>20 years of steroid abuse, strength training focus. >programming "expert"

>20 years of steroid abuse, strength training focus
>programming "expert"
>powerlifting technique fraud bench 1rm of 424 in competition

>3 years of steroid abuse, bodybuilding focus
>just trains whatever he feels like
>casually incline benches 405 for 8
How do you explain this?

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  1. 10 months ago

    Skill issue

  2. 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      or maybe strength training is just gay and low effort

      • 10 months ago

        or maybe it's genetics?

        • 10 months ago

          i'm thinking it's more that strength training blows for building muscle

          • 10 months ago

            the OP is about strength though

            • 10 months ago

              do you think sam sulek has ever done some homosexual program where he has to lift 3 reps of his calculated 75% training max?

              • 10 months ago

                no, I think he has superior genetics which make him stronger in spite of his lack of strength training focus

              • 10 months ago

                3 years ago sulek was 170lbs, 3 years ago bromley was 260lbs and already 20+ years into lifting.

                genetics are not an excuse- bromley is doing something wrong.

              • 10 months ago

                Nah you’re wrong it’s genetics

              • 10 months ago

                moron, it's all genetics

              • 10 months ago

                strength programs are a fricking meme
                >just do this gay boring ass shit for the next 6 months so you can hit a 15lb PR on your SBD total after a painstaking peak and taper process
                hypertrophy will always be supreme
                literally just build more muscle mass, ans eventually, your unpeaked base strength will be greater than these chubby dorks who keep grinding their wheels on anti-hypertrophy neurological 1rm gimmick programs

              • 10 months ago

                wtf candito was jacked?

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah, before he started powerlifting.

              • 10 months ago

                Yeah and then he became a powerlifter, gained fat and lost muscle, but hey his SBD went up!

          • 10 months ago

            A muscle can get strong without growing much for low reps. Muscle is metabolically expensive so if the body can avoid it then it will. Only work capacity builds mass and glycogen storage.

  3. 10 months ago

    1. How many threads a day are you gonna make about this chump over the next 6 months?
    2. Why are you obsessed with this guy?

    • 10 months ago

      its a short israelite using his shekels and mossad connections to grift on this website so he can gatekeep an entire generation
      this is a LONG game what the frick are you playing at?

  4. 10 months ago

    If you think left looks bad you have severe body dysmorphia due to internet brainrot and it is absolutely unequivocally over for you buddy boyo

    • 10 months ago

      i think left is very unimpressive for a guy who has been roiding for 20 years

      • 10 months ago

        Wait till you find out that most roiders don't even look like they lift

  5. 10 months ago

    left guy does bullshit "managed intensity" training """programs""", resulting in minor peaking once every 3 months
    right guy trains to failure every session and rests adequately inbetween each, resulting in maximum hypertrophy
    and we all know that size = strength

    one guy trains hard, the other guy trains soft
    simple as
    also different steroid cycles make a big deal, but holy frick i hate bromley's training philosophy so much that i'm willing to ignore that variable

    • 10 months ago

      I hate Bromleys training philosophy too. I respect his numbers and his video production value & sense of humor but I legit think from an actual educational standpoint his stuff fricking sucks, and that's saying a lot since that's the number one purpose of his channel for most of his vids. There's legions of guys who'll make training decisions based on his videos & some of them will definitely make gains but they won't understand why, & when you don't understand why you'll just pick another program & proceed to generally not make much gains with a couple of muscles doing alright just due to probability.

      • 10 months ago

        he overcomplicates everything and acts like you're stupid if you don't do what he says, it's very silly

        Bromley is really too old to be doing powerlifting / strongman type stuff which is likely why his training program reflects that. He needs more time to recover and his joints are probably already worn out.

        Lifting heavy weight is always going to be bad for you in the long term. The only reason why bodybuilding is bad for you long term is the steroids, otherwise it would be the healthiest way to exercise since the focus is on the muscle and not the joints.

        i think he would benefit greatly from reducing his obsession with volume, and embracing the value of recovery
        i have no idea why he's so obsessed with high frequency and volume, when we have endless anecdotes proving that intensity and recovery are the building blocks of growth

        • 10 months ago

          If you run enough gear you can train twice aday lol.

