Why does?

Why does IST deny that men hit the wall the same time women do? Being post-thrifty is a death kneel for aesthetics.
>but muh muscles
Nobody cares about sagging muscles.

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 9 months ago


  2. 9 months ago

    Because men like Bradpitt and henry chadvill exist. Just because some men age like milk, doesn't mean all men hit the wall. Brad was 40 when he made troy, Henry was 40 this year and even mr cuck Will smith peaked in his late 30s. He'll my 38 yr old neighbour is fricking a 22 year old tight now. If you take care of yourself abd you don't have bong genes, you can outwall 90 percent of women your age.

    • 9 months ago

      This. Seeing an older man with a young woman isn't all that uncommon.

    • 9 months ago

      Professional actors who make their living off of looking good =/= rank and file people on the street

      Your average man will look terrible after thirty and will not be able to pull the same quality of women he did before.
      Your average post-thirties woman however will still have the same level of guys that want to frick/date her. Nothings changed.

      • 9 months ago

        its not looks, its wealth and status. well adjusted men going into their 30s probably have decent careers and prospects, which is attractive to younger women. obviously this doesn't apply to every man but a good rule of thumb to remember. women date older and men date younger (if they can)

      • 9 months ago

        Who ever said you have to be average
        Literally nothing is stopping you from doing so
        So the average 30 years old is a fat slob chugging down 6 beers night
        How is the relevant to me

      • 9 months ago

        >Your average man will look terrible after thirty
        You're American, aren't you?

        • 9 months ago

          Worse, a woman.

      • 9 months ago

        >won't be able to pull the same quality women
        Lmao women are constantly seething about "age gaps"

      • 9 months ago

        I'm not an "average" man, so that's not my problem.

      • 9 months ago

        >t. delusional fat roastie mutt

    • 9 months ago

      >2 guys set the standard for all men
      Yet you're still balding at 17

    • 9 months ago

      Wheatwaffle goes around a British university asking women their thoughts on random manosphere guys.

      Unsurprisingly, the OLDEST looking guy with NO HAIR is the one with the lowest ratings.

      • 9 months ago

        >Alex being filtered by that one girl for being "old"

      • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        KEK that was brutal. Even the Chad didn't make the cut due to being 5'7.

    • 9 months ago

      >abd you don't have bong genes
      like Henry, as you mentioned?

      • 9 months ago

        He has Norman and/or Dane genes

    • 9 months ago

      because men can still be attractive with wrinkles and grey hair.
      women are only attractive if they continue to look like a young woman.
      men can still look attractive when looking like a middle-age or even older male.
      a lot of women have a thing for "older" looking men. Cougars aside, that isn't a thing for females.

      • 9 months ago

        pic related could be anywhere from 25 to 45

      • 9 months ago

        Pic related is over 50.

    • 9 months ago

      if you are over 30, every girl your age and over is post wall. and every girl less than 5 years younger is also post wall. thats crazy reality for a girl and a man. imagine turn 25, which for a man is young, but for a girl is hitting the wall.

  3. 9 months ago

    That is drugs and bong genetics

    • 9 months ago

      Bong genetics is a meme. Great Britain would have clint eastwood age like shit. That piece of shit island is the worst place in the world to live in, alongside antartica and the falklands islands which are funnily enough also under bong rule.

      • 9 months ago

        Falkland Islands tu vieja hijo de la remil

  4. 9 months ago

    Take it easy bro.

    • 9 months ago

      If I had the choice of putting my MPB on pause at any point I guess it would be before it even started. But having a bit less widow's peak than this would be cool too. I bet he looked cool at that point.

    • 9 months ago

      His head is shaped so oddly. He really needs to bulk up and balance it out. Add like 15-20 pounds of lean muscle and it'll do wonders. The same goes for every man.

  5. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Pride cometh before the fall

    • 9 months ago

      The roids giveth and the roids taketh

    • 9 months ago

      If they stayed off gear their skin wouldn’t look so bad and they’d still have hair. This is a warning to all the people who are considering roiding. You will never pass as a real Chad because the roidtroony indicators are too glaring to hide. Overly oily skin, unhealthy looking skin with a weird red glow, prematurely thinning hair, prematurely aged face, excessive acne in your 20s and 30s, etc. Being a roidtroony is never worth it

      • 9 months ago

        This, plus they do it to impress men while women look at natties. Shits gay.

      • 9 months ago

        >Test is tren
        Sam really has fricked with your brain hasn’t he? Pretty men cycle, moronic teens blast and cruise(also at blast levels).

    • 9 months ago

      its almost like steroids frick your hairline

    • 9 months ago

      The one on the top looks still great. He just needs a trip to turkey. Didn't the one below have a mental breakdown due to mushrooms?

      • 9 months ago

        `they all look fine.

  6. 9 months ago

    must be weird as frick to pull a chick and she's like
    >you're still all right but i want to molest 12 yo you

  7. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Korean bugs ages even faster than milk due tons of make up and boggering Dr. Kimberg provided them.

      • 9 months ago

        Good thing I posted a Japanese woman

        • 9 months ago

          Looks chinese

    • 9 months ago

      IS that a Thai ladyboy?

  8. 9 months ago


  9. 9 months ago

    I feel bad for child actors. Also sportspeople, though less so. Imagine peaking that early in life, then you just kind of decline never being able to reach that high again. Usually too sheltered or low-IQ to have any interests or goals to dedicate yourself to, just passing the time with increasingly desperate public appearances until the reaper claims you.

    • 9 months ago

      >child actors
      You mean flesh lights?

    • 9 months ago

      Having other interests and cultivating other talents, having future plans and reinvention of one's persona are crucial to survival.

    • 9 months ago


      Why does IST deny that men hit the wall the same time women do? Being post-thrifty is a death kneel for aesthetics.
      >but muh muscles
      Nobody cares about sagging muscles.

      A very notable exception to the meteoric rise and sudden fall of child stars is /ourguy/ Christian Bale, who managed to develop into one of Hollywood's biggest long-running male leads.

      Captcha: A88 2X

      • 9 months ago

        >he looks just like us!

