1 - 1.5k calory diet advice

Hey guys new poster here, I did read the wiki about diet but I have a question:
is there some super simple diet I can follow while only eating 1-1.5k calories?
In the past I've been having trouble eating less than 2k because so many meals are super calory rich.

I'm currently 5'6 and 208lbs, I've never been this heavy before. All fat. Now I know I should be fine eating 2k calories for now but I want to lose weight faster.
Can I just eat white rice with chicken and some veggies on the daily? What's a good low calory yet filling dinner?
I seriously need to lose weight fast, pls help

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  1. 2 years ago

    just dont eat, nothing bad will happen you are fat as frick you can go on without eating for weeks on end, maybe it will fix your food addiction

  2. 2 years ago

    100g baby spinach and 100 grams salmon for lunch and dinner. 4 eggs for breakfast and 4 servings of protein shakes throughout the day. Repeat

  3. 2 years ago

    how do I make brocoli taste good? whenever I try to meal prep it tastes like shit and infects the other food with its shit taste

    • 2 years ago

      Toss it in some olive oil with garlic salt and pepper and then toast the shit out of it on high heat. Get a good char on some of the floret.

    • 2 years ago

      I always find it tastes bad reheated. Just eat somthing else. Or if you insist on broccoli, man the frick up and eat it you pussy. You're not going to die. Personally, I would prep somthing which tastes better, maybe carrots, spinach, etc

    • 2 years ago

      Steam it.

    • 2 years ago

      Season it well, make a chinese sauce or something. Broccoli literally act like sponges for flavor, if they're soaked in a sauce you love, it'll taste nice even reheated.

      >is there some super simple diet I can follow while only eating 1-1.5k calories?
      track what you eat, stop eating when the number says 1 - 1.5 x 10^3 Calories

      Been there done that, tracking gets annoying af if my diet isn't super simple. That's why I'm asking for advice. Tracking like 10 ingredients in a salad is way too much effort it actually makes me want to stop doing it.

  4. 2 years ago

    You'll lose weight so slowly eating 1.5k calories, especially if you're barely exercising, which I assume you are, based on the fact that you're a fatty

    You need to eat less than 1k, or follow the other anons advice here and just don't eat anything. Have a look at fasting general and look up snake juice

  5. 2 years ago

    Download some kinda of fitness app like mfp or something so you can count/track calories easier. You really only need to do this for a little while until you get a feel for it. You can also use the app to plug in what you want to eat and see what the calories would be and trim or add from there. Also good for tracking protein intake.
    Low calorie but filling dinners for me are chicken breasts/Turkey and veg on the side like sweet potatoes or peppers/broccoli/squash/etc.
    White air-popped popcorn is also filling/healthy/low calorie.

  6. 2 years ago

    What makes you different from all of the other people who have gone on a crash diet and then rebounded immediately, OP?

  7. 2 years ago

    Yeah you can eat chicken, veggies and rice. Remeber that a diet should be enjoyable, also check out /fast/ general

  8. 2 years ago

    Honestly just shoot for 1.8k cal, no processed food, high protein and start doing resistance training. If you start at such a massive deficit, you will either drop the diet quickly, snack, or if you do keep it up and you plateau, you won’t be able to increase your deficit much more

  9. 2 years ago

    >is there some super simple diet I can follow while only eating 1-1.5k calories?
    track what you eat, stop eating when the number says 1 - 1.5 x 10^3 Calories

  10. 2 years ago


    >I'm not addicted to food, just snacks, I can't not eat
    Lmao bro I know a cope when I read one
    Was 198lbs at my heaviest (5'7) now 147lbs
    Stop eating so much simple as

    • 2 years ago

      >Im not even addicted to food, just snacks. I can't not eat, I'd literally rather kill myself.
      This is pathetic. It's literally less work to not shove food in your mouth during the day.

      by I cant not eat obviously meant fasting, I cant just not eat for a day, I'm in physical pain if I don't. It's definitely not less work for me to shove food in my mouth, instead I'd have to shove pain killers into me for the crazy headaches that I get from not eating. I'm fine not snacking on chips and chocolate bars, I'm definitely not fine when I completely stop eating for a day or even just missing a meal.

      Aim for 25-30% of your daily calories from protein, 20-25% from fats and the rest from carbs. Once you start exercising and combining that with being conscious of your calorie intake, you’ll start losing weight in no time. Keep up with the same calorie goal for about 6-8 weeks before deciding to change it, whatever you end up settling on. There are plenty of ways to skin a cat, so settling with one and actually sticking with it is the main thing.

