This is fitness because it's mental health. My OCD is beginning to hurt me bad.

This is fitness because it's mental health. My OCD is beginning to hurt me bad. Does anyone else in this shithole have OCD? And I don't mean the women kind where you have to put your keys on your bedside or you'll forget where you put them or whatever, I mean spending 35 minutes hyperventilating and turning off the lights, or getting physically nauseous because you landed on your bed the wrong way? I tore a nerve in my finger just now because I was pulling the string controlling my curtains too hard, because I couldn't let go until it felt just right on the 4th note of a rhythm I was repeating in my head. This shit is becoming crippling.

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  1. 9 months ago

    just stop being a pussy and lift heavy

  2. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      fricking lol I'm going to try this anon. Thank you. Exerting force and control over it seems much more like a viable strategy than the cucked garbage you see on youtube where they talk about having internal dialogues and acting like a fricking moron. that meme unironically seems like it could work. Fricking lol

    • 9 months ago

      if you can only think in memes you have bigger fish to fry

      • 9 months ago

        I imagine a fat basedjack who missed the captcha 3 times writing this

    • 9 months ago

      >bully shitty thoughts into submission
      Crazy enough to work

  3. 9 months ago

    I have schizophrenia and lifting helps me a lot. It's one of the 3-4 things that help against it and it stays ok

  4. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Holy frick I'm 3 minutes in and he is fricking literally me. Never herad anyone put these problems to words like this, this is hilarious. Countering bad thoughts with good thoughts but that's still not good enough because the bad thoughts came first so they are stronger, fricking lmao it's so true

  5. 9 months ago

    >This is fitness because it's mental health
    Shut up you fricking moron.

  6. 9 months ago

    You objectively, logically know nothing can happen. Because reality doesn't work that way. So the only thing you have to modify is your stance:

    Do you think if you used up all of your iron will to resist these temptations, that your will becomes a bit trained? That is, the next time after that, and then tenth time after that, it is at the very least *a little bit* easier to resist compared to the very first time you tried after having read this post?
    If yes, is the guaranteed pain and anxiety attack of this next time worth it for the, say, 20th time some time in the future?

    When I have anxiety attacks, I use this strategy, among others.

  7. 9 months ago

    If my toe touches the side of the bed the wrong way I have to push my foot into the side of the bed the right way to the point of pain.

    I wash my hands, soap and dry, twice each time no exceptions.

    If my bedsheet is off center or my furniture is misaligned sometimes I have to tear it off or kick the furniture over

  8. 9 months ago

    How about this moron:

    You know it's moronic. So why do it?
    > hurr le anxiety
    So? If you felt anxious about not cutting your dick off would you do it? Submitting to your fricked up brain chemistry is the same as being a troony.

    PS: This post was written with an utmost respect to all the LGBTQ members and their struggles.

    • 9 months ago

      This. If you are unable to use your brain to control your bodyparts you might as well transition since it means you weren't cut off to be a man anyways

    • 9 months ago

      >I'm 18 and edgy
      It's psychological. Just as you wouldn't tell a depressed person to "stop be depressed" or a stressed person to "just stop be stressed", you don't "just stop having OCD". It's obtrusive and compulsive for a reason but imagining it being a fricking basedcuck telling you to be heckin compulsive actually legit works lol

      • 9 months ago

        >you wouldn't tell a depressed person to "stop be depressed"
        I would and it literally works. Frick off weak homosexual

      • 9 months ago

        I never said it doesn't exist. But it's A CHOICE to follow it. It may be a HARD choice like running a marathon but it is a choice.
        And sure, try meds if it's that bad.

        • 9 months ago

          It's a choice because the alternative is physical illness, anxiety and panic. Go and tell someone with PTSD to just stop having it. It's psychological and the consequences are physical. If it were so easy to just control, it wouldn't be a problem.

          >you wouldn't tell a depressed person to "stop be depressed"
          I would and it literally works. Frick off weak homosexual

          You two gays have mental weaknesses that have known solutions that you just aren't addressing because you are cucked, and meanwhile you're telling people with issues without known solutions to "just stop having them". If you have a solution to OCD, the world is listening. Tell.

  9. 9 months ago

    Pure superstition and magical thinking in repetitive thoughts and actions, often ritualized, as way to exert control over environment and ward of possible negative events. Illogical and self-fulfilling addiction. Find some other healthy addiction to replace that shit.

  10. 9 months ago

    Take NAC

  11. 9 months ago

    Yeah, mine isn't so extreme though, I just get irritated and attempt to quell it internally.

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