  10. 9 months ago

    The wall is not looks. The wall is the drop off of sexual attention women receive when their looks start fading, which is why women say where have all the good men gone. The wall doesn't exist for men because they don't get remotely the amount of sexual attention women get when they're young. There are men that can skate off their looks but it's a rarity and men still have to cultivate other qualities in order to get sexual attention. And those qualities men get when they get older.

  11. 9 months ago

    you are a pathetic fricking loser for even thinking about this shit, kys

  12. 9 months ago

    >Being post-thrifty is a death kneel for aesthetics
    Only if you get fat, start balding, and look old.
    But for women the wall is about their ability to get pregnant.
    Looks can be preserved for a long time with good care. Your reproductive abilities cannot be preserved.

    • 9 months ago

      >Only if you get fat, start balding, and look old.
      Like most men do post-thirty.
      You're coping for the rest.

      • 9 months ago

        He's right though.
        Medically speaking, a woman having a child past the age of 35 is considered to be a geriatric pregnancy. Let that sink in for a second. Licensed doctors will advise against women having children past the age of 35 and are flat out calling these women old. Risk of pregnancy complications dramatically increases once a woman hits 35, plus birth defects and autism are far more likely in geriatric births.
        Ironically enough, there's no such term for men past the age of 35.
        Don't believe me? Just talk to a doctor and he'll tell you the same thing.

        • 9 months ago

          men over 55 are four times as likely to have a child with autism as men under 30

          • 9 months ago

            Show the study. I remember there was one floating around that had a similar claim, but upon examining their sampling, it was found that they didn't control for the age of the mother, which on average is also going to be older with older men.

            • 9 months ago

              I would like to chime in the concern you expressed is obvious and there is no feasible way for sperm to lower the functions of the womb (it would only fail to impregnate) so the person you're replying to is either stupid or deliberately ignoring this.

              • 9 months ago

                >it would only fail to impregnate
                Not necessarily. It's possible that you can have genetic hiccups without completely destroying motility, it's just very very rare as usually those two are correlated.

              • 9 months ago

                Blatantly wrong lol
                If genes were that easily damaged then humans would be dead within a few generations as genetic information would continually be destroyed with no method of it being recovered. Unironically read a book. You're out here seriously arguing significant genetic disorders are introduced into the gene pool commonly through a simple mechanism as if this wouldn't quickly compound to a point a failure. A womb's inability to provide nutrients to a developing fetus is what actually causes birth disorders you moron. I bet your mom was vegan when she had you since you're saying something so stupid.

              • 9 months ago

                Autism isn't so catastrophic that it requires a lethal mutation dumb dumb. Moreover there's an epigenetic component as well, and those tend to accumulate with age.

              • 9 months ago

                Anon, it's obvious that genetic information cannot be lost by such a method due to the implications. You can be a dumb homosexual and deny it because of your mental complexes, but we both know the truth so.... what's the point? I'm not your therapist, I don't want to hear it.

            • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                All data tgey present is dumb. Ofc 25yo will have healthier kids, because his wife is 18-25. And 50yo will have kids of worse health because his wife can be in her 40s. You need to compare women of the same age group having children frok fathers of different age groups. Only then it will be the comparison of apples to apples. Otherwise the whole artickle is BS.

  13. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Rip brother

  14. 9 months ago

    I was always unattractive so there isn’t a wall for me.
    But yes, pretty much everyone looks like shit after 30

  15. 9 months ago

    Because both stats and anecdotal evidence indicate men get married later than women on average.
    The better question is why something this blatant made you mad enough to create a thread. Is there something you want to tell us op?

    • 9 months ago

      >Because both stats and anecdotal evidence indicate men get married later than women on average.

  16. 9 months ago

    a-are those Harry Potter characters :0

    • 9 months ago

      For hollywood pedophiles, yes.

  17. 9 months ago

    >being post-thirty* is a death knell*


  18. 9 months ago

    "Why do dudes talk shit about women as if they are out of their league most of the time while anonymous?"

    I had to put this image in a place I could find it quickly because of the amount of times a supposed Brad Pitt posted something negative about an actual attractive female. Not to white know but come on, man. Who are you trying to fool besides yourself?

    • 9 months ago

      >attractive female.
      attractive females arent attractive once you start rating them. and you get closer to them and their face has chemicals on it and there are fake eye lashes on their face and there is eye liner. and the lack of good body composition past the age of 23. .that attractive girl is SLIGHTLY more attractive. and her age is a huge factor in her value.

  19. 9 months ago

    Nah men peak at 35-40 physically. They also have way more emotional maturity and money than when they are 20

    Therefore, for a woman, if they want a man in their peak or close to it they'll go hunting for 30-40 age range. Meanwhile women after 20-25 have a sharp decline in physical attraction, but they continue being batshit and broke so they don't really scale well

    You ever work at a job, and there's a HR lady or something there, she's 28-35, fat/chubby/bitchy, and just overall disgusting to look at? That's the fate of universially all Western women if they can't strike gold early on enough.

    Alternatively, Asian women have more bang for their buck and maintain youthfulness and sex drive quite a bit longer

    • 9 months ago

      >mens peak sex drive is 18
      >womens peak sex drive is 48
      >both are practically unfrickable at that time of their lives

  20. 9 months ago

    Probably because we live in the real world and it's common to see women marry men that are older. The opposite isn't common.

  21. 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      I always liked this guy, his older look personifies IST.

    • 9 months ago

      He was also a raging alcoholic keep that in mind, doesn’t help the skin at all

    • 9 months ago

      Guys like him piss me the frick off. Good genetics, tons of money, everyone loved him. But instead of just being a Chad and staying healthy he drank himself silly and used tons of drugs.


      I fricking hate how these people take literally the PERFECT fricking life and DESTROY THEMSELVES

      • 9 months ago

        >perfect genetics
        My brother in christ, he is 5’6

  22. 9 months ago

    Men on fit and IST in general latch onto this point because most posters on here were losers for most if not all of their young lives (and probably current lives) and never experienced anything, especially romantically. So we are desperate to hope that when we are older 30s and beyond that actually we will now be extremely desirable from the youngest hottest women, and that all the women who rejected us when younger will actually be nasty and undesirable and so we are better than them

    • 9 months ago


      "Why do dudes talk shit about women as if they are out of their league most of the time while anonymous?"

