What are your fitness goals?

What are your fitness goals?

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  1. 9 months ago

    I want her to feel horrible about herself for not giving me a chance.

    • 9 months ago

      hate is powerful, anon.
      there are people i used to know in my 20s, that i've run into post 30, and you can see the shame in their eyes because no matter how pleasant the conversation they can tell i'm thinking "what the frick did you DO to yourself?" you don't want to be that person. yeah yeah 'frick what other people think' blah blah blah - i'm 5'-10", i was 135 soaking wet at 18, by 28 i was a trim 170. when people you used to know see how well you're doing its a huge morale boost.

      • 9 months ago

        100% chance that people have thought the same about you. The people who truly don’t give a shit about that understand this.

    • 9 months ago

      That feeling when you turn down a hot bawd and watch how that fricks with her head. Priceless.

    • 9 months ago

      this but i want her to feel horrible about what she lost

    • 9 months ago

      Based. Literally me except I cope and say that I’m above it but deep down I do have these feelings of resentment towards women who rejected me and men who saw me as a loser. Frick all of you homosexuals you’re the real losers and my thoughts, methods, drive and determination are that of a winner.

  2. 9 months ago

    Drag my wife to the gym until she loses some weight and gets some ankle mobility back.

  3. 9 months ago

    As of June1st
    >lose 55lbs
    >lift 3 times/week
    >walk 10k+ steps per day
    >one cheat meal every 6 weeks otherwise no cheating

    So far I am down nearly 45lbs and have kept the other goals in check. Almost there.

    • 9 months ago

      >>lose 55lbs
      >>lift 3 times/week
      >>walk 10k+ steps per day
      As a former /fat/ who just accomplished this, YGMI...
      >>one cheat meal every 6 weeks otherwise no cheating
      if you cut this shit the frick out.

      • 9 months ago

        Based. Hey anon I have been dieting at about 1300cal per day for the last five days or so, but I fricked up and ate about 3000cal today like a moron. Should I fast for the next day or two to make it up or just keep going with the same calorie limit as usual?

        • 9 months ago

          gays will say just keep going at the normal limit, but fasting for a day feels pretty good. Clears the mind and resets the cravings. 1300 will feel like plenty the rest of the week. You can do the same every Sat/Sun if you like. Made my last cut more fun.

          • 9 months ago

            Alright thanks Anon, I'll do that. I've done a few two day fasts before and they aren't too bad, but I usually ate too much after them so I'll make sure to keep myself in check afterwards

  4. 9 months ago

    That's rough.

    • 9 months ago

      What's he feeding those kids to make them puke so much?

      • 9 months ago

        Depending on age they just do it as the sphincter in their throat needs a few months to develop to keep stuff inside

        • 9 months ago

          Nah this is too much throw up even for a newborn lol. Something is wrong. Maybe she means spit up..

      • 9 months ago

        with a BJ on the line, you know he was inducing that throwup

  5. 9 months ago

    To be able to do pullups
    Visible Abs

  6. 9 months ago

    Squat 405 & bench 315 by December. I'm pretty close. Test 380 next week for squats and 275 for bench.

  7. 9 months ago

    Never gonna happen goal: 250 with 20% body fat
    Realistic goal: 1/2/3/4, be able to do a 2 week backpacking trip.

  8. 9 months ago

    >1 plate strict OHP for 5 reps
    >unassisted pull up
    >jog a 8 minute mile
    I can 3 rep the 35 lb plates at the moment, but my cardio and pullup potential is nowhere close until I lose 20 more pounds I think.

  9. 9 months ago

    It might be fun to play along and let the humiliation of being infantalized build up until you reach blowjob territory. She would sit me down and make a big show of rewarding me with a treat like one would for a well behaved child.
    Then I brutally frick her face until she vomits, slap her, clean up the vomit, add another sticker and go back to fricking her face. I blow my load into her eyes and kick her off me, blind, to drool and whimper on the floor.

  10. 9 months ago

    >1 arm pull up
    >225 bench
    >front lever for 5 seconds
    I wanna mog the "men" who started climbing for the community and because they don't have the discipline to actually lift, and get an asian climber gf

    • 9 months ago

      how are you practicing to do that while lifting bro

      • 9 months ago

        Practicing to do what ranjeesh?

        • 9 months ago

          >>1 arm pull up
          >>225 bench
          lever for 5 seconds

          • 9 months ago

            Oh, I only lift 2x a week and put calisthenic practice into the end of my sessions. My big compounds go at the start of my lift (weighted pull ups and bench) with accessories around those. climb 2-3x a week outside of that. I am much closer to my front lever and 1arm pull up than I am my 225 bench, but I'm getting there.

  11. 9 months ago

    Get my genetically fricked BP under control. I lift heavy, I run fast and far. Trying to see if twinkmode fixes it but probably going to need medication. Ngmi.

  12. 9 months ago

    Attract more muscular men for sex

  13. 9 months ago

    Look intimidating in a t-shirt so black people stop trying me.

