1 pound of fat = 3500 calories

1 pound of fat = 3500 calories
do you want to lose 10lbs of fat? you'll need to eat 35000 less calories than yout TDEE.
What is your TDEE?
Just assume it's 2000 calories if you're a man and 1500 calories if you're a woman.
>but I know someone who lost 30lbs in one month!
Yeah, they really lost that much weight, but it was most water, as obese people keep up a lot of water retained.
They lose 30lbs in the first month, then struggle to lose 8lbs in the next month, because that's exactly how it should work. If they keep a caloric deficit, they'll keep on losing weigth. As they lose weight, their TDEE decreases, as they have less mass to carry around, and that's why some people stop losing weight after a while.

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  1. 5 months ago

    You need to shock your metabolism with a refeed every 2 weeks to a month or else weight loss slows down

    • 5 months ago

      "How do I lose weight?"

      "Eat more."

      "How do I gain weight?"

      "Eat more."
      Something isn't lining up here.

    • 5 months ago

      no you don't
      you just want people to stay fat

      • 5 months ago

        Yes. I spread misinformation to make fatties diet less and bulk more. Then I enter /fat/ and laugh at them when they say they made no progress in months

    • 5 months ago

      Having 1 cheat day a week will keep you sane and actually speed up weight lose. Eat those donuts you earned them.

      • 5 months ago

        t. devil

      • 5 months ago

        Some say you need 2 cheat days a week or a daily cheat meal

        • 5 months ago

          some say you need a cheat day every other day to keep your TDEE high

        • 5 months ago

          >daily cheat meal

      • 5 months ago


        Eat a donut every day if you like, in the end it's all about cico

        Ketoschizos are triggered by this

        • 5 months ago

          a donut is like 400 cal, I only have 1600 calories a day and am trying to hit 120g of protein. Can't really fit it in without lagging somewhere else.

          man frick cutting

          • 5 months ago

            How much do you weigh? It seems you're cutting too aggressively?

            • 5 months ago

              m8 I fricking wish. I'm 190, tdee is 2200 a day. Eating 1600 cal is only a 600 calorie cut, even if I included exercise it'd be 750 deficit at best. If I'm not super strict about my intake I don't lose weight. I've been autistically weighing my portions and food and making sure not to cheat anywhere, and that's the only way I've been able to lose 1lb/week lately. If I slack even a little I'll stagnate.

          • 5 months ago

            Bro a protein shake is 200 calories and 50g protein. How are you struggling to hit 120. Just have 4 scoops a day and that's 400 calories for 100g protein. Then you can eat anything you want for the last 20

            • 5 months ago

              It's actually 240 cal with water and 48g protein. Plus it's not economically viable anymore, powder's expensive ($80 for 72 serving?). I don't want to entirely rely on powder for my protein either.

              Even if I do do that, I spend 480 cal on powder, 400 cal on a donut, and only have 800 calories for the rest of the day. Either way I'm gonna be hungry in the afternoon or evening and that sucks ass, I'd rather just eat real food instead of the donut.

              • 5 months ago

                I'm not arguing for the donut. And youre on a cut. You need to optimize protein and the only way to do that is through protein powder or egg whites.

                80 for 72 servings at 4 a day makes it
                >72/4= 18 days 80/18 = 4.44 a day. Thats not too bad.

                I personally do 2 scoops a day and eat 1200 calories. I war a bunch of chicken and egg whites to compensate and hit my goals, but the protein helps. At 2 scoops a day you're spending 2.25 a day. Thats cheap as hell.

                Fitness is worth spending money on too. You shouldn't be afraid to spend money on your health

              • 5 months ago

                dude I never said I was struggling to hit 120, just that the donut makes it a lot more difficult. I'm usually having chicken beef or pork for my meals.

                >Fitness is worth spending money on too
                no shit, but $4 a day is $120 a month on something I could've just gotten through real food. I haven't exactly been swimming in cash this year and am bleeding money every month. Not viable for me right now.

              • 5 months ago

                its worth it

    • 5 months ago

      explain the science behind this

      • 5 months ago

        >lots of food enters stomach
        >stomach needs more metabolism to burn the excess food
        >food is reduced
        >high metabolism burns the low amount of food and excess fat (this is the actually fat loss of dieting)
        >metabolism is reduced to compensate for the amount of food that is input
        >fat burn stops since metabolism and food intake are at a good ratio

        So you want to be in step 4 as many times as possible. You can either eat less food to make your metabolism faster than food intake or you can do a refeed to send your body back into step 1 and work it's way back to step 4

        • 5 months ago

          I said science, not greentext.

