>was a typical fatcell permavirgin. >decide to say fuck this. >start hitting the gym. >start eating right

>was a typical fatcell permavirgin
>decide to say frick this
>start hitting the gym
>start eating right
>eventually get a gf
>I'm realizing how miserable I am with a gf
>realize how overrated sex is
>I have a some fake friends that don't have the same interests as me
>tfw I realized I was happier being a fat virgin
Anybody else know this feel?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Yes and I don't have the balls to end it
    The reality is that post-sec cuddle is nice but I'd rather be playing video games

    • 9 months ago

      >post-sec cuddle is nice but I'd rather be playing video games
      >Not doing both
      Get a better woman that will share your interests

  2. 9 months ago

    grass is greener.jpg

  3. 9 months ago

    I lifted and still didn’t have sex and all of my friends abandoned me. What exercises can I do?

    • 9 months ago

      the trick is you're supposed to continue to lift, realise that appreciating and loving yourself is worth more than the love and admiration of normies.

      then you realise you've traded boring online "levels" for real tangible irl gains

  4. 9 months ago

    He finally found out he was lied to.
    Baby's first ride in the back seat.
    Next in line is training 6 days a week for muh hypertrophy and eating muh broccoli with plain rice and occasional chicken breast for muh cut.
    The final boss is lifting for girls. Once you get past that shit, you'll be considered the moron king of /fit

  5. 9 months ago

    shoo shoo demoralization gay

    • 9 months ago

      OP is just a schizoid
      At the risk of sounding reddit, being a schizoid is absolutely fricked. You sometimes feel lonely and you can easily socialize since you aren't exactly an autist, however at the same time you get tired of people and want to be alone. Eventually if you fall in love and the girl loves you back, you'll want to marry and have a family with her but the schizoid tendency of wanting to be alone will be there and slowly erode your quality of life. At this point you need to make a choice, to grit your teeth and bear it and have a family or break up and continue being alone. Either way your emotionally doomed

      • 9 months ago

        Im a diagnosed skizoid and this happens to me. I can get gfs but i eventually get tired of them, no matter how much i love them. I prefer to be alone, and when im alone i miss the cuddling, kissing and sex, but at the same time i want to be left alone. This is misery and no woman understands it. I dont think its because im a skizoid, i think its more because ive spent most of my life by myself and now its weird for me to have a companion. As other anon said once "you cant put people on a shelf for 10+ years and expect them to be normal".

      • 9 months ago

        I must be this, or something else since I like being alone

      • 9 months ago

        >Introverts now be called schizoids by zoomies
        I'm a 33 year old boomer and I like being alone it's not a neurological disorder anon. Being different int always a fricking neurological disorder. You zoomie snowflakes are so annoying.

        • 9 months ago

          it's a personality type and can be personality disorder if your current preferences are maladjusted copes from your parents fricking shit up raising you. it's not a neurological thing like autismo

  6. 9 months ago

    You were lifting for the wrong reasons. You should be happy that you're healthier and look better now. You were lifting for women and that's always never a reason to lift. If you're not feeling good about your gf break up with her and get a new one. Just keep lifting.

  7. 9 months ago

    sex is overrated. I've been a hardcore coomer for years and when I finally had sex it was the most underwhelming thing ever. Jacking off to porn is better than the real thing.

    • 9 months ago

      As long as you keep doing both, porn will be more stimulating bc you're dialled in to visual stimulation. When you ditch porn you'll re adjust and will start to feel pleasure from the physical.

      You also get what you give. Het wetness and joy is dependent on you looking like you want to attack and creampie her.

    • 9 months ago

      >t. my sexual partner never prostituted her out for me

  8. 9 months ago

    I started lifting to look tough and now I'm basically a toned woman with a penis. I HATE YOU!

  9. 9 months ago

    You did the work for the wrong reason, gg thanks for playing.
    The default state of consciousness is "depression", and only work and the looming threat of serious consequences for failure can make your waking hours feel like something other than misery. The reason to work is to get relief between periods of awareness of your own mortality. Work so much that your mind simply becomes too tired to care about that shit.
    You probably just shrug when you see a beautiful sunrise and go back to pondering your sense of misery which becomes a self generating never ending vicious cycle. My mind is permanently so weary from all the work that I can't help but admire it almost every morning, no thought loops and mental noise just awe and calm.