      This post isn't really about how to lose weight, I'm more so asking about what to eat, like, meal tips. It's not my first time losing weight, just my first time trying to make things like calory counting less annoying, thanks for the advice though.

      • 2 years ago

        Are you talking about hunger pains or do you have some sort of condition?

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, I'm taking hormones for my hypothyroidism but that shouldn't cause headaches.
          When I don't eat on time (within an hour of my regular meal times) I start getting nauseous and eventually develop a headache even though I drink sufficiently. Are those normal hunger pains? idk


          I'm asking for meal advice my guy, simple easy low calory meals. Overall I know how fatloss works I'm not too worried about that part

          • 2 years ago

            No that's not normal hunger pains, I-I'm sorry anon you've got it bad

          • 2 years ago

            I had it when I was turbo obese (465) after like 4? months it went away, 205 come next morning and going to 180. Look up the protein chef, will tenyson, and greg doucette (his cookbook is online just pirate it) and then from there you'll find half decent other youtubers...

  11. 2 years ago


    Aim for 25-30% of your daily calories from protein, 20-25% from fats and the rest from carbs. Once you start exercising and combining that with being conscious of your calorie intake, you’ll start losing weight in no time. Keep up with the same calorie goal for about 6-8 weeks before deciding to change it, whatever you end up settling on. There are plenty of ways to skin a cat, so settling with one and actually sticking with it is the main thing.

  12. 2 years ago


    >Im not even addicted to food, just snacks. I can't not eat, I'd literally rather kill myself.
    This is pathetic. It's literally less work to not shove food in your mouth during the day.

  13. 2 years ago


  14. 2 years ago

    Chicken and veggies. Potatoes for carbs. Most of your diet should be protein. Limit fat consumption to 50-70g to avoid excess easy calories.

    I say potatoes for carbs because they're very filling per calorie and a good potassium source, which you will need to help replenish what you sweat out from workouts. Lift full body 3x a week and do cardio 3x a week. One rest day. One day of cardio should be hard and high effort. The others keep pretty low effort. Focus on progressive overload with good form on lifting days but don't just grind reps and let form break down to increase weight. If your form starts breaking down, you hit failure. End there rather than muscle fricking up a few more reps

    • 2 years ago

      I dont think I even have the time to work out that much, I'm a pretty busy student. I guess I can try to implement at least part of that into my week
      I mean I guess you can say I'm lazy but when I get home at 7:30 3 days of the week I really just can't be bothered to go for a full body workout, just way too drained

    • 2 years ago

      >Potatoes for carbs
      Why do we even need carbs? Shouldn't fat & protein provide more than enough fuel for the body plus muscle growth?

      • 2 years ago

        Carbs are really efficient at giving us energy without much in the way of conversion needed.
        You can live without them, but you don't have to.

        • 2 years ago

          Gotcha. So would it be ideal to eat carbs in the morning, to provide fuel for the day, and then have protein/fat in the evening, as it takes longer for the body to convert?

          Or am I being autistic

          • 2 years ago

            There's never an excuse to eat carbs when trying to lose body fat. Ignore carb shills.

            • 2 years ago

              but how do asians eat rice with every meal and stay lean af? it's not like they work out all day

            • 2 years ago

              That's what I've been doing so far, trying to keep it under 50g/day, was just wondering if I'm missing out on some gains

              but how do asians eat rice with every meal and stay lean af? it's not like they work out all day

              This board is so divided on carbs I never know what to really think so I just stick with what my body tells me, and so far not eating carbs has somehow made me less hungry

            • 2 years ago

              T. Poor body composition

      • 2 years ago

        Carbs store in muscles as glycogen to fuel workouts. No carbs means small, easily fatigued muscles. Plus, insulin is anabolic. Just don't go crazy on them and mostly time them around your workout, with the bulk after to replenish the glycogen depleted in your workout for recovery purposes.

        Eat 1g/lb bodyweight of protein, 50-80g fat, and the rest of your calories should be carbs with most carbs within an hour of your workout ending.

        • 2 years ago

          Ok so there's basically 2 roads then.

          1. Low carb - purely weight loss, at the expense of muscle gain
          2. Regular carb - less weight loss, more muscle gain

          So it sounds like low carb for cutting and then ramping back up the carb intake when it's time to start focusing on building more muscle?

          I'm trying to do both right now which might be misguided, but I'm definitely seeing some gains (probably beginner gains tbf).

          • 2 years ago

            No. Weight loss is a factor of calories not carbs. Any weight lost from reduced carbs beyond this effect is glycogen and water. Each gram of glycogen holds four times as much water. But in a deficit, carbs and fats will usually be lower than maintenance or a bulk. Individual carb needs vary too. Just play with it some and see what works. Eating more calories from fat makes cutting hard for me personally due to calorie density.