          >stomach needs more metabolism to burn the excess food
          Metabolism is not a unit of energy. The stomach does not "use" metabolism. Metabolism is a process.

          • 5 months ago

            Just read it as 'higher' metabolism, it is the rate at which you use the energy or extract it from fat and muscle to mantain its availability (to move, perform tasks or even think). If metabolism slows down too much you become sluggish and dumb because your body knows you're starving and tries to preserve itself as much as possible which results in less energy expended for TDEE. Its really not not that hard to understand.

            • 5 months ago

              Then you need to roon more

            • 5 months ago

              The amount of calories burned from digesting food is so small it will not change anything from day to day, it's maybe 10% of what you eat. So if you eat 1600 calories, it's 160 calories burned. If you eat 3200, it's 320 calories, literally only a difference of 160. At best, this will slightly effect you over the course of a few weeks.

              >If metabolism slows down too much you become sluggish and dumb because your body knows you're starving
              If you're starving your metabolism reduces, not the other way around. And getting to the point of legitimate starvation is a problem 99.9% of users on this board will never experience. a 500 calorie deficit isn't going to trigger starvation mode, though cutting too hard will lower energy levels.
              >which results in less energy expended for TDEE
              TDEE and metabolism is literally the same fricking thing.
              >Its really not not that hard to understand.
              apparently it is because you've got it completely wrong.

        • 5 months ago

          Here's what actually happens
          >eat less food
          >body starts using reserves
          >metabolism slows down to compensate for the reduced intake, and preserve reserves
          >eat a lot of food all of a sudden
          >body turns it into fat to replenish reserves
          That's why fat morons who cheat on their diets end up getting even fatter.

          Here's how you actually lose weight
          >eat less food
          >body starts using reserves
          >metabolism slows down to compensate for the reduced intake, and preserve reserves
          >keep going with the diet
          >body gets used to the new level of intake
          >metabolism speeds up back to normal
          >body continues burning reserves until TDEE is equal to the intake

          • 5 months ago

            Your body doesn't slow down if you hit the BMR caloric intake though. It's actually better to hit slightly above BMR and burn more calories through physical activity (or before).
            BMR includes your basic macros to sustain hormone function, protein needs, and glucose to keep brain fog from setting in.

            There is a huge misconception that fat ingested or carbs (sugar) ingested replaces the calories you just burned. The brain absorbs almost all glucose on a BMR diet, meanwhile animal fats absorbed are used first for hormone function as the lipids circulate and afterwords are used for either energy or storage.
            The body takes what it needs at any given moment, it doesn't just put things away to be used later when entering a fasting state (which on a caloric deficit you'd be entering within a shorter time range).
            So it uses up everything you just ingested, keeps bodily functions active, and whatever is left over is either burned through activity or quickly used within the next few hours before the cycle repeats.

            It's really as simple as finding your true BMR, not the meme one.

            • 5 months ago

              I think instead of listening to all the bullshit you just spewed I’ll just eat less when I want to weigh less and eat more when I want to weigh more.

              • 5 months ago

                And the fact you can't understand what I just said is the only proof I need on why your diet isn't a healthy one.
                It's made you moronic.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah cuz I definitely listed out what I eat in my post you fricking moron

      • 5 months ago

        its bro science, as effective as nofap

      • 5 months ago

        >eat a bunch of extra food
        >gain a bunch of extra water weight
        >go back to dieting
        >piss out excess water weight
        It's really that simple.

        • 5 months ago

          that sums it up

    • 5 months ago

      No it doesn’t shut the frick up moron

    • 5 months ago

      If that was the case then you could solve world hunger by just eating every 2 weeks. We're not snakes you fricking moron. If you're tdee is 2000 calories and you only consume 1700 your body will use fat for those extra 300 calories, regardless of you're over eating or under eating. People think metabolism is some mystery machine but it's not. It's just how much calories your body consumes. It slows down in your 20s because your body stops growing when you're a kid to your mid twenties you're going through a constant physical growth and then you're body is a sex drive factory. But once you're body is done then you don't need to eat as much. To increase your caloric need you need to be more active. Stop being a moron thinking metabolism is anything more than your caloric need.

      • 5 months ago

        I hate all of the pseudo science behind metabolism. it's so fricking moronic and everyone thinks that it's opinionated like we can't do peer reviewed studies with objective evidence.

