Touching your toes

Anyone used to struggle with touching his toes qnd leaning forward like pic related but managed to overcome it? What helped? Any routines/video tutorials you can vouch for?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Bend overs x Failure (*unsheaths penis*)

  2. 7 months ago

    I'd touch her toes, if you know what I mean

  3. 7 months ago

    Hot yoga, hot yoga, hot yoga OP.

    Doing those folds for 3 months has let me not only touch my toes but bring my forehead to my knees and put my palms under the bottom of my foot. It’s also released a ton of back pain and stiffness in my spine.

    • 7 months ago

      Isn't hot yoga a branch of yoga? Or are you referring to a specific exercise? Do you have some guide I could follow or something?

      It's not my fault if you see an ordinary women doing some stretching and your mind immediately thinks of sex.

      iam in same boat as you OP. been trying to progress for months now.

      >your back muscles must be become loose alot too
      >hamstring stretches are the about 75% of this. since we sit so much its mostly about them.

      This board is so bad. Just stretch your hamstrings and calves every other day or every day for like 3 sets of 30-60 seconds.


      • 7 months ago


    • 7 months ago

      can confirm bikram/hot yoga is pretty good. shame i sweat like 3l of water during every session. feels like hell but it's quite nice afterwards.

      Isn't hot yoga a branch of yoga? Or are you referring to a specific exercise? Do you have some guide I could follow or something?

      It's not my fault if you see an ordinary women doing some stretching and your mind immediately thinks of sex.


      >Isn't hot yoga a branch of yoga?
      it's doing pic rel positions (asanas) in a hot room. here is a video of a full session

      • 7 months ago

        I'm trying to get into yoga but I feel the same kind of confusion I did when I started with lifting. For lifting everything "clicked" once I understood that there are compound movements and you branch from there. However I couldn't find the yoga equivalent of this yet. Most follow along yoga videos feel one of a kind without any structure. Sure, you see repeating exercises overtime. However I'm not sure how to structure a nice yoga "workout". I was thinking about exclusively focusing on bikram materials because they seem to be having 26 something exercises, a number my mind can graps, so I guess doing them one after another would make sense, but I'm not sure. Do you have any tips?

        • 7 months ago

          i wouldn't call myself an expert but from talking to my yogi i gather that you could consider each of those asanas equivalent to compound exercises. the whole workout is just a set of asanas. there seem to be different types of these workouts depending on what you want i.e. different types of yoga. a lot of milfs prefer pilates because it's not so hard on you and you also see a lot of benefits when you practice them + there are shitton of yoga studios which offer classes so i guess i would start with those. however if you can find a hot yoga studio instead i would try that because it's more intense and since you lift i think it could be more interesting for you because of the intensity (also the heat help with loosening up your tendons so you can stretch more). one thing is for sure - you need to find a good yogi (yoga teacher) to give you instructions and fix your form. yoga is also a form of meditation so you learn to shut off your mind completely and let the yogi give you instructions on what to do. i suppose you could also practice yoga on your own but then you would probably have to record yourself and analyze your form to fix it which is a lot of additional work. unless you want to teach yoga just find someone who can teach you instead. there are a lot more to yoga than what i explain so if you want to know something specific feel free to ask and i will answer as best as i can.

          • 7 months ago

            Thanks for all the info! Sadly because of time and distance issues I doubt I'll be able to attend a yoga class in the foreseeable future. I really enjoy the meditative part of it at home. I set up a timer and a bell rings every minute and I change pose. Sometimes I don't even open my eyes. I really feel it in my neck and shoulders and my posture is just wonderful after (to my standards). However it's just an amalgamation of poses I put together from the man flow yoga yt channel and I'm not sure whether or not they make sense. Aside from feeling good and relaxed I'd like to be able to do the more hip and hamstring heavy exercises (like touching your toes). Basically I'm looking for the starting strength of yoga workouts.