      I had to put this image in a place I could find it quickly because of the amount of times a supposed Brad Pitt posted something negative about an actual attractive female. Not to white know but come on, man. Who are you trying to fool besides yourself?


      Why does IST deny that men hit the wall the same time women do? Being post-thrifty is a death kneel for aesthetics.
      >but muh muscles
      Nobody cares about sagging muscles.

      like fine whine

    • 9 months ago

      I slept with over 100 hoes in the city from 18~25 and my view points still didnt change. I had to chase pussy back then, and any woman I actually liked enough for something serious at that age shunned me away

      Now as I get older, I'm realizing more and more women who have anything to do with me are putting in a lot more effort. They know they're on a clock and I'm not

      • 9 months ago

        I dated many women in my 20s. I always made the first move, always had to put in some effort.
        Once I hit 30, suddenly women 20-30 are tripping over themselves to flirt with me and tell me that they're available.

        Cope, no man who ever got laid had to try, trying ("making the first move") is a defeatest point showing your genes are too shit for just sitting around and waiting that a woman gropes you

        • 9 months ago

          Hey man, hope you're doing alright.

          • 9 months ago

            Who’s this?

            • 9 months ago

              An idea to strive for.

          • 9 months ago

            does he smoke or drink? thats some high T skin right there.

            • 9 months ago

              It's called sunlight you pathetic homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      I dated many women in my 20s. I always made the first move, always had to put in some effort.
      Once I hit 30, suddenly women 20-30 are tripping over themselves to flirt with me and tell me that they're available.

      • 9 months ago

        I slept with over 100 hoes in the city from 18~25 and my view points still didnt change. I had to chase pussy back then, and any woman I actually liked enough for something serious at that age shunned me away

        Now as I get older, I'm realizing more and more women who have anything to do with me are putting in a lot more effort. They know they're on a clock and I'm not

        None of the girls are worth having a family with when you’re older tho, they have all been fricked already.

        • 9 months ago

          >when you're 30 you have to date 30 year old women
          My range is 18-23 years old and I'm 31.

          • 9 months ago

            I hope you find a nice one anon 🙂

            • 9 months ago

              Thanks man, I hope the same for you.
              We're all gonna make it.

              • 9 months ago

                I hope

          • 9 months ago

            Good luck with that delusion

            • 9 months ago

              >projecting this hard
              It only applies if you ugly or poor or both. Good job outing yourself as less than mediocre, I feel sorry for you

            • 9 months ago

              Says the guy putting other dudes down on IST.

      • 9 months ago

        Huh, i'm 30 and nothing changed. Still khv.

        Then again, I'm practically bald, so it's pretty much over anyway.

  23. 9 months ago

    Only a single digit percentage of men can rely on looks to get a woman. The things men usually use to attract women like money and influence only go up with age, women's careers and money by contrast are useless to them in the dating game so men get more of an advantage at 30.

    • 9 months ago

      Honestly, a women's career would help them in the dating game if society was restructured in such a way that men are allowed to have sex with prostitutes to satisfy themselves and marriages where seen only as professional relationships with the goal of reproduction, but as it is now men are expected to pay for everything and be only sexually interested in one women, so there's no motivation to not prioritize looks in women.

  24. 9 months ago

    This has been explained 1000 times. This is a bait post at this point. Women are unfairly judged for their appearance far more than man. A rich funny man can be ugly fat and balding and still pull hard.

    • 9 months ago

      But how is that unfair?

    • 9 months ago

      >A rich funny man can be ugly fat and balding
      Thats a problem women need to fix, men cant do anything about that lol.

  25. 9 months ago

    Because he was always an ugly bastard but the she-troll still manages to look worse.

  26. 9 months ago

    its just a cope, cuz incels need hope.

    • 9 months ago

      But anon, you're the one coping and also the one who does not reproduce.

    • 9 months ago

      >model that ages horribly
      Sheesh, his career was probably 10 years max. I hope he made enough money if this is all he knows

    • 9 months ago

      ask him when he gets more women, then or now, then you see your problem with the wall. Men attractiveness is based on status, women on beauty. Women hit their peak in their twenties, men depends whenever they have the best status, hence the non existance of wall. Had to spell it out for a tier A moron

      • 9 months ago

        Women hit their peak at 15-16, don't cope

      • 9 months ago

        >Men attractiveness
        i wouldnt call it "attractiveness" just more like "how much can this guy take care of me" not something u wanna trigger as a man anyways if youre alpha. sure if ur rich good, but its more about the person. hard to explain, but if ur an alpha with money good, if youre not, whatever.

      • 9 months ago

        its like when a man meets a rich dude and ur like okay cool. same as when a girl sees a guy over 30. its no biggie, but it IS something majoirty of men have to rely on due to being betamale providers status.

      • 9 months ago

        99.9% of prime teen pussy fricks with left, cope

    • 9 months ago

      Your pic is also moot arguing. This guy surely got a few lifetimes full of pussy when he was young, and still gets some, despite his "deteriorating" looks

    • 9 months ago

      Dude from the right looks fine and more successful than dude from the left.


  27. 9 months ago

    Hopefully you spent your 20s developing your BRAIN.

  28. 9 months ago


    My 20s was filled with drugs and drinking; partying. My 30s started with a new career, more money, just more responsible adult shits. My 30s has more serious relationship shits, my 20s were just hook ups.
    Id also agree for men their 30s is when their life actually starts

    • 9 months ago

      Did you date any girls under 22 in your 30s tho?

  29. 9 months ago

    Malloy always looked like shit though. He walked at birth

  30. 9 months ago


    >What is attractive in men is way more than looks,
    yes because at that age you are mainly seen as a provider and not as anything else. older girls want to settle down and younger girls want a husband, if girls never liked u, they never will. dont be a tool.

