Wim Hof breathing technique could develop tinnitus?

> Some people developed costant hissing or tinnitus in their ears after practising Wim Hof breathing technique

What does IST think about this particular issue? I already tried this technique for a while, really enjoying it, but after reading about people want to kill themselves because of the constant ringing in their mind developed after practising it I'm definitely scaried.

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  1. 7 months ago

    who gives a shit, I got tinnitus from blasting music in my headset and I still do it every single day.

    • 7 months ago

      Cool. How are you dealing with Tinnitus? Is this a problem for you?

    • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago


      • 7 months ago

        Hail to the Cult

  2. 7 months ago

    his technique is basically hyperventilation which increases intracranial pressure

    • 7 months ago

      What I really find incredible is that you can have a nice day just by breathing more. lmao

    • 7 months ago

      Which isn't healthy by itself and causes the damage to every cell in your body, including your brain.
      Tinnitus is the least of your worries

  3. 7 months ago

    >About fifteen years ago Wim was swimming at a fountain in Amsterdam and decided to give himself an enema on the nozzle of the jet. He says he has done it before, but a few weeks earlier the city altered the jet to have a more powerful spout. So when he sat on the hose the water cut through his colon and intestines like a water knife. His son Michael (who he was meeting at the park) took him to the ER. Wim has pretty good ability to resist pain so the hospital did not triage him to surgery immediately because they didn't understand how serious the injury was. After a few hours he fainted and they realized how bad it was. The doctors stitched him up but rightly feared the risk of sepsis. It took him a long time to recover. He says that he used no antibiotics during recovery

    • 7 months ago

      >that entire story

    • 7 months ago

      You can't trust anything he says. He's completely full of shit and pretends not to speak English whenever he gets caught lying.

  4. 7 months ago

    I was on wim hof train for a good while, doing all the exercises etc, watching the interviews etc. and the dude talks how he wants to change the world so kinds and everyone in ALL THE WORLD could be healthy etc. then I go look up his program in his page and its smth like 200+euros. HOW MANY FRICKING KIDS AROUND ALLL THE WORLD CAN AFFORD THAT TO CHANGE THE WORLD? thats how I knew its all a fricking scam. All these fricking selfless good doers, yeah. Ofc there might be beneficial things here and there, but take everything he says with big grain of sand. I got all his shit pirated anyway and didnt even look through it lmao

    • 7 months ago

      >look up his program in his page and its smth like 200+euros
      the method itself is free, its really just breathing (which has free guides on how to do it in his youtube channel) and cold showers, this program if you want to go "deeper" and have a more detailed guide

      • 7 months ago

        What I don't understand is what its supposed to do
        Like lifting, you get stronger, more mobile, carries on into healthier and more mobile lifestyle, and you will look good naked
        Cardio decreases hypertension, protects from heart disease, makes it so you aren't winded doin g day to day tasks and are once again more free physically, etc
        I've heard of the Wim Hof method, but I don't know what it supposed to do. The only thing I hear is
        >sit in cold
        >breathe right
        >you can sit in cold longer
        I dunno, maybe if I was stuck in a blizzard(?) with no help it could do something....but like, I keep an emergency kit in my car and don't drive during blizzards.
        So what is the Wim Hof method supposed to do? It's a method, but for what?

        Like what does "go deeper" mean? What does the breathing method even do in the first place? What does "deeper" (whatever that means) do for you? What is objectively being improved about you?
        I'm actually asking because I don't know

        • 7 months ago

          >I don't know what it supposed to do
          > What does the breathing method even do in the first place?
          its supposed to help you with health and anxiety, i think the health part is the best one as people who do it claim they never get sick, also it helps with anxiety and possibly depression because the breathing is a form of meditation and the cold showers makes you feel good because of how dopamine works (doing something hard makes you feel good, kinda like how working out makes you feel good) so cold showers can help with motivation, there is a ton of other stuff but thats the basics of it
          >Like what does "go deeper" mean?
          i dont know because i never did, but in the course he teaches things like how doing the method can raise the amount of push ups you do, or make you more flexible in certain areas of your body, also some people have some crazy emotional experiences with it if they do it for long periods of time, there is videos out there of people crying while doing the method or laughing uncontrollably

          • 7 months ago

            good explanation anon, thanks for answering, I usually get shitposts, I see how its supposed to work now thanks

            • 7 months ago

              Nta but it's like this with most "alternative" medicine/"biohacking" stuff - for some people a specific breathing or meditation or stretching or whatever else technique manages to somehow solve a physical or mental health problem they'd had for ages and hadn't been able to get rid of in any other way, and then for another much larger group it just improves their general health in some way.
              The take away should be that working with just the body and mind themselves one can help oneself in curious ways. Personally I think instead of Wim Hof one would be better off just doing some yogic breathwork instead.

