23yo and already dying

>cannot breathe through my nose properly
>feels like breathing through a straw
>cannot sleep because of it
>doctors say nothing wrong with my nose

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  1. 7 months ago

    there's nothing wrong with your nose
    >t. doctor

  2. 7 months ago

    You are moronic and you have a deviated septum. Super common, only an ENT doctor can diagnose it. Get some nasal dilators, generic flonase, afrin, and a UV-C disinfection case for baby pacifiers. Use the nasal dilators at night while you sleep, use the UV-C case to disinfect them. During the day, if you can't wear the nasal dilator, one spray of afrin and flonase in each nostril. Also, if your nose drys out, use some nasal gel. You should also use it before going asleep.

    • 7 months ago

      Go see an ENT and ask if there is polyps in your nose, mine got cauterize and I've been able to breath better. Also are you fat?

      I got diagnosed with a deviated septum but the doctor said this is rarely the cause for sleep apnea. I told him breathing for me is very hard, my airway feels narrow and he told me it's all in my head. I am legit dying, I almost pass out when I try to walk because I get no oxygen.
      I have a IST physique, work out regularly, visible abs. If not even doctors can help me I am killing myself this is no way to live. I can't breathe.

      • 7 months ago

        you probably have allergies. try some zyrtec or claritin before you go to sleep.

        You are moronic and you have a deviated septum. Super common, only an ENT doctor can diagnose it. Get some nasal dilators, generic flonase, afrin, and a UV-C disinfection case for baby pacifiers. Use the nasal dilators at night while you sleep, use the UV-C case to disinfect them. During the day, if you can't wear the nasal dilator, one spray of afrin and flonase in each nostril. Also, if your nose drys out, use some nasal gel. You should also use it before going asleep.

        decent advice.

        • 7 months ago

          I don't have any allergies, got tested for that multiple times.

          • 7 months ago

            just try the allergy medication, see if it makes a difference
            and maybe go to a different ENT

  3. 7 months ago

    Vaxx status?

  4. 7 months ago

    Go see an ENT and ask if there is polyps in your nose, mine got cauterize and I've been able to breath better. Also are you fat?

  5. 7 months ago

    Do you have acid reflux or gerd? It can cause what’s called LPR where you burp in your sleep and the gasses get into your sinuses and inflame the shit out of them

  6. 7 months ago

    A turbinate reduction did so much for me
    >no more snoring
    >no more waking up multiple times every night
    >no more needing to piss multiple times every night
    I didn't need any of the painkillers prescribed beyond 2 pills of paracetamol the morning after. No issues.

    • 7 months ago

      Yeah, doctor also told me that my turbinates are large but he said fixing them is useless because they will just grow back within 2 years.

    • 7 months ago

      Idiot. Could have gotten empty nose syndrome, literally a fate worse than death.

      • 7 months ago

        Yeah and I didn't, have no issues and life is now great.

    • 7 months ago

      Idiot. Could have gotten empty nose syndrome, literally a fate worse than death.

      I got my turbinate reduction done 3 weeks ago.
      I don't have one nostril constantly blocked all the time so it's an improvement but it's probably only a 30% improvement.
      Kind of wish my doctor was a little less conservative but empty nose syndrome scares the frick out of me so maybe I did the right thing.

      After 3 weeks I probably see the end result? or is there still time for it to improve

      • 7 months ago

        Turbinate reduction rarely works, usually they grow back too. You have shitty genetics and are supposed to die due to heart failure.

  7. 7 months ago

    Just wanted to say the other anons are correct about using nasal dialators and allergy meds and you should listen to them at first. As for personal experience, I'll add that chronic inflammation was a big issue for me after having a similar issue to yours for years. I did an elimination diet to help get rid of any intolerances I had using my genetic lineage as a starting point for what I needed to be eating daily and then testing various FODMAPs to see if they caused digestion issues on top of that. I'm primarily Scandinavian and Germanic so I had plenty of dairy, fish, red meat, apples, cabbage, stuff like that. Radical change in health overnight. Turns out I can't eat chicken or peanuts without my body freaking out as well so I avoid them. As well I also got my dietary and environmental sensitivities checked and eliminated those from my life too. I have a hugely deviated septim still and I exclusively breath through my nose after making sure my diet and environment weren't fricking with my body anymore

  8. 7 months ago

    Carnivore diet.

  9. 7 months ago

    buteyko. thank me later.

  10. 7 months ago

    dude, clean your nose.
    Wash your hands, get all of the gross shit out and blow hard

    • 7 months ago

      >blow nose
      >airway still narrow
      >still breathing through a straw
      Yeah, why didn't I think if that.

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