20x20 full body?

Is this killing my gains? I really do 20lbs full body either 20 reps or till failure whichever comes first, and I do this until I can’t do 5 reps anymore.
I use dumbbells at home and do shit like goblet squats, bicep curls, bench press but on my floor, hip dips, and overhead tricep extensions. For core I just do knee to elbow crunches 20 reps or until failure until I can’t get 5 reps in.
I don’t want to go into a real gym yet until I know I won’t embarrass myself but will I end up looking like picrel if I don’t use heavier weight?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Yes. Doing exercise and lifting weights kills your gains, anon. You should be sitting on your ass doing nothing in order to make gains.

    • 9 months ago

      Well frick me for asking man, I mean I’ve got a buddy who swears just lift more heavy with every lift and insists I won’t gain much muscle

  2. 9 months ago

    Some of those lifts you'd be getting better gains doing with heavier weight, like the floor press and the lower body work, but 20 pounds for high reps is fine for the arms
    >I don’t want to go into a real gym yet until I know I won’t embarrass myself
    My man you won't embarrass yourself. Most gym goers are either nice and will give you pointers or don't care about what you're doing at all. It's so rare to have anyone frick with you in the gym

  3. 9 months ago

    if i were dan schneider i would have told them they need to get off the pill for the job and impregnated every fertile girl in nick studios.

    • 9 months ago

      He wasnt interested in their pussy.

  4. 9 months ago

    This is dumb because you’re tiring yourself out before you can hit muscular failure. Tension is the primary driver of muscle growth. You should add 5 lbs a week to your exercises until you are unable to do 10 reps for that exercise. Then, try to push yourself to do more reps.

    Don’t go to failure on deadlifts or squats, btw.

    • 9 months ago

      Why not? I thought that only was supposed to apply to the bench for fear you’d crush your chest or head

      Some of those lifts you'd be getting better gains doing with heavier weight, like the floor press and the lower body work, but 20 pounds for high reps is fine for the arms
      >I don’t want to go into a real gym yet until I know I won’t embarrass myself
      My man you won't embarrass yourself. Most gym goers are either nice and will give you pointers or don't care about what you're doing at all. It's so rare to have anyone frick with you in the gym

      Idk man I’m not sure how high my max would be, and I’m currently a lard ass. What if I end up with a gym rival and he mogs me to suicide?

      if i were dan schneider i would have told them they need to get off the pill for the job and impregnated every fertile girl in nick studios.

      Case in point why I don’t wanna end up a twink if I keep doing this for a year

      • 9 months ago

        >not sure how high my max would be,
        Irrelevant dude. The bar weighs 45 pounds and can be loaded with up to almost 900 pounds of weight. Use whatever amount of weight you need to
        >currently a lard ass
        Lots of those in the gym. The gym is for lardos and skellys needing to improve their body mostly. Very few people go into the gym with good numbers or a good body out the gate
        >What if I end up with a gym rival and he mogs me to suicide?
        You'd commit ritual suicide if a guy looked at you funny on the bus if this is you. The gym is the least of your problems if this is the case WannabeSamuarai-kun

        • 9 months ago

          That’s true, you know what they say cometh before the fall and I’ll feel like a woman if I’m caught benching the bar.

          • 9 months ago

            Tbh you can do pushups or dumbbell bench instead until you feel you're strong enough to bench at least 95 pounds. Throwing two 25 pound plates on the bar doesn't look nearly as bad. How many times can you press the 20 pound dumbbells though? Because if it's more than 10-15 times then you for sure won't be benching the bar or even just 95 pounds

            • 9 months ago

              Oh yeah I can do that, I get a bit autistic with my routine and have a habit of being a stickler for routine once I’m in it, but I should look into more workout diversity. Any other core you recommend? Frankly I dont know any besides crunches and whatnot

              • 9 months ago

                The core can be divided into 5 areas
                >upper abs
                Any kind of weighted crunch works this area best. Crunching the torso downward and almost shortening the torso is the key
                >lower abs
                Any kind of leg raise works this area best. Bringing the hips up and forward is the movement pattern
                Can be divided into twisting and side bending. For twisting do Russian twists and for bending do incline bench side crunches
                >lower back
                All hip hinge movements work this. Just do deadlifts, Romanian deadlifts, good mornings, whatever feels the best on your body and you enjoy doing. Schedule them for when you work the legs
                >deep core
                These muscles wrap around the core like a weight lifting belt. They stabilize you and pressurize the abdomen when you brace so you can lift heavier weight safely. If you have trouble activating the deep core muscles then practice hollowbody holds and stomach vacuums. If you can brace properly and can activate those muscles then just lift without a belt to keep these muscles strong

  5. 9 months ago

    I hate this website so god damn much. Every morning when I take a shit there’s always some moron asking stupid ass questions.

  6. 9 months ago

    I want Vicky to dominate me with her hands and feet so bad holy shit also imagine the smell of this picture how are girls so soft and smooth

  7. 9 months ago

    Weights AND some cardio.
    If you eat like a pig your getting fat.

    I can see my dick without lifting my stomach up at all so just some proof positive.

    • 9 months ago

      Currently 5’10 233lbs, down 11lbs this month. I’ve been trying to get steps in, on great days I just do like 8k with a 20lbs pack on. Diet is 1200cal I try to keep protein. It’s not fun yet, but hey if I find out under this fat I’m still ugly at least I’ll fit in a coffin

  8. 9 months ago

    the victoria justice threads on IST made me realize she is by FAR the hottest nickelodeon actress

  9. 9 months ago


    what did they mean by this?

    • 9 months ago

      I think because she was a tough boxer and they were going for a rocky vibe so they gave her a Russian sounding name

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