        • 10 months ago

          the point of that training philosophy is
          >do lift more often and for more sets = become better at it
          >people are going to respond wildly different, some can yolo themselves to a 3pl8 bench in 2 years, others get hard stuck and/or injured without knowing what do
          >a conservative approach will allow the former to stay on course, and while the high responders might leave gains/time on the table they will also have an effect
          the right answer is to understand different methodologies conceptually, then try out and blend in bits and pieces you think works for you until the point where you can effectively train intuitively

          • 10 months ago

            yes, but he, and many other "strength athletes", puts way too much emphasis on managing fatigue and accruing skill work, and underestimates the value of high intensity training for hypertrophy
            these guys gain zero pounds of muscle mass over a 3 year period because training hard enough to build muscle "causes too much fatigue" (???), and then they wonder why their gains have stagnated; they think they can run some meme "skill development neurology optimization" program forever, not understanding that once your strength potential has reached near its limit, that the strength gains grind to a painful halt until you build more muscle
            literally just build more mass, that's all you need to do 95% of the time
            and the other 5% of the time is peaking for a meet or PR attempt
            these guys do the 5% training 99% of the time

            • 10 months ago

              This is true and if you look at the actually good PLs like Haack etc they're all jacked and huge

              • 10 months ago

                yep, the best powerlifters are always the most muscular ones
                i wish we'll see a shift in training priority back to old school gymbro "get big to get strong" mindset

            • 10 months ago

              I agree with that sentiment, peaking your 2pl8 bench @ 170lbs BW is moronic. Hyper specializing your programming when you have 20-30lbs pounds to gain of quality weight is a waste of time.
              But to be fair the programming he is peddling seems to focus more towards powerbuilding. Maybe the intensity prescribed for all the hypertrophy lifting is lowballed, idk I haven't looked at the details.

              • 10 months ago

                the intensity for hypertrophy is severely underdosed, and he compensates by doing more junk volume and frequency, it's upsetting to see such programs being peddled to new lifters who have no idea what they're doing

              • 10 months ago

                yes clearly the moron on fit who wont post body knows better than the 20 year lifter

              • 10 months ago

                yes, the guy whose programming is so shit that he needs to make cope videos saying "steroids aren't actually that useful bro" is definitely a bastion of practical knowledge

                L M A O

    • 10 months ago

      Bromley is really too old to be doing powerlifting / strongman type stuff which is likely why his training program reflects that. He needs more time to recover and his joints are probably already worn out.

      Lifting heavy weight is always going to be bad for you in the long term. The only reason why bodybuilding is bad for you long term is the steroids, otherwise it would be the healthiest way to exercise since the focus is on the muscle and not the joints.

    • 10 months ago


      >20 years of steroid abuse, strength training focus
      >programming "expert"
      >powerlifting technique fraud bench 1rm of 424 in competition

      >3 years of steroid abuse, bodybuilding focus
      >just trains whatever he feels like
      >casually incline benches 405 for 8
      How do you explain this?

      Sam has incredibly good genetics for both muscle building and responding to steroids. That's it. Now get this pizza faced bacne riddled frick off my board I'm sick of seeing him

  6. 10 months ago

    Bromley has cursed genetics, tiny ass arms terrible leverages, glass back etc. he’s also like 5’6 or some shit. Sam has elite tier bodybuilding genetics is younger and is blasting more gear

  7. 10 months ago

    bromley is just fat

    look at pretty much any strongman, they're fat as frick. Sulek is a bodybuilder, he's interested in big muscles and aesthetics, bromley is interested in lifting weight, not aesthetics. Of course the person that focuses on looks will look better

    • 10 months ago

      But why is he also stronger?