            • 7 months ago

              one minute for each of the asanas seems like a really long time. at least in bikram yoga class i can maybe last 20 seconds in each of them but we go through all of them relatively quickly. so fast that i can't even catch my breath. anyway, i took a little bit different approach in learning asanas - all of them target certain body part and if you can figure out which body part the asana is targeting then you can improve your form and yoga as well by doing the asana in a way that introduces stretching sensation to that body part. this is where the yogi came in. if you are on your own i would still practice bikram yoga asanas but be really careful with your knees. it's still a great program even without the heat. follow the video i posted here


              can confirm bikram/hot yoga is pretty good. shame i sweat like 3l of water during every session. feels like hell but it's quite nice afterwards.
              >Isn't hot yoga a branch of yoga?
              it's doing pic rel positions (asanas) in a hot room. here is a video of a full session

              . there are plenty others as well but i would suggest you do the 90 minute session. good luck!

              • 7 months ago

                Thank you very much for your help!

              • 7 months ago

                no prob! and if you ever get the chance to try hot/bikram yoga in a studio be sure to use it.

      • 7 months ago

        when a girl is good at 23, she can watch herself getting penetrated

    • 7 months ago

      can confirm bikram/hot yoga is pretty good. shame i sweat like 3l of water during every session. feels like hell but it's quite nice afterwards.
      >Isn't hot yoga a branch of yoga?
      it's doing pic rel positions (asanas) in a hot room. here is a video of a full session

      redpill me on hot yoga
      i just do normal yoga and i'm pretty close to touching my toes, never thought it'd be possible with my height lol

      • 7 months ago

        Isn't hot yoga a branch of yoga? Or are you referring to a specific exercise? Do you have some guide I could follow or something?

        It's not my fault if you see an ordinary women doing some stretching and your mind immediately thinks of sex.


        I’m 6’3”, the guy youre replying to.

        Literally just look up a hot yoga place near you and go, they probably offer at least one free class. If you are too autistic to go outside, just search vinyasa flow on youtube.

        I have learned that yoga isnt only a fantastic supplement to bodybuidling, it’s ESSENTIAL.

        • 7 months ago

          no i mean hot yoga vs normal yoga
          why should i do the hot version

          • 7 months ago

            To sweat more and build more body heat

            I dont honestly understand the science behind it but just trust me bro

            And you get to see mad b***hes in lulu clothes throwing their asses out

            • 7 months ago

              >And you get to see mad b***hes in lulu clothes throwing their asses out
              I know I'm going to sound like a coombrain but how don't these kind of yoga lessons turn into orgies?

              • 7 months ago

                Be the person to make that change.

                But seriously when class is ending and you’re surrounded by sweating and heavily breathing women and you’re on the final part of class where youre sitting and doing cool-down poses there is a sexual thrill to it for me at least

          • 7 months ago

            hot version is basically yoga + sauna. you sweat out all of the nasty shit and your tendons loosen up so you can stretch even more. also, more benefits to heart and lungs. overall an improvement in terms of the benefits you receive compared to regular yoga but it's also harder. not everyone can handle the heat.

  4. 7 months ago
  5. 7 months ago

    iam in same boat as you OP. been trying to progress for months now.

    >your back muscles must be become loose alot too
    >hamstring stretches are the about 75% of this. since we sit so much its mostly about them.

  6. 7 months ago

    >about 2 months ago used to be very flexible, touch toes easy
    >start lifting weights
    >can no longer touch toes

    • 7 months ago

      I used to not be able to touch my toes but now I can literally touch my chest to my knees. All I did was every morning and every night, I reached down as far as I could and held for like 30 seconds, rested a bit, and repeated two or three times.
      It's important to recognize that you're trying to stretch your back and hamstrings, not your shoulders, so if your shoulders hurt when you're done, it's because you're reaching your shoulders down too far to compensate for lack of hamstring and back flexibility. I had this problem in the beginning.
      Other things you can do to help you are dynamic reps, with a straight or a rounded back, elephant walks (kinda hard to describe, just look it up), hamstring kicks, and mobility. Mobility is essentially just training the muscle while stretching it, think deep RDLs with light weight.
      And one more thing: don't (statically) stretch a muscle before you train it; that's a good way to get injured. Stretch after working out. If you're training a completely different muscle group, you can stretch before, but you need to warm it up.

      Lifting weights doesn't make you less flexible. It's probably just that you stopped stretching. As a matter of fact, lifting weights in deep ranges of motion will increase your flexibility.
      Doing RDLs or single-leg RDLs as deep as you can go (without rounding your back of course) with lighter weights is probably enough to be able to touch your toes.