    • 9 months ago

      >if girls never liked u, they never will. dont be a tool.
      When did he say girls never liked him though?
      Don't be a projecting, seething incel. That's infinitely worse than just being a tool.

      • 9 months ago

        >When did he say girls never liked him though?
        MOST men arent liked by girls, hence why majority if men were single when they were under age 22. ONLY after did girls past age 22, did most men start getting female attention because the girls saw their wall.

        • 9 months ago

          >MOST men arent liked by girls

          • 9 months ago

            its true though. sometimes even girls admit this. if girls didnt need men because of biological clock, girls would happily remain single and just ride the wiener carousel forever.

            • 9 months ago

              >if girls didnt need men
              >girls would happily remain single and just ride the wiener carousel forever.
              Guess what moron, that requires men.
              Women like men just fine. They don't like YOU; let's be clear here.

              • 9 months ago

                >that requires men.
                see? you are admitting when girls wall, they have lower standards and start looking for LTR and more beta behaviour and they have to stop the alpha/celeb worship. almost all girls have a celeb crush in their prime years and a top male crush and they were happily single for like 10 years. girls can be happily single for 10 years. only when the wall approaches do they starting having to date the betamales and ltr/marriage. remember that man. GIRLS WOULD HAPPILY BE SINGLE than to be with 90percent of men.

              • 9 months ago

                >GIRLS WOULD HAPPILY BE SINGLE than to be with 90percent of men.
                Have you seen most men though? Who can blame them?

              • 9 months ago

                yes. i dont blame them. BUT i do look down on them for settling down and marrying someone they know deep inside is a betamale cuck. things like this is why i look down on girls, spineless.

              • 9 months ago

                Right, people make it seem like it's some high barrier but most men don't do shit.

                Bottom 25%:
                >Degenerates, drug addicts, sexual deviants, hideous and grotesque, criminals but not in an attractive way
                >Probably homeless
                >Basically no hygiene
                2nd quartile:
                >Extreme poorgays with low IQs and low trajectories
                >Only quasi-employed in menial wage jobs
                >Of very limited means and constantly dependent on others
                >Ugly as shit
                >Lives with parents unable to support self
                50th-75th percentile:
                >Barely college educated, working steady but shitty wagie jobs for low pay
                >Fat as shit
                >Hygiene counts as slapping on some shower goo, shaving
                >Interests include vidya, popular TV franchise and popular sports franchise
                >Below average to barely average height
                >Lives with roommates in shitty apartment
                >Fashion is basically shit they found at the mall, generally just shitty graphic tees and branded logo sweater to local sports team or reference to television franchise
                >Common to have poor skin
                75th-90th percentile:
                >Ok college education at some state school people know is a real school
                >Mediocre to ok apartment by themselves
                >Obese but not embarrassingly sloppy
                >employed in something ever better than a basic retail/service job but honestly only a little better
                >Allegedly makes an effort to go to the gym, but not really
                90th-95th percentile:
                >Recognized college
                >Employed with someone respectable, making some headwinds, in something clearly requiring an education, but usually on a less prestigious track within that (accounting, law, nursing, marketing, real estate)
                >Makes some effort at dressing well
                >Grooms well
                >5'10"+, not that short
                >Top 50 school
                >Good employment, good income as a programmer, engineer, lawyer, doctor, professor, consultant, finance, VC, PE, business owner
                >6 feet+
                >Eventually will have a couple million by the time they're old
                >Ivy League-top 10 school
                >Postgraduate at ivy league-top 10 school
                >$300k-500k a year peak earning

              • 9 months ago

                even billionaires cant keep their wives happy or arent skilled with girls lol. dont worry so much about these percentiles. if the richest men in the world cant handle girls, even though these rich are are betamale dorks, what makes you think the average male is better or worse? remember, 90% of men are betamale regardless of anything.

              • 9 months ago

                >>Ivy League-top 10 school
                at ivy league-top 10 school
                >>$300k-500k a year peak earning
                and these men, are they alphas or betamale providers? you are falling into betamale thinking

              • 9 months ago

                These are just standard highly attractive males. They're not gigachad, but that's the point, 90th percentile isn't all that impressive and even 99th is just starting to get somewhere. Imagining there's really any meaningful number of men that are extraordinarily attractive and intelligent and tall and accomplished is fantasy.

              • 9 months ago

                >l number of men that are extraordinarily attractive and intelligent and tall and accomplished
                these men exist, but due to society and their brain, they get cucked. Look at male athletes. Just like with girls, even if the male is good on surface and has his shit together, deep inside he is a cuck. so pretty much betamale. Same for girls, even if she is attractive, on the inside she is garbage because she grew up in the west.

              • 9 months ago

                >Degenerates, drug addicts, sexual deviants, hideous and grotesque, criminals but not in an attractive way
                >Probably homeless
                >Basically no hygiene
                So exactly the type of men who gets women.

              • 9 months ago

                >Standard alpha track (law, business, medicine, finance)
                >Has a sense for dressing well, good relationship with tailor

                >born into family money, educated wherever

                >HYSP undergrad/graduate, Exeter or Andover finishing
                >Net worth 8+ figures inherited, fortune grows to 9-10+ figures managing his family office
                >Typically becomes a senator or governor later in life or otherwise are appointed to sinecure positions for helping friends
                >More important than many nations
                >Plastic surgery as tasteful

                Not everyone in every category is everything but rather more typically embodies those in the category

              • 9 months ago

                >>Top 50 school
                nobody gives a shit about your school
                once you've got a few years experience no employer gives a shit about your GPA
                in the engineering field they just care if you're a PE.
                It's all about licenses - any idea where your Doctor went to school? Nope. But they have a license. Same with your lawyer- they passed the bar. The guys flying your planes, operating your nuclear reactors - those last two only need a high school diploma, BTW.

              • 9 months ago

                girls literally ignore the bottom 90 percent of men for most of their fertile years. even if a girl herself is bottom 90% she would still only crush the top ten percent men. its only when age 22ish comes around do they realize theyre gonna have to start dating the bottom 90 lol. let that sink in man. its pure biological female psychology. rather be single than with most men until they hit the wall.