            • 7 months ago

              nta but cold does more than just make you feel good because its difficult.
              It causes intense acute vasoconstriction which has a rebound effect of vasodilation for many many hours afterwards which basically means your bloodflow for the day improves and when you have better bloodflow your body and brain operate better = everything is easier. It's worth doing daily ice baths for that alone and that's not touching on the benefits it has for brown fat, alertness, recovery, circadian rhythm reinforcement (if done in the morning), abilty to function calmly under intense stress, evening cortisol reduction and yes dopamine

              As for the breathing causing you to not get sick, I don't know much about the Wim Hof method but I gather it's some form of cyclical hyperventilation. When you hyperventilate (exhale faster than you inhale) you trigger a state shift into your sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight mode), in which your body has a much easier time providing an immune response to infection or illness, producing white blood cells, etc. This is a very real tactic to fight off an illness when you first feel it coming on. Be careful of course, as it can cause dizziness and it's not great before going to sleep obviously

              The opposite is also true, slower controlled breathing (exhale slower than you inhale) causes a shift into a parasympathetic state (rest and digest) which makes you more vulnerable to such things, though obviously has benefits of being easier to sleep and recover etc. Each breathing method has it's strengths and it's appropriate times for useage

              Things like cold and exercise also cause a similar shift into the sympathetic state. The myth that people who exercise are more likely to get ill comes from the rebound effect into parasympathetic that occurs after the post-exercise state shift into sympathetic because what goes up must come down, but for the immediate time surrounding when you are exercising you actually have a heightened immune response

        • 7 months ago

          if you have time to kill this video about it is pretty good

    • 7 months ago

      he's dutch, they're basically european israelites

  5. 7 months ago

    i have 24/7 bad tinnitus

    do not do anything that could give you tinnitus

    his "method" is not doing anything beneficial

    • 7 months ago

      have you tried tapping on the back of your head, near the center at the base of the skull? it may provide temporary relief. but please dyor first

      • 7 months ago

        Breathe in into your head then as you exhale sink the chi downwards into your belly then lock it there as needed. Also acupuncture could fix you if you fricked up and gave yourself tinnitus.

      • 7 months ago

        >have you tried tapping on the back of your head, near the center at the base of the skull
        that's the sleep button

        • 7 months ago

          >that's the sleep button
          No that's the corotid artery pressed with two fingers between the two main muscle groups in the front left of the neck.

          • 7 months ago

            >No that's the corotid artery pressed with two fingers between the two main muscle groups in the front left of the neck.
            oh im talking about tapping the back of the head for quick nap sleep button, they use infrasound to shake it gently you'd fall asleep in less than 1 minute sleep so dead you won't wake up at all even if someones slapping that face for half hour

  6. 7 months ago

    Wim Hof is a moron. There are no special powers, there are no life hacks, there are no hidden abilities in the human brain or body. Life isn't Naruto. Just breathe like a normal fricking person.

    • 7 months ago


  7. 7 months ago

    reading some stuff on it, i dont think you can actually develop tinnitus because of it, it can only make it worse because it "heightens" your senses, so you become more aware of it, making it worse

  8. 7 months ago

    I hit the back of my head due to a fall (it was not even a big hit) like half year ago and I have tinnitus since then on one side, does it go away by itself? It's pretty annoying sometimes but sometimes I forget about it for a while.

  9. 7 months ago

    It does. Don't do it if you already have tinnitus or experienced it after doing the breathing. In all honestly, the breathing isn't even needed- just meditate, you'll get all the benefits anyways. If you absolutely want to do the cold resistance stuff, just look up "tummo" it's this tibetan mountain monk breathing technique that preceded Wim Hof- as a matter of fact, the Wim israelite method is literally just a modified version of tummo.

    Go onto youtube or r3ddit/r/becomingtheiceman and look up "tinnitus". It seriously isn't worth the risk, many many many MANY stories like this.