  10. 9 months ago

    >I'm realizing how miserable I am with a gf
    >realize how overrated sex is
    I agree that dating is a slog. Just get a dog. They're more fun and have better puss.

    • 9 months ago

      t. israel adesanya

  11. 9 months ago

    >sex is overrated
    yes and people act like it's not for some reason

  12. 9 months ago

    you found the truth out: getting a GF is a desperation I-dont-want-to-be-lonely thing.
    Most guys get to the stage of just getting a random GF who meets your threshold of wanting to have sex with, then you just feel vapid
    You don't want a GF. You want a partner/best friend.
    I dated and fricked around college, met an absolute sweet girl, great in bed. But it was just an empty relationship.
    We had a falling out, thought a girl couldn't make me happy.
    Got a new coworker, and we just clicked. She was gorgeous, and I LOVED talking to her, we talked non-stop about everything. We became best friends, and eventually we became partners.
    She's awesome. Literally my best friend. We talk about things all the time and I can't wait to tell her shit.
    My first long term was amazing, she was hot, sweet, but I didn't have that same connection.
    This is the shit I've been trying to say all the time when things like "does X impress women" or "women want X and I don't have X so women don't want me": you don't want a GF, trust me. You want a single person you connect with. A GF is a desperate bid to not be lonely, but its a bandaid, as OP found out. A partner who you connect with because you actually connect on a good level with is what you want, and "does X appeal to girls" is thrown out the window. What you want is to focus on self. Being fit, well-adjusted socially, interested you love to do (besides video games- you NEED an real-world interest that doesn't require a computer), self-care and being an interesting person, as those are universally interesting. Everything else is personal preference.

    • 9 months ago

      yea true but that's like getting a jackpot in the casino. it's not that easy

      • 9 months ago

        >it's not that easy
        It's not, of course, that goes without saying. But you can vastly increase your chances of it happening if you make it a goal to make connections with people.
        As it stands, most people just go on the internet in isolation and complain about being alone, and will 100% refuse to do anything to improve that. They would rather do weird shit like nofap instead of trying to socialize in real life. Socializing is a skill, and needs to be done over and over and over. It's the one-way ticket to a happier life. The more people you know, the more likely your chance of being introduced to a friend-of-a-friend who could be that connection. It's all about increases your chances of connecting to the right person. Same with getting better jobs/resources in life. The more people you know, the more times you hangout in real life, the more you increase your chances of finding people you really connect with.
        But its incredible the amount of pushback you get from suggesting that on here; from the whataboutisms to "No way bro jawsercize and nofap and women will somehow(?) fall into my lap even though I don't actually interact with women at all".

    • 9 months ago

      >you don't want a GF, trust me. You want a single person you connect with
      Strange. I always knew that and didn't even need date experience to find out.

    • 9 months ago

      That's the thing about schizoids. They don't want a friend to interact with regularly and they prefer solitude. A dog doesn't judge me the way people do. I'm always paranoid that a human will go apeshit on me for no reason so less people means less judgement and potential homicide. In fact, having a large dog deters humans from breaking into my house and ruining an otherwise peaceful day.

      • 9 months ago

        >having a large dog deters humans from breaking into my house
        It really does not. If I had a reason I needed to break into your housr killing your dog would take a total of what, 10 extra seconds?

        • 9 months ago

          Dogs bark to alert me to get the shotgun. Usually B&E types pass on the house with the dog and go for the one where the occupants are out on vacation.

  13. 9 months ago

    If you think sex is overrated it just means you don't have good sex

  14. 9 months ago

    Hey guys is it normal to never actively chase sex? I would like to get laid but i don't care enough about it to go dating or expand my social circle. The few times i came close to having sex were out of pure chance. Maybe my test is low?

  15. 9 months ago

    you fell for the nofap aesthetics obsessed morons who hate themselves, good job

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