>10am 20 min jog. >can barely finish it, super exhausting. >6pm 20 min jog

>10am 20 min jog
>can barely finish it, super exhausting
>6pm 20 min jog
>basically sprint the entire route without breaking a sweat
what gives

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  1. 4 months ago

    >what is creatine
    >what is carbs
    >what is glycogen

    • 4 months ago

      so I should eat a big meal before I go sleep? or go keto? I don't get it

      • 4 months ago

        do you truly need to be told word by word to figure how could an exercise chiefly relying on how much glycogen you can burn and how much glucose you have in your bloodstream to supply your muscles can produce vastly different results?

        • 4 months ago

          it makes no sense. Even when I fast, the issue still persists. it wasn't always like this. metabolism slowdown?

          >exercise in evening
          >activate sympathetic nervous system
          >sleep like shit
          >performance in the morning is suboptimal

          >reading comprehension
          back to school, zoomer frick. obviously I mean seperate days.

          >many regions vary by 20 degrees based on time of year and altitude
          >have dumb fricking american tell me that the temperature never changes throughout the day

          why are you still here? I told you to get the frick out. I'm not that american guy, I'm OP. You're clinically moronic. in the heart of europe:
          >temp today 10am: 6 degrees
          >temp today 6pm: 7 degrees
          now GTFO

          • 4 months ago

            >be OP
            >can't figure out why running in the morning is harder than the evening
            >call other people moronic
            Typical euro.

          • 4 months ago

            >it makes no sense. Even when I fast, the issue still persists. it wasn't always like this. metabolism slowdown?
            its not easy to say what your circadian rythm looks like, your diet and and and so on. but right as you are waking up, you are cold, low cortisol, with completely stiff unflexible muscles, devoid of energy and dehydrated. all of these gradually keep changing for the better over time. I am almost certain its due to these. basically what Im saying are you sure you are fully, completely awake then? I cant tell that sort of detail, Im just trying to point out to the likely cause.
            fasting isnt relevant btw, you still have energy coming from somewhere like your fat tissue to get you going after you wake up. its the same thing in the end, albeit you'll likely perform a tad bit worse unless you're fully used up to fasting.

            • 4 months ago

              Cortisol is highest in the morning. It peaks with exercise and bright light exposure and then falls off hard throughout the rest of the day.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah choose the wrong word while I was trying to say your hormones are in a different level and changing. You get what I meant though.

                usually I wake up feeling alright. the
                >you are cold, low cortisol, with completely stiff unflexible muscles, devoid of energy and dehydrated.
                often comes around 2 hours after waking up. I assume it's the circadin rythm.I had it fixed once, so I had power in the morning, bnd I didnt feel more tired in the noon or evening. So idk. And yeah my sleep is shit

                put in some easily digestible carbs into your body before run if you have to do it in the early times, that should help at least. when I frick up my sleep times i feel it takes me about 2-3 hours to get in gear after waking.

            • 4 months ago

              usually I wake up feeling alright. the
              >you are cold, low cortisol, with completely stiff unflexible muscles, devoid of energy and dehydrated.
              often comes around 2 hours after waking up. I assume it's the circadin rythm.I had it fixed once, so I had power in the morning, bnd I didnt feel more tired in the noon or evening. So idk. And yeah my sleep is shit

        • 4 months ago

          homie I love going for fasted 20k morning runs, it's not just about that, and a lot of pace calculation/management is to manage whether you're burning primarily glycogen or fats.


          >10am 20 min jog
          >can barely finish it, super exhausting
          >6pm 20 min jog
          >basically sprint the entire route without breaking a sweat
          what gives

          It's more likely a "state dependent" type of thing. If you're not used to being active in the morning, your body will resist being active in the morning. If it's been this way for a long time, consider your sleep quality and if you're warmed up adequately or not. Later in the day also means you're warmed up from having walked around and had some HRV

  2. 4 months ago

    More sun and warm temperatures makes aerobic exercise much easier.

    • 4 months ago

      you're baiting or moronic, get out

      • 4 months ago

        You're a fat, dumb frick or moronic, get out.

        Warm air is easier to breathe. Sunlight on exposed skin literally warms the body. Aerobic exercise is monumentally easier in warm temperatures than it is in cold or freezing temperatures. The entire athletic world warms up before doing anything strenuous. A warm up is warming up the body in a literal sense, you dumb fricker.

        • 4 months ago

          You dumb frick. The ideal condition for running is 50-55 and mostly cloudy. You obviously never even got close to a sub 18 minute 5k or sub 40 10k so pack your shit up and go back to your hobby jogging homosexual Meetup group.

          • 4 months ago

            >doesn't know that 50-55 is warm weather
            Holy shit, you're dumb.