    • 10 months ago

      bromley is fat AND small is the problem.
      when thor got lean for boxing, he was ripped at 320lbs

      if bromley got to 10% bf, he'd likely weight 200 soaking wet
      the reason sulek is effortlessly mogging bromley is because he has 40+lbs of lean tissue on him. bromley lacks musculature and doesn't know what's he's doing in terms of muscle growth, which is ironic considering it's something he constantly talks about. truth is if he's just been spamming bodybuilding training like a mong, he'd likely be bigger and stronger after 20 years of training

      • 10 months ago

        >truth is if he's just been spamming bodybuilding training like a mong, he'd likely be bigger and stronger after 20 years of training
        doubt it. training routines rarely make a huge difference in such time terms. he has hit his genetic limit long, long ago. and he's not very test sensitive. maybe if he did some tren he could overcome.

    • 10 months ago

      sulek clearly does not care about looking good. He is already very far from aesthetic and not just because he's too big. He looks frickin gross his nipples look like a stitched on, like a bogged boob job, he has severe acne and is clearly hiding likely significant premature balding under a baseball cap. He has the skin of a 40 year old alcoholic. I'm not even sperging out on some blackpill incel shit, I'm more concerned for the guys health. he looks visibly unhealthy and I don't like seeing people go so hard on their bodies for internet clout

  8. 10 months ago

    Right guy is only heavy tren. He sounds like a sick bull in every video and will probably die in less than 15 years

    • 10 months ago

      >just heavy tren
      natty spotted, he's on frickloads of gh, insulin, orals and tren of course.

      • 10 months ago

        Meant to say on tren. Hes on everything but tren is the one that makes him sound sick in every video

        • 10 months ago

          The dude's like what 260-270 almost bone shredded? The weight is what does it, tren absolutely doesn't help but being heavy sucks, I bulked to 230 and cut back down to 210 with tren both times, feel a billion times better weighing less.

          The reality is these guys arent special, theres been hundreds of thousands of guys like this since the 80s that do steroids lol its not rare or special at all, its just steroids. They work.

          take roids and you will look nothing like this guy.

          • 10 months ago

            You must be a moron lol anyone with real gear will look like this. At my old gym me and my training partner both the same, there was other crew of 4 guys all the same and another crew of 5 all the same. In other more hardcore gym again whole crews of guys that look like this. Getting pumped up on roids isnt hard lol. Lifting 5-6plates isnt hard on roids, injecting drugs isnt hard.

            • 10 months ago

              surely you have a body pic to share to prove your claims

              • 10 months ago

                Why it doesnt matter guys like these come and go ALL THE TIME lol they either run into health problems or die, in comes the new guy replacement. The only way to last long is if you come off or do low dose for periods of the year. Reminds me of Justin Compton who blasted what takes decade in few years, looked crazy then health problems has to back off. Dallas is another one, blasting crazy amounts dead. Guys from my gym dead, big guys from my area dead, its nothing new, like I said people have been roiding hard since late 80s early 90s

              • 10 months ago

                >blah blah blah
                >I look like this dis
                >stupid moronic claims
                >no I won't post body
                kys moron lmao

            • 10 months ago

              >nothing is hard on roids
              >loads of dudes 270lbs shredded
              no there aren't, loads of dudes on roids look like shit. Water bloat, refusal to stick to a good diet etc etc, you don't know shit. Now post body natty gay.

              • 10 months ago

                These are drug bodies anon, nothing more nothing less. If you think these guys look anything like this without the drugs I have a bridge I want to sell you. I dont dislike this guy I just dont get how people are losing their mind over average roid physique.

              • 10 months ago

                >won't post body
                This dude is not an average roid physique, and you live on the internet if you think so. Touch grass homosexual.

  9. 10 months ago

    >natty first year of free gym membership

    • 10 months ago

      its crazy to think Ron was as big as Larry is now but 10years his junior

      • 10 months ago

        It's the opposite isn't it?
        Ronnie stated bodybuilding when he was already an adult working as a cop

  10. 10 months ago

    >How do you explain this?
    the same reason why someone like Ronnie or Dorian Yates looked like this after 6 months in the gym

  11. 10 months ago

    Isnt bromley natty?
    Also there are hundreds of roids you could take, you cant just compare roiders between each other

  12. 10 months ago

    Trying hard beats “science/evidence based” strength programs
    Especially when combined with steroids and broscience

  13. 10 months ago

    Old man receptors vs young man fresh receptors.... anyone that roids pre 18 or around 18 will have insane response to drugs vs anyone over 40.