      • 7 months ago

        >All I did was every morning and every night, I reached down as far as I could and held for like 30 seconds, rested a bit, and repeated two or three times.
        How long did it take you with this method?

        • 7 months ago

          A few months or so, it was a while ago so I don't remember exactly how long it took.

    • 7 months ago

      Myofascial release, now!
      I wish i know foamrolling long before i do pilates/yoga.
      >stretched your tense muscles/tendons from lifting

  7. 7 months ago

    This board is so bad. Just stretch your hamstrings and calves every other day or every day for like 3 sets of 30-60 seconds.

    • 7 months ago

      yea this should take like two weeks maybe of stretching if you're already active. it's also more hips than you think. negating mobility while lifting is beyond moronic and it should be part of routine along with massage guns after workout and next morning for god tier recovery.

    • 7 months ago

      This, obviously. However you've got to be careful to train it by rolling through the hips - ie not by simply bending your back over. I've been struggling with this myself. part of my training stack is to lie on my back and use a band to stretch either leg over my waist, keeping the small of my back pressed to the floor. much more challenging this way. pic related. look into pancake pose progression also if you want to go further.

  8. 7 months ago

    Consistency thats pretty much it

    Ill have a hard time after awhile if i dont do them but its only about a week before i cant go to the floor with slight bend in knees

  9. 7 months ago

    its pretty easy - i got into the habit of trying to touch my toes every morning in the shower, i found it a nice way of stretching

    within a month (?) i could do it easily. stopped doing it every morning and i can still touch my toes without much effort.

  10. 7 months ago

    I'm convinced that static stretching is a conspiracy theory. What reason does it give my body to lower the restrictions it's using my nerves to impose on my mobility? I've developed flexibility exactly once, for squats, using squats of all things. No static stretching bullshit. Just the loaded stretch of lifting and my body saying yeah I guess we better be a little more flexible if we're gonna be doing this shit with all this heavy ass weight.

    • 7 months ago

      enjoy your inuries.

      • 7 months ago

        Good point. I do use it for recovery and dynamic stretching to warm up. What I mean is that the absurd idea of using it to develop flexibility has to be a conspiracy theory.

        • 7 months ago

          I love yoga chicks but God damnit why do they all have such massive troll feet?

          I think there is merit to stretching unweighted. I've found that flexibility gained through strength training actually didn't carry over that well to being generally flexible without the weights. Like, I could bend over farther doing RDLs than I could without the weight pulling me down. But I agree too many people will just static hold once for like 30-60s and call it flexibility training. Reps are important for static stretching too. You need to go back-and-forth, in-and-out of the stretch position.

    • 7 months ago

      >What reason does it give my body to lower the restrictions it's using my nerves to impose on my mobility?
      golgi's tendon receptors

      • 7 months ago

        That explains nothing.

    • 7 months ago

      if you ever play with babies theyre like rubber dolls, kids to a lesser extent remain like this as they grow. Thats why they get injured at a waaay lower rate than adults tumbling around and doing shit

    • 7 months ago

      You should be fully mobile within your full range of movement, no pain, no fuss.
      Doesn't matter if its stretching or mobility exercises or sports that helps you achieve full movements.

    • 7 months ago

      >I'm convinced that static stretching is a conspiracy theory. What reason does it give my body to lower the restrictions it's using my nerves to impose on my mobility?
      Sounds like something a fat person would say when they can't even touch their own knees.
      Your lack of mobility exists because you cultured it in your own body, not because it's "natural".

  11. 7 months ago

    don't try to touch your toes, get a barbell and let the weight pull you down, then focus on relaxing your muscles rather than pushing down.

    • 7 months ago

      See, that's an idea. A loaded stretch might do something. Resistance will actually give your body something to deal with. Years of static stretching haven't made me more flexible at all.

  12. 7 months ago

    She needs a good proper dickin down

  13. 7 months ago

    Yoga would be so much better if it dropped the cringe poojeet shit.
    Is there something like just western stretching?