              • 9 months ago

                >its only when age 32ish comes around do they realize theyre gonna have to start dating the bottom 90 lol.


              • 9 months ago

                tbh its age 22, because most girls at like 18, wouldnt find the man they are dating attractive. a lot changes in a girl from 18 to 22. 19-20, they want the top ten or celeb worship or the popular dude. past age 22, and the wall at 25, they start branching out. sure u can say 32 too, but by 32, that girl is probably riding the wiener courself nonstop. and theres nothing wrong with that. Girls should be feel like they should have to get married. Not every girl is meant to be a wife. In the past, the girl can become a legal prostitute in a brothel. and tbh, i think some girls are really suited to be lifetime prostitutes and they would enjoy it too.

              • 9 months ago

                No, it requires a slave class.

          • 9 months ago


            • 9 months ago

              Anon, it says percentage of guys that look cute. Not percentage you might like.
              You don't seem to realize that these things are not the same, because you're a lookism incel.

              • 9 months ago

                what percentage of women do you find cute? and what percentage of women could you have found cute if put in a little bit of work? That difference matters for what anon is talking about.

      • 9 months ago

        >Don't be a projecting, seething incel. That's infinitely worse than just being a tool.
        i aint projecting dude. ive tasted first rate pussy.

      • 9 months ago

        YOURE the one seething being reminded of why you are worthless to females even IF you have money lmfao. thats the reality most men live with. take a walk down the street. Look at all the girls you wouldnt even jack off to, and how at how these men need to betabux betamale provider for them. LOL

        • 9 months ago

          So wait, is it "most men" or is just me? You can't even keep your cope straight.

          • 9 months ago

            im not saying YOU specifically. but like statisically speaking chances you are betamale provider. (90% of men) and if youre gonna say average man shit like "be worthy to females" then that makes u even worse. im saying MOST men wouldnt have any female attention if girls didnt have a wall. the reality is girls HAVE to settle down with these men that they wouldve ignored if they were in the first rate pussy status. so i guess its a win for girls because the betamale marries them and a win for the betamale because a girl marries him. so worthless female ends up with worthless male. so its a good match tbh.

            • 9 months ago

              >im not saying YOU specifically. but like statisically speaking chances you are betamale provider. (90% of men)
              Here's the problem though: *statisically speaking* I might be...as are you...as is the biggest gigachad you can imagine. Because that's how statistics work.
              In reality though, unfortunately for you, I am not. I'm over 40, look around 28 and am fit with all my hair, and am dating a beautiful 22 year old. I dated a different one last year also, though she was a typical zoomer brat and it didn't work out. But no, I'm definitely not a "beta provider" because I don't even have that much money.
              I don't care what "most" men have or do not have. Like I said in an earlier post...it's not my problem.

              • 9 months ago

                im pretty fricking chad if all girls of all age groups notice me. and i have to balls to make moves. that puts me in the top 5 percent of men because the average man cannot even talk to girls. if all good looking girls notice me and good looking men too, then what gives?

              • 9 months ago

                What do you do to stay young Chad anon?

              • 9 months ago

                Ngl it's mostly good genes. My mom is almost 80 and looks like 50 tops. But I also lift, do cardio, don't smoke, drink super rarely, drink water, eat good food, etc. It's all common sense stuff really. It's a fitness board...you'd think most of you guys would be doing this stuff already.
                If I was in movies you'd have /misc/ posters talking about how I take adrenochrome and eat babies to look how I do, which is why I can't fully get behind their conspiracy stuff. I mean sure they're right about a lot of it, but guys like Pitt, Cruise, Cavill etc are just good looking. They're rare, but they are out there.

                >But no, I'm definitely not a "beta provider" because I don't even have that much money.
                it means you can just string girls a long and they like it. it means you have to emotionally commit before they start giving you anything. whereas for me, i get special treatment with girls almost everywhere. its a different world. this is why i keep mentioning "top 10 top 10 top 10" because its a different world.

                >it means you have to emotionally commit before they start giving you anything.
                We might end up married you fricking moron. You're supposed to emotionally commit to each other in a relationship, let alone with someone you can see yourself starting a family with.
                > i get special treatment with girls almost everywhere
                Sure you do anon. Is that why you recite so many incel talking points?

              • 9 months ago

                >But no, I'm definitely not a "beta provider" because I don't even have that much money.
                it means you can just string girls a long and they like it. it means you have to emotionally commit before they start giving you anything. whereas for me, i get special treatment with girls almost everywhere. its a different world. this is why i keep mentioning "top 10 top 10 top 10" because its a different world.

              • 9 months ago

                People are incapable of understanding this. They think rich people shop at Walmart still.

              • 9 months ago

                people are incapable of understanding this because it is a deep personal attack because most men are literally programmed on a DNA level to BE a betamale provider and to be very committed in exchange for female affection. Telling them this will trigger some huge response. Who the frick wants to accept they are betabux lol. its like trying to wake the NPC up (im not sure if that is possible. On a physical level or in a tech level. can video game characters be woken up? serious q)

  31. 9 months ago

    Most men hit the wall when they are 12-25. But that's the awerage fatty who drinks, does drugs and plays videa all day long.
    As a man, it depends on your actions when you hit the wall. That actors drinks in the mornings and has drug addiction. Don't be like him and you are good to frick 18yo in your late 30s

    • 9 months ago

      what man says this lol. man CAN drink and recover real good. u said 12 to 25. it would be better if u said 20-45ish and then walling at like 55. Even girls accidentally say this. Girls always compare a post wall git at 26 to a man in his 60s. they say like "look at this guy! he hit the wall!" (and the guy is like 60)

      • 9 months ago

        Most men are invisible to almost all women. I'm saying that many man are of no interest to women irrelevant of their age. It can be 20, it can be 70. While a man of high value won't hit the wall till his 80s.