    • 10 months ago

      >anyone that roids pre 18 or around 18 will have insane response to drugs
      Are you saying there are not low and non-responders to sterods at that age? That cannot be true, generation ZARMS are blasting all kinds of shit at that age and some of them dont even look like it. Then you got bodybuilders like Cutler still being huge as frick responding well to steroids over age of 40. What this comes down to is individual response to gear and prob not age thing

      • 10 months ago

        The younger you are the better the response normally( not talking rare genetic defects) with real gear. Cutler still looks good but nothing compared to his best. Look at kev levrone one of the best hyper responders to gear used to only be on 6 months of the year and his comeback was terrible his body didnt respond. Youre kind of right im over simplifying it but its pretty much how it is. Younger body, fresher receptors bigger and better response to the drugs.

        • 10 months ago

          Jay Cutler also runs a lot less than he used to and is more health conscious. There are more variables than the fact that he’s 49 now

          • 10 months ago

            Even if you dont count age time on drugs = less response or upping dose to get the response. So the longer youre on the more you have to take to keep making gains unless you come off or switch compounds.

            • 10 months ago

              The reason people increase their dosage over time is because each lb of muscle is harder to gain than the last
              For old guys like Jay their bodies are beat up from age and decades of lifting and taking gear, they can’t train as hard as they used to

              • 10 months ago

                Its the receptors dont respond aswell, all drugs are like it, ever drunk alcohol? First time 1 beer and youre drunk, turns into whole crate and youre feeling a buzz,,ever done caffiene? Same thing, ever done hormones? Samething.

              • 10 months ago

                You’re talking about something called tolerance. When you stop taking the drug, your tolerance goes down.
                It’s why heroin junkies kill themselves after coming clean for a few months and doing a dose that they used to do regularly when they were abusing.
                Steroid users cycle on/off for this reason (and to give the body a chance to recover)

              • 10 months ago

                you don't come off, you cruise. You cruise because you feel like shit and your body needs to recover, which can be short like a month if you're bloods come back good, the joys of being in your 20s. Pros will cruise with alot bigger doses.

                some people respond better to drugs
                the big problem is there are a ton of low-potency drugs going on now. it's not bathtub drugs anymore but it's pharmaceutical drugs that are basically bathtub drugs UNDERGROUND BATHTUB in effect because a lot of these arabs can do it. south americans can do it because you can get your drugs just in a pharmacy

                >your post
                You're the reason /fraud/ is shit nowadays, you're a natty moron wandering into a discussion you know nothing off aside from a couple youtube videos lmao.
                >lul underdosed drugs
                UGLs are almost always overdosed because they can't afford to lose their customers with underdosed drugs.

                everyone is using the slow acting now just to avoid having to feed the insulin quickly after a shot, but this is a truly a scam

                Novorapid the generic hits you quick, supercharges your workout and anabolism. Pros use both.

              • 10 months ago

                im talking about insulin only
                and im saying that you have to have carbs around it
                what is your exact problem with what i've said? not trying to be combative or anything, i would just like to know what you're getting at

              • 10 months ago

                Insulin only is a good way to get fat. Gear+Growth Hormone+Insulin is the only way to fight the massive load insulin puts on you.

              • 10 months ago

                We’re talking about Jay Culter, a guy who didn’t cruise and completely came off between his off season and 2 contest preps

              • 10 months ago

                lol according to jay cutler himself, i assume? there is no way he is telling the truth

              • 10 months ago

                >everything is how I imagine it, any evidence to the contrary are lies
                good bye

              • 10 months ago

                smell ya later homo

              • 10 months ago

                >people don't lie
                >bodybuilders don't lie
                I wish I had your level of ignorance, life would be simpler.