        Where everyone seems to get confused is BMR. Your BMR doesn't change, it's a caloric amount to sustain function of all basic bodily functions. Now we add activity deficits.
        If you walk daily that isn't BMR, it's your BMR+calories burned from walking.
        Frick it's really that simple.

        So you got those morons who think your BMR slows down right? Yeah we've all heard those morons. Nah, your caloric restriction has fricked up your macros to the point that your basic functions are shutting down so the body slows down. It's called rabbit starvation and it's regularly seen in people with extreme caloric deficits and lack of variety in their diet.
        Effectively shutting off absorption of nutrients, hormonal conversions, and general mitochondrial ATP.
        So how do we prevent this?
        We eat at our actual BMR, the one with activity not included and we let the activity we do burn the excess fat.
        Your body will still absorb all the nutrients it needs, your brain will still function since it's the largest consumer of glucose in the body. All other activity in that day will burn the fricking fat off your body and you'll lose weight.

        Boom obesity solved, frick fat people.

        • 5 months ago

          It’s simple to us smart folk but you’ve gotta remember a significant portion of humanity can’t even comprehend basic algebra so there’s no saving those people

          • 5 months ago

            I just don't get it man. I've eat this way for like 30+ years now and it's always worked.
            I'm a big guy, not like tall, but bulldog. My BMR has almost always been 2150 calories, which is like 600 calories more than most peoples BMRs.
            So when i'm getting kind of chunky, I just eat 2200 calories and let my activity bring my weight back down it takes a few weeks, but it always has worked.
            Might not be the best body ever kind of guy, but like it works, it's factual. I always get to the point where my abs start to stick out and I always get a little lazy at that moment and the cycle continues back up to around 18% body fat.

            frick it's infuriating watching people say you can't lose weight. I do this like 4 times a year lol.

            • 5 months ago

              >it’s infuriating
              Yeah I mean you just have to realize that most people operate on some level of delusion. My mom will talk about how she’s on a diet but struggling to lose weight because she’s old and stressed and it has nothing to do with the empty calories from the wine she’s drinking. It’s just tiresome to try to hold other people to my standard so I don’t. If I’m 20% bodyfat that’s fat for me because I’m not delusional but if my friend gets down to 20% from 30% I say great job you’re in good shape now.

              • 5 months ago

                Oh yeah totally! it's all relative.
                I tell people that all the time when they are like "i wish I had my teenage body" and i'm over here saying
                >stop making unreasonable goals you know you will never keep up with
                Instead of wanting to be 12% body fat, how about getting down to 16% body fat and just staying there for half a year ya know?
                Like test the waters out, make sure it's sustainable for you because it's still better than you being obese.
                Nah they always do the yoyo diet though.
                For me it's 205lbs.
                No matter what if I hit 205lbs, I immediately cut calories. I'm king of manlet and no matter how much I bulk up once I get past 200 it starts to make me blob out. My perfect weight is 187lbs. I'm extremely lean, it's completely manageable and I know I'd be making excuses to why I can't hit it.
                When I was a teenager it was 165 at 8% body fat, which is not manageable for me anymore. I just can't maintain the physical cardio necessary to keep it.

  2. 5 months ago

    >implying all calories are metabolically fungible
    1kcal of butter goes through different than 1 kcal of vegetable oil
    sorry mary

    • 5 months ago

      the difference for weight loss is irrelevant

      • 5 months ago


        • 5 months ago

          I'm 6ft 130lbs
          try again

          • 5 months ago

            you dirty handsome man

            • 5 months ago

              I'm ugly
              another try

  3. 5 months ago

    in human metrics it means 7000 calories for a kilo

    • 5 months ago


    • 5 months ago

      >refugee and sandBlack person metrics

    • 5 months ago


  4. 5 months ago


  5. 5 months ago

    >do this
    >lose 30 pounds exclusively of bone mass

    • 5 months ago

      A human skeleton weighs like 10lb though

      • 5 months ago

        Maybe yours skelet

  6. 5 months ago

    >1 gram of fat ingested is ~9.4kcal
    >1lb of fat is ~3500kcal
    >you could eat 372 grams of pure fat to gain 453 grams of fat
    >infinite energy glitch

    • 5 months ago

      bodyfat has some storage overhead to just raw fat

    • 5 months ago

      1lb of body fat is not made out of pure fat, you know? Cells and water and stuff.

  7. 5 months ago

    >tfw have to pretty much starve myself to lose weight
    Decided to start doing some heavy workouts. Muscles take up quite a bit of calories even when not working, so maybe that will be the key.

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