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, it's called dynamic stretching before you lift and static stretching after. There's also loaded stretching during with many different lifts. Check out poo lifting btw. They do hundreds of reps with baby weight or bodyweight and it's all momentum. Why anyone wants to do their methods and how the yogis have this reputation as wise men is beyond me. They're just silly.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah I really don't buy the idea of this "undiscovered" eastern knowledge as if the greeks/romans and subsequent western canon missed something. There's nothing to learn from poos, OR chinese not already synthesized into our (western) greatness

        • 7 months ago

          >There's nothing to learn from poos
          Well I dunno, watching the mud wrestlers for example that do it traditionally is interesting. Nothing earthshattering but they have good ways of moving the body and it shows that they do have a long history of bodybuilding despite what the country is now.

      • 7 months ago

        >Check out poo lifting btw. They do hundreds of reps with baby weight or bodyweight and it's all momentum. Why anyone wants to do their methods and how the yogis have this reputation as wise men is beyond me
        Modern shitters are not the same species as those who invented yoga and Buddhism.

        • 7 months ago

          >Modern shitters are not the same species as those who invented yoga and Buddhism
          What did go wrong?

    • 7 months ago

      Man Flow Yoga and s a YouTube channel with only the poses and no spirituality. It also focuses on men's health issues like erectile dysfunction and not being able to control your piss. So it's for an older audience, but it's still great. It's quite refreshing after the overabundance of "yoga for menopause" materials.

  14. 7 months ago

    I would touch her cervix with my dick, if you know what I mean!

    • 7 months ago

      literally the best stretching exercise

  15. 7 months ago

    I just started doing yoga, basic moves everyday during breaks and at home. I set a timer on my watch and do a little every hour or so at least a few times a day.
    I've always been very stiff, even had a doctor comment on it, always been healthy and fit but stiff as a board. Took me months to be able to touch my toes without pain and I'll stiffen up quickly if I skip mobility routines.

    30 days of yoga with Adriene was fun.

    • 7 months ago

      Was Adriene the sole reason you could achieve toe touching or were you doing something else next to her stuff?
      She was kind enough but there was something in her which just threw me off.

      • 7 months ago

        Nah, just used her videos to start off.
        I like doing dands, helps my neck as I turn my head left/right at the end of the movement, some anon shilled that move and its great.
        Other than that, its just random stuff, can't even remember the names.
        Doing it everyday is the most important, especially for me since I sit alot so my natural stiffness gets even worse.

  16. 7 months ago

    I followed the 2 exercises in this video and was able to do it after not being able to touch my toes for years.


  17. 7 months ago

    What happens if I do hot yoga but cold ? I'm yuropoor and heating a room like this will unironically ruin me

  18. 7 months ago

    Kneesovertoesguy on youtube
    specifically to touch your toes and beyond,
    incline slantboard jefferson curls (100% unironically)
    the key to getting truly flexible is stretching while under light-moderate loads

  19. 7 months ago

    i used to have extremely flexible hamstrings, then i injured my sciatic nerve.
    I am close to fullu healed, maybe in a couple of months i will start slowly working on regaining that flexibility.

  20. 7 months ago

    I have mega-long ape arms so it's easy for me.

  21. 7 months ago

    try to touch your toes with your fist instead

  22. 7 months ago

    slow stretching is moronic. you should do it fast 3 times in a row to be able to touch your toes with your fist

  23. 7 months ago

    you just keep holding it. ive literally gone months without stretching and within 15 min i can touch them just takes patience.

  24. 7 months ago

    touching toes is easy how do you achieve splits? Trained for three months still couldn't do it though my backpain is mostly gone now. I can do the backwheel thing now still don't get how people manage the pistol squat thing.

  25. 7 months ago

    >Anyone used to struggle with touching his toes qnd leaning forward like pic related but managed to overcome it?

    The secret is to *strengthen* the hamstrings, not just stretch them. That's the secret to flexibility in general. Your body simply will not allow itself to get into positions it can't control.

    I did static stretching for months and it didn't do shit. As soon as I started strengthening it took a matter of days lmao.

    What you want to do is an exercise called "elephant walks". Basically you reach down and touch the floor by bending your knees as much as you need. *Then* you try to straighten your knees, and pull into the stretch. If your legs start trembling that means it's working.

    Things like RDL, single leg deadlift and hamstring curls will also help.

  26. 7 months ago


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