              • 10 months ago

                OP pic is blasting probably 7+ grams of shit with gh, and fast acting (novorapid) and slow acting insulin. No I think it's a good example of blasting absolute fricktons of gear, training hard and eating moronic amounts of food.

              • 10 months ago

                everyone is using the slow acting now just to avoid having to feed the insulin quickly after a shot, but this is a truly a scam

              • 10 months ago

                i think he's using fast acting considering how big of a deal he makes out of his dextrose shake post workout

              • 10 months ago

                and probably intra as well haha
                it's dangerous

              • 10 months ago

                you usually pin post workout then wait 10min and down your carb drink. If you’re pinning insulin pre workout you’re drinking carbs while working out. I prefer post workout as I feel bloated when working out without an empty stomach

              • 10 months ago

                I swear if you're using insulin without gear and growth, I don't even know what to say lmao

              • 10 months ago

                you don't need GH with insulin

              • 10 months ago

                lmao, okay post body. I have to see this no gear, no growth, insulin using physique.

              • 10 months ago

                >OP pic is blasting probably 7+ grams of shit with gh
                He has bad genetics then.


              • 10 months ago

                You can tell his blood pressure is at dangerous levels just looking at him.

              • 10 months ago

                >believing this dumb Black person
                you have bad genetics too bud

  14. 10 months ago


  15. 10 months ago

    Why does sam make everyone seethe so hard lol? Especially millennials

    • 10 months ago

      Because he self promotes everywhere, encourages shit form is annoying and he looks like shit. Dudes riddled in acne and his pecs look like balloons, shits just gross.

  16. 10 months ago

    The reality is these guys arent special, theres been hundreds of thousands of guys like this since the 80s that do steroids lol its not rare or special at all, its just steroids. They work.

  17. 10 months ago

    Sulek was a high level gymnast and diver in his childhood. He’s got bettter genetics and probably a better base for muscle growth

  18. 10 months ago

    some people respond better to drugs
    the big problem is there are a ton of low-potency drugs going on now. it's not bathtub drugs anymore but it's pharmaceutical drugs that are basically bathtub drugs UNDERGROUND BATHTUB in effect because a lot of these arabs can do it. south americans can do it because you can get your drugs just in a pharmacy

  19. 10 months ago

    you are on a clock when you do this and you can easily go hyperkalemic and just die because you have no idea how many carbs you need because your shot could have been too much
    regardless, i support insulin use but it has to be controlled and planned around

    • 10 months ago

      It's literally 10g of carbs per iu of insulin, moron. Everything you said is just moronic, of course you know how many carbs you need, and of course you know how much insulin you're using.

      • 10 months ago

        in general yes
        my point is you have to be very very sure about how much insulin you're using

  20. 10 months ago

    i'll never be able to get over how shitty sulek's bench form is, regardless of how strong he is.

    • 10 months ago

      Sam doesn't bench press...

      • 10 months ago

        i was referring to his incline bench. It's crazy because his squat and basically all other lifts his form is pristine but it's like he just forgot to learn how to bench or something.

  21. 10 months ago

    >just trains whatever he feels like

    I believe this is the reason.
    People who just do whatever the frick they want and dick around in the gym, seem to achieve the best results and have the most fun.
    Then you have some super science focused guy who grinds so hard he hates the gym, adheres to the methods religiously and gets nowhere.

  22. 10 months ago

    >vastly different training style leads to vastly different results
    Woahhhhh also you can do powerlifting and not get fat it’s called having a healthy diet

    • 10 months ago

      there are loads of powerlifters blasting their asses off while being obese. It's fricking hilarious.

      • 10 months ago

        Yeah there some powerlifters are like that, they don’t care about anything other than being the absolute best at SBD.

  23. 10 months ago

    We have a better understanding of peds and training then we did 20 years ago. Hell even 10 years ago bodybuilding info is shit compared to what we know now

    • 10 months ago

      bromley didn't stop training 20 years ago

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