        • 9 months ago

          >While a man of high value won't hit the wall till his 80s.
          the safest thing to say is "elderly." Im gonna stop replying to that other female anon or low t cuck betamale. u cant wake up an npc up. and you can tell a betamale provider he is a betamale provider

  32. 9 months ago

    just a reminder that to girls, a man hitting the wall means getting ED and getting fat. lol.

    • 9 months ago

      Don't be a powershitter and don't be a roid troony and do your cardio. Got it.

      • 9 months ago

        yeah be fit and in the top 10 percent in men, got it.

      • 9 months ago

        Girls think The Rock and Chris Hemsworth are natty.

  33. 9 months ago

    I remember how a bunch of chink anons would spam the shit out of Emma Watson back in the day because she dated a happa dude briefly and would all claim her as their waifu living vicariously through her boyfriend at the time.
    Damn she really fell off the rails since then.

  34. 9 months ago


    girls proably just like you cause you are older. older men are an upgrade because we are more secure. thats it. im not sure what im trying to say, but i guess what im saying is 90percent of men are beta and no amount of money can change that.

  35. 9 months ago


    also, i think its because younger men are kinda still doing whatever and arent as stable and as girls age, they cant frick around like men do, so they have to look for someone more dependable. Like i think younger men that chicks want are still partying and fricking around and shit.

  36. 9 months ago


    >shit themselves talking to a female.
    i have never ever ever ever seen a man shit themselves talking to a girl. most men dotn talk to girls outside of a safe manner.

  37. 9 months ago


    you are a man at 37, imagine a single girl at 37 LMFAO. im 31 and i cant imagine being a girl. LOL

  38. 9 months ago


    i think its important for u to shit on girls as much as possible. like constantly remind them of their declining value and walling at 25.

  39. 9 months ago


    cant even hold a conversation with a girl for more than 3 sentences due to my experience lmfao.

  40. 9 months ago

    Because women hit the wall at mach speed around 18-20yrs old. Men hit the wall for body around 28-30 and hit the wall for face at like 40-45 depending on genetics

    • 9 months ago

      >Men hit the wall for body around 28-30 and hit the wall for face at like 40-45 depending on genetics
      true or not, girls will STILL be attracted to a 70 year old man lol.

      • 9 months ago

        This is true, even though it may be so over aesthetically speaking for men at 45 women will still find you increasingly attractive up to 50-55 (provided you take care of yourself)

        • 9 months ago

          yeah. ive seen so many girls check out 70 year old men and they dont realize it and then i see them kinda shocked that they were checking out some 70 year old man. lmfao. Imagine how girls feel knowing that 70 year old men can get young girls but a 70 year old girl is a bag of flesh.

          • 9 months ago

            I shudder at the thought, thank GOD I was born the correct gender. The fact that women have to face their aesthetic mortality before they finish highschool is tragic for them. Ive been aging like wine and im so grateful

  41. 9 months ago


    >it takes time to develop the skills to be an attractive guy
    cope lol.


    >If you don’t believe me, that’s fine, but you are missing out on life.
    i aint missing out because my view is the best. girls are mere cum dumpsters and only in the west are they supposed to be equal to me.

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah, the best at being perverted.
      What an incredibly contrived take.

  42. 9 months ago


    >used to be like you before my “30s transformation”,
    lmfao. i have the best foundation with girls and im in the top 10 percent of men lmfao.

  43. 9 months ago


    lol you should date someone half your age if you are 37 haha.

  44. 9 months ago


    >before my “30s transformation”
    youre probably married already and shit tho. most men are because the girl needs to marry before 30. most men are working full time by 30 and married by 30, so life is done lol.

  45. 9 months ago


    >many 30 year olds here that are khv
    BECAUSE the MAJORITY OF MEN, 90 percent ARE BETA MALES. MOST men have a gf or wife, because the girl needs a HUSBAND and LTR before the WALL totally WRECKS her. if girls didnt have a wall, MOST men would never be married or have a gf or any female attention. geez man. most men are really pathetic.

  46. 9 months ago


    >makes them laugh.
    lol. in and out. im not mr funny man.

  47. 9 months ago

    the BRUTAL REALITY for most men is that they are worthelss and unnattractive to females. Money doesnt do much. Girls divorce billionaires. If girls didnt have a wall, most men would be invisible, just like most of them were pre age 22, when girls didnt have the wall or marriage on their mind.

  48. 9 months ago


    >She couldn’t even put good music
    yeah shit like that would turn me off. girls have no "brain" for higher thinking or aesthetics or culture or anything. I see them as inferior beings. nothing pisses me off then seeing girls enjoy mainstream music.

  49. 9 months ago


    Are you asking me if I would date a racist messy haired tomboy with abs that only really works out, watches anime, plays obscure PC games, and jerk offs all day?
    My dude, do not threaten me with a good time.

  50. 9 months ago


    Holy delusion
    Your life is set at 15. I turned 30 and NOTHING improved despite trying.
    No effort fixes low IQ, negative canthal tilt, recessed maxilla and NW2.

  51. 9 months ago


    today, that is not enough. we need the coming collapse to give girls a wake up call. girls dont view men as Men and think we are equal. (had many convos with girls, they think they are equal to me) Gone is the bend over backwards when a man is in their presence. but im happy though because its just a cycle and if i was a girl i might do the same, but i also might not because im still me. . the west IS collapsing. sure people can still walk the streets, but can they? when there are street stabbings in NYC at 4am? or when a tech ceo is bashed and raped in her condo? or when there are mass lootings almost weekly in the usa. MANY parts of usa is unsafe for walking now. in the fate of empires, ROme was "unsafe for females during the collapse" and many parts in the west ARE unsafe now. another sign of a collapse is weak military and lots of foreign aid. (ukraine funding and military with people who wouldnt die for country) Look at western miliarty demographics.

  52. 9 months ago


    everything is just man cope until females become property again.

  53. 9 months ago


    >if you are just playing videogames and doing nothing else, you are worthless to a woman.
    im not gonna argue this, but the fact you posted this shows how wrong you are. lol.