  15. 2 years ago

    When people ask for shit like this what do they expect to get? A list of meals for a week? General recipes? Satiating foods? Good macros? Its simply dreadful seeing how little effort some people are willing to put even to themselves. You're too fat for me to even bother helping anyway, literally just stop being a lazy lard blob by doing exercise and stop eating like a pig it's not that complicated and you know this. You've heard this your whole life it's not a secret

    • 2 years ago

      General recipes like

      100g baby spinach and 100 grams salmon for lunch and dinner. 4 eggs for breakfast and 4 servings of protein shakes throughout the day. Repeat

      I didn't ask for anything else, just want super simple meals with only a few ingredients that don't kill 1/2 of my calory budget in one go

    • 2 years ago

      What do you expect, Anon? “Recipes” of meals provided for OP? That’s the rarest, most mystical knowledge there is. I heard there’s one book of these “recipes” but it’s in a temple on the top of the highest mountain.

      • 2 years ago

        lol I know about recipe books but I'd trust IST more to give me good advice than random recipes I find online. My main issue with recipes online is that they require like 10 different ingredients. Sure you can leave out a few but I'm looking for something that only has about 3 components other than rice + chicken + veggies.
        The few suggestions here are nice, I wrote them down. Do you have anything to add from one of those books of recipes?

        Sometimes I switch out for ground turkey (cheaper) or 93 ground beef (costlier). I switch up the seasoning and break up the chicken/rice into 3 meals a day.

        The waffle and protein bar I use as a breakfast and the protein shake is my evening snack.

        oh I see, I guess that's more manageable. I think I'm gonna go for something similar, with maybe a few of the other suggestions here mixed in here and there, appreciate it

  16. 2 years ago

    Ive lost 37 lbs this year so far. 5'10 219 -> 182, going for 170

    I try to eat around 1500-1700 calories a day

    Heres the breakdown:
    220 Calories Protein bar
    220 Calories Protein waffle
    640 Calories Ground Chicken
    315 Calories Rice
    130 Calories Protein shake
    1525 Calories Total

    13g Protein
    10g Protein
    88g Protein
    7.5g Protein
    24g Protein
    142.5g Protein total

    • 2 years ago

      I like this breakdown, nice, thanks. So you mainly eat rice and chicken then? I mean I love that combo too but I'd imagine it gets stale after a while no?

      • 2 years ago

        Sometimes I switch out for ground turkey (cheaper) or 93 ground beef (costlier). I switch up the seasoning and break up the chicken/rice into 3 meals a day.

        The waffle and protein bar I use as a breakfast and the protein shake is my evening snack.

  17. 2 years ago

    I’m doing about 1400 cals a day. I eat a third of a pound of 90 10 beef with a bun for hamburger meal. I’ll also eat like a .75 cup oat 1 cup milk oatmeal. Mix and match those three and you’re around 1200. Then I do carrot munch till failure

    • 2 years ago

      not sure if I could eat a burger a day but that's definitely something I can add to my list, considering that comes out to like 450 calories?
      I like the carrot munch till failure bit too, I guess that'd make good snack food
      thanks mate

  18. 2 years ago


    >Im not even addicted to food, just snacks. I can't not eat, I'd literally rather kill myself.
    Textbook addict behavior topkek.

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, if you read my replies to the other posts who quoted exactly that you'd understand why

  19. 2 years ago

    Slow and steady wins the race. The is no fast for either losing weight or packing muscle on. Sure there are drugs but even that won't be as fast as you want.

    You have to understand fitness is a lifestyle. It's this way for a reason. It takes hard work and it takes years. If it was easy everyone would be in good shape.

    • 2 years ago

      I would also like to add that in your OP you don't mention weight lifting or cardio. You need to exercise as well as have a good diet if you want the best results.

      • 2 years ago

        I actually love cycling but honestly I often either lack the time or the energy to do it, I bought a pullup bar so I do some australian pullups there and hangs (since I cant do a regular one), obviously I'll need to do more in the near future.
        I know it's not supposed to be easy or fast by the way, I'd still try to do it as fast as I can since I hate seeing myself like this (not that I have body image problems, I just really dont like the amount of fat on me)

        I had it when I was turbo obese (465) after like 4? months it went away, 205 come next morning and going to 180. Look up the protein chef, will tenyson, and greg doucette (his cookbook is online just pirate it) and then from there you'll find half decent other youtubers...

        What did you have, hypothyroidism? It's a genetic thing for me nothing that will just go away. My brother has it too and he is pretty slim. I'll look up the guys you mentioned for sure, ty

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