    • 9 months ago

      I want to be the reason she locks her doors at night. I am fear

      george floyd maxxing

  14. 9 months ago

    I want to be the reason she locks her doors at night. I am fear

  15. 9 months ago

    >Be 1950s
    >Come home from work
    >Wife takes off my coat and puts on my slippers for me as I sit down on the recliner
    >Wife listens attentively as I share my experience at work
    >She shows appreciation for all my hard work by putting on the lingerie I like and lets me have my way with her because she knows I provide for this family

    >Be 2020s
    >Come home to partner
    >Try to kiss her on my way in
    >They/Them push me away and tell me I haven't collected enough stickers for physical contact
    >Just need to clean up vomit one more time and maybe I'll get a blowjob

    • 9 months ago

      could be worse

      • 9 months ago

        If Only You Knew How Bad Things Really Are.

      • 9 months ago

        So she got botox and some self tanner, that's about all that changed.

    • 9 months ago

      I once told my gf of 4 years that once we get married, all I'd want from her is to greet me at the door everyday when I get home from work with a kiss.
      She laughed at me thinking I was joking. After I doubled down, she proceeded to get all pissy with me telling me she's not going to drop everything just to do this stupid request.
      Needless to say I'm no longer with her.

      • 9 months ago

        That was destined to be a sexless, loveless marriage that would have ultimately lead to divorce and a record breaking alimony.
        You dodged a bullet, what a b***h.

      • 9 months ago

        >In a relationship with a decent guy, put out for him, do everything I can to show I love him
        >Despite all the hints I drop throughout the years and proving my worth, he never even thinks about proposing to me. Just insists we'll get married, so I believe him and be obedient
        >4 years of this go by, and he yet again teases me with the idea of being married, only this time he's making petty demands of PDA
        >Tired of his crap, I decide this is the straw that broke the camel's back
        >Laugh at him mockingly, he decides to get wise with me and insist himself
        >I snap back at him telling him to piss off
        >Eventually I get him to break up with me, I move onto another guy months later and he proposes to me that same year
        This is what happened anon.
        You wasted that woman's time.

        • 9 months ago

          Kek this.
          I will never ever understand guys that stay in a relationship with a girl for more than a year.
          Actually what am I talking about, these are otherwise beta b***h middle of the road dudes that manipulate girls into staying with them promising marriage, but ultimately aren't chad enough to have an endless string of flings, nor convince other girls to date them for easy access to sex. They keep a girl around because they ultimately don't want to commit but cannot actually live a commitment free lifestyle given their lack of charm/self confidence.

          • 9 months ago

            Holy fricking shit. What a moron.
            No worries though, you will learn your lesson when the lawyers of the landwhale you convinced yourself is the love of your life after 1 month of dating assrape you in court.

            • 9 months ago

              >every marriage will end in losing all your assets in divorce because... well... because they just do, OK!?

              • 9 months ago

                50% of first time marriages end in divorce. That is a coin toss. You are better off going to vegas, taking your life savings, and betting it all on red. Get a loss overwith quicker and cheaper because unlike family court lawyers you don't have to pay the casino to take your money. Your potential gains are higher in Vegas too. Double your money or nothing.

              • 9 months ago

                Over 50% of marriages fail. Of the less then 50% of marriages that don't fail, how many of them are miserable, sexless marriages? I'd say probably most of them. So you're looking at something like a 75% chance of a marriage to actually succeed and not be totally miserable. If you are not in this 25% then you will be raped financially, lose your children, become an indentured slave for the next 10-20 years, and have nothing to show for it whatsoever. The men that get married nowadays are fricking stupid

                >le 50%
                Tell me, what percentage of these people you cite actively go to church every single Sunday and believe in God?
                And then you MGTOWcels act all smug pretending you got it all figured out.
                Then again, what am I complaining about? Maybe it is better for guys that would not raise their kids with God and church to never get married.

              • 9 months ago

                They'll just cope by telling you that all church girls are even bigger prostitutes without any actual proof of this.

              • 9 months ago

                >muh church
                Church only works on the honorable, which whatever the percentage, is exclusively men. I used to go to church and I can tell you of at least 3 homewrecking prostitutes who cheated on their husbands, who were great guys. I can also tell you about the closet porn addict women because I fixed their computers and the minister's daughter who was a giant prostitute then rejoined the church after she was done bawdting it up. Take all the bluepills you like anon.

              • 9 months ago

                >Let me tell you about my non denom church that larps that they're bible believing christians and have a seething hatred for c*tholics
                >Yes they are totally representative of the faith and I'll call you bluepilled if you don't agree

              • 9 months ago


                They'll just cope by telling you that all church girls are even bigger prostitutes without any actual proof of this.

                Lmao like clockwork.
                They can't help themselves.

              • 9 months ago

                they're not wrong though.

              • 9 months ago

                they are wrong though.

              • 9 months ago

                The vast majority of marriages are not between religious virgins anymore Anon. What you're talking about is an extremely rare occurrence these days. Not sure where you live but there are not many God-fearing virgins near where I live.

              • 9 months ago

                50% of people getting married have no actual reason to get married. They either do it because the girl gets knocked up or just because all their friends are getting married and don't want to be left behind.
                100% of people who should be married have successful marriages.