  54. 9 months ago


    You asked if I would date me, not if someone would wasn't me would date me.
    And I'll you what else, I would eat her smelly vegana for hours as she climaxes multiple times the she'd lick my disgusting ballsack for hours to return the favor and then we'd cuddle while shouting racist profanities into the source engine voice chat. This is all I ever wanted in a women.

  55. 9 months ago


    >you are worthless to a woman
    why should you be "worthy" to a female? lmfao. they literally frick losers and animals.

  56. 9 months ago


    >Women that get screwed in relationships with boys really see older men as an upgrade.
    That has to be a bait post lmao. Not only because of Reddit spacing, but you LITERALLY confirmed you are getting post wall Chad leftovers who use you for beta buxx

    • 9 months ago

      you are right. the other guy is right too. you just ousted him as what the average man does. thats the reality most men live with. being invisible to prime first rate pussy and then having to betamale provider to a girl he wouldnt even jack off too.

    • 9 months ago

      You could say the same about this post. reality most men are and still is invisible to most girls outside of their gf or wife. most men are worthless.
      >As a man, if you are just playing videogames and doing nothing else, you are worthless to a woman. ---->


  57. 9 months ago

    post body OP

  58. 9 months ago


    >Bragging about 30 year old used up roastie pussy
    Get a girl young, anons.
    Don't cope.

  59. 9 months ago


    Every chick you will try to settle with would have been fricked by 10+ people lmao

    • 9 months ago

      that might be a girl you are replying to too. its usually girls that call men incels. they even call henry cavil incel. any man that has a mindset of owning females is an incel to then lol.

  60. 9 months ago

    >bottom 90 percent
    Kek, one of my favorite incel talking points.
    That's not how numbers work.

  61. 9 months ago


    Not everyone is psychopathic like you breh. Wanting to coom in a hot girl and wanting to be in a relationship with one are two different things.

    Doing something because of feeling towards them even if they might be result of some automatic transactionary claculations in your brain vs because of the same transactionary calculations done intentionally and choosing based on them are also different things.

  62. 9 months ago


    Women are forever 12.

    • 9 months ago

      ikr, youre replying to a female. trust me. girls never "mature" lmfao. its just baggage.

      • 9 months ago

        Not even baggage.
        >What do you want to eat?
        >Buh… I dunno what do you want UwU
        >Fine I’ll go cook something
        >Reeee I don’t wanna eat in!
        >Then what do you want?
        >Buh… I don’t know UwU
        >Hey babe, I’m thinking of a major project
        >We can’t right now
        >I know, I’m just trying to plan this out
        Bring it up over multiple years rarely, plan is more tangible. Still thinking it is going to be years off.
        Out of the blue:
        >You know what, I think you should do it. It will help our home’s value.
        >You sure? I’m going to have to take out a personal loan to get it done.
        >Yeah you’ve been wanting this and I agree we need it.
        Get loan
        >WTF!?!? Why are you doing this NOW?
        >You said…
        >I know what I said, but you shouldn’t do it. But now that you’ve got the money, put it to this other thing instead.
        That last scenario just happened. I went ahead with my plan and am looking at cashing some stuff out to do the other thing, but frick if I don’t get tired of this McDonald’s bullshit. Of course now I’m worried she is looking for the door to kick me out of so she can keep the house and sell it to her profit.

        • 9 months ago

          not my problem, should kick her out after you cum anyways.

          • 9 months ago

            Not asking for help, proving women are permanently children and duplicitous slime when they do use higher level functions.

  63. 9 months ago

    Incels arguing with femcels, both of which don't know they are _cels.
    They probably read this and thought "not me, I've had sex" but they are not capable of reproducing and will de childfree.
    >thats not what that word means!!
    Don't care.

  64. 9 months ago


    Girls don't change mentally, they just collect more trauma, become more b***hy.
    You are just passed your prime and coping hard.
    A woman who has slept with other people with never bond, trust, or love you.

    • 9 months ago

      >A woman who has slept with other people with never bond, trust, or love you
      this is so true, and the only saving grace to men was in the past, there was a patriachy and there wasnt a whole man-hating society. the society we live in now is teaching girls at a young age to not respect men and to view us as betamale providers. The barbie move blew records and all media spews man hating shit. and the majority of men just suck it and cope with "muh gf" and "muh wife" lol. today, youre gf/wive is just your turn.

    • 9 months ago

      you are right. im not sure if you enjoy arguing with these low ts males or females. i enjoy it, have many of these convos. all the same talking points they use. Imagine calling a 20 year a child lmfao.

  65. 9 months ago


    Women dont mature past the age of 14, ever. The only real metric of determining adulthood and readiness for consent relationship etc is the development of secondary sexual characteristics, which is usually in the 14-16 age range

    • 9 months ago

      i dont know how the average male copes knowing he is invisible to females. look at the NYC dude that got stabbed by that nog. on pictures they looked perfect for each other, but in the end, she didnt even give a shit about him. females literally view men as disposable, and thats fine. but men need to wake up to this.

      • 9 months ago

        I am awake to this, i dont stress about women caring about me. Their use is for fleeting pleasures while they still have a bit of looks to offer. Lord knows i dont want to get into a long relationship while i slowly watch my partner turn sour and ugly while i keep aging well. Get young pussy anon! As young as you can tactfully manage to get because pretending like "mature" options exist is actually delusional

  66. 9 months ago


    I was 21 at the time and I didn’t know much about her ideology or infamy, I was just at a used bookstore, recognized the title and figured I’d give it a shot. My boss losing it when he saw the big made me want to read it more because I always like reading controversial books (I guess when I was younger I considered this my left-leaning but times have changed and the left is now pro censorship).

    Since reading most of Atlas Shrugged I haven’t been compelled to read anything else by Ayn Rand. Just doesn’t appeal to me at all although perhaps I should give some of her essays a try. I am a proponent of individualism but realistically completely unrestricted capitalism just doesn’t work in the real world because it is in society’s best interests to have some safety nets and stopgap measures (within reason). I think Milton Friedman had a more realistic view of free trade and balancing various values compared to Ayn Rand.