            • 4 months ago

              Cope harder moron. 50-55 is considered 'cool' by anyone who's not intentionally being a contrarian c**t homosexual. YWNBARR

              • 4 months ago

                No it isn't. What moron nation do you come from? It must be some american state. Anyone who has felt 15-20 knows that 50-55 is warm weather. Frick off with your moronic larping.

              • 4 months ago

                Dumb frick. I live at 7200' elevation and regularly experience single digit temp mornings in the winter. Lick my balls you wannabe goggins cumguzzler

              • 4 months ago

                I live where we get morning in the negative 20 F and colder in the winter. 50-55 is warm, everyone else are just coping floridians

              • 4 months ago

                nta but i hope youre baiting lmao 50-55f is literally enough to trigger brown fat adaptation to the cold

                >run at altitude in 10-20
                >have dumb fricking americans tell me that 50 is cold

              • 4 months ago

                I'm a northern bong you dipshit we have like 2 weeks of the year here above 15C/60f.

                You literally start activating brownfat if you go out in a t-shirt in ambient temperatures below around 15C/60F so yes, 50-55F is not "warm" but rather "cool" like the other anon said. Your personal temperature tolerance is irrelevant. I guarantee my tolerance is higher than yours and I still understand relative measurements.

                Accept that you got BTFO'd and stop replying with dumbfrick moron statements.

              • 4 months ago

                >your personal tolerance is irrelevant
                But that's not true for anything fitness related, you fricking moron.

            • 4 months ago

              nta but i hope youre baiting lmao 50-55f is literally enough to trigger brown fat adaptation to the cold

        • 4 months ago

          nice reddit spacing you mong. what time of the year is it? there's no temperature difference between 10am and 6pm. absolute spastic tawt redditor, go back there at once

          • 4 months ago

            >many regions vary by 20 degrees based on time of year and altitude
            >have dumb fricking american tell me that the temperature never changes throughout the day

  3. 4 months ago

    >exercise in evening
    >activate sympathetic nervous system
    >sleep like shit
    >performance in the morning is suboptimal

  4. 4 months ago

    >what gives
    A day of nutrients fueling your body

  5. 4 months ago

    whoa weird it's almost like you're not supposed to exercise in the morning
    do you really think that 5,000 years ago, humans were waking up and going on long runs for no reason?
    the average hunter-gatherer's life looked like this:
    >wake up when the sun rises
    >give the old lady a stabbin' with morning wood
    >discuss rocks calmly with tribe-mates while eating dried meat
    >plan the day's hunt and shit, repair weapons
    >go out and hunt just before dusk (time when human vision is at its peak, about an hour before twilight)
    >wrestle an animal to the ground and kill it
    >drag it back to camp
    >bang a drum and hoot and holler while you turn it on a spit
    >give the old lady a stabbin'
    >sleep just after sunset
    "wake up early and workout" is just a way that slave-minded wagies justify doing something they don't like so that they can go home and sit and watch TV after work
    the best way to structure your day is find a job with flex hours and go in at like 7 and leave at 3 so you can work out between 4-6

    • 4 months ago

      This is the stupidest post I've read in a long time. Everything about our circadian biology is reinforced by exercising early and doing most if not all strenuous activities within the first eight hours of the day. Any peaks in alertness/energy/anxiety we get in the evening are to make sure we secure our home before we go to sleep. Exercising in the evening literally annihilates your sleep quality unless you actively down-regulate immediately afterwards.

      >>go out and hunt just before dusk (time when human vision is at its peak, about an hour before twilight)
      just after sunset
      Imagine being so dumb to thing that hunters would go out hunting an hour or so before sunset, and in that time track, kill and haul an animal all the way back to fricking camp then prep and cook it before it's too dark to do anything, then somehow going to sleep "just after sunset". You are delusional and have never been IST in your life if you think you can do anything at that time of day that isn't preparing for the nighttime.

      >muh moonlight

      Your entire post is projecting lazy neetdom onto an imaginary hunter gatherer lifestyle in an attempt to justify shitty behaviour. Kys yourself

      • 4 months ago

        I'm trans btw

        • 4 months ago


          • 4 months ago

            Idk if it matters?

    • 4 months ago


  6. 4 months ago

    hes literally me

  7. 4 months ago

    well, anyway.
    back then when I didn't have this problem, first thing I did after waking up was popping dexamph and go for a jog while blowing my ears out with deathmetal/metalcore. I was fully awake for the rest of the day. Also because of the dexamph, I only ate like twice a day (carbs/meat/vegs/fruit) and very small portions. I also took melatonin before sleep. I felt great when I went to sleep and I felt great when I woke up. that lasted for like half a year, before I relapsed and got a tinnitus because I tried to keep it up. Done some research and looks like I triggered a body/mind fight response which made my body produce obscene amounts of HGH, which made me euphoric during that half year time. well, at least that's the theory. I just wanna go back bros. I'm a 30yo boomer and felt vital like a child again in that time period...no drug comes even close to that feeling.

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