more difficult to progress on chest and shoulders no doubt. The guy in the picture uses a weight vest and dip bars which will be harder to come by.

    • 9 months ago

      >end up looking deformed.
      this is what doeing exlusively calosthenics will give you. hunchback from good abs and shit erectors. not to mention stuff like side delts or traps and in most cases rear delts and long head of triceps too

      • 9 months ago

        Just doing shitloads of pullups and nothing for upper back and rear delts gives you hunchback kyphotic posture as well

        • 9 months ago

          yep but many calisthenics guys are doing inverted rows. using only vertical pulls for back is bad. calisthenics are awkward more when it comes to certain muscles. side delts and traps demand mivements where you are hanging head down or standing on hands but probably handstand pushups are mostly side triceps and front delts...

      • 9 months ago

        It’s impossible for your rectus abdominals to keep up with your erectors if you deadlifts and squat heavy. There is no equivalent sort of exercise where you can place hundred of pounds of load on your abs like you can with squats and deadlifts. It’s why almost everyone in the gym has some form of back issue. And why almost everyone who lifts long term will have some long term permanent back problem later in life.

  3. 9 months ago

    I don't know how to tell you this OP but it's not necessarily barbell back squats that are the issue here, but rather overdeveloped quads. You can switch exercises but you're just missing the forest through the trees. Do whatever quad exercise you like but when you want them to stop growing, stop adding weight or reps on them.

  4. 9 months ago

    His leg overdevelopment and bodyfat are the key factors which make me believe he's natural. He also stores tons of fat in his lower body so it just ruins his shape being even ~15-18%.
    Just focus on keeping your body parts in proportion and don't be afraid to skip a body part if you want to be aesthetic. Cbum had overdeveloped legs in the beginning of his bodybuilding career from years of natural heavy training on squats and deads which will blow up your legs. Steroids blow up your shoulders and upper back.

    • 9 months ago

      My bad that image is actually from the 2017 Pittsburgh Pro which is the first pro show he won, he won his pro card in 2016 at the NA Championships.

    • 9 months ago


      How high are you right now?

  5. 9 months ago

    >doing squats is power lifting
    Bad b8 m8

    • 9 months ago

      Most people treat them that way. They are always concerned about how much weight is on the bar. They see how much they can 1rm. There are not very many back squatters at the gym who squat for more than 10 reps in a set besides maybe some girls. They all do things in very low sets as if they are training for powerlifting.

    • 9 months ago

      The big 3 of powerlifting is


      So yes. Squats is powerlifting

  6. 9 months ago

    >ITT: people that can't even squat lmao2pl8 for a good a set of 6-10 finds new copes to reaffirm their beliefs in being frail
    this dude didn't accidentally get those legs
    OP and every poster here will certainly never get those legs

    • 9 months ago

      This guy

      Or just skip legs more often if you have a natural affinity for big legs. I'd say most white people don't need much leg training to blow them up.

      squats like 2 plates max. That's all you need for reps.

      • 9 months ago

        Then don't do insane reps of huge weight on squats? Seems pretty easy to accomplish

    • 9 months ago

      >OP and every poster here will certainly never get those legs
      >Implying we want these legs
      His legs look fricking awful. He looks like a fricking goober. Look at him on the right. Looks God awful

    • 9 months ago


  7. 9 months ago

    It's not the squat it's the idiotic powerlifting mentality of specialising in 3 mostly useless movements, using whatever leverages move the most weight rather than concerning oneself with proportions. There are plenty of better ways of squatting that won't produce a physique like this, you just won't put up the same numbers but who really cares?

  8. 9 months ago

    I only ever do front squats at this point since I already have massive legs from years of competitive sports. I don't need bigger bigger legs, just need my quad heads to pop more. Plus front squats are great for core.

    • 9 months ago

      That being said, I've always been gifted with squats. Was easily pounding out lmao2pl8 when I started lifting and quickly moved to 3 plates.
      I'll occasionally do traditional squats, but I ain't going hard on them.
      I've benefitted greatly from spamming upper body work and doing lower body work sparringly.
      All that being said, it's highly dependent on your body type and what you're trying to achieve.

  9. 9 months ago

    i fricking hate this homosexual manlet so much

    • 9 months ago

      all fitness "personalities" and "influencers" are pozzed gays and industry israelites.
      anyone who watches these people is part of the problem

  10. 9 months ago

    >"NOOOOOOOOO you have to train legs twice a week you gottaaaaaaa for the optimal stimulusssss"

    Broscience and a deciated leg day 1x per week is the final redpill. Frick science gays

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