              • 9 months ago

                >churchgoers make successful lifelong marriages
                Most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. The bastardized version of the religion you "practice" (you do not practice it) has few solutions if any. Is there wisdom in it? Yes. Is it the only source? No. Is the ultimate source? Also no.

                Instead what you find filling churches is a bunch of lost sheep participating in a ritual without understanding its purpose. A purpose which originated in Rome, spread through the papacy, and while having a very successful survival and reproduction strategy for the past 2000 years (reproduction by voluntary conversion as opposed to straight conquest or passive exemplar) currently israelites have a higher marriage success rate. Maybe we should marry israelites then

              • 9 months ago

                Over 50% of marriages fail. Of the less then 50% of marriages that don't fail, how many of them are miserable, sexless marriages? I'd say probably most of them. So you're looking at something like a 75% chance of a marriage to actually succeed and not be totally miserable. If you are not in this 25% then you will be raped financially, lose your children, become an indentured slave for the next 10-20 years, and have nothing to show for it whatsoever. The men that get married nowadays are fricking stupid

        • 9 months ago

          Kek this.
          I will never ever understand guys that stay in a relationship with a girl for more than a year.
          Actually what am I talking about, these are otherwise beta b***h middle of the road dudes that manipulate girls into staying with them promising marriage, but ultimately aren't chad enough to have an endless string of flings, nor convince other girls to date them for easy access to sex. They keep a girl around because they ultimately don't want to commit but cannot actually live a commitment free lifestyle given their lack of charm/self confidence.

          When did IST get invaded by blown out roastoids? breasts or gtfo

        • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        its kind of a weird request tbh.
        my routine
        >get home
        >kiss dog, pick her up and give her more kisses
        >95% of the time kiss my wife on the forehead, sit down and talk bout our day
        >5% grab nerf gun and attack her while she scrambles to find hers. I bought extra bullets but she doesn't know.

      • 9 months ago

        At first I was on your side and agreed with the first anon's assessment. However, you did spend 4 years with this girl. If you weren't going to marry her, why even bring up marriage with her?
        Not saying you're at fault. I don't know what that relationship was like or if there was something preventing things from moving forward. But I will say that woman of yours should have been more forward with her desire to get married if she really was shittesting you. Should have gave you an ultimatum that if you don't propose that year, she'd walk.
        Of course, expecting women to be forward and honest about their wants and desires is a laughable fantasy. Her reaction was indeed telling you she wanted out though like that other anon pointed out.

      • 9 months ago

        She dodged a bullet lmao.
        >I am going to officially request that you act like an obsequious servant and provide physical affection on routine
        You either have crippling autism, are narcistic, or unironically fell for 50's white picket fence propaganda.

        • 9 months ago

          how your armor shines white knight simp!

      • 9 months ago

        You clearly had intentions of marrying her if her getting snappy at your Leave It To Beaver sitcom fantasy left you all butthurt that you're posting about it here.
        Hope you learned your lesson.
        1) If you unironically intend on marrying a girl, do so in 1-2 years AT MOST
        2) If you don't and just want free pussy, then carry on with the marriage manipulation tactics, just don't be surprised when she wises up to your game and becomes a b***h so that you dump her

    • 9 months ago

      >come home from work
      >get drunk because nothing else to do
      >wife on fistfull of meds is too strung out to do anything more than cook a bland meatloaf

  16. 9 months ago

    Lose 30 pounds
    Get my bench back up to 275x5
    Get my squat back to 335x5
    Get my deadlift back to 405x3
    Get back to 15 pull-ups in a row

    All of which I could do 3 years ago before I got depressed and stopped lifting entirely. Slow but steady progress being made now
    Get my OHP back to 175x5

  17. 9 months ago

    160lb 5’7” twink for my fellow /fitizens.
    Currently 193lbs.

  18. 9 months ago


  19. 9 months ago

    Inner peace

  20. 9 months ago

    >senpaku eyes

  21. 9 months ago

    bench 225 for 5
    squat 315 for 5
    deadlift 405 for 5

  22. 9 months ago

    Lift 88 lbs for 88 reps 14 times. I don't even know if such a feat is possible but if it is, I'll surely mog even special forces guys in their prime here.

  23. 9 months ago

    I want to press 225. Today I got 95% through an attempt at 220 before almost blacking out, so I'm close. After that, idk 500 deadlift and 315 bench and 405 squat, but I only truly care about the press.

  24. 9 months ago

    Be so physically fit so I can frick prostitutes until they pass out of cumming and they get me free service and recommend me with their higher fee bracket friends and get free service

  25. 9 months ago
  26. 9 months ago

    >Imagine marrying this psycho
    Couldn't be me

  27. 9 months ago

    Pure trad wife bros.....

    • 9 months ago

      Well, yeah. As soon as she's done, she goes inside and gets forgiven. It's all in the service of efficiency.

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine the israelites jumping up and down in sheer excitement once they released this article

  28. 9 months ago

    >Senpaku Eyes
    Bros... We could have saved him.

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