What kind of body will I get if I just hike and cycle a lot?

Theres no decent gym in my area, I am interested in going to the gym too, but for the moment, I kind of just want to hike and cycle to get into better physical condition, already lost 5kg from 90 to 85.

So realistically what am I going to look like if I just stick to walking up Hill and maybe some cycling.

I am 27 btw

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  1. 7 months ago

    A homosexual homosexual body

    • 7 months ago

      I aim to stay at about 80kg despite slimming down, I am 178cm, maybe 78-79kg.

      So I never felt secure when I was skinny skinny.

      You’ll have some good calf development and be pretty lean

      I used to ski professionally I have HUUUGE fricking thighs hahaha despite being physically inactive since like 17 and being in terrible shape haha

  2. 7 months ago

    You’ll have some good calf development and be pretty lean

  3. 7 months ago

    If you eat too much you will look fat. If you don't eat enough you will look skelly. If you eat a medium amount you will look skinnyfat.

    • 7 months ago

      How will I look skinnyfat from being physically active and walking up Hill all day hahaha, what.

      I literally live in the alps. I have some extreme hiking paths here

      • 7 months ago

        >ask question
        >answer isn't what you wanted to hear
        >get upset
        You should have just asked chat gpt you fricking Europanzee.

      • 7 months ago

        Walking and hiking at good for you but just look at the people who do it for hours and hours and you'll know rust physique it will give you.

        It will build no noticeable change in your muscle mass at all, but will make you lose weight if you undereat and gain weight if you overeat... Like what was said already. You can see the about it all day long, and you'll just be seething about reality.

        Walking is a great foundational health practice, but not at all good for muscular development, which requires short bouts of high intensity. (Understand what I mean here: time working less than a minute. Even a set of 20 is high intensity short duration compared to just walking for an hour, which is a set of like 20,000)

        • 7 months ago

          But thats still not skinny fat, thats just lean.

          • 7 months ago

            Please stop intentionally reading around what was said. The full information that was given to you is:

            Overeat + walk = fat
            Undereat + walk = Skelly
            Normal eat + walk = skinny fat.

            Walking, even a lot, will have almost no physique changes independent of diet, but it will still give you great health benefits (fat oxidation, resting heart rate, HRV).

            The natural state of man is skinny fat. If you want something else, you need a diet and resistance training intervention of some kind. None of this is secret or complicated.

          • 7 months ago

            Actually, you're right. If you just hike you'll look like a sexy beast. Now go get after it, but most importantly, have fun king.

  4. 7 months ago

    The reason I want to get into better shape is not purely for physical reasons, I came back from a trip to SEA, had a great trip, walked around a lot, I want to go back and motorcycle over the entire Vietnam and I just wanna be fit when I do it because it will be more enjoyable, if I am fit. Going in April.

    But I dont wanna turn into a skinny twink just because I wanna slim down and feel better when I am walking around being physically active or motorcycling a lot.

    • 7 months ago

      Why do you need to be fit to motorcycle?

  5. 7 months ago

    You'll be a punk b***h
    It's rare to find hikers who are also strong in deaflift and Squat,
    That's why they all carry those sticks because they don't have the ability to balance themselves over an extended period

    • 7 months ago

      The sticks arent for balance. They're for using your arms to move your body forward instead of only your legs

      • 7 months ago

        And? They're only necessary for weak middle and upper middle class larpers
        My life mission is to send more colored people to your trails and paths with boombkxes

  6. 7 months ago

    Calves and quads will grow if you hike 30km every day.
    Back and core will only grow if you carry heavy backpacks 25kg+.

  7. 7 months ago

    Someone post the cap of the guy who only biked

  8. 7 months ago

    Fricked up joints. I hiked 500 miles and my knees and ankles were swollen and painful, my walking speed deteriorated. It turns out my automatic walk is bad for long distances. Look into "hiking form" before you get started.

  9. 7 months ago

    If you don't carry a lot of gear probably just bigger calves and that's it maybe some glutes. Why not bring gymnastics rings with ya and do some dips and pullups?

  10. 7 months ago

    a dyel body
    at 27 you're way past the point of doing random shit and seeing what happens
    if you want to be muscular and look good you need to lift weights
    if you just want to be healthy there are millions of things you could do instead

  11. 7 months ago

    There's no good reason why a physically capable person shouldn't do strength training 3 days a week or at least 2. Just add that on top of your hiking/biking and you've got your bases covered for optimal physical activity.

  12. 7 months ago

    You will get fit and slightly muscular relatively quickly, or at least that's what happened to me. It was really great until I had an accident that nearly killed me.

    I really miss it. The last time I went I ended up begging my doctor for proper painkillers after the pain didn't stop for two weeks.

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