    • 7 months ago

      impressive. but what does it do other than showing off in these situations? You better spend time doing actual body building instead

  10. 7 months ago

    I got tinnitus and I don't care. I tried doing the wim hof method years ago but I stoped because I didn't like doing it every day. The breathing is too forceful and cold exposure is extreme and dangerous. Cool and interesting but not my cup of tea.

  11. 7 months ago

    The borders between the bodies energy and physical systems are imaginary so when you channel energy through your body (which in this case keeps you warm) you are at risk of blowing energy systems which in theory could totally give you tinnitus. I would recommended progressing slowly and only build or channel chi you know you can safely control. There is many Taoist techniques that will help such as the the chin or neck lock that gates the mana through your vegas nerve system maybe look into those.

  12. 7 months ago

    I had a friend who showed me what he said was the wim hof breathing technique. The idea was to breathe really fast and then hold your breath. I tried it for a second but it felt like either too much or two little oxygen was making it to my brain so I stopped.

    I really can't imagine a more moronic way to meditate. wim hoff breathing is the spiritual equivalent of huffing computer dusters.

    • 7 months ago

      >The idea was to breathe really fast and then hold your breath
      what we was teaching was a technique to make you faint, that turned into a meme in brazil and actually killed people, the wim hof method is way different and its done slowly, idk if your friend is a moron or if he was trying to make you faint but either way its wrong

    • 7 months ago

      Did you hold your breath in or out? You're supposed to do a hold with your lungs almost empty then a short hold (15 seconds max) with your lungs filled.

  13. 7 months ago

    happened to me my first time but its only because you hold your breathe too full and "squeeze" your head with the air increasing pressure. the proper way i later did it was filling up to my neck, and "locking" the air under my neck so it doesnt increase head pressure. no more ringing after that. does severely help with my anxiety
    Lots of israelites in here trying to slander this man

  14. 7 months ago

    do this:
    be on your ps and qs best behavior, set yourself on the highest standard, stay clean, treat it like a constant police search, treat it like a court room, don't get reported for anything, do everythign properly as possible, stay conscientious industrious, orderly, stay away from anything that can land you charges, if earing worsen read how to deal with the police read this book

    • 7 months ago

      so like if it kept getting worse and you're clean then this is now evocative approach, infrasound noise can jammed up the prefrontal lobe making daily life, decisionmaking, memory, thinking, feeling impossible, agitation so strong it can easily send you into road rage anger outburst uncontrollable above your freewill that it'll turn you into a criminal should you let radar system disrupt you this way, ensure you're backed by the full power of law, know how to deal with officers, mass report to counsel, consider relocate to better area etc all good choice, if your teeth starts to get bloated bleeding, nose bleed, blood shot eyes, skin burn and melts then that's microwave terahertz cook better put up metal protections to mitigate perminant damage if you can, when that happens? make sure you posts on IST reddit asks around let everybody know.

  15. 7 months ago

    >What does IST think about this particular issue?
    I come from amrtial arts and can tell you that breathing exercises can do a lot of bullshit with your body if you do the wrong ones. And Wim Hoff is a guy who almost sliced himself in half by sitting on a strong jet of water, making him not the best source for exercises, I think.

    In other words: Don't do this shit just because the internet tells you to.

    • 7 months ago

      Exactly this. If you have the knowledge to safely perform his techniques you would be doing your own.

  16. 7 months ago

    What breathing technique?

  17. 7 months ago

    These are CIA funded researchs, it is part of the survallence act, I wouldn't talk to investigators anything you said would give access, your only answers should be i don't know and lawyer.

    now on just stay away from weird shit on the internet permanently since you're under investigations.

  18. 7 months ago

    Literally the reason i dont do it

  19. 7 months ago

    Goatis is right about it

  20. 7 months ago

    One for the sorrow
    Two for the joy
    Three for a girl
    And four for a boy
    Five for the silver
    Six for the gold
    And seven is a secret
    Never to be told

  21. 7 months ago
    Jimmy McStimmy

    Literally who cares about tinnitus ? Ooo, I got a ringing in my ears, its making me go insane. wtf are you, a woman? A small noise makes you lose your mind? kys. I got tinnitus and it doesnt bother me a bit. Also, God bless the Ice Man and his icedweller skills.

  22. 7 months ago

    the cold showers / cold water thing is also bollocks. Rapid temp changes promote blood clots.

  23. 7 months ago

    This gave me brain damage
    I was upping the amount of rounds and in the fifth one my breathing reflex completely disappeared so I passed out
    Still doing it because it feels good, but only 3 rounds

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