    To me a big part missing from Atlas Shrugged and Rand’s outlook was the environment. She had a Soviet utilitarian view of ecosystems: they existed for our consumption and like human society they would magically accept and repair themselves according to our whims. A capitalist view of natural resources is short sighted and basically how the boomers fricked everything over, from the environment to domestic jobs and the family unit, all for cheap and plentiful outsourced garbage.

  67. 9 months ago

    you guys think girls are happy knowing they are married because if they werent they would be single and lonely? this is why girls always feel oppressed even if "happily married". because they have no choice but to get married. The wall really fricks a girl up. if all girls were happy, you think society would be the way it is? lol

  68. 9 months ago


    >your search for prime 20 year old virgin pussy as a middle aged man

  69. 9 months ago


    >20yr old
    Why would i be interested in something so used and degraded by that point? Pre-wall is the name of the game, my friend

    • 9 months ago

      This man is too based

  70. 9 months ago

    these stupid threads always centre around celebrity examples but you can easily determine the truth by just going outside. you'd have to be a very attractive man with a good house + job to be pushing 40 and still landing girls in their 20s. it only gets harder from your 20s - if you're attractive at 35+ you already had a good facial structure but now you have to factor in balding, worse skin and whatever else, and you very much need to have your shit together now

    the whole wall discussion from the mens side always seemed like wishful thinking from late bloomers. like you can glow up at 28, have those delayed college years of fricking bawds and then just flip a switch and marry a girl in her 20s

    • 9 months ago

      >determine the truth by just going outside
      exactly lol. most men look like shit, most girls are unnattractive, all wives are gross. all old females look disgusting.

    • 9 months ago

      I don’t see attractive people over 30 outside.

    • 9 months ago

      >you'd have to be a very attractive man to be considered a very attractive man in your 40s!
      Uh yeah anon, no shit. That's what this thread is about.
      And sure, most guys can't do it. But it can be done. Those are two very different concepts.

  71. 9 months ago


    What you have described isn't age related. It's just a dumb c**t. Dumb c**t is dumb c**t wheather she is 18 or 60.

  72. 9 months ago

    It's undeniable that sois hit the wall at 32-35 which is close to women's hitting of the wall at 25-29

    • 9 months ago

      >It's undeniable that sois hit the wall at 32-35
      lol like that dude that got stabbed in nyc at 4am, he was 32. what a monstroscity.

      • 9 months ago

        Kek I remember the vid
        that Black person was based for ridding the world of garbage like him

  73. 9 months ago


    The difference is intentionally doing it.

    If I date a wide hipped because I like it and I like it because it was advantageous to frick wide hipped women at some point and that's why evolution put this desire in my brain, that's not psychopathic. But it is psychopathic if you do calculations to find it'd be beneficial for you to have wide hipped women and that's one of the reason to try to get her into a relationship.

    >they are the same
    If both are trying to get into this gay transactionary business relationship, that's fine but you are assuming too much. That's why I'm saying not to generalize, you'd be fricking over someone who is not into this intentional transactional business fulltime acting relationship.

  74. 9 months ago

    69 year old Ronald Reagan was kind of sexy here.

  75. 9 months ago

    I'm pretty sure that the cute 21 girl of the pet shop gave me the eyes.

    I'm 36.

  76. 9 months ago

    if you think women hit a wall and men dont or dont hit it as early then you are just gay. that's all there is to it.

    • 9 months ago

      look at film starts - men can be high-paid for years.
      women rarely can, because most of them are just eye-candy and expendable when the next 20-something sucks Weinstein's dick.

  77. 9 months ago

    Stay the frick out of the sun or put on sunscreen. It’s that simple.

    • 9 months ago

      Won’t save the fat and collagen from leaving your face at 30ish

  78. 9 months ago

    Being good looking for a woman is equivalent to being rich for a men. Men only 'hit the wall' when their career dies.
    Men & Women are not attracted to the same things.

    Also, and I cannot stress this point enough, who cares lol. Why am I arguing with an idiot like you.

  79. 9 months ago

    I love watching men sabotage each other by telling the young one’s they’ll “peak” at 35 and have their pick of sexy women. It only works because all of you incels are moronic and can’t accept living in reality.
    If you’re terminally ignored, there’s a 99% chance you’re going to continue staying terminally ignored your whole life.

    • 9 months ago

      >If you’re terminally ignored, there’s a 99% chance you’re going to continue staying terminally ignored your whole life.
      I agree, but is that what the thread is about? "The wall" for women just means they go from hot to not hot. It's the same idea for men, no one ever promised you would do the opposite and go from not hot to hot, just that you'll stay hot much longer than women do IF you actually take good care of yourself and have good genes, which most of you homosexuals do not.
      It's about longevity, not some ugly duckling fantasy.

      • 9 months ago

        It is an ugly duckling fantasy as well as a revenge fantasy for terminally ignored men to “get back” at the Stacies who ignored them.
        Virtually no one talks about aging online without being bitter and trying to soothe their own egos in some way.

        • 9 months ago

          >Virtually no one talks about aging online without being bitter
          I did. This was my post yesterday:

          >im not saying YOU specifically. but like statisically speaking chances you are betamale provider. (90% of men)
          Here's the problem though: *statisically speaking* I might be...as are you...as is the biggest gigachad you can imagine. Because that's how statistics work.
          In reality though, unfortunately for you, I am not. I'm over 40, look around 28 and am fit with all my hair, and am dating a beautiful 22 year old. I dated a different one last year also, though she was a typical zoomer brat and it didn't work out. But no, I'm definitely not a "beta provider" because I don't even have that much money.
          I don't care what "most" men have or do not have. Like I said in an earlier post...it's not my problem.

          Note how I never said I was ugly or ignored by women before.
          Also there's a lot of attempts at ego preservation on both sides in this thread from what I can see. For every ugly poster telling the thread he'll be good looking "some day" I can find you another one saying no one is good looking when they're older, because *they're* not.
          So not to be a fence sitter but while the revenge fantasies against Stacy are super cringy, so is just giving up and lying down to die many decades early because some coping incel told you to.

    • 9 months ago

      Fat, old, single female hands typed this post.


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